A woman with a negative mindset is a danger to a GOOD man

by | Abundance Mindset

As women we blame so much on men, that we fail to see that we are often a MAJOR part of the problem. ~ Kissy Denise

I think when it comes to healing trauma, we must put things to people in ways they are able to receive.

A woman who has exposed herself to dealing with men with a negative mindset, may not realize the levels of trauma she’s endured.

Those traumas cause her own negative mindset, and heightened sense of fear, which would then be a hinderance to a GOOD man.

Therefore she must go back to who she was before she allowed herself to continually deal with men who were stressing her out and hindering her.

She would have to forgive herself for being far too kind to others. But not kind enough to herself.

She would need a lot of healing.

Women, we often heal each other. But some of that healing has to come from a good man.

Twerking is required.

God is so good.

Written with Love,

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