Too many people are afraid to hope for love

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LIFE has a way of beating the hope out of people.  When the evidence of  true, ever lasting love isn’t present, people give up hope.

Are you afraid of to hope? Because if you hope, then you are committing to getting up and trying again. When you hope, you are magnetically pulled in the direction of something more. A place where there might, just might be the thing you are looking for. And then what? When you move into the direction of your dream and your longing and your deepest desire, then you have to believe. You have to risk. You have to trust and go with it. 

There is bravery in being unafraid of being hurt because you believe that your person is out there. I believe there are many people out there for us. Each one serves a purpose, teaches us a valuable lesson and stays with us for the just amount of time for us to learn it.  The lessons come from soulmate connections. 

Each soulmate teaches you something that helps you heal enough to deeply attract THE ONE. 

But after a series of soulmate connections not going right, people become afraid to get hurt. They become too afraid to HOPE.  They don’t want to HOPE the relationship will work out.  They’ve backed up and are leaving everything to the Universe or say they’ll commit to whoever says YES. 

So I must ask, how did we go from being unconscious and hoping to experiencing the greatest love to fear of hope. 

This is especially not good for men.  Cause men get to the point where he’s so tired he DECIDES he’s not going to chase any woman.  But once again, the game is cat and mouse. A man finds a wife.  She doesn’t find him. But instead many women are waiting to be found by the right woman. But half the time women barely ever know what they want, until he’s in front of her, and the he that’s in front of her is probably 10X better than what she desired in the first place. 

Most women will never make up their mind on a man, so a man who doesn’t have his mind made up about her definitely won’t due. 

Then there is still this whole thing of soulmate connections. What do you do, when you begin to vibe so high, you attract lots of soulmates?

For a woman, she has to recode back to Queen DNA and remember what dream man would do for her. Pick the one who does ALL of that.  You must pick a man not for is potential, but for who he is showing up as right now.  Loving him for the man he COULD BE, will keep you from loving him as he is. So don’t pick a man unless he’s showing up as King in your life. You can not pick the Prince and get made later that he didn’t become the King you hoped he’d become. 

For men, you have to remember what your Dream Girl is composed of.  Can you add some sparkle on her, drop some knowledge in and get her to become that? A woman is rarely ever going to be 100% perfect for you. God left some space for a man to make his personal improvements and make a woman just right for him. I suspect one of the traits she must have is that she be submissive to you.  I suspect this may happen quite naturally. But I’m not for sure. 

What I do know though, is at some point, you must DECIDE. I think we get lots of soulmates and we get to pick the one we want, and depending on the timing we know how to make the relationship work or maybe we don’t. I think if we are simply to stay in flow of a never-ending river, that if you don’t decide to get out of the river a certain location, then it will continue to lead you towards something, better, and better, until you decide you’re ready, I suppose. 

So many conscious people start moving in the “Don’t move too fast,” “Gotta be careful” “Don’t have any expectations” type of direction. It makes me wonder how hard that may be making it to find true love. 

I don’t know if one can experience a deep love connection without loving yourself enough to be willing to vulnerable. 

If you want that dream love life, you must stay committed to it. CHOOSE LOVE.  You were wired for it anyway. Sacred union is a must. So if you have FAITH that love will find you, move accordingly. 

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