The Secret to Attracting Your King: Aligning with Your Highest Self

by | Love & Relationships

Attracting a high-value man isn’t about chasing or pleading for his attention. It’s about becoming the woman who is magnetic, so aligned with her own vision and power that he can’t help but be drawn to her.

I’ve experienced relationships where men gave, loved, and provided abundantly. But here’s the truth I’ve learned: even the best love can’t fill the space where alignment with your highest self should be. A high-value man will honor you, support your dreams, and match your energy. But you have to first be fully aligned with who you are and what you want in life.

One time I was dating a high value man who was amazing in every sense of the word.  If he flew me somewhere he would pull clothes and shoes for me out of nowhere or have them in the closet or in the room when I walked in.  There would be purses, coats, earrings, literally whatever i needed to match the fit, plus many other things.


Attracting a high-value man is about aligning with your highest self. When you step into your true power and embrace your divine feminine energy, love and success flow to you effortlessly. High-value relationships are based on mutual respect, shared vision, and energetic alignment. If you’re ready to align with a soul-aligned partner, it starts with embracing your magnetic energy.

He once said to me, “The difference between you and this other women Kissy, is that you pulled me right into what you were doing, without you asking.   I see what you’re doing and believe in you. I want to make your dreams come true.”

He then proceeded to do so… I swear that man did more for me in two months, than some men had done with that time in two years of being with a woman.

He also told me that women before me weren’t ready to receive from him at the level that he gives.  For a high value man who understands women, this is his norm.

When you’re fully aligned with your highest self, your energy becomes magnetic. You don’t have to chase love or success,  it comes to you effortlessly.

Find a man who worships you and it’s and easy win.

Are you ready to step into your highest self and align with the man who matches your energy? Let’s talk about how we can make that happen.

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