Why do Successful Women Ignore Feminine Advice & Seek Romantic Business Partnerships

by | Dating, Love & Relationships

Saw this woman about 7 months ago announce that she’d hit 7 figures in her business, and she wrote a post telling her “future husband” that she’s going to be a great business partner for him.

At the time I said nothing… But in my head I was like “Awwwwe. poor baby.. She’s actually thinks that post will attract a King in her life.”

I wanted so badly to comment and tell her the post probably wouldn’t attract the kind of man she wants.

But spirit was like “Goddess. Stay out of non-client business.”  I’d already offered her my services and she declined… Honestly it seemed like she was anxious to show me that she didn’t need me…

She found a guy and started posting “couples” photos. It was “bae,” this and “bae” that. All of her followers were like “Yes, Boss Lady! You finding love is so inspiring.”

Later she posted about helping her “boyfriend” build his business to 6 figures, and ended up catching him cheating in the car with another woman…. Chick was on his lap riding and everything, right there in the parking lot…

On Facebook I see many women makes these posts begging men to come “wife” her because she’s going to be a good business partner… (Advertising to get used)  Or the women who advertise who they don’t need luxury or anything else from a man, claiming they simply want “love, attention and time.”    I smh at these pick me videos that men are so quick to share.  Because most men of course want a woman who is sleep, is honest about her desires and is willing to settle for less, only to later be disappointed in him, cause she magically thought he was going to level up and give her her secret desires.

Anyway, back to the story. High Value Men are looking for a feminine partner… Not a business partner. He can get a male business partner.

He wants his woman to have feminine qualities to offer him…

Honestly, ya’ll would be better off advertising blowjobs.

I learned my lesson about thinking my brilliance and success in business plus my good looks was my bragging point for relationships.

Now all I offer a man is my beauty and feminine essence. Everything else he receives will come as a surprise, after getting to know me. There is no need to advertise anything else… Because if he can’t feel her feminine essence and energy simply in her being, he’s unable to emotionally connect to her. Which means everything else that you offer now doesn’t count.

Which is why most women can not get a high value man who provides.  Men provide for women with feminine energy.  Women who can receive from him.

A high value man’s dick does not get hard at the thought of marrying you cause you say you would make a good business partner.

Any man who responds to that request is going to d*ck you down real good, have you going 50/50 and running his business while he spends money on the side chick.  And the side chick won’t have a quarter of your brain or power.   It will leave you confused.

You want a man who values your brilliance and business skillsl. But first you must have something to offer him that he feels his valuable….

My question is why do such women choose to ignore feminine advice, level up advice and literally any advice that will help her soften her feminine essence and attract a King into her life?

I’ll get to that answer…   But first I look back at myself and I ignored feminine advice in the past, before I shifted into divine feminine Goddess embodiment, because I would see the most unattractive women teaching femininity.   They would always say why pretty women couldn’t get or keep a man.   And that didn’t resonate with me because I never had a problem getting or keeping a man.

In fact, I’ve never been dumped.   Despite that, I ended up breaking up with one of my soulmates and broke my own heart.   I asked myself “Why do I keep dumping men?”  Men want to marry me and everything.  They are willing to give me exactly what I want.  They even spoil me, cook for me, take me out nice places and buy me nice things.

In my exploration I began to understand purpose, alignment, clarity and most of all femininity.  I realized that I was a perfectionist and put a lot of pressure on those around me to be perfect… I also talked recklessly at times and emasculated men.

Anyway I received divine feminine coaching and magically I started to attract men who would tell me that I have “wife energy.”  But that’s a different conversation and a level of embodiment that most women simply will never have, because it requires a ton of inner and outer work.



When a successful, intelligent woman ignores wisdom that’s all over social media telling her to tune into her femininity, this points to a larger issue about conditioning, misalignment, and misunderstanding feminine power.

Here’s why some women struggle to embrace the advice that would truly help them level up:

1. Societal Conditioning & Overemphasis on Achievement

  • Many women are raised to believe their value is tied to their achievements…. Education, career success, and accolades. They’re taught that being “independent” and showing they can “hold their own” will earn them love and respect.
  • Not only does this make most successful women believe they are better than drop dead gorgeous women who have “nothing to offer, but nice IG pics.. But this mindset also pushes them into their masculine energy, where they lead with doing, proving, and building, instead of resting in their essence.
  • DOING and pushing seems natural and norm..  She believes working harder means she’s worthy…
  • Many successful women genuinely believe that advertising their business skills or financial contributions will attract a high-value man, not realizing this often repels Kings who seek softness, love, and peace.

Listen, even me on social media, I’m like “Hey.. I keep running my platform trying to level women up, as a sacrifice to myself..   Even this post, me helping women again, when i could totally be spending my time doing something that will attract high value men to me.

2. Fear of Vulnerability

  • Embracing feminine energy requires trusting, receiving, and surrendering. This starts with trusting GOD and trusting yourself. Concepts that can feel foreign or even unsafe to women who’ve been burned in relationships or told to “never depend on a man, and know that the bible says “faith without works is dead”  Relaxing, trusting, learning back. letting go and letting GOD just doesn’t seem like a real path to her.
  • Many women feel that leading with their feminine energy leaves them vulnerable to being hurt, used, or undervalued, so they overcompensate by trying to control the dynamic with their masculine traits. And this is totally understandable because the truth is men do like women who have their own money and women who don’t need them..  (To a degree… what I said isn’t surface. Surface cause  most women don’t know how to receive from a man, which makes her not a choice for a viable mate.)

3. Misunderstanding “Value”

  • These women equate their worth with what they can do for a man, not who they are as a woman.
  • They believe offering their business savvy or financial contributions is what will make a man commit, when in reality, a man of means already values those qualities in himself and doesn’t need them in a partner.  His woman has to bring something else that he values.

4. Insecurity & Lack of Self-Worth

  • Deep down, many women who lead with “I’m a great business partner” or “I’ll build him up” don’t feel their feminine essence alone is enough.  And it’s not… Cause again, it requires vulnerability and the willingness to be seen, Naked…
  • They’ve never been taught to trust that their softness, radiance, beauty, and presence are the most valuable things they can offer the right man.  Again, most women don’t have softness, radiance, beauty, nor presence… Yet darn there every woman thinks she does, due to filters.. But in person, she doesn’t look soft and radiant at all.   The difference is the women who are drop dead gorgeous in real life, have that going for them… But that doesn’t mean she still isn’t secure and lacks self-worth.  Anybody can get the work!

5. Lack of Representation

  • Many women don’t see examples of what it looks like to embody Divine Feminine energy while maintaining independence and success.
  • They assume it’s an either/or choice: either I’m a powerhouse businesswoman, or I’m a soft feminine Goddess.

Without role models or mentors who live in harmony between the two, they stick to what they know — masculine energy… because it feels safer.

But i find this weird because those who follow me know that I am the embodiment of both.  But I guess many don’t see that being a reality for them, because unlike them, I really did that inner work… I had the outer work on lock over a decade ago, and the success tooo. But thankfully I knew to not stop there.

Most successful women literally stopped at the success part.  They skipped health, beauty, femininity, relationship mastery and everything else.

WHY? Because our society puts so much pressure on us to succeed. So of course one would believe that success and money is all they need to be worthy of having a great mate.  Yet what’s interesting is that to those very same women, some of them have met met with money and deemed his not good enough, because his character and social skills sucked.

But because she deems herself to be a “nice” giving woman, along with success, she believes she is the ultimate mate. Never once thinking that maybe she is missing the attributes that good men look for.

Even down to cooking…. Like most successful women know they run from the kitchen.  A man can’t even get a hot home cooked meal out of her.

Successful women are simply behind in relationships…

    • Women who struggle with this don’t always realize they’re in their masculine energy or sabotaging their relationships.
    • There is a difference between leading with your essence vs. leading with your résumé. Understanding this shift can change everything. the Solution

Sis, he doesn’t care how many degrees you have, how many zeros are in your bank account, or what you can build with him. High-value men are drawn to your softness, your joy, your essence. Because those are things he can’t buy or build on his own.  

Those are the things most of the women he meets doesn’t have.  Feminine energy is the key to unlocking the relationship you desire.  Once you have that, add your success and baby you are unstoppable!

  1. What’s Possible: Imagine a man who worships the ground you walk on. Not because you built something for him, but because your presence alone inspires him to be more, do more, and give more. That’s what happens when you master your feminine energy.This allows a man to actually be a leader and a King for you, vs you trying to coddle him and take care of him like you’re the alpha in the 

    relationship..  You finally get to relax and be a woman who is covered… Seriously, imagine that. 


  • Many women don’t listen to advice about softening their essence because they feel judged or attacked. Being told you’re imperfect definitely doesn’t feel good.  But let’s face the truth.. Pain is often your awakening.. Cause when things are soft, easy and breezy you often ignore it, cause you have a belief that things must be hard in order for it to be worth anything, including yourself and your love life.

Just think.. When has love ever been easy for you?

I get it. You’ve worked hard to become the powerhouse you are, and you want a man who values your brilliance. The truth is, a high-value man will admire all of that, but what makes him commit is how you make him feel. Feminine energy is your superpower, and when you embody it, you’ll never feel like you have to prove your worth again.

Not even in business… I went from trying to prove myself in business to finally releasing, leaning back and saying “Hey. If they miss out that’s on them.”    Those same people who miss out end up paying another coach thousands and still don’t get results.  

Maybe that’s their path to waste $50K, before they realize they should’ve came to you… But you could’ve saved them time and money, by simply owning your worth and charging $50K for your services in the first place….   Cause honey offering your services and magic for $3,000 seems way to good to be true… Which is why she didn’t buy from you… But notice she bought from others… Many others…  Peep game. 

    • I am the embodiment of the balance between success and feminine energy. Leading with my essence has allowed me to attract abundance, opportunities, connections, and soul aligned relationships.

The Root of Your Resistance

Women ignore feminine advice because they’ve been conditioned to value masculine traits over feminine ones. They see their feminine side as weak, unimportant, or unworthy of love.

When realize your brilliance and your beauty can coexist in harmony, you’ll start to see the path to attracting the King you desire.

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