If your sex life sucks, you need a new mate. Sex is VERY important

by | Love & Relationships

Good sex is like water. It’s a quench of life!  Your sex life is important

I wrote a post on Facebook about intimacy in relationships and received quite a few comments. Most people agreed with me, some people didn’t.

I felt a need to clear some things up. (Not really. I’m really just doing my job and letting the message be heard.)


Here is the thing about intimacy and sex in relationships. Our outer reproductive organs actually weren’t made solely for reproduction sake.

There is more to it than that.

The first thing you need to know is that, a man is called to GIVE to a woman and a woman is created to RECEIVE from a man.

This is why a woman has a vaginal opening and a man has a penile INSTRUMENT that he INSERTS in her.

In order to truly please a woman, a man must give his all to her.  That is why he imparts his seed into her and if everything goes according to the creators plans, a baby is born. Good men understand this balance at a deeper level, which is why they buy woman gifts, love on her, tell her she’s beautiful, and gives her a house to make a home. And good women do the feminine work in order to continue RECEIVING from him.

He bonds with her and creates a family with her.  It’s LOVE.  As a good man, he APPRECIATES and VALUES what GOD has blessed him with, and he goes out to protect and PROVIDE for his new family that he has created.

Good women are NEEDY. They need to RECEIVE from a man, and the right man honors this, because he has a NEED to GIVE.


As he goes out and deals with the daily stresses of life, he needs to relax when he comes home.  That woman’s vagina helps him relax. It’s warm. It feels good. It feels like home.  He releases stress, and gets up the next day to conquer the world again.

That’s the basics.  You can live a pretty good life, by simply sticking to the basics.

luxury home

But in order to evolve spiritually, and create a huge manifesting portal, a man and a woman must deepen their sexual connection by having conversations and getting to know each other’s souls.  They need to be emotionally naked and raw with each other. They need to learn the art of unconditional love. This deepens the bond and improves sexual pleasure.



If two people also have a spiritual practice and are connected to God, they will then also connect to the divine through sexual pleasure with one another.  They will begin to cleanse themselves of trauma from the past and old woundings. They will become open to light and walking into their highest state of being. They will experience a natural high like no other. There awareness and consciousness will increase as they intentionally pleasure each other.   That is why many couples practice tantra.


I’m not an expert on sexual malfunctions and stuff. But I do know many sexual problems are often created by a lack of CONNECTION. You also won’t experience soulful sex, when you’re willing to settle for LUST or good enough. Many people have AMAZING sex lives. Good sex is actually felt BEFORE you even have sex with a soul connection. You just know.

People get into relationships with people they were never deeply sexually connected to or attracted to.  Just like every other mediocre saying in society, people tell themselves that having a good sex life isn’t important. They tell themselves money isn’t important, being treated like a King or a Queen isn’t important. Having excess left over isn’t important. Wealth and living a luxury lifestyle isn’t important.

See, the average human being has this belief that nothing is important other than simply SURVIVING and trying to pretend to be happy with GOOD ENOUGH.

But we as humans were not created just to survive. We were created to THRIVE, in every area of life.

Angela Bassett is a good example of a human being who THRIVES, not just survives. She has mastered this. Notice her long-lasting, HAPPY marriage and career.

However this doesn’t happen naturally.   A person must make a choice to improve each and every area of their life, until they get to a state where they feel like they are living a dream.

That’s because life is a dream. It’s a dream of our choosing. But the majority of society talks the majority of society out of their dreams because each doesn’t believe that they can, should, have or be deserving of having everything their heart desires. Meanwhile the wealthy and celebrities know the rules, and often go after their desires. While the rest of society deems themselves not good enough, or not special enough.

Mastering your life, takes massive amounts of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual work in order to evolve into a human being who is living the life of their dreams.

People start holding onto their limitations, their limited beliefs, their mistakes, their failures, and begin to think that life as they know it has a sort of permanence to it.  These are the beliefs when you either don’t do the work to get closer to God, don’t believe in God, or don’t believe in yourself.

The best relationships are those who experience great amounts of happiness. They work on their health, wealth, fun, pleasure, habits, goals, desires, and SPIRIT.  They also work on their PURPOSE.

GOD places so many desires in us that it will keep us busy for a lifetime, IF we submit to his will for our lives by going after our desires. But what most people do is submit to the mediocre thoughts of society.

I know a little about healing, and if your sexual organs are misfunctioning in any kind of way, it’s time to go on a health journey. It’s time to discover your WHY’S.  Do you have emotional blocks. Are you eating the right things. Are you, meditating, praying daily, and ASKING for what you want?


Are you submitting to your mate’s desires and doing things that please them? Are you with the mate you really want, outside of sex, or did you settle?

So many things throW the sexual balance off.

What many people don’t know is that sex is GOOD, BEFORE you even have sex with a person. That’s because God is GOOD, and you are a divine being of LOVE.

Before you have sex with anyone, you should literally feel deep feelings of LOVE for them. This goes beyond lust.  But so many people are running around attempting to fill their insatiable lustful desires, that they do not fallback and wait to meet divine connections.

That’s also why it’s so easy for people to throw people away. They were never spiritually connected in the first place. In order to grow your soul, spiritual connections are a must. Especially if you are called to be a leader. Spiritual connects make you a better person, and you just so happy to also be rewarded with amazing sex by submitting to the experience.

For instance, if you are of my tribe, this post has HIGHLY resonated with you, and you FEEL something, that’s not lust. Your being feels different right now. That’s God’s blessing to you. He has ALLOWED you to tap into the LOVE of a DIVINE BEING.


Now, just as in life, you may meet someone else who gives you these feelings.  Are you going to go with it, follow up, and see what more God has for you? Or are you going to ignore it, dismiss it, like it’s no big deal, then spend years of your life CHASING, a feeling that you never get to experience, only later to realize that you once FELT something, somewhere, and you dropped the ball?

WHY do I have this power of love, and healing energetic frequencies with my mere words? It’s because I AM submitted to God’s purpose for my life.

This is by no means an easy route. You will go through some things. Some people won’t understand you. But a lot of people will.  The JOURNEY is worth it.

Life is a journey to discovering HOW to get what you want. You are the only thing standing in the way of experiencing the joy, connection, happiness, wealth, health, pleasure, purpose, fulfillment and LOVE that you deeply desire.

If you truly want to change your life, you must be willing to DO THE WORK to CHANGE YOURSELF.  Changing yourself results in your mate changing.  You are what attracts your desires. 

Are you ready?

Good sex is like water. It’s a quench of life!

Written With Love, 💕