Serial Cheater John Gray Apologizes To Wife Aventer For His ‘Emotional Unfaithfulness’

by | Celebrity LOVE

One man who doesn’t seem to get tired of cheating and embarrassing his wife is pastor John Gray.

Gray took to social media to ONCE AGAIN apologize to his wife for merely “emotionally” cheating on her, with a mistress he was sending money to.

In a lengthy post on Instagram page, John revealed that he has relinquished his role as a pastor at Relentless.

He went on to pay tribute to his wife and made it very clear she is the only woman he has ever slept with.

A few months ago I sat down from leading at Relentless. My life wasn’t in order. Church isn’t first. My wife is. This is my wife. She is from God. She is a life giver. She is a kingdom builder.

Her name is Aventer. I met her at church. She was worshipping God through dance. Over time, she allowed me in her life and let me dance with her. She took my ring and said yes and we began our forever journey. What my dance partner didn’t know was that I was very much unfinished.

I never knew what consistent discipline, planning, leadership, manhood, or personal holiness in action from a man’s standpoint looked like. Living a shadow life, God was unwilling to let me die assuming I was whole. I failed to uphold the holy standard of God in my marriage. And I’m sorry. Although you are the only woman I’ve ever slept with, emotional unfaithfulness is just as wrong. Sin is sin. People want to minimize one sin over another, when it all can get you sent to hell.

My marriage forced me to face both of me. Flesh versus spirit. It is every man’s battle. Loving God isn’t enough. Preaching Jesus isn’t enough. Face yourself. Get delivered. Or hurt the ones who actually love you the most.

I started intense counseling (personal and for my marriage) in the summer. Scariest thing ever. Most necessary thing ever. I had no one to blame. My life is my responsibility. Admit your wrong. God deserves better.

My wife deserves better.

The pain I caused her is immeasurable. Seeing her name in blogs because of things I did broke my soul. So since I was the cause of public embarrassment, let me be JUST AS LOUD ABOUT PUBLIC HONOR.
Aventer you are a miracle to me. I am sorry for the pain I have caused you. You name should have NEVER come up in any conversation in any negative way with anyone ever. I must do the work to earn your trust.

I’ve lived a life I’m not proud of in so many areas, but before I die, I will be the man God intended and the husband that Your heart can rest with. I’ll be the father my kids can be proud of. I’ll be the pastor Relentless can stand behind. I’m in the process and I will stay in it. May the man I am becoming match the vision God showed you. I love you.

Kissy's Thoughts

I think men should get out all of their embarrassing behavior before they get married. People make mistakes and men of God are no different from any other men. But making a mockery of marriage isn’t cool.

Women are told to be loyal and stick by their man when they are said to commit adultery, like Hilary did for Bill Clinton. A woman is supposed to protect the family image. But at what cost.

Some women are born to be a man’s footstool, other women like Kamila Harris are not. I think every woman should start a business. Especially if you’re married to a wealthy man. It’s really easy to start a successful business and get clients when your husband is successful, because people will buy, simply off your husband’s namesake. So what’s the point of sitting around without your own finances, and letting people look at you as the dumbest woman on earth.

John does not want his wife. He even old his mistress that.

Via Yahoo:

“In addition to trash-talking his wife, Aventer Gray, as a spouse, he also made disparaging remarks about her mothering skills (claiming she didn’t cook and fed their son pizza every night) to this woman, some while his child was within the vicinity of these Facetime conversations.

This was not Gray’s first dance with the infidelity devil. In early 2019, stories broke about John Gray and another woman with whom Gray claims he only had an ’emotional affair.’ He apparently told the woman that he planned to leave his wife, didn’t love her, and “only married her because she looked good on paper.”

Back in 2019, to cheers and praises from their congregation, Aventer Gray addressed her husband’s “emotional infidelity’” by turning on the other woman. She revealed that she ‘fought off’ this other woman with prayer and scripture, saying “so I’m supposed to leave my husband because you spoke to a place of brokenness that had not yet been submitted back to the Father?”

That’s the real reason, men want the girl next door. Cause a badd b*tch is only going to put up with that mess for so long, before she walks in the bathroom, showers, flat irons her hair, puts on makeup, pops on a cute lil black dress and some Phuck me Louboutin heels, and goes out and catches the next baller who will be smitten and in love.

It’s funny how people tell single women “That man simply didn’t want you.” But no one tells married women, “Sweetie, your husband doesn’t really want you. He’s with you just to keep his public profile in tact.”

To me, It’s not worth being with a man like John Gray. He would kill my sexual interest in him. People talk about single women so badly, as if a single woman can’t get married to a man who is always cheating on her and embarrassing her.

What’s dope in this world are the Queens that have men who are devoted to them and faithful.

Even more, if a man is going to cheat, why not have the mistress sign a contract to shut up and not ruin his reputation? Cause it’s not like these women are dating these men for love, like the wife did. These chicks are looking for a come-up, and to be known.

Seems like that’s what Dr. Dre did. We’re just now finding out about his mistresses.

And even though this particular story is so called “emotional” cheating, men need to understand that once you stick your penis in a woman, EMOTIONS become involved. Women are emotional creatures.

And before anyone gets too slick at the mouth. This woman IS benefitting. Gray bought her a $200,000 Lamborghini Urus truck. That luxury SUV is more than most women will ever get from their faithful or cheating husband.

Heartbreak is heartbreak. But it aches a lot less when you have shiny objects to go with it.

Either way, these days, marriage seems like something to do, to get the public and social media to value you. Very few people are actually in LOVING relationships with their soulmate.

And lastly his wife may be a Kingdom builder. Obviously she is. But a man can’t get to the next level with a wife who won’t put her foot down and check him about his behavior.

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