Report: Before Going On A Date, Lori Harvey Makes Famous Men Like Future & Michael B. Jordan Sign A NDA With $1 Million Penalty Clause

by | Celebrity LOVE

Back in the day it was women who did all of the gossiping. These days it’s the men who gossip and tell everything while the women chill and keep their business private.

In the case of Lori Harvey who has a father in showbiz she already knows how to keep men from telling everything.

You ever wondered why men like Michael B. Jordan or Future haven’t come out to discuss their failed relationship with Lori?

According to a new report, before Lori jumps off into a relationship with a new man, she makes them sign an iron-clad NDA that prevents them from speaking about the relationship in public.

Failure to adhere to the NDA means the man has to pay Lori Harvey a whopping $1 million.  Although these men have a ton of money to spend, they don’t feel it’s worth wasting $1 Million of their hard earned money just to speak about heir failed relationship with Lori.

Many male celebrities have been doing this for years in order to avoid the groupie tales.

According to MTO there’s more:

Media Take Out spoke with one of Lori’s friends – who broke down a few strict rules that Steve Harvey’s daughter has, for any man interesting in wooing her for affection.

And according to Lori’s friends, she has makes all men sign an air-tight nondisclosure agreement, before she even considers anything romantic between them. The friend explained, “Lori makes [all the men] sign an NDA to make sure that whatever they talk about is personal and confidential.”

The friend told Media Take Out that the contract stops any potential suitor from sharing any photos or messages that they exchange. It also preclude him from “saving any screens captures of their discussions or communications, including any video conferences.”

And there are some pretty serious consequences, if any man violates the agreement. The friend told Media Take Out, “There is a million dollar penalty if the agreement is violated.”

The friend also told Media Take Out that the agreement is “air tight” and was drafted by the same top Los Angeles law firm who created Drake’s infamous non-dicsclusre agreements.

We asked Lori’s friends if she could name any celebrity men who willingly signed the agreement. While Lori’s pal wouldn’t name names, she told us, “anyone that wants to date Lori has to sign it. No exceptions..”

Okay Lori. I like this.

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