5 Things Smart Single Women Need To Manifest Millionaire Men

by | Love & Relationships

A lot the frustration with women is that you struggle with manifesting what you desire because you don’t have the right masculine energy in your life.

Not that you don’t already know HOW to DO things, but you need certain energy to help you get in the flow of receiving it.

It’s wise to stop listening to people who encourage you to keep being a single, strong, independent woman.

✅ If your idea of SUCCESS comes with a SUCCESSFUL relationship then YES, check that off the list.

Maybe I don’t come out and be like “OMG. I have a boyfriend.” But most times I do have some sort of man in my life who is feeding into me.

👑 Although I work, I get help from a genius man here and there. 👑 God keeps me covered. 🙏

Men are supposed to cover us. The love and support of a divine King is extremely helpful for the soul.

Same thing for men. They are successful even while single, because they use up different women’s energy to manifest. Free p*ssy keeps him from having to committ and believing that he’s doing it all on his own. These men have SEVERAL women pouring love into them, often while telling the women that they do nothing for them…

💖 Some men are pouring love into several women.

💜 If you as a man doesn’t have a woman pouring love into you, check your character, or check your choices. Women are the most loving beings on the planet.

💰 Most people who make 6-7 Figures are married or in a relationship. Can you get there on your own? Yes, you can. You’re amazing. But baby that is such hard work. Tiring… Even draining.

I cut off my hair chasing my first 6 figures. I worked endlessly. It still didn’t work. What worked is seeing how I was helping a man client make millions, yet I struggled.

Something shifted in me in my expectations. I expected my money NOW. I got tired of waiting.

So I got down on my knees and talked to GOD. HE did for me what I couldn’t do for myself at the time. I didn’t have the manifestation knowledge that I have now.

The next day I woke up making LOADS of money. I began to make MULTIPLE 6 Figures per year.

Then comparison set in. I wanted more. I wanted to be a millionaire.

This time I had to figure it out.


Here are the five things you need to become a millionaire or to finally manifest your dreams.

🌸 1. Increase your faith
🌸 2. Get a partner
🌸 3. Love Yourself
🌸 4. Be Your Authentic Self
🌸 5. Write the Vision, Make It Plain & Embody It

God created Eve for a reason. Don’t ever forget that.

Love is the most potent, most magical miracle inducing frequency on the planet. It’s omnipresent. It’s abundant, potent, healing and encompassing. It’s GOD’s gift to you.

💖✨💋 Your life can change for the better in a day. Mine does all the time.

The next Goddess Unleashed class starts this weekend. Join Us – It’s MEN, MONEY, MAGIC, MINDSET & MANIFESTATION. 💡Live – From a state of surprises and flow. ♥️Quantum Leaps ♥️

GODDESS UNLEASHED – Manifest Your ‘Dream Man’, Even If You’re Married To Him ALREADY

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