I would rather write about love than DRAMA.  I would rather write about love than fear. For drama is really nothing more than fear.

It’s the fear of being loved, that causes the drama. Oftentimes the drama isn’t even real. It’s just stories being told by the subconscious, that may cause you to do things or react in certain ways, due to embedded belief systems.

THat’s why every coach needs a coach. Period.  Cause that drama needs to be let out and cast away.

When you rebuke the devil, you’re pretty much rebuking yourself. As you are the one creating your life. 🤣

Need some REAL therapy?  I’m not a doctor, but I can help you find your way back to happiness, health, wealth, and wholeness again.

Come here, let me take your hand.

Sometimes everyone gets a little stuck and doesn’t know what to do, or how to get to their next move. It’s okay honey. You can’t possibly know everything. I mean you maxed that six figure life, and now you’re ready for more LOVE and JOY, and more money won’t hurt either.

Allow someone to help you get some clarity, so you can breathe.

Book a Free Breakthrough Session

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