R Kelly CHARGED with 10 counts of aggravated sexual abuse

by | Celebrity News

Many powerful men have been brought down in the past few years due to accusations of sexual misconduct against various women. Although R&B superstar is alleged to have assaulted women and underage teen girls for years, the performer seemed to skirt scott-free up until a recent television documentary exposing Kelly’s alleged assaults to a degree that has turned powerful allies against him.

Daily Mirror Reports:

R Kelly has been charged with 10 counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse, reports the Chicago Sun Times .

The R&B singer was handed the charges in Cook County on Friday morning.

According to records, his first court date has been listed for March 8.

Sources tell the newspaper that Cook County prosecutors appeared before a judge on Friday afternoon to sign off an arrest warrant for Kelly.

R Kelly has denied all allegations made against him.

It comes after reports that he could face criminal charges over a sex tape that allegedly showed him engaging in intercourse with a 14-year-old girl.

Although, it is not known if the charges that have been brought against him are connected to the alleged tape.

It was said that a video showing the alleged act between Kelly – who has denied all allegations – and an underage girl is now in the hands of US prosecutors.

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What this proves is that you can only get away with something for so long… Times are changing. Wrongs are being righted in the world.

What amazes me is not that people do things, but the fact that they continue to do things over and over again, just being to be prosecuted for it. Kelly may want to grab his passport and fly somewhere close to the Bermuda Triangle…

If any woman is a victim violence or sexual abuse please seek professional help in order to remove yourself from this situation.


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