Minister Lysa TerKeurst Is Another Reason You Shouldn’t Marry Men Who Make Less Than You

by | Celebrity LOVE

One thing about successful, heart-centered women is they often short-cut themselves when it comes to doing the work to attract a high value provider man.

It’s much simpler to stick to the storyline of love, and love whatever man likes you, while often failing to realize he mostly likes your accolades and the amount of money you bring in, which means he will later grow to resent you when he realizes he CAN’T outdo you.

No only will he resent you, but he’ll cheat on you, and spend the money he saves from being with you on another woman who loves herself enough to only accept provider men.

Yes, he will take your money and provide for another woman. We’ve heard this story time and time again.

So lets’ hear it again for the people/women in the back who don’t know this yet.

Divorce papers reveal Minister Lysa TerKeurst’s husband spent over $100K on extramarital affair

A recent court filing has shed light on the divorce proceedings between Proverbs 31 Ministries founder Lysa TerKeurst and her husband, Art, including evidence the latter spent over $100,000 of the couple’s money on an “illicit sexual” extramarital affair with a woman he met online.

After 25-years of marriage, and 5 kids, Lysa TerKeurst filed for divorce in December 2021 and publicly announced her decision in January, revealing her husband  had engaged in “chosen patterns of behavior that dishonor God and the biblical covenant of marriage.”

Christian Post Reports:

In 2017, TerKeurst revealed she would be pursuing a divorce from her husband due to his infidelity and struggles with addiction. At the time, she wrote he had “been repeatedly unfaithful to me with a woman he met online” and was abusing substances. However, the couple renewed their vows just over a year later after working to restore their marriage.

In her latest divorce announcement, TerKeurst said her husband had “broken” those renewed vows.


In February, Art TerKeurst filed a response to the divorce petition, requesting post-separation support, alimony, an equitable division of property, damages and the rescission of a post-nuptial agreement, Ministry Watch reported.

He claimed that he signed the post-nuptial agreement under duress, at a time when he was suicidal and preparing to enter a treatment facility for alcoholism. Art TerKeurst argued that after he finished treatment for his addictions and the couple renewed their vows, he believed the post-nuptial agreement was invalidated as part of their “fresh start.”

Though admitting he’d engaged in “illicit sexual behavior” prior to the post-nuptial agreement, he claimed to have been a “faithful and dutiful spouse” ever since. Seeking post-separation support, Terkeurst said he is “actually and substantially dependent upon [his] wife for his maintenance and support,” adding the does not possess the “financial ability or adequate resources” to meet his accustomed standard of living.

But in April, Lysa TerKeurst entered a motion to dismiss Art’s counterclaims, a request to compel arbitration and a reply to his allegations, according to Ministry Watch.

In her filing, the ministry leader said her husband freely agreed to the post nuptial agreement and voluntarily withdrew from the alcohol treatment program without completing it. She claimed his allegations of being suicidal were false, and that Art TerKeurst had exhibited “narcissistic and sociopathic tendencies” over the years.

The Forgiving What You Can’t Forget author claimed that the couple “maintained completely separate financial accounts pursuant to the post-nuptial agreement” even after reconciling, and said that post-separation support and alimony ought to be denied due to her husband’s infidelity.


The filing also includes text messages between Art TerKeurst and “Mistress X.” He allegedly met the woman on the website and spent at least $118,000 of the TerKeursts’ money on the relationship. Expenses included paying for the mistress to move from Atlanta to Charlotte, North Carolina, and buying her a “pre-engagement left hand ring.”

In her January divorce announcement, the 52-year-old said she’d fought “really hard to not just save my marriage but to survive the devastation of what consistent deception of one spouse does to the other.”

“It’s brutal and heart crushing to constantly fear the hurtful choices of someone you love. I’ve had to learn the hard way there’s a big difference between mistakes (which we all make) and chosen patterns of behavior that dishonor God and the biblical covenant of marriage.”


In an April Instagram post, the ministry leader shared an update with her followers, reflecting on the moment she said, “No more. No more devastation. No more betrayal. No more being lied to. No more.”

“Sometimes ‘no more’ means implementing good boundaries that will help hold each person accountable to healthier relational patterns,” she wrote.

Many women do have a feminine energy man who is okay with her working hard and being the bread-winner. However, most masculine energy men want to be the financial lead in the relationship.

As to this marriage, and ALL of their finances being separate, it’s quite possible that she did not make him feel included in the success.

Many women will read this and think they are special and that this can’t happen to them. Hopefully that’s true.

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