Report: Maralee Nichols Requests $1 Million+ In Legal Fees & $47K In Monthly Child Support Payments From Tristan Thompson

by | Celebrity News

We probably shouldn’t call anyone d*mb. But Tristian Thompson has to be one of the d*mbest Celebrity men on the planet when it comes to his relationships.  Not that other men don’t do what Tristian does, but those other men don’t have millions to lose.

Not only did Tristian mess up his relationship with Khloe Kardashian, and leaving his prior baby mama while she was pregnant, but the NBA Baller actually thought he could sleep with Maralee Nichols unprotected and that she would abort mission when she came up pregnant.

After spending months denying that he was the father of Nichol’s son, paternity was established in court. He then publicly apologized to Khloe for embarrassing her.  Now it’s time for the prosperity end of the baller baby mama ball game.

Khloe Kardashian Mara Lee Tristian

The Shaderoom Reports: According to legal documents obtained by Us Weekly, Maralee filed for monetary support from Tristan, which includes more than $1 million in legal fees!

“With regard to child support, using Tristan’s come of $9.7 million alone and Maralee’s income of $0, Maralee at this time requests guideline monthly child support of $47,424,” the documents state.

Nichols also requested a judge order Thompson to cover her attorney fees, which reportedly exceed $1 million. The documents estimate Thompson’s monthly income at about $810,075, and Nichols claimed that her expenses are more than $22,000 per month.

“Theo and I are living at a far depressed standard of living than Tristan,” the documents reportedly state.

In the documents Nichols alleges that she is currently living in an apartment with a roommate, and Tristan has not given her any money for their son.

According to The Sun, Tristian, 30, will end up paying $120,000 a month in child support to his three baby mamas.  His salary is $9.2 Million a year.  According to RadarOnline, the basketball player was ordered to pay Jordan $40,000 in monthly child support on the first day of each month.

Tis a beautiful life, when one chooses not to get pregnant by an ordinary man and end up chasing him for $400 a month.

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