Loyalty will keep a woman from getting her feelings hurt

by | The Life of Kissy

I’m about to tell you a short story, about how I avoided getting played.  The names, state and locations have been changed to protect the not so good men.

Men are so awesome and so wonderful.  They are the best thing since sliced cornbread, I tell you. 


I flew into Miami to meet one of my male friends.   This male friend and I travel together quite often.  He takes me to the coolest places, no matter what city, state, or country we are in. 

He puts me up at the best spots and always shows me a fabulous five star experience.   

He even sends Ubers to take me to the airport to meet, so that I don’t have to drive to the airport.  He’s quite a gentleman.

We will call this friend Oxford.  Oxford is working on being an executive in the music industry.  He makes multiple six figures and knows me very well. 

The plane lands in MIA, and Oxford picks me up at the airport in a drop top Mercedes.   He asks me what am I in the mood to eat.  I say “CJ’s on Ocean Drive.”   He immediately snubs his nose and says there are better places to get crab legs. 

CJ's crab shack mimai

CJ’s was fine to me, as I really just like eating, people watching on Ocean Drive, and looking out at the clear blue ocean.  It’s quite therapeutic for me. He takes me to some fancy spot and the King crab legs were indeed delicious and already cut open, which is very convenient for me.

Afterwards he takes me to some really cool hotel.. In the back of the hotel you can walk to the beach.    Oddly enough people had walked very far out into the ocean, further than I’ve ever seen people go into the ocean without going under water.  It looked like some kind of scene out of a movie. 

Oxford suggested we walk out there, but I allowed my fear mind to take over and wouldn’t walk.  Don’t know if I trusted that he would keep me safe, if I slipped or something… (I probably need to update my swimming lessons.. Although I can swim, I carry the belief that I don’t swim good enough for the ocean or deep waters.)

Anyway, I regret not wading out there and trying something new.  Will go back to that hotel again and do it. 

The next day he books us into another hotel. This time it’s the Fontaine Bleau. I love The Fontaine Bleau.. Mostly for the pool. The pool at the Fontaine Bleau is lit.  They play hip hop and people really turn up and live their best life.   The rooms are like $220 a night and up. 


After checking in, we get on the elevator and go up to the top floor. Wooooo. Penthouse suite.  Come thru Oxford. The man knows what I like. The view from the balcony is so beautiful, looking out over the Ocean. 

Fontaine Bleau has a nightclub downstairs in the lobby called LIV.

LIV is lit like a Las Vegas club.  Therefore a lot of high profile celebrities stay there.

As Oxford and I are walking downstairs to go to the valet, to my left I see a group of young black men in designer clothing.  I keep walking and stop inside at the door as Oxford goes outside to give the ticket to valet.

As I was waiting, one of the men we’d passed boldly walked up to talk to me, and asked me where I was going.    I could tell by the way he talked to me that he was a total boss.  I told him that I was going out around the  town.

He said “Come hang out with me, we’re going to the club.”

Me: “I already have plans with my friend.” 

Now my friend is one of those guys that men always act like he’s not even there. They will stare at me, goo goo ga ga over me, say out loud how beautiful I am, come to flirt with me, even if he’s standing right next to me.

Somehow they just know that Oxford is not my man. Oxford dresses like nerd.  He is a nerd.. I am a nerd too. But I don’t dress like one. Oxford believes people should like him for him, and hates materialistic people (yet loves hanging out with me.) 

HIM:  Leave him, come with me.

ME: Nah, I would never be that rude. 

I tell him to follow me on social media.  I find out he has 2 Million followers.     His name is TROY

Troy hits me up on social media a few hours later and asks me again to come go out with him.  It sounded like a really good time, but I declined… So he shot me his number and told me to call whenever I got free. 

I had a business meeting the next day, and Oxford had a business call he had to take, so we separated.  I went down into the hotel lobby to chill. 

Troy hits me up on social media and tells me to call him. I shoot him a text and he calls and asks where I am at.  I told him that I was downstairs in the hotel lobby.  He says he’s coming down. 

He comes downstairs with a very famous entourage.  He approaches me and sees my book on the table and asks me about it. 

I lightly tell him how ‘YOU CAN’T FORCE A MAN TO VALUE YOU‘, is a book that heals women.    This was kind of confusing to him, because he’s not spiritual so he’s not aware of Goddesses and healing powers. 

Anyway, he asks me if he can buy the book from me. I tell him sure. He asks how much. I tell him $50, and he gives me $100. 

I thought it to be pretty cool how he just offered to buy my book, gave me double, and immediately took interest in my writing.

His energy was also a bit different from the previous day. As I am sure after running through my social media he realized I wasn’t about to be the typical groupie he’s accustomed to. Men with popularity and money don’t impress me. 

Troy is a very smart business man. He and his crew were on the way to a large event, expecting an audience of thousands. 

He says he has to run, and that he and his crew were boarding a private jet to L.A.

Troy states how he would love to take me out some time to Maestro’s in L.A.   I told him that would be nice, as I love the one in Malibu.  I went for brunch once and they served fresh bread rolls that made me feel like I was living the life of my dreams.  Some places really tap you into notification of higher self arrival. 

mastros malibu
The rolls were baked at a local farm, and flown in my helicopter daily. They  were so delicious, as I sat overlooking the sandy beach and watched as the ocean waves flung themselves against the huge boulder rocks neatly stacked outside the glass window of the restaurant.  Oxford has also taken me to the Mastro’s in L.A. a few times. 

Anyway, the conversation ends, as my order came up, and Oxford was waiting on me.  Later Troy texts me and once again asks to hang out.  It’s about 1 a.m. He tells me his room number, but I am not going. 

Most women when they meet a celebrity or a baller they would quickly diss their “friend” for the rich man. 

You know like Chris Brown said, “When a rich n*gga wants you.”

A lot of chicks get invited to celebrity rooms, sex occurs, then the men send them on their way, never to be seen again. And the whole time, these men are VERY polite.  Will have a woman thinking she just hit the jackpot. 

When Oxford flys me in somewhere there is usually a celebrity male in town who asks why I didn’t call him and let him know that I was in town. 

Oxford is often way more generous than the celebrity men, so there is no point of me dissing him for them. If I need something Oxford usually has my back. 

I also don’t get much joy out of dealing with men who aren’t crazy about me. Even when I tried, I would get bored after a while. 

Later Oxford and I are at a late night wing spot, and as we sit at a table waiting for our order to be prepared, I am texting Troy and he tells me he just walked into this wing spot. I look up and there he is in line ordering. What a coincidence.  I was wondering what the Universe was telling me.  There seems to be some synchronicities going on here. 

Troy greets me, and we chop it up for a few minutes.  Again he tells me to diss my friend and come out VIP with him and his crew.  I politely turn him down and then head back to the table. 

Most other women would’ve went for it. 

When I got back to Vegas, Troy and I talked. He said that he wanted to work together.   I followed up, with no response. 

A week later I texted Troy and he said “Who is This?”   He then calls and we have a great conversation. 

He facetimed me once after that, but I was busy.  

I texted him after that and we had a little light banter.    My common senses told me that he was one of those guys who traveled heavy, didn’t take most women serious,  and girls flocked to him and his crew.   His crew is so hot that they attract massive groupies.   That’s not how I roll, so I didn’t even bother trying to keep his attention. Especially if he wasn’t still talking about business. 

I am sure many girls get ran through by him. 

Anyway, a few days ago, he posted out of the blue, his wedding photos.  He got married a month before I met him. Troy has an entire FAMILY. 

Imagine the look of WOW on my face. Now I was so thankful that I didn’t hang out with him, get to liking him, and dissing my friend to hang with him.  I am glad that I am a loyal person.

If not, I probably would’ve had my time wasted.  

Anyway, for a man of his magnitude who moves the way he does, to suddenly post a photo of his wedding, made me wonder if he read “You Can’t Force A Man To Value You,” and decided to become a better man. 

I won’t call or text him, but someday I’ll run into him and I’ll ask. 

This experience reminded me to be on my paper when men approach me and talk business RIGHT AWAY.  Always be closing on these men cause they are definitely trying to close on you, and not in a way that’s beneficial to you, if you don’t direct traffic. 

I am unable to look at any man as a date.  Men play a lot of games. He has to go through my client zone first, before I even play the game with him. Simple as that. Cause no man is about to waste my time. The average man isn’t in it to win. He’s in it for FUN.  Sex with random women is fun to them.  After all, why wouldn’t it be when they have an emotional connection at home already. 

Character and loyalty can save you from getting your feelings hurt.  But I would hate to be his wife.  I am sure she knows and accepts it. Even with filtered photos, she’s a very plain looking woman.  A lot of men marry the EMOTIONAL connection, but still chase baddies. 

Oh you may be wondering about “my friend.” Here is what a great deal of men with money do.   They chase an ABUNDANCE of  beautiful women. They are “friends” with them all, and honestly don’t know one between another.   They are all the same to these men.

Meanwhile the chicks gets badder and badder and meets better men….   That’s why a lot of affluent men are single. They get caught up in the lifestyle of chasing beautiful women.  And often times the nerds who now have money, don’t even understand the beautiful women that they chase. They would want nothing more than for the beautiful women to be “normal.”

They also believe that the women are waiting to be chosen by them. They really don’t understand that a badd chick has a LINE of men coming at her.  They usually ask to marry her when the glow up comes full circle.. I said NO.   I would never marry a man who didn’t take me serious from day one.

No amount of money can make up for a man who can’t spot a diamond when he sees one.  A relationship where the man doesn’t understand the woman’s innate value, won’t last. 
