Kim Kardashian Gushes About Finding Happiness In Her 40s & Reveals Pete Davidson Got Her Name “Branded” On His Chest!

by | Celebrity LOVE

Kanye most definitely did not have a good day today. While most ex-wives are crying, mad, upset and bitter after a break-up, Kim Kardashian is a badd azz boss CELEBRITY chick who is living her BEST LIFE with a new man, and going on t.v. to tell the whole world about it.

Kim recently stopped by the Ellen Degeneres Show, to gush about her new relationship with Pete Davidson.

The reality tv star said that she has no idea what she’s doing, since she hasn’t dated since before Instagram existed, but she wanted to show off her new love on Instagram, so she did.


“I have the cutest pictures of us and I wanna be like omg we’re so cute, but then I’m like don’t be so desperate, don’t be posting so much, just give a glimpse.” Kim said. “But I don’t know what the right thing to do is. Like, I haven’t dated since before Instagram existed.”

Ellen commented that Kim has a whole new energy as of late, to which Kim said she’s found a new happiness since turning 40!

“It feels good. It feels good,” Kardashian said. “I mean I think it’s just in life. No matter what it is. I encourage my friends and the people in my life just to be happy. And I went for it, I was like you know what I’m in my 40’s like f*ck it. Just go for it. Find your happiness. And I went for it and I took my time. And it feels so good. And I wanna hold on to that forever.”

Mrs. West also clarified the rumor that Pete honored Kim by getting her name tatted on his chest.

Pete’s “Kim” tattoo, isn’t a tattoo. It’s actually a branding. Kim said he wanted something he couldn’t cover up and wanted Kim’s name scarred on him.

“Yeah he has a few tattoos, a few cute ones that he has,” she said. “But this one, the ‘Kim’ one isn’t a tattoo, it’s actually a branding because he wanted to do something that was really different. The other ones are like cutesie things. My favorite one says ‘My girl is a lawyer.’”

Kissy's Thoughts

This Hollywood divorce is interesting to watch. Kim & Kanye moved on fast. Wondering if Kim was ever happy with Kanye. Seems like she gave him a chance and he blew it.

Also a lot of married women will be encouraged to get out there and date while going through a divorce; instead of sitting around sulking.

Kanye is going to be soooooooooo pissed at Ellen.

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