Jada Pinkett Says Only Concentrating On Marriage To Husband Will Smith Turned Her Into A Terror

by | Love & Relationships, Marriage

More footage of Jada Pinkett speaking candidly on Red Table Talk about her relationship with husband Will Smith has surfaced.

Speaking with Stephen Curry’s wife Ayesha Curry Jada spoke about how concentrating only on the kids and husband Will Smith made her life worse.

Although Jada said she put herself in Will’s shoes, she simply does not seem to like Will. Yet, they are still sticking together in a lifetime partnership.

Essentially Sports Reports:

In one of the episodes of Red Table Talk, Jada Pinkett Smith, Willow Smith, and Gammy traveled to North Carolina to meet the Curry family. And they had some candid moments during the discussion.

During the talk show, Ayesha Curry was talking about how she didn’t just want to be a basketball wife. She said that Sonya perfectly balances her needs, her husband’s, and her children’s. But she said that this made her realize she needed something for herself.

Ayesha said that she wanted to build a career for herself so that she could work on that and said that it would make her happy and fulfilled. So Jada asked what was the most difficult part for Ayesha in her pursuit of a career.

Curry said that trying to figure out how to balance her career and family was the hardest. And said that she wanted to give up her career just to be around her family more. She said that she had to talk her out of quitting her career due to the family because, when she was a housewife, she was miserable.

Hearing this, Jada Pinkett confessed, “Oh, I am with you, I am with you that phase. Like, not working. Like, okay, ‘I am just gonna concentrate on my kids and I am gonna concentrate on my husband’, and I turned into a terror.”

Ayesha Curry said that the children would eventually grow up and leave to live their own lives, which would leave the mothers with an emptiness if they didn’t have a career.

You notice that Jada never has anything positive to say about Will?

Flip to the next page to watch Jada Pinkett open up about her life being worse as a result of concentrating on Will Smith and their kids…

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