God doesn’t just take things away from you that are not good for you. He also takes away things that you don’t appreciate.

by | Abundance Mindset

God doesn’t just take things away from you that are not good for you. He also takes away things that you fail to appreciate.

So often it’s not God who fails us, but we fail ourselves by our own lack of gratitude.

When you fail to appreciate God will help you lose your taste.
Once it’s gone, and you’ve been through more of your journey of life, you may look back and realize what you had.
This could be a person, place, or a thing. I am speaking of taking away things you once loved, valued and appreciated.
When you pray to God for things, and he gives you those things, write it in your notes to never take it for granted no matter what.
Storms may come and storms will go, but during that time make sure that you feed love into what you love, so that the love may grow.
Just because opposition comes, doesn’t always mean you’re supposed to let go. Sometimes it’s a sign to reroute, expand or make it BIGGER AND BETTER. 
You don’t have to try harder. You never have to try harder. It’s all about your VISION and seeing how you can make what you LOVE, even better. That ability lies 100% within you. It’s never outside of you. 
Have you ever had a mate whom you loved, that you started taking for granted? Have you ever been the loving person who was taken for granted?
Are you the giver that keeps on giving, but you don’t meet people who who desire to give back to you, the way you give to them?
Thats a sign to love yourself more, and to have more gratitude for everything good that God gave you.
Cause the truth is you prayed for those things. Don’t ever take God’s YES for granted.
Don’t take YOURSELF and your accomplishments for granted.