God created men first, because you always create a rough draft before a masterpiece

by | Confidence & Self-Love

You ever look at the beauty of a woman? A woman is the most magnificent creation ever. 

Long ago, before I read the bible for myself, I came up with this quote “God created men first, because you always create a rough draft before a masterpiece.” 

I felt like I was a total masterpiece.  I was smart, beautiful, kind, funny, sexy, savvy, love to please and many other qualities. 

So I became Kissy Denise – The Masterpiece. 

In the past year I discovered a verse in the bible that says we are all masterpieces. 

But men do A LOT of dumb stuff. They really need a woman’s intuition to guide them. God made it so that men are stupid without women. 

Even the smartest man can be dumb when it comes to women. 

My entire tribe movement is at the core about connecting divine souls and helping them birth their masterpiece. 

The greatest masterpiece is a divine feminine and a divine masculine coupling.