In the case of America’s newest fallen hero, George Floyd, the love he left behind inspired a fight against human suffering, powerful enough to change the world.
Floyd’s tragic death is impacting the world in a way we’ve never seen before … and it’s also inspiring more people than ever to donate to a cause.
With the fundraiser at $13,165,400 and over 481,000 donations would come to an average donation of $27.34
Every few minute the rapidly growing fundraiser has someone dating $5, $10, $20, $50 and more. The world wants George Floyd’s family to change the world and have comfort on this earth.
It’s as if the entire internet came together to avenge George Floyd’s death.

Members of George Floyd’s family, including his brother Philonise Floyd, spoke during a memorial service for Floyd on June 4 at North Central University’s Frank J. Lindquist Sanctuary in Minneapolis.
A memorial was held Thursday for George Floyd, who died last week after a police officer pressed a knee into his neck while detaining him in Minneapolis, triggering protests across the country.
In front of a golden casket and flower bouquets, and against a backdrop of artwork depicting Floyd saying, “I can breathe now,” his brother Philonise shared memories of growing up together, eating banana mayonnaise sandwiches and sleeping in the same bed as kids.
“All these people came to see my brother,” Philonise Floyd said. “And that’s amazing to me that he touched so many people’s hearts. Because he’s been touching our hearts.”

George Floyd’s casket carried to a hearse after his funeral at North Central University, June 4, 2020, in Minneapolis, Minn. Floyd died after being restrained by Minneapolis police officers on May 25. (AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews)
And of course, Al Sharpton was there. Al is the go to speaker for black political murder cases. He’s stuck to that role.
In an impassioned eulogy, civil rights activist the Rev. Al Sharpton said visiting where Floyd died made him realize that what happened there is a metaphor for the African American experience.
“When I stood at that spot, the reason it got to me is that George Floyd’s story has been the story of black folks,” Sharpton said. “Because ever since 401 years ago, the reason we could never be who we wanted and dreamed of being is you kept your knee on our neck.”
Needless to say, with proper investments, Floyd’s family is now set for life. He accomplished his goal of changing his life. By having the desire to change his life, he ultimately impacted everyone around him. Floyd’s greatest goal was to be a motivational speaker.
May his soul rest in peace.