Erica Mena & Safaree Divorce Finalized Divorce After 2 Years – $4,300 Child Support Enforcement

by | Divorce

The marriage between Safaree Samules and Erica Mena is officially dissolved.

According to TMZ, the judge signed off on the divorce September 12, after the exes came to an agreement through arbitration.

Among those terms … Safaree will cash out $4,305 a month in child support.

Erica filed for divorce in May 2021 and the two have been living separately since, sharing joint custody of their 2 young children.

The pair already unloaded their sprawling $1.3 million Georgia mansion in June.  Erica will once again go by her maiden name.

Kissy's Thoughts

Their entire relationship was on and off again.  Many assumed that many of the couples online antics were simply for publicity. But it was truly their real lives playing out on social media.

Safaree would eventually come to the conclusion the marriage was his biggest mistake.

The “Love & Hip Hop” power couple were married for less than 2 years when Erica claimed Safaree was cheating while she was pregnant with their second child, and she allegedly trashed his stuff … effectively flushing the marriage for good.

Cheating shouldn’t be a surprise. If Safaree cheated on Nicki Minaj and risked losing his celebrity lifestyle, but of course she would cheat on Erica now that his fame is cemented.

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It only makes sense. Often  truly beautiful women have such high self-esteem that they feel like just because a man did something to the previous woman that doesn’t mean he will do it to her.  Sometimes they are right. Sometimes they are wrong.

There is positive thinking, discernment of the spirit, rosey red glasses and there are also patterns. Either way love is a risk. Many people calculate their love on paper that looks good, yet the relationship still falls apart. Even when the relationship is deep in your heart, most people are not healed, dating representatives sent to help them heal higher parts of themselves.

It sucks, but most relationship comes to a fast end, especially in the celebrity world. Yet all relationships end eventually, even in death.

Safaree is now dating Kimbella Matos and Erica seems to be healing and taking it easy. But I am sure she has a line of ballers waiting for their chance to date her and will give her way more than that lil $4,300 a month she gets from creating a family with Safaree.

All is well in Celebrity Land.

Wishing them both the best on this journey called LIFE.