Don’t Let Anyone Take Your Innocence & Love Away From You

by | Confidence & Self-Love

Women go through a lot on this earth. We are created to love and be loved.

When we come into this earth we are so full of love.

Then people hurt us. So we become masculine and guarded.  And it works a little, until one day we wake up and realize we are broken.

A woman is broken when she’s out of balance with her feminine energy.

So many women lock up when you’ve been hurt or heartbroken.

You become wounded to the love you want to receive. You unknowingly also block the life you want to receive.

That’s why forgiveness is so important. Not only forgiveness but just getting rid of people, choosing to love them enough to let them go, and knowing that each soul only does what it thinks it must.

So people believe that in order to feel good or win in life, that they need to hurt others.

Some people are born into this life with dark minds. Others are born as light. We the lights come into this world to LOVE.

We love people with open arms, and often they have no idea of the warmth, joy, and light we give them. We change lives simply by being our loving selves.

When God said in the bible to not be of the world, that’s what he meant.  All too often we change ourselves in order to protect ourselves from this world, instead of maintaining our will to love, and simply raising our standards, and adding boundaries.

Return to being YOURSELF. It’s the only way.  Someone who loves just like you, will show up to share that love with you.

Stay the course, trust the process and surrender to the experience.