Divorce From A Gold Digger: Kenya Moore’s Husband Trying To Take HALF of HER HOUSE

by | Divorce

A lot of men these days are gold diggers, and no one talks about that.  Their greatest victims are the successful, wealthy, and celebrity women who haven’t worked on their femininity. 

Each one from Mary J Blige to others, thinks they’ve met their dream man, only to later be taken to the cleaners.

It looks like reality starlet Kenya Moore is up next.

A new court order shows that Kenya Moore is still married to her estranged ex,Marc Daly and the couple has reached a confidentiality agreement and they’re finally working towards a settlement in divorce court.

Radar reports that Marc claimed Kenya was dragging her feet on providing him with information on her finances and took months to turn over “basic documents.” She also allegedly failed to submit a proposed child support worksheet for their daughter, Brooklyn Daly.

Now a new court order reveals that the parties appeared for a hearing and Kenya admitted to not turning over all the documents citing “privacy concerns.” Now she’s agreed to produce the documents because a confidentiality agreement is in place. The development means the two can start having real negotiation talks and try to wrap things up, reports Radar. 

Marc Daly Still Allegedly After Legal Fees, Moore Manor

The latest filing still makes mention of Daly’s demands for Kenya to pay his legal fees and to give him a stake in her home, Moore Manor.

Despite Kenya buying Moore Manor in 2015 before they wed in 2017, Marc’s attorney claims thatMarc “invested money” into the 7,200 square-foot home during the marriage.

“Husband seeks an equitable division of the parties’ marital residence,” wrote the restaurateur’s lawyer.

Kenya’s team countered by saying,

“Respondent is well aware that Petitioner owned and operated the property in question long before the marriage.”

Kenya Filed For Divorce After Marc Announced Their Separation

As previously reported Kenya officially filed for divorce from Marc Daly in May of 2021 after years of alleged reconciliations, rumors, and counseling. In the official divorce docs, Kenya called their marriage “irretrievably broken” with no hopes of reconciliation.”

Her filing came after Marc told MadameNoire, in January 2021, the week of Kenya’s 50th birthday, that he was the one who was ready to move forward with divorce. MN exclusively reported a statement from Marc announcing the decision to end his marriage with Kenya officially.

become a divine feminine woman

Now imagine the pain of not only breaking up, but being a woman who thought a man really loved you, and all he really wanted was to secure the bag FROM you, and not WITH you.

A man should never TAKE anything from a woman. Like isn’t making him a celebrity, enough? Even worse, he wants half of that woman’s house.

Chile. Therapy should be free for women.

Prayers for Kenya’s heart, finances and  mental health. According to the internet her current net worth is $800,000.  If Marc was a better man, that woman should be worth MILLIONS.