Dear Kissy: My New Husband Cheats On Me And Says He Regrets Leaving The Mother Of His Kids

by | Dear Kissy

“Kissy, I need advice…..IDK WHY I’M ASKING, I know really what I need to do and I’m doing this anonymously…..

My husband and I have been married for 17 months. We both wanted to get married, but he somewhat made it known, I was the one he was going to marry, so we did. He’s constantly being found in relationships on various of dating/sex/hook up sites. Well, I can tell from the text messages where he met them. He’s referenced his baby momma being the best thing that ever happened to him, he made a mistake of leaving her and their kids……but mostly after an argument.

He can never keep a job, background not squeaky clean, no car, no driver’s license……nothing really to contribute, oh did I forget to mention he has an narcotic addition…..

I want to make it work but from getting an apartment with a whole other woman that he thought was pregnant by him, to females ordering him pizza and having it sent to our home, no high school diploma or GED to staying out all night in my car, that I pay the bills for, I work 2 jobs just make ends meet for my kids and I, why do I continue to want to be with someone like him, knowing the way he is, he’s always going to be like this……

I feel like I’ve done a major downgrade of being with him considering my kid’s fathers, business owners, coaches, salesmen, army vets, nurses……help, Idk why I’m being so damn naive……..”

Kissy's Thoughts

Babygirl, I don’t know what about your soul has you feeling like you don’t deserve better. This man has pulled you into a life of insanity.

However I do know that this is what happened to you. — Because your SUCCESSFUL kid’s fathers didn’t treat you right, you started to value MONEY in relation to love a lot less. That’s how you got started on this path.

Therefore you believed that a man with LESS money, and less purpose would be more VALUABLE, because maybe he would give you the LOVE that you desire.

Many women make this mistake. But honey, you have went OVERBOARD.

Your man ain’t sh*t, and he’s never going to be sh*t, no matter what woman he’s with. All he’s doing is dragging your self-esteem down and forcing you into humble states of being that do not serve the highest good of your soul. He doesn’t even want you. He’s just settling for you, because you PROVIDE for him. He really wants his baby mama, but she won’t take him back.

He doesn’t even want to be successful, a good man, or anything positive or productive in this world. He doesn’t love himself. So of course he won’t love you either.

I don’t have to tell you that you deserve better. You already know this. We always know this, yet we stay and keep watching the chaos unfold. Oftentimes for curiosity sake just to see how far a person will go. Sis, let him go. Game over. You tried. You can’t save everyone. Save YOURSELF.

If you don’t get up and DECIDE right now, that you are WORTHY of RECEIVING LOVE, right NOW, you won’t get it.

Take your beautiful, forgiving heart, and spend that energy on a man who appreciates you and will go out into the world, and not only make things happen in his life, but he will honor you, protect you, and PROVIDE for you in the process.

This man is nothing more than a learning lesson of why you need to VALUE & RESPECT a man who is on his money. Now you only need to believe that such a man is also capable of giving you the love that you desire.

Cry your tears, forgive yourself for allowing this to happen to you, and make plans to go get the life that God has for you. I promise you that he has better for you.  Your kids deserve to see their mom being wholeheartedly loved.  They don’t need to see you hurt and crying all of the time over a no good man.  A man has to want to do right by you.

Go get this book, if you are SERIOUSLY ready to stop the trauma, avoid toxic relationships, and manifest the man of your dreams. –>

TRIBE: What are your thoughts? Lets give this woman the push she needs to LEAVE.

Written With Love,
Kissy 💋

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