How To Create An Online Course & Make Your First $10K in 30 Days

by | Business

Course Creation & $10K Months

First, and foremost. There are several ways to make $10K a month online.  You can sell products. You could even blog. I’ve made well over $10k a month from blogging up to over $35K a month. But today we’re going to talk about online course creation.

Learning how to create a course can be overly complicated. So I like to break everything down to the bare bones and make it simple as possible. That way you’re able to get out of your head.

First of all, it’s all in your head.

You don’t need to even advertise in order to make your first $10K, but you do need to become a person who isn’t afraid to sale or pitch your product to people.

How you might make this work for your business?:

You could pitch using a blog post,  create a Facebook Live,  Instagram Live, an IGTV episode, a podcast episode, a YouTube video, Tik Tok Video, connect with people on LinkedIn or create other content. If you are a introvert, yet great at writing, a blog post is most optimal.  You could also create a free lead magnet or in-depth guide that helps your customer solve a problem.

Problem solving

The keys to making this work are:

Creating a compelling piece of content that motivates your audience in the most logical ways based on who they are and what you’re selling.  What are their problems? WHY do they have those problems? What could they do to change their narrative?

Building up a consistent and reliable source of new people who lay eyes on your content. Not just any content, but the content that’s speaking of what you are selling.  You could use search engine optimization. Which is great, because people will find it for free.  You could also always ADVERTISE.

Creating content that directly speaks to your target market is brilliant. You  can also collaborate with influencers and have them direct people to your content.  I love organic marketing.  A lot of my clients promote for me, without me asking them too.   If you have an email list, you can also retarget the audience you already have.

Another big way to do this is to host a  a live online masterclass and have people fill out an  application to work with you.  With the right offer, this can bring in $10k in a day.

This is how you could deliver the masterclass.


A 1-on-1 call and 4 live group lessons on creating a signature coaching program.

Price point:



At various points throughout the live masterclass (2 – 3 hours of training online), encourage people to fill out the application for the program and continue to explain what the program is. Having a well known guest speaker during this training works phenomenal.  You want to have several touch points and connect with people who are actually seeking YOUR SOLUTION, to their PROBLEM. 

That should make it easy for someone who is just sticking your toes in the water and you may be a bit too afraid to jump into high ticket right away. As you could always work with 1 client a month, 4 calls for $10K a month or 8 calls for $10K. It’s totally up to you.

Many coaches sell low ticket courses and still make millions of dollars.

For more tips on creating a course, book your free strategy session.


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