When Love is Where Your Pain resides 🏡

🔮 This journey of re-discovering myself, healing and birthing my purpose has been one of the most difficult, most enlightening experiences of my life.

However, I do know there shall be no more sorrow or crying. Neither shall there be anymore pain. For the former things have passed away. I’ve entered heaven.

But back to my purpose. I know love is my purpose because it caused me A LOT of pain in the past. 

💔 Pain from self-sacrificial love has the ability to reside in the deepest parts of your mind, body, heart and soul.

But your spirit will always bring joy and sunshine into the world. Real love is selfless and free from fear. It pours itself out upon the object of its affection. Without demanding any return. It’s joy is in the joy of giving. Love is God in manifestation, and the strongest magnetic force in the Universe.

💜 Pure, unselfish love, draws to itself it’s own. It does not need to seek or demand. Scarcely anyone has the faintest conception of real love.

Humans are selfish and fearful in their affections, thereby losing the thing they love. Therefore by loving with God-like intent will also get you hurt on this earth. 

Give a perfect love and you will receive a perfect love. Therefore bless those who take their love away from you.

That’s how this thing called love works. I know because it’s how I manifest so much love into my life. I simply vibrate on the frequency of love. My vibrations go out into the universe and pull in those who will immediately or after a while fall in love with me. But sometimes it brought me a broken soul who I nursed back into remembrance of self; by pouring love into him or them. 

To heal those men I became a siren of emotional seduction. I’m already packaged in seduction. I get them to think they are falling in love with me. Not intentionally, but the way I pour love into them makes them feel like they are in love. They actually are not. They’d be able to see me as my highest self if they truly loved me. Not being able to see me beyond the physical is my sign of knowing he’s not the one.

Regardless I did what it took to soften their heart and to help them feel again. I healed them and took in the pain of the way they may have treated me during the healing. Hurt people hurt people and rarely ever realize it. Most times they think they are treating others great, because in a way they do attempt to love from their own love language.

Sometimes the pain I felt simply came from watching their behavior and masked pain behind the huge walls they put up… Walls they felt keep them safe. Then when the healing is done, they wondered why I wanted to go my separate way. I tend to note that the healing is done because their behavior towards me gets worse… They see me as less. I’ve seen the storyline enough times. 

I like to see people happy. But I’ll never be interested in basic love. And seeing how most people don’t know what real love is, the love they offer is basic, due to their habits that they could easily change. I could show anyone how to love, but chances are, they will only listen if they pay me. People don’t want to be told that their habits cause dysfunctional relationships. They want to listen to what society has taught them. They want to listen to dating experts who aren’t enlightened.

So when you say “Hey. This is the way to love over here. If you follow me you’ll experience the deepest love you’ve ever felt in your life.” Even though they’ve felt tinges of it, because I’ve encircled them with love; they don’t want to come. They want to continue doing things their way.

Telling them that there is a better way is looked at as judgement, as not being good enough, as being unwanted. They don’t realize the only thing you seek is to show them the miracle of love.  Nor did they have any interest in giving you what you wanted. They start deflecting.

So they’re angry at you. Especially more now, because you’ve awakened them and showed them their powers. You’ve shown them their worth. I’ve shown them their Kingship, so they see less of the Queen in me. The fact that they’ve been healed by a Goddess, wooooo chile. They are miles away from registering that fact.

I’ve increased all of the good feelings they have about themselves. I’ve lessoned the pain the other girls inflicted upon them. They inflicted pain on one another and have no clue. Cause both see it their way. So then that pain turns towards me when the non-romance they offer isn’t good enough. It’s all my fault and I’m pushing them away they say. While at the same time telling me they don’t need to be taught how to love.

So they rip at me and try to tear me down. They try to find ways that I’m imperfect, instead realizing I’ve given them the perfect love. I simply tried to remove myself from the situation afterwards, because I no longer wanted to experience the pain of loving them. How can I when I know that love is not hard?

The way most people love these days requires you to totally toss your ego in the trash and have absolutely no expectations. You gotta go with the bumps and bruises and let them drag you into the pain. They also don’t wan’t you being a mirror reflecting their dysfunctional ways back to them. If they ignore you two days cause they are busy, then you ignore them a week cause you feel like being busy being happy in your own world, you are now the meanest, most disrespectful person in the world. Yet they have every excuse in the book of why they did it to you, time and time again. The behavior was right for them but not right for you to do. In most cases what happens instead is cheating on both ends.

That’s what most humans call love. They think love is inflicting pain on someone and seeing how much pain a person can take. They then start to believe you love them if you keep taking the pain they throw your way. If you have any self-worth and say you deserve better, they say you’re tripping. They remind you that no human is perfect.

People don’t realize that love is actually one of the easiest things in the world. It is humans not tossing their ego to the side in the name of fearlessly walking all the way INTO love and being love.

Instead, FEAR is the program they are running. Fear of not being good enough.

And as long as real love is not super important to them, the truth is they will never be able to keep an enlightened soul. I know this. I don’t even waste my time anymore.

Meanwhile they continue the program that prevents them from having authentic relationships with people.

It prevents them from having authentic relationships with self.

It prevents them from being truly connected with their body.

It forces them to become numb in order to survive. I’ve experienced this numbness a few times. I’ll sit in it for a little while, then I’ll heal myself of it. I never want to walk around numb like most humans. It’s boring.

Even though they don’t cry, and don’t experience the hurt that I have. I would still rather experience love time and time again.

Their fears and wanting to continue to do things their way forces them to disconnect mentally, emotionally and physically.

They end up in relationships that lack real love, because both are still running the same basic program.

They begin to distrust the very people who are there to protect and nurture them. They begin to distrust anyone who claims to love them.

They spend a lot of time sabotaging relationships, believing it’s all on the other person. Then they get used to not truly feeling love, and settling for what they think love is.

Yet never truly feeling the bliss of being fully loved internally and externally. To stop this, you have to make a conscious decision to go back into the dark and find yourself. Each time my heart got broke I went back into the darkness and found myself. Each time I improved my self-worth by becoming more value. But that left more shadow work.

Your real worth is your birthright. You are worthy and deserving of love just by being born. Add that to my value as a human being and heck no, I can’t just hand myself to any man who doesn’t understand the value of love. That’s a waste of my time. Time that they will only use to move onto the next person, to feel vindicated over their own destructive behavior in relationships.

And maybe moving on is better for them afterall. It has to be easier with another person who also doesn’t know what real love is, so dysfunction and basic is normal to them. People often take better care of and invest more into their pets then they do into their relationships… Pets return back unconditional love, cause as long as you feed them and don’t hit them, they are good.

You have to let go of the need to punish the people who hurt you.

You have to forgive people who probably will never acknowledge the pain they have caused you. After all those people never asked you to love them. Neither did they ask you to sacrifice yourself and be in pain for them. Just like a mother gives love to her kids, give your love to people with no regrets once it’s done. But don’t overgive without being aware of the potential fallback

You have to learn to love the parts of yourself that still hurt. 

You have to set yourself free. No one else is going to do it for you. 

Then you gotta get up and love again. Because love is all there is. If you seek it, you will eventually find it. If you give a perfect love, it will be returned to you. 

Call it in. 


Kissy ❤️😘

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This has stopped many a great man from finding a good woman

This has stopped many a great man from finding a good woman

A lot of men, you want this amazing azz woman. But the truth is at your core, you really don’t know how to be an amazing azz man. You don’t know how to be a man she can be proud of. Mostly due to your behavior. But you know you’re fully capable of being such a man. It’s not even that you haven’t tried. You tried with the wrong one.

What’s stopping you is that you blame everything on women, but very little blame on yourself. Half of your problems come from you falling in love with a basic bish who dogged you out. She blinded you… You no longer know what to focus on. You thought she was a baddie, but chances are if you stand her next to me, she’ll be invisible. She was only a baddie to you, because she showed signs of not wanting you. She fooled you.

You say you want a good woman, and I keep telling you these super beautiful, brilliant boss chicks, are the good women your heart desires. But each time, you get her confused with the brains of an instagram model.

Now you’re like “I’ve been through so much.” You’re too scared and too tired to do what it takes to get a high value woman. Where is your strength at bro? Are you really going to let a basic bish drain you for the best of you? Even worse, due to you being used to basic bishes, you don’t know how to treat an actual good woman on the level you seek. You now think everything is about you. You’ve picked up her selfish traits. You’re always looking to see you can receive, instead of what you can put into her.

So now your dysfunctional, often basic, unexciting behavior, bores the sh*t out of amazing women. Back you go with the rest of the fish who think they are the sh*t. Looking for something that you don’t even have the sense to see. You see what you let that girl do to you?

It’s all because you keep allowing fear to run your storyline. She turned you into a scared little boy who believes he has no control. That he’ll never find what he wants. Aren’t you tired of that story already? Meanwhile, the men who are 1/12 of your worth, have already moved on and found a new one.

You’re hurt, you know your value. But what good is all of that value if you’re just going to walk around by yourself, without a Queen? You’re supposed to be King. It’s who you were called to be. Somehow you forgot, cause that girl dimmed your light.

You should also know the woman is God. You can not live without her. The sooner you realize that, the sooner you’ll get your act together.

If you can’t let go of your ego personality, the awareness, nurture and companionship you seek will be stymied and held back.

But if you let go, and let God, the celestial wind will bring divine love in.

Maybe it’s time that you come up with a new plan. I can help you with that. It’s time to truly heal, and get the amazing, compassionate woman that you deserve. 

When Being finally clicks. What took you so long?

When Being finally clicks. What took you so long?

Telling someone that “It’s not about what you’re doing, it’s about who you’re being,” is really good advice. But it’s also unhelpful as phuck. Because the only people that understand it are the people who finally decided to BE and realized how things just now show up, and they wonder what took them so freaking long to finally get it. 

just be

Free advice is really good, but if you don’t have the inside knowledge as to what that person deeply means, you may find yourself even more further confused. 

I used to feel frustrated as if I didn’t know anything, as if I needed to learn more new words in order to speak light and love.  Then I simply stopped caring, cause I realize something. People need to hear things in plain English.  Then I also realize that when you write things in plain English sometimes people think they have all the keys and that they can do it all on their own, so that may kind of throw them off too. 

Then sometimes I’m on Facebook and I’m kind of bored from watching this person copy me and that person copy me, while never clicking like.  Which is why now I understand why coaches drop hints in code.  If you don’t you feel like you’re simply showing up, not getting paid, while providing free content like most influencers.  You can be, be, be all you want to, but without the right strategy you will not get paid. 

So when you read something from someone, understand you’re only getting one part. The rest goes to their paying clients. Who show up because they finally decided to BE, on top of taking aligned ACTION. 

Ha! Tickling right. 


When you get to the point of no regrets

When you get to the point of no regrets

I need to start doing video more often, and I will. But what my journey of walking away from my 6 figure gossip/crime  blog taught me is that writing is my gift. It’s the gift that God bestowed me with and it’s my most comfortable form of communication with your soul. It’s the tool I use to relay the message that God wants me to relay on a day to day basis. 

I relay the message with love.  This week has been a major week for me in terms of shifting and really processing into the form of where I can just BE. 

I’ve awakened from another period where I’ve put my whole soul into work and looked up to where I’m skinny mini. Thankfully this is the last time I’ll ever do that, because I get it now. It – The way this process of completion of new creation goes.  The process of birthing a new business, and learning new habits and new thought processes. 

Yesterday I was talking to a friend online and we talked about how last year around this time is when we first had a deep conversation. We’d been casual acquaintances online for years, but never truly talked. Then one day we had a phone conversation and deeply connected.  At the time we were both recently broken up from relationships where we felt like we’d put our heart and soul into people and maybe they wronged us. But we had no ill feelings towards them. We took the pain and laid it on the alter with God.  Many of our conversations at that point would be about God. In fact he introduced me to Bishop Dale Bronner. 

Anyway, yesterday he was showing me the new girls he’s dating and talking about how much they fed into him. He’s getting exactly what he deserves.  In his past, women definitely didn’t appreciate him and he’s one of the dopest men I’ve met thus far. 7 Figures, entrepreneur, fit, dresses nice, beautiful spirit, nice looking, well dressed, and treats women like Queens.  In fact when he inboxes me he usually says “Hey Queen.” 

Bro rolls around in a Maserati… Real humble though.  Anyway, he said to me “I don’t regret anything. I wouldn’t change any of it.”

It’s so beautiful to get to the point where you have no regrets. Cause you’ve been molded for your purpose, you laid it all out on the line, healed and walked into a better life. A better life than you may have realized you could’ve had.

How often we sit in relationships where we aren’t being fully loved or appreciated, with people who may be in alignment with us, but we’re not in alignment with them, because they simply don’t think big enough.

People only appreciate or recognize excellence when it’s in alignment with what they desire.

When you meet someone and they are head over heels for you, it’s because you are either exactly what they desire or in alignment with what they desire, so they appreciate now seeing the manifestation of that desire.

When you meet people and they are not excited by you, not impressed by you, after getting to know you, it’s because you’re not in alignment with what they desire.

People only recognize excellence when it’s in alignment with what they desire.  Like some people saw Oprah and Beyonce coming, others couldn’t see until they were already on top. 

So you have to detach from who can see you and who can’t see you. It’s not up to you, to make people see you. It’s up to you to simply BE and allow those who see you, to learn from you. 

The new women he dates can see him. They chase him. Throwing the panties left and right.  Mostly cause he stopped hiding and dimming his light. When I first started talking to him I noticed the dimmer switch and told him to turn the light all the way up. He turned it half way up, and is slowly letting the world see him. 

He and I started talking after I started going through my own healing process and flicking my own switch from dimmer mode to bright mode. 

Even with 700,000 social media followers, I had been dimming my light, playing the background on a blog, not trying to be too noticed personally because I felt that people would be jealous. It was easier to keep the money flowing in, behind the scenes.  Thank God I opted out of that. I went to start a new fanpage and with 7,000 followers on that page, I’m happy to say that I get to be my beautiful, positive self and speak with the love and kindness of my soul.

We’ve gone through the process of gaining our freedom. But boy was that process painful. 

It’s actually weird now when I talk to men. I’m so used to the 3D realm that I know what men are going to do 10 paces ahead before they do it. I get bored with such men. But thanks to my light coming up I attract so many amazing 5D men who feed life and love into me. That’s fun.

I’ve also been celibate for a year. Not intentionally. It just happened like that because I stopped dating. 

Anyway, I look forward to the day when I can say that I have no regrets and wouldn’t change anything. I’ve heard other people say that before, and have told them “Dude, you should have some regrets. If you did, maybe you’d do better.”  Maybe I was wrong for saying that, but at the same time, regretting some of my past decisions is what stopped me from making them again. It’s what made me stick with the process of awakening this time and not go back to my old ways. 

I’ve learned that God uses us and chooses us for something bigger than us.  I’m well aware that my life is so much bigger than me. I inspire people all around the world, simply by being me. Can you imagine, just waking up in the morning and saying whatever you feel like saying, and that sh*t being inspiring af to thousands of people within hours? That’s pretty much my life. But it’s never quite registered in my mind. Cause I’m just being me. I get messages daily of people telling me how much they love me and how much I inspire them. I literally have to work on receiving that love, cause I  kind of walk around detached from the world, just being me… That really makes me understand how God works through me, as a vessel to relay messages.  I don’t need any special training to relay that message. I seriously don’t even have to think much. It just flows. Much like this blog. 

People often ask me how I manage to write so much, every day. It takes no effort, other than sitting down and making time to do it. When you’re operating in purpose, it’s almost effortless. That’s how your gifting works. 

Now this week major changes are coming. They’ve started already, I’m walking into something big. It makes me hold back tears, I can feel the queasiness mounting in my stomach that wants to delay it some more, a little longer it says, WAIT, the old me still trying to hold on, not wanting to let go of the habits and the mindset that held me in this space. The space where I now know that all it takes is a decision to let go, to walk forward in acceptance. Acceptance of what’s already yours, what’s already been written. 

And you should damn well accept it, because this time you know you’ve earned it. You paid the price.  You’ve learned from the losses, the failures, the glory and everything else. You’ve seen God break you down to pieces, so that you learn to depend on him and know that it is he who guides you and gives you everything you got, and at the same damn time knowing I AM.  Now you’re walking in your power and mere mortals don’t understand you at all.  But I paid the price to be the boss, in more than one way. Most people would’ve never made it through what I’ve been through. Nor would they have been willing to walk away from a good life of making money, to jump off a cliff into the unknown; with full belief that the parachute would perform perfectly to make your jump smooth… It’s funny, at first it’s scary as hell. You’re fighting and you’re flailing and you’re like yoooooo WTF is going on???!!!I don’t even curse, but this process though… Then one day you finally let go and surrender, and suddenly it all starts to smooth out, and you laugh at how long it took you to get it. 

But like I was saying,  your destiny has a price. You gotta pay the price for your destiny, and very seldom is that price money. The price for the walk on the cross to pursue your purpose is pain.  Most people simply aren’t willing to go through the pain of change…

The pain of your life is training you up to walk in your purpose and live the life of your dreams.  The dream is the guiding light like  a worm on a hook. It’s planted in you as bait, to make you walk and do the work… Cause you grow to know that the dream is who you are. Nothing else will do. There is no point of pretending that less will do. 

That means you can’t play victim to growing up poor, to abusive relationships, to the old storylines, to such and such did this and that to me… None of it matters anymore. 

God will break you all the way down to let you know that he is real. I often talk alot of sh*t, and I’m hella confident, but only cause I was born for this.  I was bred for this life. I was called for this. In my next season I will be fully prepared. I’ve been taught grace, I’ve been taught submission, I’ve been taught forgiveness. I’ve been taught how to live from my heart. 

Even in love, I’ve been taught how it’s all a reflection of you to help you heal, and to appreciate those moments for what it was and how it inspired you to grow. 

I think about the process I’ve been through over the past year and just my whole life, and unless you’ve been through your own journey you can’t understand how good it feels to reach the point where you feel like you are ENOUGH. Where you know you’re enough for the mission that God called you to walk on.  Where you’re just walking it and you realize that nope, you have no idea where you’ll end up at, but in a way you know where you’re going, cause you’re a Prophetess and you can see your future and the future of others. And you’re a master manifester and you now know exactly how to get what you want, if you’ll simply stay disciplined to the new habits. 

One third of women go on dates for the free food, study says

One third of women go on dates for the free food, study says

HOUSTON (FOX 26) – A new study shows as many as one third of heterosexual women only date guys because of the free food! Two new studies show a portion of women admit to making so-called “foodie calls” when money is tight. 23 percent of women admitted to dating for free meals. In a second study, 33 percent of women admitted to it. Researchers say the women admitted they were not interested in the guys, just the free food.

This is nothing new. It’s very true. But here is why women do it. Women want romance and they want a man who will spoil them. Most men won’t spoil her, so she has no desire to go out on dates with most men. But she will go in order to get out the house, be around masculine energy and be treated like a lady.

What no one realizes is this epidemic is caused by men playing games or not knowing what they want. She  knows that half the time the man isn’t looking for love. He’s simply seeking free sex, to play games, to date 10 women at a time, to not take her serious and totally waste her time. So women have very little expectations, and go out just to go out and get dressed nice. The lower a woman lowers her expectations, the less attractive average men become to her.  Because her heart still wants what it wants.

Plus Neko is right.

On the other hand you have women like me who will turn down dates left and right, because I’d rather buy my own food than to hang out with a random man who doesn’t know what he wants. 

That way when I do go out on dates it’s with a gentleman who appears to know what he wants and appreciates my time, presence and energy. Therefore I’m able to appreciate his time also. 

Do you know what you want in a mate?

Do you know what you want in a mate?

You’ll never get your fairytale when you settle. They say avoid expectations. Yet many people have very little expectations in relationships and they’re still unhappy, in a basic, unfulfilling relationship with no spark. They’re going through the mundane emotions. So obviously that concept isn’t super solid. 
People are so used to basic that they don’t know how to create magic. Magic is created by knowing what you want, so that you’ll appreciate it when it finally shows up.
But ask people what kind of mate they are truly seeking, and they probably couldn’t tell you the depth of it. The truth is that most people are just funneling through relationships looking for “something.” But they haven’t defined what that something is.
As teenagers you simply fall in love with the emotions of one another. But as adults you gotta know what you want.
If you wanted a 4 bedroom home for you and your kids, and you get that home you’ll be happy. But if you only get a 1 bedroom home, you’ll be grateful, but that’s not what makes you happy. Nor is it going to expand you. In fact it’s going to make you feel lack and constantly remind you that you’re missing something. So you’ll keep trying to figure out how to get what you truly want. That house won’t be good enough for you, so you won’t even take care of it and value it the the way you would the four bedroom.  Not to mention the kids will constantly remind you that they want their own bedroom. 
Relationships are the same way. If you want a man who shows up and shows out, you may be thankful to find the guy who wants to netflix and chill all the time, but that’s not going to truly make you happy in the long run. Your friends will also remind you of you not having what you want. If not your friends, random social media posts of women who are with amazing men will remind you.  You could even make a post about how happy you are with the man who takes you no where, has no major plans and skips out on Valentines Day cause he doesn’t celebrate it. But you’ll still deep down inside be unhappy.  You can lie to others. But you can’t lie to yourself. 
They’ll definitely be certain things about your mate that you may not like, that they can’t change. However, it shouldn’t be major things that can easily be changed by them.
Another thing is, until you’re brave enough to spend some time by yourself, love yourself, and enjoy spending time with self, you really can’t be an asset to anyone. People who are quick to jump from relationship to relationship rarely ever do what it takes to make a relationship solid. They don’t know how. Half the time they are simply living to post basic pictures on Facebook and Instagram. And truth be told those photos don’t even impress those of us who love magic…
See what we know is that when two people who know what they want come together, the phucking stars align. Everyone can see the magic. 
The next person who you consider dating, ask them what they are truly looking for. Chances are they can’t give you a definite answer. So don’t be surprised if they can’t appreciate you. And some people are so darn crazy they know what they want, find it and feel it’s too good to be true, so they sabotage it.
Relationships are so simple. Yet most people are just biding time with people until they figure out what they want, or until they’re at the level to attract what they want.
Humans would faire so much better if they were simply honest with themselves.

Do you know what you want in relationships?
Do you have any idea what makes your heart beat?
Do you know the kind of person that lights your soul?
Do you know what kind of person is the candle to your flame?
Have you ever experienced love so intense that it felt like a lighter to your cigarette? (Addiction)
Have you ever experienced love so deep that you could barely breathe?
Have you experienced love so deep, it’s like medicine for your soul, that you have to keep pumping through your veins?

Marriage: Jay Morrison Speaks On Putting Away Bachelor Life

Marriage: Jay Morrison Speaks On Putting Away Bachelor Life

Jay Morrisson wedding

One of my missions on earth is to bring love back into the world. Not that it’s not already there, but many people don’t know how to love, or why they should love. I believe black men play a major part in the detriment of the black community due to not being taught how to have healthy relationships.

Many think the more women the merrier. They are so busy chasing women that they have no purpose in life. They are totally and completely failing to leave a valuable legacy on this earth. 

So when I saw Jay Morrison‘s introduction on his Youtube video about his wedding I had to share it with you. 


I was once one of those “dudes” who screamed- I’M GONNA BE A BACHELOR FOR LIFE!! That’s because no one ever showed me or mentored me on the value of marriage, loving a woman beyond lust and how to identify who God has sent for me to accomplish His work. Pop culture taught us that the goal was a different woman every night forever. But that doesn’t build strong families, lasting legacies or repair and restore OUR village. I thank Allah(God) for granting me knowledge, wisdom and a better understanding so that I can be an example to not just my immediate family but to all who have been misguided, misled and told the lies that keep our families broken and without strong men taking their place as maintainers, protectors and providers.

How To Find Awesome Blog Content

How To Find Awesome Blog Content

People often ask me how I find blog content. I laugh. Blogging is one of the easiest things in life for me to do.. I’ll give you 2 reason why. 

  1. When I blog for my crime blog I simply write about whatever story is interesting to me. Because it’s interesting to me and I’ve build my blog off of what I am interested in, my followers quite naturally like whatever story I post. 

    I also wrote crime despite everyone deeming it negative.. I also sent the crime stories viral.. Nowdays every celebrity blogger posts crime, because they say Kissy doing it and winning. 
  2.  But you’re here on my other blog that’s about love, life, success, relationships, manifesting and business. Once again, I’m simply writing about whatever I feel like.   I’m not worried about whether people will like it to not. I know my writing is pretty dope.  Therefore there is no pressure on me to write. I even write in a certain manner so therefore I’m not looking at the words trying to make it seem like I spent 22 years in college, just to be impressive to others. I generally only care about helping people and making things as easy on them as possible.  I’m also writing about my passions, which means discussing these things are effortless. 

    Anyway, now you know how to find blog content. Write about whatever you feel like! 

    Oh and at the end, you should always have a call to action.. Like here I would invite people to work with me. But I won’t because people who want to work with me already know how to contact me… (At the moment) But let’s remove the ego and think about random traffic that may come from Google.. Place a link here and an offer to work with you, or instruct your audience to share your post.