Married women are often some of the DRYEST women on the planet.
Don’t lose yourself in your marriage. Have something to talk about. What brings you alive?
Life is about more than just your marriage, kids and household. It’s also about maintaining self and keeping self enchanting and interesting.
What keeps a man attracted to you, is you having a life outside of him.
Don’t be the lady who only posts cats and dogs.
Your marriage should be an embodiment of PLEASURE & JOY.
Selfie time. Slim woman with short cut wearing panties and white shirt in the morning making selfie
It’s not about settling into being BORED. Always keep the flame going.
Keep your marriage SEXY, SAAVY & YOUnique. It’s called the K.I.S.S.Y. METHOD.
P.S. What are you going to bed in at night?
Need Tips? I got you.
Here are 5 tips to keep your marriage spicy using the K.I.S.S.Y. Method
1. Look good when your man comes home. Put effort into your bedtime appearance.
2. Get naked and talk to one another. Deeply connect.
3. Compliment your spouse.
4. HAVE SEX – Just because. Even a quickie will do.
5. Talk about your fantasies.
Are you someone who is READY to improve your relationship, right now? Are you craving to bring back the PASSION in your relationship? Contact Kissy on any of her social media accounts.
The funny thing about speaking the truth is that people will ASSUME you don’t like black men. Black women love black men. But that doesn’t mean that black men love them back.
Are we supposed to continue hiding it and allowing women to suffer in silence, pretending like we don’t know?
👆 Should we continue to let the 5 good black men speak and act like all men are just like them?
👆 Should we continue to pretend that black women aren’t in DEEP PAIN, from simply loving black men?
👆 Should we keep pretending that black men actually VALUE black women?
Cause here are some facts that I know that happen in THE REAL WORLD.
1. Most black men take A LOT of pride in shuffling through multiple women, saying women aren’t a big deal, and wasting the first half of their life away chasing SEX. They chase sex so much, that some will say things like “Men don’t take badd chicks serious.”
2. Beautiful Black women stay dating unattractive black men who ain’t models, and don’t take great care or pride in their own appearance, then you wonder why he doesn’t value you.
3. You feel sorry for him due to the oppression that society places on him. Yet you don’t take note of what he does to himself by decided to CHASE WOMEN, and not value the sanctity of marriage.
4. These dudes can’t even afford to provide, because they are too busy chasing multiple women, trying to figure out how to get over. N*ggas be thinking they are so phucking smart, not noticing society and the powers that be been playing them like a puppet since day one with the rap videos with scantily clad EXOTIC women. And when a black woman is present, her greasest seven in the video is usually TWERKING. These men have been pimped for their phucking brains and souls and think the black women are the dumb ones. They’ve been taken for a ride to delay their own wealth, and they were the captain the whole time.
❤️ Black women sometimes aren’t badd women. Most people can’t even imagine the odds of 9/10 men literally being a terrible person, but swearing they are a good man because the are honest about not wanting anything real with you, and maybe they took you to Popeyes for a chicken sandwich.
Black women are in pain, and it’s the ones who try to silence their voices who are responsible.
Instead of telling women they are not good enough to get a rich, 6’2″ black man who is charming and knows how to treat a woman, start telling black men that they ain’t sh*t unless they pay bills.
You want to change the world? Well honey only THE TRUTH shall set the world free.
No black man should be in a woman’s face, f*cking her, taxing her energy FOR FREE, and having the nerve to talk sh*t about her. But that’s what they do.
Black women get devalued because they refuse to value themselves enough to get the best of the best men.
In her mind, she just HAS TO settle for LESS than the best, because black men told her she’s not good enough.
That’s why these negroes be so confused with my confidence. They are literally BOTHERED by a woman fully loving herself and feeling WORTHY.
How insane is that. But nobody wants to hear these truths. So go ahead, keep the lies going, keep women suffering and help keep most of the race in poverty with lies and b.s that don’t lead to legacy, love, nor wealth.
And lets keep letting the black men who are also SINGLE, and telling women that because she has a few kids she’s unworthy of a good man, lets keep letting them lead. Lets keep letting women pay these men to lead them away from God’s word.
Let’s just keep all of the b.s. going so that the race goes no where.
In many ways, the best thing a good black woman can do for herself is opt out the whole race.
Cause don’t forget how much women outside of my tribe and a few others hate each other. Most women in general are HIGHLY triggered by a good looking woman who loves herself.
Society has set the bar so low for women, that a Goddess is foreign.
Black women need to realize that you are going up against bullets with these dudes. The only way you’re going to win, is if you value yourself HIGH AF, the way you always wanted to anyway, until you let some 50/50 or abusive man talk you out of your worth, so that he could keep you DOWN on his level of worth.
I saw the above video and soon as I saw him and her, I said to myself “He doesn’t have a chance in hell!”
To someone like me it’s clear as day that their appearances are just WAY too different. It’s a complete mismatch.
So then this RANT came next.
MEN: Stop chasing these drop dead gorgeous women.
They like men with money, swag, flash or good looks.
I see way too many men who are not PHYSICALLY the most attractive, chasing women who are highly sought after.
You are better off chasing a million bucks, then pulling up to a bbadd bish like “Whats happening!”
Giving her $50,000 is not enough to convince her into a relationship with you, but millions will.
There is a saying that goes “Don’t chase women, chase money and the women will follow.”
Some men only get it partially right, where they then expect women to chase them and they end up being with whatever masculine woman chases him.
But what you are actually supposed to do is GET MONEY. Then once you get the money, you have access to better women. Women period like men with money, but most won’t admit it. Women are naturally attracted to a man she can call daddy, who provides.
There is a reason that men marry basic chicks or starter kit wives and then later leave them for a beautiful woman. He wanted the beautiful woman in the first place, but knew he couldn’t afford her.
Beautiful women are expensive. They are investments and prizes for successful men or men with a good mouthpiece. Please stop listening to all of these people lying to you.
Being a beautiful woman is A LOT of work. Especially being a beautiful BOSS CHICK. That woman does not work hard as hell in life, just to end up with some basic man who can barely afford her upkeep.
Being basic is EASY AF. So of course a beautiful woman wants a man who goes hard in life and will treat her like a Queen. Basic women are accepting of basic men.
You handing a beautiful woman a few thousand dollars, and not understanding anything about HER MIND, and the way she thinks, is not going to make up for people laughing at her when they see her with you. SHE wants a prize.
NO, her soul won’t be caught dead with a funny looking man most times, unless he’s rich like Tamar’s ex husband.
Beautiful women have SYMMETRICAL features. Therefore her eyes are attracted to BEAUTY.
You being a nice person quite often isn’t ENOUGH. But STATUS is power. A beautiful woman wants a man who can make her life beautiful in many ways.
Take Seal for example who married a VERY beautiful woman.
Seal has MONEY, PURPOSE, FAME, STATUS and obviously a whole lot of charm.
He went after a beautiful woman with a beautiful HEART. He sings from the soul and touched her DEEP in her heart.
Are you truly connected to your soul, or are you still trying to find yourself? When you find yourself, is when you become beautiful to a woman.
Men who complain about beautiful women, NEVER pick the ones with good hearts. Nope. They get into relationships with pretty women who don’t love them. But they think the women love them, even though obviously the women cheat on the and prove just how not into him she is. (Self-accountability for your decisions is everything.)
There is nothing beautiful about a man who is not on his purpose and his money. If you want access to great women, then you too have to be great honey. Then you have to make great decisions, stop being lazy and go after that bright shining light of a beautiful woman with the big, beautiful heart and mind to match. Stop falling for sweet words only, because any woman with immense power has some powerful words in her.
I’m not trying to discourage you, because anything can happen. But when it comes to beautiful women, you can get one, but not the one that thousands of men want. Get the beauty who isn’t fully formed and doesn’t know herself yet. You have to get one who is not so sure of herself. That’s why many men date younger women, because he can get over on her or mold her. You can take an average looking woman and transform her, if you want a beautiful woman that badly. But even then, that transformation takes MONEY. So once again, beautiful women are expensive. Either you are going to finance it or she’s going to finance herself and be single until a man on her level comes along.
So you have to ask yourself, “Is my money long enough to keep up with this woman?” Boss chicks fund themselves, but still she wants a man who can do nice things for her on a CONSISTENT basis.
We want to be so nice, and weave lies over people’s head. When you listen to average people, you listen to LIES. Average people do not understand the way beautiful women think or their belief system.
Go get you a woman on your level, who you can afford or pray for a miracle. My ex crackhead uncle once came up on a badd lil young chick. We all wondered what was wrong with her. Then even had a baby together. But SHE NEEDED him as a father figure in her life and she needed a roof over her head. A badd azz chick with 20K followers needs a man with some real money who can really up level her status in life. Most times she doesn’t want to break the pockets of some men whom she knows she won’t ever fall in love with.
Slow men, be sending money overseas to gorgeous women thinking she is lonely and can’t find no man. ANY badd chick can get a man at anytime. Trust me, her inbox is FILLED with more men, just like you, who don’t know they don’t qualify.
If she was going to settle for less, she would’ve done it already.
Personally I’ve dated two men that others maybe didn’t find highly attractive, but I did. They were tall, smart, knew how to dress and spoiled me. I was attracted to their SOUL. So you definitely have a chance. But you have to do the work to TRULY find a woman who is HIGHLY attracted to you.
She’s never going to be attracted to a man who doesn’t understand her MIND. Men be practically going after the Beyonce’s of Instagram, with not a chance in hell of ever being her man.
I repeat, go after a woman who doesn’t have 20,000 men wanting her already. Cause the one with 20K followers wants the best of the best. You just being NICE, isn’t enough for her. She wants your clothes to be nice, your mind to be nice, and you bank account to be nice too. You spending $8,000 on her is not going to be enough.
People often ask me what issues do I have as a coach. The only issue I have is DECIDING to take the time to find people to help me in my business.
I already have a billion dollar empire. Some people are going to wish they would’ve helped me. They will be like “Man. I sat there for years and watched her build her empire.”
Especially men. Men have this thing of feeling like they are greater and smarter. Smart has nothing to do with what I do. I am God appointed and God anointed. Me becoming a billionaire is literally the clearest path I’ve ever had in my life.
No man is going to beat me out. My deck is stacked with beauty, brilliance, spirit, gifting, magic, titties, azz, charm, influence, magnetism and power. I am one of the greatest souls to ever enter the earth realm.
Souls like me don’t do this for money. In fact once we get 6-7 Figures is actually when we shockingly figure out some things are missing. I came to change the game. I came to empower you and awaken you.
People be so sleep that they think I’m arrogant. But the woke people know that I am doing nothing more than speaking my truth.
I am a Prophetess. I see my clients future, because I can see my own great future.
Sometimes I say this isn’t about me, but then again it is. This is about my mission to change the world. I can only change the world by first changing myself. Which is what I have done.
This is about to get a bit sad. But I am not seeking sympathy, although when you finally do hear my full life story, it’s going to make you cry. You are going to wonder how I ever made it this far. And I’ll tell you in advance. Through the grace of God and 100% belief in myself. I always knew that I deserved better.
Lately I keep having flashbacks to a time when I was with my abusive boyfriend. We went to Chicago for the summer, and he would leave me in the hotel room by myself, while he did whatever he pleased. Which I am sure was hanging out with some other girls.
The memory keeps faintly coming up of one particular weekend, which was the 4th of July. The hotel room was so tropical and beautiful. That was back in 2009. I keep being reminded with the words “Look how far you made it.” I was so silently depressed and lost at the time. That man didn’t believe in me. He didn’t see my value, despite me being the reason he was able to afford his lifestyle. I helped him build his business from a joke to a 6 Figure respected Brand. His brand became so well known that we BET once gave him a check for $25,000. I of course was there at the meeting, looking fine as wine.
Now I could tell you how this man used to buy me Louis bags, mink coats, put me in a Range Rover and blah, blah, blah. Perhaps I should. Because when you are telling men about your past life of how you’ve been abused, they often don’t realize that you were still with a very charming men who even in his abuse treated me better than the average man would treat a woman he claims to love.
In many ways he spoiled me. But that does no negate the abuse he inflicted upon me and how he altered my life story. I of course can’t blame him. I made my own decisions. Even though I made the best decisions I could at the time with what I had to work with.
What no one tells you is that sometimes you are going to suffer rather you pick the dark or the light. Sometimes it’s still the lesser of two evils or the lesser of two pains. For example, many people foray into life coaching, and because their first coach TRULY doesn’t understand their deeper problems and needs, they go off into pain. The pain of building nearly an impossible business to build. So few life coaches hit the 6 Figure mark. Let alone 7. But somehow I am surrounded by those who do.
Anyway, the moral of the story is, believe in yourself even when no one else believes in you. Cause some of us really do have the answers that others don’t. And when THEY don’t, they label us crazy and don’t believe in us. We aren’t crazy. We just know the way…. It’s embedded into our soul. And just because THEY don’t see us, does not take away our knowledge or VALUE.
First off, if you’re not following me on ALL of my social media profiles, YOU ARE TRIPPING. My mind is vast with knowledge and I need to drop it all over the place and spread it to my 99 different tribes. So depending on which page you’re on, you’ll learn something different.
Yesterday we had a very interesting discussion on my personal profile full of enlightened souls.
Don’t mind the low amount of likes. People pay me LOTS of attention. They stalk me. Sometimes they just don’t click LIKE because I am beautiful, powerful, magnetic, brilliant and they want to be just like me, and haven’t came to terms with me being their leader. Therefore they don’t want me to know that I inspire them. This happens when you refuse to put distance between you and your followers. You can’t build a truly influential brand being Jesus. The new Jesus would have to be a celebrity in this world. (That’s A LOT of game I just gave you beautiful, brilliant, business-minded women.)
Anyway, in the comments, a very interesting thread took place. (Some really AMAZING people follow me.)
Here is the thread.
I meet A LOT of men like Paul. Men like Paul are EXTREMELY knowledgeable in business and provide for their families. They also have successful relationships that don’t involve their wives being a servant maid slave.
I prefer a man like that. One who simply wants me to BE HAPPY. In my opinion, it seems a man would be smart to treat a boss chick that way. After all, she’s going to work regardless. The happier she is, the more money she’ll make.
But instead of thinking that way, men go after 50/50 relationships, drain women for their life force and only get HALF of what God has for him. So then that relationship ends, then he starts the next one with a woman he truly wants to see happy, and he DECIDES to PROVIDE for her. That’s when his life changes.
Anyway, chilllllllllllllllllllle. As you can see my MIND was like “If I ever get a man who both cooks and pays bills, WE ARE NEVER EVER BREAKING UP!” I mean that with my whole heart and soul. No matter what he says I’ll just keep directing him back to a seat until we figure it out. 😂 No divorce!
I’ll be out here turning into Toni Braxton, busting notes. I wish a bish would try to snatch my man!! Last name will never change. 🤣 (This morning I told Toni to put PLEASE on Tik Tok. Hopefully she listens, cause, Kissy is a genius.
You know what though? Life isn’t about IF. It’s about DECIDING. So I’ve DECIDED that I am getting me a HUSBAND who both cooks and pays bills. LOOK AT GOD! Won’t He Do It!
I’ll be happy cooking for such a man, as he would delight my soul, and allow me to fully be me in his presence.
For more REVELATIONS like this, or you could simply call it a BREAKTHROUGH or CLARITY, join my tribe UNICORN UNIVERSITY. Cause God deliverith me good wisdom on a daily basis. 🙌
You may as well bless yourself and join my church. You’ve never seen church the way I do it. We look darn good and we get paid too. Most of all we have beautiful hearts and beautiful minds. We keep our spirits right.
It’s a monthly subscription full of brilliant, successful, enlightened men and women. Inside I teach you all the things that I know. It’s a vortex where I direct my love. The price will be going up soon. So sign up now.
So am I Sis. Or at least I used to be. But today I am reformed by the father, the son and the holy spirit. I rebuke the spirit of not listening to the Gods, the universe and God himself. I rebuke thine ears that clearly hears wisdom it chooses to ignore.
Follow along. Start rebuking Sis.
Here is the thing. When you become spiritually aware you are no longer ignorant. You are responsible for your words.
Only focus on what you want. Choose to speak LIFE into yourself, your life and your loved ones. Choose to speak life into your man.
It’s really tempting to go the other way, and not speak life. We all have our moments. I love to crack jokes, but Sis, the Universe doesn’t have a phucking sense of humor. If it hears you say something, it’s coming with it.
And you can’t get mad, because it’s only delivering to you what you said you desired.
Speak life. Speak life that you won’t fall off those tall azz Louboutins that we all used to wear when they first came out. They had us feeling good and falling all over the place.
I remember one time, one of my male friends took me to Mr. Chows in New York. He loves to save $5 whenever he can, so he drops me off at the front door instead of valeting like my boss azz husband would. Anyway, I get out the car, happily sashaying my way to the front door and right before I reached the handle, my body balance starts tilting forward pretty fast. I was about to fall off of those platform heels. But luckily the door was in front of me, so I grab the large silver bracket door handle, and it secured me from embarrassment.
As I had already embarrassed myself the prior night, at the club. For some reason, I was soooooo happy that I allowed this drunk white girl to talk me into standing on the table, dancing with her. We were both happy AF. You know how some of us do when we work hard, and finally get out the house. We be the life of the party, and don’t know how to act. All bourgeoise goes out the door sometimes. Or at least it used to.
Anyway, I don’t know exactly how it all transpired, but I remember falling backwards, onto the couch where my friend was. He caught me. But the other girl…………………………………… Sis, she fell off the table, onto the floor.
But she’s a solider. So you already know she tried to pop right back up. Some men grabbed her and lifted her up. I felt bad of course, because God always got me and I fell onto a cushy couch where my friend caught me. So I bought her a shot and we laughed. She then asked me if I were okay. Girl!!! I was worried about her, and meanwhile she was worried about me. (You’ll meet your aligned tribe everywhere you go quite naturally.)
You’d better believe I didn’t get my azz back on that table.
I later asked my friend why didn’t he tell me to get down from the table. He said it was because I was happy. The truth is he knew I wouldn’t listen, so he let me learn on my own.
In addition to watching your words, it’s important that you start listening to what men say to you. It’s important that you start listening to what women tell you.
Listening and speaking life will change your life. It has changed mine and the things I speak of manifest pretty fast.
This thing going around the planet, has really made me look at the men who pursue me and their true intentions. I realized that I have time for some good love. I have lots of time available for sacred love.
I also noticed that you beautiful, brilliant, sophisticated, empowered, divine, magical, spiritual women full of love, laughs and purpose, will be surrounded by an army of men in pursuit of you, if you let them in.
If you’re not letting more than 1-1 at a time in to get to know you, you’re limiting your dating choices to whatever comes at you, instead of holding space until you get what you want.
Rule #2 is that men tend to bore of women whom they don’t have to compete for. He finds not much value in a chill woman.
Relax, he can take it.
A beta man may be outright devastated if he knows you went out on a date with another man, and he’ll hold that in his heart. But have no doubts, that man is full of mediocrity, and fear of honoring his greatnesss. (Yes girl, a whole extra “S”) Because a true King, has belief in himself to beat out all others.
A King be like “Girl, you know you’re going to be my wife.” But so many clowns have said it that it probably doesn’t mean much to you. But that’s not the way you act. That’s why you need to have boundaries, and not strictly operate from your heart.
Attracted people with boundaries will teach you some valuable lessons.
One guy told a woman that he was done with her since she wouldn’t marry him. He moved on to a basic chick, and seems to be at least finding some temporary form of happiness. She always knew he would be happy with less than, and never actually saw her deepest value. Love was simply not apart of him. For him a relationship is LOGIC and in his eyes, if he gives a woman $30,000, that means he should be able to buy her heart. He wanted a boss chick without understanding our mind or heart. On top of that he had no value for my beauty. My oh my, how in the past, you thought that was quite alright since you know they say “Beauty fades.” You would never discount yourself like that again. It’s all about the facts of NOW.
Another guy said that he wasn’t accepting A. B. and C. from her. and that if she wanted to be with him, she would have to do things another way.
This freed the woman of her people pleasing syndrome and truly reiterated the understanding and depth of how men don’t value being loved by a woman. Instead they care about who they love, and the way to a man’s heart is completely opposite of the way most women think it is.
Loving him is not the key to his heart. Ask most men about his last relationship and he will say that she did A.B.C. & D, which to any woman you will see instantly how she wasn’t in love with him. But his belief system will say that she did indeed love him, because she never said a negative word to him. She just showed up with the ACTION of cheating on him, and came back with kind words about that too. Therefore he still felt SAFE with her. That safety allowed him to make excuses for him and be blinded to the fact that the problem was that she didn’t love him. Which is also a reflection of his own lack of self-love.
You can always see how much someone loves themself, off of their appearance alone. Vanity usually isn’t apart of their routine. They view vanity as a negative thing, and let themselves go. Or they are in pain, so they let themselves go. They no longer feel good enough or worthy of looking good. Their subconscious negative beliefs and their pain slowly takes over them. But because the are so busy focused on making money, they never notice.
Other men, a woman can go clean off on him, use him up, and still, that vision of her being the perfect woman remains in his mind. He’ll chase that image although he is clearly not being loved.
For these experiences to happen and for a woman to learn the deeper lessons, she has to put away the ego that has kept her experiencing the same patterns.
Your ego can often tell you to drop something and let it go. But instead you decided “Hey. I am not really interested in dating right now. So let’s just watch them and see how they operate.” (The decisions you make.)
People pleasers have a hard time telling someone conditions and sticking by them. People pleasers have empathy for anyone who truly loves them, and will look over their faults. People pleasers make excuses for others, and find themselves in unhealthy, toxic, relationships. Because you think with your heart too much, instead of facing and addressing what’s in front of you.
Later you’ll be thankful that you didn’t commit or surrender to either of those men, because at times, dealing with them, made you feel less than love.
Now you see how those experiments were more of you self-sacrificing yourself. Sometimes its only through painful or mirrored experiences that we can see the true roots of your own self-sacrifice. Only then can you clearly see how you were always in control of it all.
You must live in your own truths. I enjoy hanging out with people who vibrate on the frequency of divine love. That is my truth that I accept and am okay with. Low energy is draining. High energy feels so right, so luscious and so good. High energy be like “WoW. Is it really this good?”
I totally appreciate a man who has a taste for passion and love. It’s a pleasure to be around a man who isn’t into being mediocre in any department.
You would love a man who won’t accept less than a loving experience with a divine, sacred, spiritual woman.
You ever notice your spirit feels so free when you stop talking to men who aren’t crazy about you? You ever notice how heavy you feel when you’re dealing with a man who obviously isn’t feeling you. Which is why he ignores you? But you thought it was something he did just in the beginning, and he’s running with it.
If you let go of trying to control, you’ll feel whole again.
My normal, warm, kind-hearted, loving, magnetic, soul filled self, loves to be free to be divine love. How does your soul feel?
My natural high came back. I felt joy, fresh air and life again. I began to play to the beat of life again.
Operating in a space of pure love is everything in this world. For the purposed are called to stay vibe high.
High vibe coaches get grounded in before client calls.
I definitely receive divine downloads for my clients, because I’ve done the work.
It was selfish you to allow myself to be part-time loved by anyone. It is selfish of you to deal with men who don’t show up properly. It is selfish of you and sacrificial of you to sit there and watch their behaviors, instead of admitting the FACTS.
You can always choose to learn from the WISDOM of others. But so many people love to say “What works for one person, isn’t good for the next.” So instead of taking wisdom and applying it, some of us chose to learn the hard way. The way of pain. Wisdom would’ve been so much easier.
Like the wisdom to not have sex on the first night or the first week, or the first date. So many women would choose to say that doesn’t apply to them, and learn the hard way. It may just work for 1/50. But why take that chance?
You must know your type and who is for you. Love is not a game to divine souls. You’re not like other people. Marriage isn’t just a business deal to you. You want your love to last. You want both people in the relationship to be happy. You’re not interested in controlling anyone, playing games or having ulterior motives. Yet you try so hard to not be separate from them. Which is why in the past, you’ve wasted time in the wrong relationships.. It came from failing to accept yourself and your deepest desires. It came from failing to understand that what you seek is seeking you.
Average people don’t deserve to mate with those who are called for divine love. Nor are they meant to. It’s meant for you to find your sacred soulmate.
So now you know you don’t have time for part time love, toxic love, half-way love or any love that’s not following up with actions in congruence with it.
Many have told you that they love you. But you’ve never felt an ounce of love coming from either of them. Their actions didn’t match up. But in the back of your mind you heard society and your exes telling you that you didn’t know what love is, because they believed that you should’ve been accepting of their mediocre, toxic forms of love.
Meanwhile, your version of love is innocent and pure. Pure, yet you took with you defense mechanisms from dealing with toxic men.
Like how many women go off on a man, instead of just closing the door on him and leaving him alone. The most loving thing you can do for a man is to close the door on him when he’s not showing up. Going off on him, and walking with him through it, because you love him and believe in him, won’t be seen as love by him.
Like I said, the ex who cheated on your ex, and hopped in the next man’s bed, but said sweet words to him, is LOVE, to him.
Why do you keep letting meant how are not your type creep into your space and be so unromantic. How many romantic dates did he take you on? How many holiday gifts did you get? Did he attempt to charm you at all? Nope… Men only do that for dream women.
It’s the little things. Though they can and do, do other MAJOR things… this is about your accepting your DEEPER desires.)
It sucks to be with such an unromantic man. Any woman with them needs a man on the side, which is what most unromantic men experience. Women who cheated on them and ran into the arms of other men. They only covered one area of a woman.
Those men usually blame the women with no understanding that it was all HIM.
A man must take care of his woman in 5 different categories, not just one. A woman is a HUGE investment. Without nurturing her in those 5 categories, he won’t reap the full abundance of his investment.
In fact, men greatly benefit from tapping into a Goddess. Especially when they see the depth of her light and fully invest in her, WITH LOVE. Such men will reap even greater benefits of abundance.
And when I say that, both men reaped in HUGE benefits. It just could’ve been better.
When you part-time a woman, you cut yourself off from the rest of her. You don’t have time to be half-way loved or part-time loved, so make sure that you are giving your all too.
The love you seek from others, is the love you need to give yourself.
Loving yourself for some means not allowing anyone to take you off the frequency of divine love.
When you allow people to play you short, that’s how you part time yourself. People are simply reflecting that back to you.
The man for you, knows he wants to be with you by the 6 month mark and takes action to solidify the relationship. They each took action, and would’ve solidified had a played my part.
The ones who move slow, simply use women up, and will tell you that they are just chilling. They believe themselves to be good men because they are honest. But everyone knows even if a woman agrees to give her body up in exchange for nothing, that she will still crave that man and want to be with him. If a man isn’t financially covering a woman, he’s using her body up. That’s hard for many to take. However, it is the truth. I covered this in “You Can’t Force A Man To Value You.”
Men who don’t know what they want, damage women. Women who won’t admit what they want, and keep boundaries that only allow in men who are with it, damage themselves.
There’s a whole world of madness going on because people are focused on money and everything other than love.
Refuse to be apart of that world. In your world you get money, love, success, joy, freedom and everything good that life has to offer.
Why CHOOSE to settle for less?
In addition, are you the type to cut people off. Here is a meme for you.
Covid-19 is causing the sh*t to hit the fan. I actually try not to keep up with other people’s business, but you can’t miss the Grant Cardone story right now. Dozens of marketers are going in on him.
A few days ago someone showed me a Grant Cardone ad in Vegas where Cardone was bragging that unlike other marketers that he actually does own a private jet.
I said nothing. After all, everyone knows Grant actually does own a private jet.
Now just a few days later, news has rapidly spread that on March 19, Grant Cardone allegedly fired 80 Employees from his company.
Now the top markers are going in on Grant.
Grant says that he fired 40 people WITH PAY.
Personally, I hate to see everyone go in on Grant, as if he hasn’t contributed massively in motivating millions of people to go after their dreams and goals. Chances are he’s going to make them eat their words. I think that people HIGHLY overlook the genius of Grant Cardone. The man is unstoppable.