I’m tired of talking about bad relationships. I’m bored with people who don’t believe in real love and people who put in minute love efforts. I’m bored with jaded people who justify their lack of love. It’s like no matter how many times I’ve been heartbroken, I still don’t want to do things the way other people do them. Sure I’ll try just to be sure, but usually I go back the other way. MY WAY!
Sometimes people question WHY I’ve dated the people I’ve dated. Regardless of me breaking up with them at some point, I realize that with those people I experienced great love. A love that other people have never felt. I experienced love so pure that if often felt God sent. Those guys weren’t rich, but they could’ve been had they listened to me and did right by me. But then there goes the don’t emasculate a man by telling him what to do stuff. (Some men move slow and don’t learn much around me when they don’t view me as the Enlightened, gifted soul that I am. )
Maybe love is a drug to me. Maybe love is simply who I AM. I prefer the in love version of me. I prefer to talk about the beauty and happiness of relationships. Yet, it has been quite difficult for me to pretend that I don’t know what women go through. I don’t quite get how me not talking about the problems actually helps them. I feel like women need to know that someone feels them.
But once again, I’m also the person who tells them to raise their standards and attract better men for loving relationships. But how many people actually know HOW to love another soul?
Even me, I’m a great vortex of love, but if you put someone in front of me, who is not giving me their all, I will feel like I have no where to plug my love into them. Therefore I may not connect and they won’t feel me.
Then there is the traumatized me that not a single soul other than me knows the true depths of what I’ve gone through and overcame in life. I’m also tired of talking about the trauma and the pain. Can’t it all just go away. I dislike when I feel emotional pain. It weights my arms down real heavy. It feels weird because at other times, I can feel love floating through those same veins. I feel broken when I feel pain flowing instead of love. I believe there is so kind of chemical imbalance. I’m sure either legal or illegal drugs would help me to overcome the problem, but instead I’ll just pray and meditate.
Someone recently told me that I attempt to alter my emotional states too much. I didn’t know that was a problem up until that moment. In my head I’m supposed to be happy at least 97% of the time. I definitely pulled that off well when I was single. The percentage dropped quite a bit when I was in a relationship, due to getting with people who weren’t at the sane level of having a good relationship. But when the happy drug kicked in, I was often at 150% so I guess it all balanced itself out.
When I go to feeling emotional pain, I can also go to the numb feeling state where I feel nothing. It’s like I’m just numb, and I’m searching for a FEELING. I go for my most familiar feeling of happiness.
Sometimes no matter what I do, I can’t restore the state. In those times the only thing that works to restore my natural high is GOD. I literally have to read the bible, do church, listen to preachers, meditate, drop my ego, and go deep into the vortex of love. It’s like I’m programmed to be obsessed with God. I literally need God in my life everyday. I can’t be anything other than a Christian. However I understand how others think differently in the spiritual realm. But as for me, God gave me everything. I wasn’t like others who did it all on their own.
God created me so much for love, that I feel off when I don’t vibrate on the frequency. This is something I have to accept about myself. It’s apart of accepting my mission as The Goddess of Love.
People will think I’m bi-polar when I say something about what I don’t like, then 5 minutes later go back to pure joy. I simply CHOOSE to go back to joy. I don’t hold things over people’s head for long. I refuse to stay mad for too long over simple things.
Anyway, I probably only write these things to help someone else through their feeling states. I am now at ACCEPTANCE state in my healing. I wish to experience the highest love right now. Not tomorrow, not the day after, not a year from now, but right now. Now it’s intense enough where I will obsess over it and draw it into my vortex.
I’ve done this twice in the past year, but I keep throwing the fish back. Some would say it’s self-sabotage. But I believe I’m waiting on a man who shows up and wants to love me properly. I must keep that space open for him. A man who isn’t here to fully love me can never stay for long. I won’t let him. I need a full expansion of love.
But you know what? You can’t do a spiritual bypassing on healing pain and trauma. We try to go over it and around it. But we must sit with our emotions and allow them to flow. We must see them from third person and detach from them. There is no such thing as a world without emotions.
Last night a pastor called me. He said “Kissy, I have something that the Lord told me to tell you. He told me to pull over my car right now and call Kissy and tell her what I told you to tell her.”
So he said he pulled over to the side of the road and called me. I go, “Okay. What’s the good news Bishop?”
He proceeds to tell me that I know where I’m going and that I know how people are. He reminded me of the mantle that I carry and the greatness of my mission.
It was a behavioral warning. I immediately played back the one or two people who recently told me about my behavior online.
This time, I didn’t fight it. I didn’t pout. I simply decided. I decided to stop.
Me stopping my behavior will now allow in the path. Now I’m about to watch the entire world fall in love again.
People are peculiar to me. How they flock to fame and popularity. How they don’t realize that a magic soul is a magic soul, long before the fame. How the knowledge is the knowledge, because it came from eternal wisdom.
I find it interesting that all spiritual people say it’s not their job to wake people up, and that no one should focus on waking people up. Yet, that’s exactly what God told me to do. Then again my awakening came with a 2 channeled messages that took over my body, and blinking lights. Obviously my calling is different. So different that more than anything I realize it’s not about me at all. And now that I’m no longer going to focus on the people who only catch on once you are super popular, my ego can go half on a seat.
When it comes to your tribe, you really do gotta move way past your comfort zone and stop focusing on the people you THINK need you and focus on the people who can SEE you.
The people who can SEE you are the people who need you. Those who are in alignment with the same vision and on the mission, will be able to see you. ( As I typed that line, a message popped up in my inbox from a woman saying “Hey Kissy. I need your help.”)
So I want to give you this advice, if you’re a spiritual coach reading this. It was meant for you to read this. Show up online and in the world. BE YOU! Be the truest form of you. Those who need you will find you. They will approach you.
I woke up so excited this morning. (Good habit of mine) But today is one of the more exciting days. I had a huge shift last night. Well it was more like some kind of huge leap, into some other dimension.
I looked around at my new dimension, read a few things that I did not quite understand, but knew that I should and will understand it really soon. Initially I was like “OMG. How TF, Did I get in this dimension?” It seems like everyone in the dimension knows what’s going on except for me.
Then suddenly perhaps maybe for the first time I remembered the prayers that’ve I’ve said and the magic sequences I’ve done. Ahhh. I caused this.
It’s amazing how every time your consciousness increases you see things more clearly. You release yourself from things and people. You see yourself more. You see your value. You can feel your alignment with the loving energy of the Universe. I can feel my spirit standing in full alignment. It feels so sexy.
I’m grateful. Then I hop online and happen to see a message from one of my clients. We’ve been working with her on her weight loss goal. She’s a magic weight loss expert. She wanted to reach her teenage weight goal after having a baby this year. Because she’s magical she set a ridiculous goal in order to challenge herself. Ridiculous is what my tribe does best. If something appears to be impossible and ridiculous to the masses, we just go right on ahead and set the target, and refuse to move from it until we arrive at it. 🤣 It’s hilarious watching us. And then every time we meet the goal.
But “weight”. Pun intended. This woman just dropped 20 pounds in 17 days!!! She would get really close to her goal, then sabotage herself. So we had to clear out her blocks, layer by layer, until boom! I’m so happy for her. This goal means a lot to her. It’s going to allow her to change a lot of lives.
Yesterday was also good because I love masculine energy and this guy yesterday who is very helpful to me, I asked him for his address so that I can mail him an autographed copy of my book. He insists on Cashapping me because he said “No. I have to fully support you.” It just touched my heart. He’s always thinking of something small that he can do for me. He’s very intentional in showing me affection. I love men who give me money and gifts. They have good energy.
Anyway, the whole point of this blog is PRAY!!! I pray at a different level these days, and things move so much faster. Each day I’m getting more clear on exactly how to manifest what I want. This whole prayer/manifestation stuff is so awesome.
I also apparently healed my heart lots. I believe that heartbreak caused some sort of something where God kind of tossed me into a cave and reformed me. I stepped out that cave yesterday and honey the old Kissy is dead. Gone!
I walked to the mirror in this new Kissy body, saw that pretty face and deemed all of my exes must be retarded. Any man who came across me in the past year, that boy also must be sleep too. Men let one of the greatest diamonds on earth slip past them. I get so excited that I know my King is like right next to me. I just can’t see him yet. I’m so ready to get this show on the road now! I’m planning to film my very first talk show.
This world I live in, it’s not lonely, but only so few of us enter it. I’m so grateful for the internet and the connections that I meet. I’m so grateful for all of the love I receive.
Yesterday I posted a lengthy post promoting my course and 22 people actually shared it without me asking. That made me so happy and I feel so loved. It made me happy because I left a fanpage of 500,000 people who I would have to tug and pull at in order to change their life. They wouldn’t have been so receptive to my positive. life changing content. But I can easily get them to share my crime posts thousands of times.
It’s different when someone shares stuff that’s directly attached to you. I also became grateful to myself for walking in my purpose, even when others may not understand why I’m doing it.
And like my spiritual mentor Makhosi says “You must stick to the path. It takes many months before they catch on.”
This woman who I snatched together light-weight about 6 months ago, chose not to invest in herself in order to work with me. Yesterday she hit me up on messenger telling me about recent violence, abuse and not being valued by the same man in the same off and on relationship. It’s weird how many women take themselves through these war zones with men.
Even when I was going through it with men, I was still treated like a Queen. A man can not do too much to me, cause the cost of it is losing my love. My love and attention is the most valuable asset any man can have. Sometimes they get used to it, and they think it’s them, and that they don’t need me, then later they see the difference.
I know my King is just as MAGIC and full of love, and gratitude like me. Anyway, go get your prayers together. Make them financial, love, possessions, trips, clients, followers, whatever you want. The whole world is yours. Just call it in to you.
So many people on Facebook copy me and try to be like me. It’s weird watching it all. And when people copy me the content seems to magically appear in my feed for me to see. It happens quite often. It’s like when I had this boyfriend who was always being sneaky and lying to me, source would just place his lies right in front of me when I least expected it. I’d be busy having such a good day, minding my business then BOOM!
But back to the copycat syndrome. I know it’s being placed in front of me so that I’ll learn something. No matter what I do, and where I go, I rise to the top of it and become an authority fast. I influence people everywhere I go. But all of these life coaches who’ve been in the game years, and use all these magical woo woo words copying me, and me seeing other women who aren’t even life coaches copying me too, makes me wonder…
Am I vibrating too low? Am I being told to climb higher? I feel like a whale in a small pond of guppy fish. Everyone wants to be like the whale. It’s cool if you want to buy in and get the deets on actually being like me, which is to be your authentic self. It’s another to watch people on the fringes copy everything, without giving me credit. I’m not even mad at them. It’s like Beyonce being Beyonce and having a personal Facebook page where she talked to strangers, interacted with them and taught them on a daily basis.
ACCESS. I’m learning the results of giving access to people.
I’m so used to people copying me down to the “T” that I often try not to copy others that I’m inspired by. I don’t want anyone feeling like I’m trying to BE them.
You CAN NOT give the same results as me. You can charge $300 bucks for a program using what you believe I’m selling and a person won’t get the same results from your course that they’ll get from paying me thousands and working with me for an hour.
That’s what the problem with you coaches are. You want to do everything you see someone else doing. You want to teach social media with barely any followers. Like I have 500,000 followers on ONE PAGE. My instagram fan page has 80K followers and I don’t even use it at the moment. I’m not new to running sh*t and being at the top.
I’ve also made multiple 6 figures from multiple businesses online. I’ve also created 7 Figure businesses. I”m an authority and an Influencer because I don’t copy what I see others do. My clients often times get more interaction on their posts than I do. They don’t copy me. They are aligned AF with their soul. My posts are different. I cater to a small percentage of people. It’s just energetic soul alignment. My people don’t give two phucks about me having a sales page. They don’t even care if I haven’t fully completed my website yet. Truthfully most of my soul clients are rich af, and they too get attention easily on social media. They are already magnetic af! The reasons they like me and pay me is more or so because they phucking feel like it. Like no lie, my clients are brilliant AF!
Guess what else? When I was blogging and going viral, all of the bloggers copied me too from the top to the bottom. You know why all of the black blogs focus on crime now? Cause they got it from Kissy. They saw Kissy winning at it.. Kissy who went opposite of what they were doing. Kissy didn’t feel like she needed to interview celebrities to make her blog pop. KISSY knows that it is her that moves the people.
Guess what else? When I lived in the projects all the other girls copied the way I dressed. When new people find me who ain’t even in my field those chicks start copying my words, my nails, my style and everything else. One client, back when I charged $997 an hour for my services, after the call her social media went from zilch to popping. Two weeks later she was offering Soul Alignment sessions to get your social media popping for $997. Do you see a pattern here? I’m sure you do. I’m a TRUE influencer rather you got $5 in your pocket or $5 Million. That’s how powerful I AM. I am everything I talk about. So if I sell it you’d better believe I’m delivering RESULTS. I talk about the things I know about.
This has all taught me why I can’t give people access to me for a measly $997 an hour. That might sound crazy to some, but some of us are on a different level and have a different life path. The Universe constantly slaps me into alignment and I’m listening cause I’m tired of getting slapped.
Even more I see now that consulting with someone for only an hour does them good, but not good enough. More time is required to really get the full transition to take.
It’s so important that you BE mthfkn you. It’s weird to me that people don’t realize that they can’t command the same pay that I do, to do the things that I do. They haven’t established that kind of authority. Even if I tell people I’ll align their soul, that’s not a gimmick. I’m truly connected to source.
Coaches have went through 9,000 coaches and courses, you got a funnel, a sales page, a webinar, an email list and everything else they told you to have, yet you still copy Kissy, who isn’t using any of that stuff right now and still makes loads of money. 🥳 THINK! And ya’ll do this just from my FREE content. That’s how potent I am. My authority is on another level. You could sit me in a room with Billionaires and still I’ll be the star of the show. Sorry Sis you simply can’t be me. I’m the Masterpiece. I set souls free.
That’s the thing. You can’t set people free, cause you haven’t set yourself free yet. I’m free. My clients get off the phone with me high and lit AF. They start reporting all kinds of money coming in. They start attracting the things and the people they want. Huge shifts happen in their life.
And you know what? It’s because I’m operating in my purpose and connected to source. It’s God moving through me. I’m simply a vessel.
You know why I don’t have 99 courses for sale yet, even though I know people will run to buy them? Nope you don’t. Because my mind is divine. This ain’t about the money. I enjoy actually changing lives. I like playing with my clients heads until they have full belief in their capabilities to accomplish their 7 figure dreams.
Next ya’ll going to try to teach CONFIDENCE, knowing damn well I’m the Queen of that too.
This whole part of simply BEING goes over coach’s heads.
And another thing, when I do drop a course you copy cat chicks need to be the first to buy in. But nope you won’t. WHY? Because you want to be me. But I’ll tell you another secret. I come from a royal bloodline that evolves from the beginning of time. I’m a chosen one. Things work for me cause it’s ordained. I can’t even take much credit for it.
From watching my clients, I can tell you that things would work for you too if you were my client. 😂
Lately when I scroll Instagram I kind of get the feeling that I’ve been cut off from the world for a while. Like I have to get reacclimated with the world, and figure out how I fit in. But then maybe I don’t fit in.
Sometimes I tell people that everything about me, all of my success, even though I do work extremely hard, is all God. I’m equipped with a good heart. I love amazing people and I love helping people. I’m rather guided to do what I do. Even in my awakening I was instructed on what to do.
When it comes to love I am able to easy see what people are doing wrong. I also know what they can do right to maintain a healthy relationship. I also see there is a space in the world for my future company. One that’s very needed.
But you know what trips me out? My gifts. Like I don’t have to do anything special to make money. I simply walk in my gift. When a client hires me, God is going to equip me to help them. I don’t have to figure it out alone. It’s like the information just pops in my head.
Now that I’m launching my Love / Dating / Relationship empire I’m having to deal with a more limited beliefs. However this time I know once I wipe these out, these path will forever be easier.
I realize more than anything, what I like to talk to people about is God, spirituality, manifestation, abundance and how to live a fulfilling life. Sure I’m good at branding, but God & Love is my heart center. I want to create a $100,000 a year package for someone to hire me as their spiritual life coach. I want someone I can give advice to in relationships, life, love, and even business too. The package will include 2 in person 12 hour sessions and bi weekly video phone calls, including unlimited texting support for the year.
Now I only have to create the package and prepare my mindset to receive the clients that will surely come.
The reason why I’m so brave to do this is because I know it’s what God called me to do. Things get so much easier for you, when you simply walk in your purpose. There is nothing to think about or worry about. You start to understanding that the only thing you really must do is do the work, set the price, have faith and call it in.
All of a sudden I have paid sponsorships. What have I done? I wrote the book that God told me to write a long time ago. I wrote the book despite others telling me to focus on creating courses instead. I tried to avoid writing the book. For a while I actually listened to others. But one day I sat down and I got the sense that things just weren’t going to go my way until I wrote this book.
I saw my final edits of my book cover this morning and I started crying, I got queasy in my stomach for a second. I had to tell myself to breathe. I worked so hard to get here. As I think about it, looking back at the signs, I was always supposed to be an author. I know how to tell a story and draw the reader in. This first book is going to do amazing things, but the next few books will also be masterpieces.
The minute I finished “You Can’t Force A Man To Value You”, I haven’t even published it yet, an immediate shift came in. I’m literally just sitting down like a foreigner, watching things transpire around me.
I had myself shelled up in order to transform and let the transformation take. I surrounded myself with just a few people who would back up my new belief system. I absorbed content from people who would help me cement my belief system. My bestie Candiss has often had to keep nudging me saying “Come this way.” Without her I’m not for sure that I would really believe this world that I’m in.
Now I’m slowly moving back into the world again, and seeing who I AM in this new world.
This new world is what I would like to call Heaven. It’s where things just go right for you. I sort of lived in this world before without realizing it. I wasn’t conscious. This time it’s WAY better because I have understanding.
In a way I don’t even know who I’m writing this post for. In a way I sound crazy to even me. Like what are you talking about Kissy? Yet, I know I’m not crazy. I know something has changed and it’s major.
I won’t dare say it, cause last time I said it, sh*t went cray. So this one thing I’ll save it until it is in full fruition.
But I seriously have to tell someone how fascinating my life is right now.
Do you believe in miracles? Do you believe in God? The Kingdom is so real.
I keep thinking back to that time period when I opened up a New English bible and started reading and absorbing the words with thirst, needing to know what every single part meant. To think I’ve actually read the bible front to back at least 3 times.
I’m not going to preach to you. But God is where it’s at.
I told someone the other day that I was lucky, and we both looked at each other and corrected me. She and I both said “Kissy you are blessed.”
Even to say I’m lucky is cray, cause I used to feel so unlucky due to the experiences that popped up in my life. I once even researched “How To Change Your Luck.”
Mindset is also a major part of it, but I’ve always had a positive mindset and believed that I should win, could win, and would be rich. The way my life transpired despite that lets me know that I was called to walk that path and live the life I did because I can now help soooooo many people with so many things.
I’ve only been a life coach for one year, and all of my clients will tell you that I’m a master life coach. I still continue to study daily.
I’m still kind of moving around the world realizing I’m seriously no longer in 3D, and kind of having to understand this is all indeed very real and that it’s only going to get better and better. But man, when God moves, God moves!!! Like when that shift comes it’s like a rapid win of riches and success just sits on your lap like “Here You Go!” But you know you worked hard af to get there, and it came the moment you surrendered to his will.
I could go on forever. I’ll stop here, cause I don’t even know why I’m writing this. I think I’m supposed to tell you to hang in there, keep your faith, continue believing, and all will be well. You will get everything you came here for. Stick to the plan. God’s plan. Not the plan others tell you to follow.
This week has been a week for me where my knees started to buckle. So many fears came up. I can see success knocking hard. I pushed, I kicked, I worked, I studied, I cried, I fought and jumped over many hurdles.
I came, I saw and I mthfkn conquered! I left so many things behind to step into the new and find my worth.
They say God will never put a burden on you that you can’t handle. But that’s a damn lie. The things that were placed on me, I wouldn’t wish on anyone. But I made it through to the other side. I now have Dream clients, soulmate followers, soulmate connections, amazing friends and relationships with the most amazing men. I’m not dating and I don’t have a man per say, but I am surrounded by love in abundance. Opportunities are everywhere, my first book is about to be published, and I see my success clear as day. It’s going to seem to others like it all came overnight, because suddenly the energy caused rapid transistion.
I have to wake up every day now and accept this new life. That this is all real, that the old is no more. That God really did come through for me. That everything is going to be more than okay. That I can trust that all of my needs will be provided for and met. That I indeed can give my clients the love and transformation they seek. That yes a person can come to me and have their whole life changed. That yes I can take a person and teach them how to start a profitable 7 figure business. I went from looking for a millionaire mentor and for someone to teach me how to become wealthy, to being the person who does that.
But I’d rather focus on teaching people about love, because love brings success, money and everything else you want. It’s my mission on earth to make people understand that. To get people to see that love is important, that it’s not to be tossed to the side in the name of work. I want my tribe to experience being fully loved and for them to have authentic relationships.
I want my tribe to no longer miss out on memories because they are too busy. I want my tribe to have good friends who simply like them for them, and not because they are rich. I want my tribe to fully live the life they came here for, and to experience joy, wealth, love and perfect health, in abundance.
I wanted to do this a long time ago. But I was told that I couldn’t make money doing it. So I became a celebrity blogger instead, and it still lead me down this road. Celebs are cool, but I’ve always preferred to focus on my own life instead. However the average person loves celebrities. It gives them something to talk about.
I look at my life now, and I want you to know that you are never to allow people to hold you hostage to your past. You gotta jump over that lever the devil put in front of you, when his employee pops up reminding you. Even your own mind may try to turn against you and remind you… Making you feel bad so that you don’t jump. So that you can continue to feel safe. Safe isn’t something that’s handed to you in this lifetime.
Because of the way we are rocked to sleep, safety is earned. Then once you earn it, you realize you had the right to feel safe the whole time.
And your past decisions lead you here to this moment where you’re reading this blog. Do you realize how hard you worked to get here, where you would even click on a blog that you know is about knowledge and actually read it? Do you know what kind of person that makes you? I mean even if you only clicked to be nosy, to see what I’m going to say, the fact remains you’re still in my vortex. My vortex ain’t no joke. It’s full of love, brutal honesty that triggers, lots of knowledge, healing and the deepest love you’ve ever seen.
I’m not for everybody. So if you can deal with me and love me, and keep coming back for more, you know you gotta be one of the greats. Us greats know that the truth hurts, but we gotta figure it out one way or another, because once we do, then it’s no longer our truth. We don’t live in denial.
But people will try to hold you to the past as if it is your truth, when it’s not. You can’t hold me to being a poor girl from the projects. I’m not her anymore. I was on a route to transcend her the moment I walked into my first computer class and learned how to type. It was on the moment I made my first flowchart work. It was on the moment I lived in a household with a computer. I’ve been reborn time and time again.
But I want to tell you a truth. This time I wasn’t reborn. I died. The only way I can explain it to you, is to let someone else do it, because I really don’t want to talk about it. Just know that if you want this level of greatness, you really gotta lay it all on the line and give your life to God. And when you do, just know, a storm is going to come through and make you new. And no it probably won’t be something you’re equipped to handle. So you gotta get on your knees and ask for help. Because it’s the only thing that will get you through to the other side. And that right there is really what this whole thing is about in the first place. Surrender. I heard that word so long…. But for the greats who truly understand it. It’s the reason we have so much love and empathy in our hearts.
I dozed off listening to an audio book as usual. Most of my days are spent getting knowledge in my head. Anyway when I awakened in the middle of the night, I felt the clouds lift from my brain. I could feel space up there again. CLARITY!
I have given so many clients clarity, but feeling it for myself is something else. It feels so good. For the first time I know how they feel to have that veil of fear, doubt and confusion lifted off their shoulders after years of trying to figure it out.
Us geniuses can truly feel things going on in our mind. We can feel space being created. This time the shift came from TRULY understanding the depth of how I’ve manifested my life. Which means I now feel better about my self-worth. I know why I charge so much. I know like I know that I can give almost anyone the shifts they need. Heck if Oprah herself needs clarity I can make it happen. And I said that as simple as that. It’s a fact. But you know what? I’m not bsing you. I mean it straight from my heart. It seems so simple to just say it. It’s a whole other thing to know it 100% and you’re not even just talking yourself into it. To finally get to the point where it’s like saying you’re going to walk in the kitchen and make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
This great shift started the other day after I spoke to this divine man that told me what a few of my problems were with how I treated him. After that another man voluntarily hopped in my inbox to drop some knowledge on me about how I could improve my business. Another friend asked me if I wanted to go out of the country with him, again.
When I wake up in the morning I have two appointments. One with a soulmate client. This woman is so freaking amazing!
Later this week I get to finally see this amazing guy!
I am finally closing in on a book cover. I have the first draft of a good one. That gave me so much clarity. I just needed to see the vision so desperately. It will be for sale on Amazon within the next two weeks.
For the past year I have been confused, trying to figure things out, helping people along the way, telling people to hire my soulmate coaches if they needed help, cause I was honest about my sh*t, trying to figure out WHO I was called to serve. It wasn’t just about doing anything for the heck of it. I wasn’t about to get caught up in chasing money. For I learned that once you find your heart the money will come anyway.
So I decided that I’m here to serve geniuses. The Gods & The Goddesses. I want to pair them together and help them find each other. They belong together. They’ve been misaligned with the wrong people all of their life.
Like today I had another man call me and give me some random advice. I noticed he said something to me that the 2nd guy who randomly gave me advice also said to me. He said “You can take this how you want to but I gotta say what I need to say.” These men weren’t even saying anything negative about me. They were simply giving me their opinions and advice on how I could improve my business. They are so accustomed to trying to help ungrateful women who can’t receive, and don’t value or appreciate their help, that they avoid giving it out.
Meanwhile I went my whole damn life basically helping myself cause I didn’t have many people to help me. I was helping boyfriends and everyone else. You see what I mean about the misalignment?
Even more I think of how I’m finally writing this book. Now I can clearly see my path to $300K months. What’s even crazy I know that I’m going to hit that $300K months and quickly be onto $1 Million months. I know how my mind works, and I know how fast I move and grow once I get a system down.
I’m about to quantum leap. I’ve done this before. I’ve went from being homeless to living in a luxury condo. I’ve went from not having $700 in rent to getting checks for $20K a month. Even then I didn’t stop there, the checks kept getting bigger. Higher and higher. Until big money became my norm.
But what very few people ever understood about me is that when I talk about God, I mean the things I say about him. I’ve always been guided. I didn’t necessarily know how I was pulling off the things I did. I mean sure yes, I keep a positive attitude. Yes, I even believe in myself greatly. Yes I’m confident. Yes, I still sit down and do the work obsessively. Yes, I even live from my heart and love people, despite most people thinking that being a loving person is weird. Despite having men who broke my heart. But the vision that’s in my head, I didn’t give myself that. That’s implanted by God. Maybe he gives us all one. I just know that I have visions of being at Oprah status and I know with 100% certainty that I’m up next. I can’t take credit for that. That’s God talking to me.
But damn! The sh*t that I had to go through to make it through to this space…. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. I’d rather show them an easier way.
Like my first mentor was so bad (I don’t like to talk bad about people) that I developed a fear of failing my clients. I didn’t want anyone to ever experience what I did. She also taught me some things. She’s a lightworker kind of stuck in Hollywood. She’s been programmed. So she was programming me and pretty much was all about the money, yet at the same time she did instructs us to give clients full transformation. So I appreciate her for that. However, she literally told me to stop blogging. I mean it’s not hard to see I’m a gifted writer. Who would tell me such a thing? She had another gifted girl in her program that left too. Some of these coaches have simply been coached by a coach and they are passing the same info down. That ain’t me. I align with source to get downloads for my clients. I operate in the spirit realm.
Anyway, I tend to think people are stupid when they mismanage me or mismanage their access to me. In my head it’s common sense that I’m going Oprah status. It just seems like common sense to do right by me.
But whatever, I’m not one to stick to a victim story, even when maybe I was victimized… I mean even rape, I won’t stick to that story either.
I’ll tell my story in a book soon. I’m just happy to have finally arrived in this space of pure abundance. It feels so sexy. With this new level of consciousness and awakening, I’m forever unstoppable and will forever joyously live from my heart.
A friend told me today that he was so proud of me. I met him right after I’d broken up with the last boyfriend. He reminded me of how hurt I was, but how I kept a positive attitude and told myself that everything would be okay. This past year has been one of the greatest transformations of my life. And I did it. I changed my life again. I’ve changed other’s lives along the way. I humbled myself and went through the process. I can go back to being me now. I can stop giving everyone easy access to me.
I see the beauty of my life again as it unfolds. My gratitude, hope and love for life has been restored. I see men in a whole new way. I’m surrounded by Kings. I see in a way I always was. They just weren’t for me, because my King goes hard.
I have an amazing, beautiful, talented gifted female friend who pours love and support into me the same I pour support into her. She’s not judging me, being jealous or trying to find fault in me. She’s all heart, completely angel. She’s the first female reflection of me I’d ever encountered.
My soulmate family drops in just when I need them to help me. Whatever I need simply shows up when I command it to and trust. But once again, getting here was no easy feat.
If I can tell you any lesson to learn from this is to never doubt God. The process may be crazy, but just know, it’s going to be beautiful on the other side. He will provide and give you everything you need. Surrender.