Many are CALLED few are CHOSEN

Many are CALLED few are CHOSEN

Lots of people can do things and lots do them well. Being able to do something, even exceptionally well still doesn’t mean God called you to do it. So that ends with you spinning your wheels so to speak and running around the same mountains over and over again. However when you get yourself aligned with his purpose and plans for your life? No weapon formed against you shall prosper and no devil in hell can stop you. MANY are called, FEW are chosen. We are chosen by the way we respond to the call. “For many are called, but few are chosen.” Matthew‬ ‭22:14‬ ‭NKJV

‬‬ Life coaching combined with lightworking is one of the most beautiful jobs I’ve ever had the honor of having. I realize for the past year I’ve changed a lot of lives without truly understanding the depth and impact of my own work. It’s hard to do when you know you’re connected to source and simply being a receiving vessel for divine love. My friend often has to remind me that it is I who does the work, leaped over bounds and became unstoppable.

Last night I talked to an old client of mine. He’s a 26-year-old young man. When he met me last summer I was brand newly walking into life coaching. For some reason even though he knew this, he had no hesitation with jumping in to become a client of mine. When I met him he was crying, hurt, and devastated over a basic bish who broke his heart. (It’s always a basic bish.)

I loosely coached him for 6 months. We must give men space to learn some things on their own. They way I guide woman is different from the way I guide men. He listened to the things I said. He kept going at it. He surrounded himself with the right people. He really listened while finding his own path. I saw him begin to understand women and figure out what he likes. I saw his interactions changing and moving away from the space that allowed women to friend zone him. I watched him go from hurt and innocent, to being a handsome young man, with a whole lot of swag, and game for days. He became charming. Then he packed up one day and moved to Hollywood.

He’s zooming in on his purpose. He tells me about these women he meets and I can see how he keeps getting closer and closer to meeting that one. He recently met a spiritual woman whose also a boss chick. (He loves powerful women) But the things he was telling me that he’s doing for her to woo her, were so impressive. I told him that this one is going to work for him. He has all of the tools to capture her heart. He was like “Kissy she’s like you. When I picked her up for the date she had her hair done, nails done, makeup done, was dressed in a nice fitting dress with some stilettos.” He was so in shock. When I met him team basic was wearing tennis shoes and looking a basic mess for dates with him. He has learned how a woman acts when she’s truly into him.

He always tells me how much I’ve helped him. I hear it, but I know deep down at the moment, it all hasn’t really hit me yet, that I truly have the power to change lives. Cause in a way, I’m just following my soul. I simply love to see people’s dreams come true. I love the kind, good hearted souls and want to see them win.

Another client yesterday told me how grateful she is that she invested in working with me. I’m healing her confidence. I went to look at her Facebook page today, and I almost cried. I saw what I’m about to do to her life. I see the huge shift that’s coming. In that moment, for the first time, I finally got it. I could feel God’s spirit moving within me telling me “Kissy this is what I sent you to do.” My gifting is magnetism, love and abundance. I motivate people to move forward in pursuit of their dreams. Then I give them healing and a strategy to pull if off. To pull off dream life you need magnetic attraction and confidence in order to attract people. It’s people who make our lives better, not money. But we desire the money because it helps us make people’s lives better. We can do more and be more of our higher selves when we live with an abundance of money and love. The two go together like peanut butter and jelly.

Us light workers, I think we often listen to too many people. Like the people who say everyone is a light worker. That’s not true. Us light workers died in this life time and resurrected our soul codes. We went through emotional pain and sometimes physical pain and suffering that others would’ve committed suicide over or simply gave up. But we made it. We did it. We built a business from our heart to help other souls. It’s such a selfless job we are called to do.

Called. That’s the word. You were called to do this work. You answered and took a hold of your super powers. I deserve billions of dollars for what I do. I hope you feel the same way about you too. I hope you too feel like you deserve to live your dream life right now. I hope you see the beauty of what God called you to do.

Lately I’ve been confused on rather I’m a Christian or not. I’m not like normal Christians and I’m also a baptized Prophetess. In this moment, I also get that YES I’m a Christian. I’m simply a called, chosen and evolved one. My success in this lifetime has always been guaranteed as long as I do the work. And the work is something I happily do each and every day. It feels so good to be back home where I belong.

Everyone is the world needs their soul aligned, here’s why

Everyone is the world needs their soul aligned, here’s why

When I get on calls to do soul alignment sessions with my brand new clients, it’s pretty interesting how they are sitting there ready. But they have no idea what’s about to happen to them. 

These women have spent their entire lives doing the work, reading, networking, investing in themselves and building the business. They are more successful than 97% of the population. They are more brilliant than 98% of the population.   They could’ve gone the rest of their lives happy to have achieved at this level. Most of the time they even have kids, a house and a supportive husband already.  But what they don’t have is the life of their dreams.  Something is missing. 

She could drive a BMW and that’s cool, but what she really wants to drive is a Bentley, and yes she could go get one and be irresponsible, but she wants to wait until her finances are to the point where it really lines up.

So to do that, she has to take her business to the next level. She knows this. She’s not even trying to take shortcuts. She’s been investing in herself the whole way through, mentor after mentor. Yet, she’s never landed in a spot where a mentor can see her the way I do. 

I’ve seen other women who have it all, their business is on point, making millions, wonderful kids on deck, friends on deck, could have any man she pleases, but she’s looking for the one.  She functions on a genius level, she also one of the most beautiful, deluxe, most fascinating, most vibrational creatures in the world. She’s a Goddess, a real one. One that most men have never seen before. Just any man won’t fit into her world. He has to be amazing, like the rest of her life.  She too will have invested heavily in this department and had dating coaches. But they didn’t see her the way I see her, so they couldn’t necessarily activate her magnetic attraction vortex to start calling in the men she wants. Which is a god. She’s looking for a god. 

All of these women are spiritually gifted.  It’s our connection to each other. It’s feel corny to say that it’s all divine and we are meant to meet. Cause that’s what spiritual coaches say “Girl. It’s 11:11 and you just hit me up. This is meant to happen.”  We laugh, but it’s all true.  When you become deeply spiritual, nothing is a coincidence anymore. Everything works for your greater good.

This women ultimately know this, which is why they have been so willing to consistently invest in themselves and still continue to. They know there is no such thing as a loss. They may get a big AHA, or shift from working with someone, or they may get a little one. Either way they will become better. 

Then they get to me.  Not only do they know not what’s about to happen on the call, I honestly don’t either.  I just talk to people. I free my mind before the call. I’m 100% present in it. I allow source to come in and work through me.  One minute we’re talking and then the next they are often crying.  Sometimes I almost cry too because the shift is so massive. The clarity that comes warms my heart. An hour later they walk away seeing themselves in a whole new way.  Even if they don’t (they always do), but that’s not the end of it.  I believe that I’m some kind of portal for God. After they get off the call with me, they literally start to attract the things they sought me out to help them with. The portal opens.  

If they were looking high and low for someone to show them how to tap dance on ice skates, while eating ice cream and learning a foreign language at the same time, such a person will magically pop up to teach them.  If they wanted soulmate clients I’ll give them a strategy which will also attract another soulmate teacher. 

Their vibration is shifted so much.  I’ve never seen anything like it. I try to study exactly how this is happening, because I’ve learned that although I am spiritually gifted, there is still a spiritual science to what I do. 

That science is something I will share with you. Being a life coach isn’t about the money. You could charge $16,000 an hour. It’s not about that. It’s about your heart.  Don’t take clients just because they pay you. Take clients whom you love to help.  Take clients whom you want to see win. Work with people who you truly want to see all of their dreams come true. 

And when you operate from that divine space, and you’ve done the work to allow source to use you, YES, you deserve to be paid your worth. After all when you give the shifts I give, your work is priceless. 

Access to me saves people at least a decade of struggling to figure it out. When I used to do free calls for my Krime with Kissy followers I can honestly say, many would’ve never figured it out in this lifetime, without me. But they were blessed to meet me and get my time, because they prayed, and God answered. 

That’s the most fascinating thing about God’s world. He truly answers. Why does it take us so long to understand that? Cause the world taught us that magic isn’t real and that nothing comes easy.  But in this world – in God’s world, yes indeed it does get to be easy. 

That’s why everyone needs their soul aligned. So that things get to be easy for you. That’s what God intended for you. 

I manifested my whole life with love

I manifested my whole life with love

As I sit here thinking about how amazing my clients are, and how I call in soulmate clients with ease and grace.  Had millionaire soulmate clients even before I became a millionaire myself, surrounded by abundant, divine Kings who pour immense amounts of love and support into me, and how my life coaching business is booming after just one year, it hit me.


I created my entire life through love and always have.  At any given point it’s either love for myself, love for the finer things in life, love of money, love of freedom, love of purpose, love for my fans, love for my followers, in love with a man, in love with the plan, love for God, love to see other people happy and living their best life, and because I simply love love. 

I operate in love. I am love. Suddenly it’s clear why God appointed me The Goddess of Love & Motivation. I take all of my love and use it to motivating others. I’m an alchemist. I transform everything I touch with love. Love is always vibrating in my heart.

In fact when I’m not love, my life falls apart. Love is all my soul knows. It’s broken when it doesn’t feel love. My soul can’t function when it focuses on anything other than love. 

I think I like being love. It birthed my greatest purpose. I even wrote a book for my followers I love, so that they may find love. 

Hurt People, Hurt People

Hurt People, Hurt People

I’m finishing up my book, and I’ll admit, I do not like editing it. I wish the book were complete and on store shelves already. So I know I must get it done. So in between I am taking breaks to motivate myself. On this  particular break in this blog I took a Netflix break.

I watched a movie and that one hilarious girl from Chewing Gum was in the main role. At some point in the movie she was mad at her friend, and said some bold truths to her friend. 

Even though it was the truth for the first time in my life the saying “hurt people, hurt people,” really resonated with me.

I saw how people lash out and hurt others when they are hurt. Even though what she said may have been truth, I saw no need to for her to say that and hurt her friend. Yet at the same time her friend actually needed to hear those words. 

So it’s weird… I’m choosing from now on to only speak words of love. Even if it’s a harsh truth, I will say it with love. I’d rather be the person who speaks life and love to others. I attract really amazing people who I see beautiful truths in them, which helps them uncover more of their light. 

I am totally fascinated by the stages of awakening that I am experiencing. Each day it’s something new. This week has been an extreme week.  Sometimes I wonder how much more? How deep does the rabbit hole go? When does it stop? I have a feeling that it never may.  That if you keep seeking truth that you will continue to find. 

This journey of healing and walk to freedom, is not for weak souls. We’re talking love here, but I can’t even explain to you the effects on me of such a rapid, out of the blue shift. 

Which reminds me of life coaches and our value. One single shift can change a person’s whole life.  What is a shift worth? What is the shift worth that you give your clients?

I see people forever changing, attracting followers and clients, calling in activation of their dreams again, inheriting divine confidence, becoming magnetic, gaining clarity and making money.

Yet still I have to face that this is my new life. That this is my new norm. That this is what I do and that YES, I’m actually doing it.

I have to accept that I’m a genius. My genius has been activated. It’s not luck, as I often like to think. It’s manifestation of a soul that has called in spirit.

To think I can literally tell someone “I can change your whole life in an hour, and actually mean it.  Just WOW! All praise to the within me.  

You will reap the words you sow

You will reap the words you sow

If you ask me what do I do, at the moment I would have a hard time telling you (my mentor has this in her course, whenever I study it). If you ask my clients what do I do for them, they will tell you that I do a bunch of things, and that you simply need to buy in and you’ll get what you need.
I’m both a spiritual healer and The Goddess of Love & Motivation. I’m also the Masterpiece and an Elite spiritual branding coach. I could also be labeled the Queen of social media. I’m also the real Queen of Confidence. I’m intuitive. I give you the things you need.
But what I am absolutely a master at is Magnetic Attraction. Whatever it is I want out of life, I will eventually attract it. The rate depends on how often I focus on it. If I really want to go party with a billionaire on a yacht, somehow it will happen. The Universe will see to it.
A lot of people you want things out of life, but what you don’t realize is that the energy and branding you put out into the world actually repels what it is you seek. Your behavior and words are opposite to what it is you seek. You say you want $5 Million in the bank, yet you keep talking about lack. You say you want love, but you don’t work to embody it. You say you want an high value mate, yet you display low value thoughts. Or when love shows up you have a hard time receiving it. You don’t know how to appreciate it. You have a hard time showing others love. You often feel pings of jealousy when you see others winning. This repels your own win.
You say you want to build a multi-million brand, but you listen to the people who tell you that you want too much out of life.
Some of you are like me. You’re 5D AF, but you stay trying to communicate with 3D. You’re constantly lowering your vibration, trying to be “normal” You’re either going to be normal or you’re going to be great. Pick One.
You say you want opportunity, but when it finally shows up you’re too afraid to go after what you want.
You allow your shadows to keep playing out your life for you. You allow your shadow beliefs to hold you back from moving into the life you desire.
You keep playing that retired azz 8-track tape that says you’re not good enough, you’re not smart enough, you’re not pretty enough.
Your enoughness is always in question. You say you want apples but you’re planting orange seeds.
You don’t understand that you will reap fruit of the seeds what you sow.
You can’t talk negative and expect to live a positive life. You can’t talk defeat and expect to have victory. You can’t talk lack, not enough, can’t afford it, can’t get ahead and expect to have abundance. If you have a poor dialect you’ll have a poor life.
You’ll continue to prophesy the same storyline, keeping that same tape going. You continue to focus on what you don’t have.
The truth is you already have everything that you want. Open up and receive it. Put your actions in alignment with what you say and believe to be true for yourself.
In a way, I talk you into being the greatest you. I stop you from calling in defeat. I reroute you to mthfking victory!
Speak life to yourself. Your words will become your reality.
Why CHANGE sometimes makes you cry

Why CHANGE sometimes makes you cry

For the past year I’ve been on my journey. The path of enlightenment. The path of discovering my gifts. The path of unleashing my magic unto the world, and changing lives in ways that still shock me at times. 

Us light workers love to scream light and love. But we know this journey comes with more than a few bumps and these gifts we have came from being willing to walk through the valley of the shadow of death aka The Valley of Fire.  We come out unscorched, due to our faith. We look like peaches and cream, smell like we’ve bathed in roses and pink quartz… Mostly because we have. But it is our faith that brought us through. Faith in the dream. Faith in miracles and for the most part a desire to please God. As you go through life you start out religious. It may be light at first. Then one day you pick up the bible and read it for yourself. It’s written in old English so you get bored trying to decipher everything.  Years go by. Then someone hands you an NIV bible. Ohhhh. English. So you read it, front to back. You start learning things, and understanding God. By the time you get to Revelations you have this great fear of God.  The first half of the bible will make you fear God too. The second half makes you feel a little better like “Maybe I can do this after all.”  Either way the promise says you’ll have your hearts desire if you just follow him… So you hop in and follow. You believe, you have faith. It takes a while…things are shaky, but you keep the faith. Then one day things go smooth and it stays that way. 

Years go by and the same thing you were so proud to build, the same success you worked so hard to accomplish starts to stress you out. You begin to want more.  You realize that you seek fulfillment. Since you seem to have way more than average you don’t know why you’re so unsatisfied. You’re even grateful. So this tells you that the problem isn’t material. You realize it’s inner. Thereby entering a thirst for God. Like you just have to get closer to him. You don’t care what anyone thinks. 

So you go through the valley, you go through the changes. Your belief is turned upside down. You go through everything you have to go through and it’s emotionally painful af. Sometimes you want to give up and growth seems slow AF. You may even think of ending it all. But the promise keeps you going.  Then like MAGIC one day everything is smooth again, and life actually makes sense. You come out spiritual AF! (These AF’s are like totally phucking necessary.)


At least that’s what happened to me. Change can be very uncomfortable. Sometimes it may even feel unbearable.  I was talking to my spiritual life coach today Makhosi Candiss, and she said something very enlightening. 

She said ” Some of the greatest growth comes in discomfort.” Pow! Just like that. 

You gotta get comfortable with being uncomfortable. It’s the only way you’re going to walk into the highest version of yourself.  To do this you must remain consistent. 

Another one of my high performing coaches, Justin Burns, gave me some enlightening information about my own behavior and my habit of tearing sh*t down and starting all over. 

I tear things down and start all over, because my mind tells me to do so. But what he taught me was that’s not necessary. What is necessary though is for me to remain consistent and observe the changes, as I tweak things.

Now  I know consistency and change goes together like white on rice. If you want the nice life, you gotta buckle up your seatbelt and prepare for the ride. And the ride won’t be in a Maserati at first. It’s a whole damn clunky azz rollercoaster and although it’s new to you that rollercoaster looks rickey af.  But when the ride comes to a smooth stop, and you walk off, aren’t you happy you were brave enough to hop on the ride?

That’s life. Everything is always well. Smile your way through. Butterfly!



Never try to talk yourself out of your desires

Never try to talk yourself out of your desires

How often do you want something, then you try to talk yourself out of it, due to the opinions of others or due to the pain you associate with getting that thing?

Quite often more than likely. But here is the thing. You’re supposed to want that thing. That desire was placed inside of you to take you on the journey of receiving it.

How do you receive it? By healing yourself and changing your thoughts.

For example, most women if they are truly being honest, they want a man who will provide. But a lot of men are feminine so they will tell you that you are asking for too much, and to not expect from a man what you can’t give yourself..  Other women who don’t live in their truth will also tell you to go get it on your own.

So you avoid expecting a man to provide. You go out and deal with 50/50 men because you feel that will be easier, and allow you to avoid the pain of a man possibly telling you no, he isn’t willing to provide for you. So you got get it on your own, just to realize the desire hasn’t changed. You still want a man to do what a nurturing man would do, provide. 

But you’ve went all the way around that desire, just to end right back up at that desire.  You see the problem ultimately comes when we try to convince ourselves against our desires. 

In relationships, it’s good to ask people what it is they truly want. People have an idea of dream mate in their head. That’s what they truly want. If you can’t be that, plus more, then there’s probably no point of being with that person. But if you do decide to get involved in a relationship anyway, chances are that relationship will further drive you into accepting your desires.  The relationship will keep you feeling unfulfilled because that desire isn’t there… 

Same thing if you want to be rich, and convince yourself you don’t need to be rich. Waste of time.. But it is good to ask yourself WHY you want to be rich? Is it so that you can feel like you did the work to control your life? Is it so that you can feel abundance? Is it so that you can get women to like you and find a relationship? Our WHY is what owns our subconscious and ultimately gets us to move towards the direction of our dreams. 

Often times we as humans try to deny ourselves of our desires. Leading to the slowing down of our own evolution and enlightenment. It also leads to the withholding of our desired manifestations. For to manifest anything, you must first receive it in the mind, by accepting the desire. 

Waiting For The Day, That Never Comes

Waiting For The Day, That Never Comes

Often as you go through life, you’re making moves, while failing to make other moves, because you’re waiting for something. 

You’re waiting for something material to manifest or a certain result or time period to manifest.  You say I’m going to do this when this happens, or when I get this or that. 

You get caught up in waiting, not realizing that time is simply an illusion. Whatever you’re waiting on to manifest already exists in an alternate reality.  To get it to the current, present, 3D reality, you simply receive it. 

“How do I receive it Kissy?” By accepting it.  “Okay Kissy, How do I accept it?”

Acceptance is like getting up to go get a cup of water, but deciding to put it off, because you know the faucet will give you water whenever you feel like it or want it. So you go about your day with no worries that you won’t get water. You know it will be there whenever you are ready. There is no need to rush. 

Life is the same way. Whatever it is you seek in your heart, you already have it. No desire is placed into your heart without its existence already being done and completed in your life.  All you’re doing right now is either getting ready or getting ready to be ready. 

But when you don’t know this you may notice loads of procrastination in your life.  You constantly put off tomorrow what you could do today, because you’re waiting for something to manifest before you perform a certain action. As you wait, it rarely ever happens. Instead you cause delay.

But if you simply accept that it’s already done and take action as if, you’ll get it a lot sooner. 

Wanting something causes delay. Instead you must detach from the outcome the same way you detach from the outcome of getting up to go get a cup, to get water out the faucet. Once you place the cup under the faucet and turn it on, you instantly receive water into your chosen cup. Cool right?

Your wants and desires are just that simple. It is done! But to get it done ACTION has to occur. When you look around and you’re living a new life, different from the one you lived 5 years ago, what got you there?

ACTION did. So ACT as if darling.