Someday you’ll see that you are a whole masterpiece

Someday you’ll see that you are a whole masterpiece

I have so many breakthroughs, that make me cry. I am so grateful for God’s presence in my life.

Today, I was inspired to write a poem for my Unicorn University Tribe. Each and every one of you are so amazing.

I hope you like it so much that it resonates with your soul. Cause God wants you to hear these things.

Love You!

Someday you’ll see that you are a whole masterpiece

One day you’re going to be so smart that you realize that you’ve been bsing yourself. You’re going to realize that YOU were the only thing standing in your way.

It’s not your mama. Not your daddy. Not the haters. Not your mentors. Not such and such who did such and such to you, but you.

It’s all you. It’s been you the whole time. And that moment when you realize this, is when you’re going to cry tears of gratitude.

For in that moment the wool will officially be removed from your eyes.

And in that moment, you’ll realize you needed every experience, even the pain. It was part of your journey.

And you’ll see how God was holding your hand the whole time. You’ll see how he kept sending his angels to help you.

You’ll see that you were always surrounded by love.

One day you’ll see, just how beautiful and amazing you are.

One day you’ll look at your handsome face and realize you’re one of the best men in the whole wide world.

One day you’ll see the reflection of a Queen.

Someday you’ll see that you are a whole masterpiece.

masterpiece bible ephesianskissy denise gold logo

They Told Me To Take God Out Of It

They Told Me To Take God Out Of It

💖 When I went Christian they told me to leave God out of it, because the Christians would never accept me and my half tops.  🤣

I somewhat listened, because I WANTED TO BE SUCCESSFUL AND MAKE MONEY.  

Made multiple 6 figures for years…. 


then I still found my way…

back to GOD.

Now I often preach divine knowledge to preachers.  

💜 When I went spiritual, they told me to leave spirituality out of it. I refuse to listen. This time I know who I AM. I get it. I am here for spiritual ascension. I am not here to be regular, conform, humble myself to the human box of constriction, or to fit in. I am here to humble myself to God’s mission for my life. I am here to surrender the illusion of CHOICE.


Did you know that you are the best authority on you? That and someone who truly loves you.  

Mentors are good people, but when you are a divine soul people simply don’t know what’s best for you. They’ve had hundreds of REGULAR clients.

🦄 Unicorns are rare breeds with soul constructed plans that MUST BE abided by, cause either way the Universe will snatch your soul in the right direction one way or another. Why do you think you’re so nice and understanding of people???? 🤷‍♀️ So you can help them.


Now I watch payments come in from things I’ve spoken or written. Often times I am out and about, silently enjoying the beauty of life, along with all of it’s magnificence. 

Writing… A mentor told me to stop that too… She told me to throw my WHOLE gift away.  

🖊 I make a lot of money by WRITING. I INFLUENCE and impact people with the things I write. I inspire people to want to be like me because I WRITE.

Out of all the jobs in the world, I most enjoy being the geeky barbie that I AM.  I get paid to be the nerd that I AM. Never had to fit in with them. Always thought I was pretty cool, without them, on my own. Always thought my own brilliance to be a pretty cool thing. I still love to cuddle up and reads book. I could’ve easily fit in with them. Didn’t want to.

Would you like to find joy in being different? 

If you decide to embody the highest expression of your soul. It’s a great deal of soul work. You’ll cry a lot of tears. You’ll make mistakes. But I mostly did great.

I decided to do great things.

You always challenge yourself to be a better human or to be a better person. That’s why I desired to fulfill my purpose and get closer to GOD. And when you truly want to know God, he will make sure you do. And you will see how it all routes back to YOU.

💖 It feels so good to have a business that gives you freedom and fulfills your soul. To finally be able to SEE the masterplan unfold. To not have to figure IT out anymore, and to simply go with flow. To be okay with loving yourself..

I was born a light in the darkness. Found my way out. It is written. So that I could turn around and help you find your light too.

🙏 I prayed my way through lots of it. Now I know to take the time out away from working, and just enjoy life. You must enjoy the journey, but stay focused. 

Are you ready to experience a SOUL ALIGNMENT HEALING SESSION.

You’ll feel broken when you haven’t been listening to soul. All of the answers are inside of you. You only need help REMEMBERING who you are.

See me, I remembered who I AM suddenly. It feels so good that I can’t go back the other way, where it’s tight and conforming. Couldn’t breathe back there.  The air feels so free up here, where you dare to be different, by being yourself. 

Can you imagine how it feels to have your whole soul set free? It’s such a journey of self-discovery.  You’ll get close again, to the beauty of your own skin and how good it feels. It feels so good to remember how awesome and magical you are. 

It feels so good to be love.

People telling me to take God out of it, was like telling me to take myself out of it.  How can you take the God out of God?  You can’t. It’s impossible. 

I am sure it also feels impossible for you to continue running around , trying to be like them. 

Allow in wholeness of  Soul Alignment. So that you can feel good again, and let all of that other stuff go. 

Wouldn’t you like to get in flow state?

Why you had to wait

Why you had to wait

As I look around me to see what I have created, I feel so relaxed.  I went from being overly excited about the empire that I am creating, to feeling calm about it all. 

The calmness came after I saw my future so clearly, as if it already is. It Is! It’s done just as clear as day.

One of my Facebook followers inboxed me to commend me on my accomplishments.   He’s been following me since 2009.  I’ve made quite a few shifts since then. 

His message made me realize that back in 2009, he was already conscious, evolving, and helping people. 

I know many coaches who’ve been coaching for a decade, all around me. But instead I chose a different route, and now I am here.

Looking back I wasn’t ready. I wasn’t ready to be a life coach. I wasn’t ready to understand the impact that I have on other human beings.  I wasn’t ready to walk in gratitude. I hadn’t learned enough. 

Those of us who come from broken homes, and traumatizing childhoods, take longer to heal.  There are so many lessons we must learn before we come into the wholeness of our higher selves. 

Before today I thought the saying “You are exactly where you are supposed to be,” was total b.s.  B.S. Because if you’re not living the life of your dream, obviously you feel like you’re supposed to be someplace better. 

Yet there is something about your soul that chose to stay where you are and to experience the things you have. 

Where you are in business right now is exactly where you decided to be.  You could’ve very well chosen to be a millionaire or a billionaire by now, but obviously you didn’t. Because if you REALLY chose and decided, you would DO THE WORK. 

But chances are you are too busy being all woo woo with excuses as to why you can’t move forward… You’re waiting on the alignment of perfect timing.  Which will NEVER come.  Perfection is an illusion that can only be created by you DOING the work. 

To understand the extent of just how much DOING THE WORK impacts your life, you would have to DO THE WORK and see what’s on the other side. 

The process of wealth and awakening is not an easy journey. Nobody tells you the Universe is going to drop kick the sh*t out of you on the way there.  

But those lessons you learn are EVERYTHING. You are being built up to lead your tribe.  You must rise into acceptance and knowing. 

I’ve always known HOW to have a healthy relationship, but what I wasn’t aware of is the understanding of trauma, yin yang, sacred divine union, masculinity, femininity, purpose, soul alignment and how the importance of being equally yoked all play into a relationship.

Follow your heart to manifest what you want

As I do my make-up preparing to lead the first class of my new course “Goddess Unleashed – Heal & Manifest The Man of Your Dreams”, I had a moment of remembering just how far I’ve come in business and relationships. My life right now and the things I AM accomplishing seem like a Dream come true. 

Except this time, I know I manifested all of this. It was conscious manifesting this time. No more unconscious manifesting. 

I think about how far we get off of our path, cause we cave into fear, or let someone tell us that it will be too hard or nearly impossible. 

But that’s my life and my path. I manifest the impossible, and you do too. 

It’s so easy to get confused these days, cause you want to go this way and that way. And the way you simply should go is wherever your heart tells you to go.  Maybe you feel like it didn’t always lead you right, but I assure you it’s taking you somewhere, you want to go…

Have a good time. 

Excuse me for posting this struggle love anthem. But it’s banging.  I’m teaching on this in class today. 

Did you ever think you would leap this far?

Did you ever think you would leap this far?

Did you ever think you would leap this far?

To actually do it?

I mean to actually jump?

Did you ever truly see yourself like going all in?  Probably not. You just saw yourself at the end. You wanted it. The good parts of it. But not the rest of it. 

You kinda caved into fear. Back when you didn’t know how to control your life. Now you know it simply goes with the flow of what you already know you want. 

So now you’re in flow, doing what you know you must, and it’s getting kind of funny, how once you finally did it, took the leap, despite the fear, and then dropped the fear, it was more than worth it to get it to come to you the way you wanted it to. 

Cray, cray. It was just a matter of picking up your mat and walking. 

Welcome to 5D.


You can’t have what you want when you’re not being you

You can’t have what you want when you’re not being you

God & Goddess Life isn’t for everyone. It has to be in you, not on you. You really do have to play chess and not checkers. You can’t be out here making basic mistakes. Common sense is a must. Either you’re a mortal or you’re a God or a Goddess. I suppose you could choose, but there really is no other option. You are who you are, as you were chosen to be these things. That part of the choice was never yours. But you can make a choice to either accept it or run from it. CHOOSE.

You can keep trying to run to fit in, where you don’t belong. Pretending to be a bird, being fed grains… Knowing damn well you’re an eagle with keen VISION, that swoops with zero delay. Or you can seriously get tired of hearing that same sad song. Why not change it to a harp. Yeah, I know. That feels better already. 🎼 It’s music to your soul.

See what I mean. It’s sitting there in you. You already know. You’ve always known, that you should pick up your mat, and walk. Accept your divine position and bring your life to peace. Resistance is futile. It will only cause disharmony within your soul. ORDER.

I know they told you that we’re all alike. That no one is better. So you conform and try to fit in, with them. Which is why that feeling is running through your arms right now. That feeling of tiredness and suppression, RUN…NING through your veins. Tired of not having what you want.

Well of course you can’t have what you want, when you’re not being you darling. YOU.. The one with massive success. The one with the business with thousands of satisfied clients. Who is that person? Why are you not being them? Why are you trying to run your business like the next person, instead of doing YOU? Why not decide right now and say “Phuck It. I’m simply going to BE.” I could say “Simply going to be ME.” But let me tell you. That ME part is where you get all twisted. It’s EGO. Cancel that and simply BE. Then you will SEE your hearts desires manifest in front of you. EXPANSION.

Are boundaries more important than empathy?

Are boundaries more important than empathy?

A lot of relationship advice these days leaves people single, quick to cut someone off, in search of perfection.

Boundaries say “If this person does A. I’m going to cut them of. No discussion.”

But most of the time, perfection is only reached by having good communication skills.  I know now that people with good, healthy relationships, make it a habit of consciously relating on a daily basis.

I’m not for sure if people’s soulmate shows up and everything simply goes perfect.  My senses tell me that divine union is possibly someone you will easily connect with, but developing a deeper relationship will take effort.

We love to all say that we are fully healed and ready to be in a healthy relationship. Yet, I have yet to meet one perfect person.  So when it comes to disagreements, Sometimes people really have to be told “Hey. I don’t like that. That’s not cool.” Sometimes they don’t know.

But if you give them a second chance, and they do it again, then there you have to say that they are a waste of your time.

That all makes sense, until you reach conscious relationships. I believe at that point, sometimes people may not be aware of what they are doing, yet will gladly fix themselves once they become aware.

Also if you tell a wounded person something you don’t like, sometimes they will do exactly what you told them not to do, in order to push you away.  Because they feel like you are going to hurt them. Which means you’re probably doing something they don’t like which they may have attempted to discuss with you, or they may be keeping it to themselves.

So much goes on in people’s minds. I believe in relationships we have to gauge how much work we’re willing to put in, to get our desired result.

Relationship problems have to be swept into the heart, and then out into the mind. You solve such problems with your mind, by having empathy and seeing it through. But empaths, will keep making excuses. So they must learn how to put themselves and their desires first.

I don’t know what I’m really saying here. But dig deep. A diamond isn’t always polished when you first find it. 

Stop PUSHING if you want to manifest your best life

Stop PUSHING if you want to manifest your best life

I received a download this morning. It’s probably for me, just as much as it is for someone else.

I was told to stop pushing, and be still. My original name, comes from the movie “Roots.” The name means “Be Still.”

All of my life I’ve been PUSHing people away from me, in order to protect myself from whatever further pain I deemed they may cause me.

Meanwhile, I never looked at why I let them in, or ever noticed that maybe they weren’t intentionally TRYING to hurt me.

But what’s important is that my senses said they WOULD hurt me, if I didn’t push them away. Which of course means they would.

Perhaps instead of pushing I should’ve created boundaries, and just LET GO.

Perhaps instead of pushing I should allow those who want to love me, to love me, without caring if I am going to return the love in the manner that they seek.

Perhaps I did give men warnings, that I can be quite charming, and to not fall for me, unless I specifically say I WANT TO BE WITH YOU. But maybe that too was denying them of my soul, and stopped me from embodying The Goddess of Love.

Perhaps I’ve learned a lot, from the people I couldn’t push away. Perhaps those people have shown me the unconditional love I’ve given to many. Perhaps for the first time, I truly see the soul connections I formed. The connections I’m very deserving of.

Perhaps I should not only ALLOW in love, but to allow those who love me to stay around me, and receive their reward of being in my vortex of love. It makes people better people. It makes them warmer, full of hope, smarter and wanting to get closer to source. My presence changes lives.

Perhaps it’s time to change the one word, that helped me manifest my entire grand life.

PUSH – Pray Until Something Happens.

Perhaps it’s time to change that to.

PUSH – Play Until Something Happens.

PLAY because praying is more like waiting for something outside of you in a way, yet it works. But at this new level, I realize all of my best manifestations come from when my heart is at PLAY along with FAITH.

Even in love, it’s like playing a game to me. It’s a game of let’s see how beautiful, magical and full of love we can make this.

Somehow as adults, we’ve taken the word play and made it a negative connotation. It’s a bad word they say. But it’s not.

One of my favorite mentors, has a really simple line that says so much.

“Life is Now, Press Play.” ~ Katrina Ruth

I don’t even need to explain that to you.

In my head, when it comes to the game of life. Cause life is a game. I think a certain way.

In every area of life, Play To Win! ~ Kissy Denise

You must play to win, by going all in. Go all in on every area of life. Half way won’t get you there. Giving up before it manifests won’t get you there. Halfway deciding will never help you BE there.

One of the biggest pieces of advice ever given to me, was by my other favorite mentor Justin Burns.

Justin made me aware of how I tear everything down sometimes, without going all in. He taught me how to work with what I have, and to keep making it better.

Perhaps I let fear cause me to push things away, or maybe it’s my impatience.

But the clear thing is, when you go all in, you figure out a way to make it work. There is no turning back. It’s a decision to make it work and that it is going to work.

So how do we possibly expect things, businesses, or relationships to work, if we never decide to play to win; by going all in.

If you truly want to win, the biggest rule is to not be average. For average effort will only get you average results. Average decisions will manifest an average, mostly mediocre life.

Going all in, as if there is no other option, cause you will have it no other way, is the only way.

Once you make the decision, the rest is already done for you. There is no need to push or force after that. After that you’re just playing along and going along with the ride. Once you put your tokens in, the game is going to play itself. You’re just there, enjoying the surprises, flowing, moving through and not tripping over the detours.

It doesn’t matter if the path is straight or looped. It’s going to go, where it’s going to go, once you type in the definite destination. But if you never decide the definite destination, then you never know where you’ll end up at. (duh!)

There is a difference between going with the flow, and knowing where the flow is taking you.

When you know where the river is taking you, the journey is supposed to be fun. Remember it’s only a game. There is no need to fear, once you decide to play and go all in.

If you don’t decide these things, you never know where you’ll end up at, but if you’re a called soul things are always going to work out for you in the end, and eventually I suppose you’ll get on your route, cause it’s always SUCCESS and BEING THE BEST. (You made that decision centuries ago.) But if you simply listen to soul, you can avoid lots of pitfalls and just go… With the flow.

I suppose that’s all also part of the game.. The remembering who you are, and what you came to do…

In a way you’re always in the right place at the right time. Things must happen to get you back in alignment, where the experiences aren’t always so painful.