by Kissy Denise - The Masterpiece | The Goddess of Love & Motivation | Aug 12, 2021 |
Today is the day that it dawned on me, that there are several ways to become a motivational speaker. Everyone has their own craft and the way they’ll do it best.
But one thing for certain, in order to be the greatest at it, that means you have to get paid for it.
Jay Z & Beyonce are two of the greatest motivational speakers in the world. They get paid an immensely beautiful amount of money for it. Their weapon of choice is their music; excuse me, I mean tools of healing vessel is their music. One wakes up the women, the other wakes up the men.
If you listen to both, maybe you too can be a power couple..
Anyway they’ve been dropping mics for a long time. Some of you are simply failing students, while others are grade A students.
Personally, I promise from this day forward, to be a better student. 💖💘
Would you like to have an indepth conversation about this? Join my personal network of fulfilling, relaxing conversations where we can talking about anything you like. I tend to like talking about IDEAS, therefore my clients are rich. If they are not rich when I meet them, they most surely quantum leap into BEING it.
I’m not much into talking about what other people are doing. I prefer to stimulate your mind with divine ideas.
When was the last time you received a message from God?
The God within me, invites you in to chat.
What are you waiting for?
Click here to fill out an application to mastermind with Kissy Denise – The Masterpiece – The Goddess of Love & Motivation. 💜
by Kissy Denise - The Masterpiece | The Goddess of Love & Motivation | Jul 23, 2020 |
The acts of self-consciousness and self-control go hand in hand. The fact is that when we are self-conscious we are better able to exhibit self-control. There are many persons out there that are not self aware or conscious of themselves and they are not in control of their emotions and actions. Being self-aware is important as it can affect or self-development and progression through life. It is crucial that we are able to be aware of all that we do and say and know that these things will affect circumstances as well. Being self-conscious is not always a bad thing as we like to think but if we relate it to being self-aware, we see the benefits.
If we are self-aware, it is less likely that we will act on impulse. It is more likely the case that we will be ready and able to assess a situation properly and show self-control in deciding how to approach the situation. The self-awareness that we possess will therefore directly affect our self-control. It is crucial that we are able to become self-aware persons in order to grab control of our emotions and actions. This can be done in many ways but these depend on the will power of the individual involved and the desire to take control of their lives.
Some of the ways to move the process to self-awareness and self-control along include the need for professional assistance. There are many programmes that offer techniques to assist in this process. These are offered by many self-development persons and are a good start if we do not have the time or will power to devote to the process on our own. We may not make the time unless we are enrolled in a class or unless we are motivated externally to do so. In these cases, the programmes can be a great starting point.
If we do have some self-control then it is good to try the other option of working on self-awareness and control on our own. There are many persons that have highlighted the great benefits of the use of meditation. This can assist the individual greatly as it leads the exploration into self and opens the awareness that is needed for better self-control. Meditation has numerous benefits to its users aside from these. It has been reputed to be of assistance in stress relief and the prevention of more serious illnesses such as heart disease and many more. The relaxing effect of meditation and the exploration into self-are able to translate to a better awareness overall and better self control.
The downside of meditation is that it can take a while to reap benefits and there are often persons that will become bored with the process and not give the method the required time to assist them. Meditation is not an overnight fix by any means and can take months and years of dedication for you to achieve all the results. The meditation process requires quiet and peace, which can often be hard for many of us to source. Not all these challenges however stop the fact that it is one of the best ways to grasp control of self and become more self-aware.
There are other factors that can assist and that can lead you down the road to better self-awareness and self-control. There is a lot of information available in self-development sites that show you the importance of self-awareness and self-control to your life. These are things that can greatly affect the quality of your life and should not be disregarded.
Summary: The acts of self-consciousness and self-control go hand in hand. The fact is that when we are self-conscious we are better able to exhibit self-control. There are many persons out there that are not self aware or conscious of themselves and they are not in control of their emotions and actions. Being self-aware is important as it can affect or self-development and progression through life. It is crucial that we are able to be aware of all that we do and say and know that these th… .
by Kissy Denise - The Masterpiece | The Goddess of Love & Motivation | Jun 28, 2020 |
You’re on your way. You’re going somewhere, and then boom. Here comes a cross in the road. Not only is there a cross in the world, and you don’t know which way to go, even as you decide, there is something heavy in your path. You decide to move that out the way, and before you can figure out how to do that, boom, something else pops up in your way. And then there’s a third.
Usually by now, you would just keep going on, with the suffering. Pushing, forcing, crying, and screaming your way on to the next level. It works every time, after a while, of you tiring yourself out, and finally surrendering.
But how about trying something new? Well it’s definitely not new. Maybe new FOR YOU, but not new. What I am about to say has been around since the beginning of time. There is a very high chance that you’ve even heard it before.

Two words. Have you ever read those words before? That’s the best thing you can do with your life.
Trust that God is leading you on the path of taking more responsibility for your life, and your decisions.

Jeremiah 29:11 shows you how God is helping you birth a prosperous future and an abundant life.
Every time something comes up, YOU decide that you are going to move it your way. You push, pull, tug, and drop kick until that wall goes tumbling down. You are so tough and relentless. You’re a warrior.
Would you believe me if I told you that you be DOING too much?
God never once said you had to figure out anything by yourself. He never said he was going to send you on your mission and not help you.

It’s actually not your job to move blocks, bricks and obstacles out of your way. That’s God’s job. Your job is trust that God will remove the block for you, as you keep following the signs, dropping deeper into surrender, and moving towards the finish line of your goal already being complete.
God’s will for your life is in your state of BEING. Not in your state of doing. In God’s eyes, it’s more important for you to be the person he called you to do. But that may prove to be difficult when you insist on doing things your way.

Which is how suffering often starts. When you’re going the wrong way. Thinking you’re going to do this, or that you HAVE to do this, all by yourself, without the help of God, is definitely going the wrong way. Failing to trust God to lead you all the way there in the most painless way possible, is definitely going the wrong way.
Once you pick up one thought going the wrong way, it’s followed by the next thought, and the next thought. Next thing you know you’re depressed, suffering and don’t know why. You usually come up with the thought that life isn’t fair. But if you analyze your thought pattern, you’ll notice that it was a stream of negative thoughts that brought you to that emotional destination.
Now you’re able to realize there is a blessing of a lesson in the emotional suffering. You are going to suffer when you insist on going YOUR way, trying to follow what the world wants you to do, caving to pressures, being impatient and what not. You know, all those things that humans do.

Human beings tend to learn from pain. Without it, the average human soul would not change.
The greatest change you can make today is to put more trust in God, and see him as both your conquerer and deliverer.
Can you imagine what your life would look like if you had more faith? Let God walk that out for you.

Need Spiritual Coaching?
by Kissy Denise - The Masterpiece | The Goddess of Love & Motivation | Jun 26, 2020 |
I am a loner and an introvert. I don’t have a lot of friends. I usually push people away, especially female friends because they become mad at me over something silly or they want my time, when I am working.
Obviously I have issues. But I consider myself to be a really good friend once I say you are my friend.
Anyway, for the past year I’ve been working with a spiritual coach named Makhosi Candace Pitts of The Royal Shaman.
This woman is so remarkable, that I was inspired to blog about her.
Makhosi is a shaman and her presence totally changed the way that I think about God and my understanding of his vastness.
While I love God and give him praise for everything, Makhosi contributes her purpose and success to her ancestors.
The word “Shaman” is said to be a negative thing, but I’ve never seen such a great source of God’s love reflected back to me, the way I’ve experienced it coming from Candice.
She’s beautiful, warm, genuine, brilliant and one of the brightest lights you will ever meet in your life.
You can ask her almost anything on any topic from love, spirituality, business, to relationships, and she will be able to give you understanding on how to use it to spiritually evolve and manifest your desires.
Most importantly she will help you become your TRUE authentic spiritual self.
Her presence made me aware that God presents himself in different dimensions in different people.
Sometimes people forget that God is not a religion. God is an entity who is present in the human soul.
I read the bible a lot. Some parts of the bible, I began to understand with CLARITY by the things Makhosi taught me. Like the “In the beginning was the WORD, and the word was God.” Right now it’s common sense to me how that plays a role in manifesting what you want. Right now it’s a REAL BELIEF because I have deep understanding on exactly how.
I got that from her.
When it comes to Makhosi’s spirit, it’s beautiful. Not only is she visually beautiful, but so is her heart, her soul, and her mind. She’s brilliant.
Her spirit allows me to see how God works through her, in order to give people a different perspective, based upon their belief system.
I believe that most people have a belief system with a different name, and different beings, but it all boils down to God. Even the laws of the Universe. Which thanks to Makhosi, I even understand the laws now.
by Kissy Denise - The Masterpiece | The Goddess of Love & Motivation | Jun 2, 2020 |
I was thinking…. I have a few toxic patterns, but none bad enough where a real masculine man would deem them too much.
I am brilliant. Of course I am going to keep getting better and figure it out.
People say that people should of course want you once you’re all healed up, because you are a different person.
They say it’s wrong to say “If you couldn’t accept me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best.”
While some people truly are THE WORST, some people’s worst is still great. Ultimately, what I realized is that the person for you, TRULY wants you right now, even with your traits.
Just like how women see potential in men, people need VISION to see WHERE someone is going. A person must fall in love with your very soul, and see you from a 5D perspective. Otherwise that relationship has ZERO chance of loving you for a lifetime.
So when a person makes EXCUSES for WHY they don’t want to be with you, it’s more time wasting, giving you just enough, waiting for something better to pop up.
Heck Beyonce’s ex boyfriend waited for something better to pop up. 🤣 Silly Rabbit. Then Jay Z popped up. 🤣

Jay Z is a God, of course he went after the Goddess on sight. He knew these other dudes couldn’t hold him. Bey is dope, but don’t get it twisted. Jay put some swag on her and taught her some things.
Some women simply aren’t meant to be with a peasant dude, who is on basic, mediocre stuff, asking her to be less divine. She real life needs a real n*gga to pull up. Or in laments terms a DIVINE MASCULINE KING, who knows what to do with a Goddess.
Most men are CLUELESS on what to do with a Goddess other than stare at her or complain about her high standards. So many women have Goddess in them, but it never gets fully birthed cause she doesn’t get coaching help, doesn’t ever figure it out on her own, ON TOP of dating men who don’t see the Goddess in her. People be real life, running in circles.
10 years from now, people will be running around SINGLE, talking about toxic this, and toxic that.
I wondered why I’ve never defined anyone I’ve met as toxic. I don’t see people that way. So using that term is very inauthentic to me, although I understand for the masses it’s their current “cool” description to describe someone that they don’t know how to get along with.
Labeling someone as “toxic” is another form of spiritual bypassing. It allows you to place blame outside of yourself, instead of becoming aware of how you’re showing up for that relationship and making changes.
You’ll bypass and think you’re going somewhere, but nope. It just leads back to your little cubby hole of darkness. What you want is awareness. Awareness is the light. What you really need to do is sit with those emotions, triggers and really reflect on how you cause it all.
I know, you probably want to slap me right now.
Now I am sure some people are toxic AF, like cheaters and people who steal from you or abuse you. But for the most part, most people actually do aim to be good people. But for the average person, their definition of “good” is much lower that the scale a genius or wealth conscious, spiritual person’s scale.
Finding yourself in a toxic relationship is actually compromised of an individual mostly not knowing what they truly want. Because if you knew what you wanted, you wouldn’t be entertaining such a person in the first place.
Secondly if you are entertaining a person you deem toxic, a lot of times that’s not how you saw them. You labeled them toxic after being unable to learn how to COMMUNICATE with them in a manner conducive towards the highest consent of your soul and to the elevation of maintaining a healthy, conscious relationship.
Yes I know babe. Take your medicine with a sip of water.
People also tell you to stop trying to be perfect. But eliminating toxicity in your relationships and personality is just that.
All life is is a journey of perfection.
Gosh, why do you bother listening to ANY advice from basic people. They always lead you away from your soul. (Read that line again.)
Anyway, I posted this on social media and OF COURSE someone took my statement to mean that I’m not perfect.
But how wrong he was. When he told me that I wasn’t perfect, nor toxic, this was my response.

You see how I got this revelation, was by realizing my own PERFECTION.
I am incredibly awesome and diverse. My brain is like a computer. I program it to do whatever I want. I’m also very easy on the eyes… No, phuck that. Bish, I am gorgeous! Baby, I am a whole Macbook pro with divine human intelligence. A man would be crazy not to want a piece of me.
Have you seen me?

I know.. Society told you it was arrogant to talk about yourself like that. They told you to be more humble and sh*t on yourself. They want you to talk about your perceived flaws and deficiencies.
Don’t listen to these people. Baby, that’s why they aren’t a superstar. Superstars shine bright like a diamond. 💎 You weren’t made to blend in. Truth be told, that’s why you follow me in the first place. Something attracted you to me. It’s THE LIGHT. 💎
Listen to this little girl. She knows more than average mindsets.
In addition, I realized that I have never been in love with a man and told him that he wasn’t perfect. He was perfect enough for me. All he had to do was keep growing his soul and not cross me.
Only a non-divine, unenlightened person, would date a person whom they don’t feel to be perfect. Life isn’t about settling for less. Not even in relationships. It’s TOTALLY insane to wake up to a person every morning and be reminded of how imperfect they are. That’s not alignment.
But until you learn to see the divine in other souls, by first seeing the divine within yourself, you’ll never find anyone perfect enough for you.
You’re only going to put up with from others, the lack of perfection you see in yourself. Notice how you REFUSE to date anyone dumb. You can’t even take it.
Now you have the info. So that’s between you and God.
But if you want my help in finding love or taking your multi-six-figure business to the million dollar mark, inbox me on social media.
by Kissy Denise - The Masterpiece | The Goddess of Love & Motivation | May 20, 2020 |
I stay high all the time. I mean high as a kite, as if I am on drugs. Oftentimes I find myself on my laptop and an idea comes to me. Immediately I apply the idea, and suddenly I get high.
Sometimes I’m on calls with my clients, and as I coach them through their problems, I start getting high.
When I go live sometimes, and I’m talking about spiritual things, I get high.
In many ways I think my high can be contributed to my male friends. They are so brilliant and help me build my empire.
My male friends are spiritual, love God, highly conscious and walking in their purpose. Even though I am a hot mess online, I don’t get a lot of judgements from them. They seriously appreciate me as I am, and encourage me to keep going on my mission.
I have yet to meet a romantic interest who compares to them. You absolutely can not settle for less when you have real activated God’s in your life.
Although I was highly interested in one guy who was a God, but he hadn’t really taken his throne yet, and had issues with me “calling myself” a Goddess. Apparently he thinks it was some title that I just made up. Obviously his consciousness was a bit lower than mine. Yet he was or is brilliant, but I guess not brilliant enough if he can’t see me.
Anyway, whether my natural high is caused by men, walking in purpose or both, what is truly going on here is FLOW STATE.
You may have heard many people talk about being in the flow. Flow state is when you are available for divine intuition and move with it, with no worries. This is when you are able to manifest with ease and grace.
Now you know.
by Kissy Denise - The Masterpiece | The Goddess of Love & Motivation | May 17, 2020 |
As we do through adulthood, at some point, we find ourselves looking for ways to reawaken the childhood experience of aliveness and vitality. The breath is the most profound and readily accessible tool for purifying and revitalizing the body. Spirituality has proven again and again what the Eastern health traditions have known for centuries, that when we breathe well we create the optimum conditions for health, vitality and well-being.
However ofttimes I find that high performers do not stop to deeply breathe. Many entrepreneurs often subconsciously withhold their breath for long periods of time.
How to Tap your Inner Energy Reserves …the secret you already possess
When we were born, our whole body breathed. Every cell was energized with the vitality of the breath. As adults we are amazed (and exhausted) by the relentless nature of children’s energy. We remember the exuberance of our early youth when we breathed with relaxed, open bellies and had an almost limitless supply of energy. Then we began to learn and develop poor breathing patterns. Breathing is not an intellectual activity, yet to reclaim our youthful energy and natural breathing requires your conscious awareness and participation.
Breathing is something that the body knows how to do for our basic survival; it will flow in and out without any thought on your part. This automatic breath allows you to survive, but when you unconsciously hold or restrict your breath through habit, the breath that once ‘breathed you’ becomes automatically restricted and distorted. This unconsciously altered breath allows you to survive but not to thrive. As adults, we find ourselves looking for ways to reawaken this experience of aliveness. Caffeine, sugar, nicotine, alcohol, mega-vitamins, herbs, drama, sex and obsessions all have the ability to momentarily ignite us yet leave us depleted. Curiously, the answer to recovering this dynamic vitality lies within us – in the unconditioned breath of our childhood.
Western medical and scientific studies are proving again and again what the Eastern health traditions have known for centuries, that when we breathe well we create the optimum conditions for health, vitality and well-being. Breathing affects the respiratory, cardiovascular, neurological, gastrointestinal, muscular, and psychic systems, as well as having an effect on our sleep, memory, energy and concentration. Correlations between breathing and the state of our body and mind have been made for thousands of years in ancient Taoism, in Yogic scriptures and in the medical practices of China, Tibet and India (Ayurveda). Throughout time the process of breathing was always considered inseparable from our health, consciousness and spirit. Along with the Eastern traditions, this is found in the ancient Greek and Latin texts as well. In Greek, psyche pneuma means breath/soul/air/spirit, and in Latin, anima spiritus is breath/soul.
The breath is the most profound and readily accessible tool for purifying and revitalizing the body. The basic nature of the breath reveals how one relates to oneself as well as to the rest of the world. If the breath is shallow, the body’s vital systems will be functioning at a minimum level. If the breath is long and deep, however, the respiratory system can function fully and properly, and oxygenation of the body’s cells will be complete. Recovering the essential nature of the breath is a rich and rewarding process for it is ourselves that we truly uncover. This “essential” breath lies between the unconscious, involuntary breath and the controlled and regulated breathing exercises found in healing systems like yoga. It is conscious but natural, arising from the depths of our being and dissolving effortlessly back into our core.
There is a close correlation between the physiology of the breath and the psychology of behavior, and therefore our breathing has a large part to play in determining how we feel emotionally on a daily basis. Deep breathing increases both the amount of fully oxygenated red blood cells, and the release of the waste product, carbon dioxide. If not eliminated through proper respiration, carbon dioxide chemically changes into carbonic acid. Accumulated carbonic acid must be filtered by the kidneys, taxing the body’s vital energy (Prana in the yogic tradition, Ching Chi in the Chinese, Ki in Japanese). We may not give notice to the breath but find ourselves feeling chronically tired, irritated, hurried or anxious, thereby shadowing all our daily activities.
With a little effort, you can begin to experience the essential breath. We must first be able to focus on and perceive our own breathing process; we must make the unconscious conscious. Your very first exercise is an inquiry. In your eagerness to free the breath you may unwittingly increase the tension in your breathing. Approach these meditations with patience and curiosity.
Observing the Essential Breath – Sitting comfortably begin to notice your breathing without trying to alter or change it in any way. Let your breath do what it will. Slowly bring your attention to your exhalation and let your awareness travel down the length of an exhalation. Enjoy the sensation. Explore the pause at the end of the exhalation without altering it. Simply relax and let it happen. Trust that the next breath will arise without “grabbing” for it.
Long Deep Breathing – This is the most basic technique for developing breath awareness, balancing the meridian pathways (from Chinese healing traditions), the endocrine system and the emotions. Inhale deeply into the abdomen, the diaphragm, and finally into the chest. Hold the breath for a few seconds (without force or pressure) and then exhale slowly. Consciously breathe smoothly, gradually, and deeply, concentrating on making each breath full and complete.
Hara Breathing – The Hara is a vital energy center located three fingers width below the navel, that is also known as the “Sea of Energy”. This ancient technique is said to nourish the internal organs, giving the body power and endurance, strengthening the general condition of the body. Concentrate on this point while breathing deeply into the lower abdomen. Let your belly come out as you inhale. Feel the breath being expanded into the depths of the belly. Exhale, drawing the belly in, picturing energy circulating throughout the body.
Your breath is a resource and a refuge that is always available to you. Know that any time that you feel tired, confused, hurried or stressed that you can return to the sanctuary inside the breath. Here you can rest and replenish yourself by simply entering the pause at the end of your exhalations. Nothing to do, nothing to fix, nothing to change; simply rest in the nurture and care that is provided for you within the peace of your essential breath.
by Kissy Denise - The Masterpiece | The Goddess of Love & Motivation | Mar 7, 2020 |
There is nothing wrong with burning sage. What’s wrong is when you are impressed with something outside of yourself.
When you believe that something outside of you has great power.
Same thing with crystals. Spirituality has people running around indulging in the Payless part of spirituality, instead of the Louboutin portion of spirituality.
Elevated spiritual people be like “That’s cute.”
People are avoiding the work, going with fads and have no real power because they placed their power outside of themselves.
It’s okay to burn sage, and it’s even okay to use crystals. We like blingy things. We like purity and things that smell good.
But like I said, the truth of spirituality is to KNOW THYSELF. People are escaping from doing the work.
So many people try to move away from God, when the truth is IT’S ALL GOD.
I heal my clients within an hour of getting on the phone with THEM. Because the power is WITHIN ME. Even if I used crystals, it is I, who gives the crystals power.
Now here is another truth. Some of you reading this are bothered as phuck by my confidence and the way I speak about my divinity.
Meanwhile your confidence relies on a damn crystal… Once again, if I sold someone a crystal. It would work, BECAUSE OF ME.
I AM POWERFUL. My ENERGY is healing. It heals, impacts, and empowers WHATEVER I WANT IT TO.
Activate your I AM.
Signups for Unicorn University Tribe are open for powerful men and women who love TRUTHS.