by Kissy Denise - The Masterpiece | The Goddess of Love & Motivation | Sep 27, 2022 |
I have a ton of male followers, and quite often they want me to feel empathy for them. They want me to feel sorry for them, their decisions and choices to be average, medicore and whatever else. They are the first to say ‘not all men.” Or the statement “That goes for women too or reverse”
It’s like a whole me too campaign lead by weak men. I don’t feel sorry for them.
Here’s why.
Half of the time, when a man complains that a woman dogged him out, that woman showed clear signs of not liking him or having traits that are not reflective of a good, kind-hearted woman. Sure there is a chase initially but a man in tune can feel if a woman likes him or not.
Half of the time it wasn’t a beautiful woman that dogged you out. She was average at best, and played you like a fiddle. Yet you spit nothing but ire at the beautiful women who’ve never done anything to you. In fact if you meet a beautiful woman who likes you, you will mistreat her in order to raise your self-esteem, and tell her how bad of a person she is, when it’s YOU. It’s crazy the chaos that goes on in the minds of a lot of men. Like Rihanna said, Don’t get it twisted. You were just anything n*gga on the h*t list, trying to fix your inner issues with a bad b*tch. So you got left as a sex toy and nothing else. Woke women know what’s up, even if she gives you multiple opportunities to correct your behavior or evolve.

It’s not necessary for anyone to feel bad for men who choose bad women.
Women are naturally kind and loving. They are so kind and loving that most men take advantage of them.
A man must ask himself, how he managed to choose the 1 bad woman out of 3,000. I’m not saying women don’t have flaws. They do. But most of them have good intentions for the men they deal with and don’t want to overly take from him. Most women are not super feminine and are bad at receiving. So they give A LOT to a man.
An impuissant man is not a good man the way he often believes himself to be. Men who get dogged by women are often lazy in personal development, character, physical appearance or in romance quality.
For instance, yes the so called “good man,” may have a decent job and doesn’t cheat. But what else do you have going for you? Would a high caliber woman be impressed to see your woman with YOU? Or are you simply offering women a life of mediocrity?
If a woman can’t brag to bourgeoise women about you, then chances are, you may not be a good man. Ciara can proudly brag about her husband, not just because he’s an NFL player, but because in addition to that he treats her amazing and his character and personal brand is also amazing.
Many men could utilize help in establishing a better personal brand and being a better representative of God’s favor. But instead they look like crap. While the so called ‘bad men’ look like a million bucks… This isn’t rocket science.
When men say ‘Why do women constantly choose the wrong man?” It’s different.
Most men ARE the wrong man.

Even the impuissant men are the wrong men. As they make terrible mates for high value women. Such men constantly chase high value women, complaining about her high standards or trying to say something to her to pull her down to his level. He does not know how to lift a woman up, the way a wealthy, tuned in man does.
Men are only naturally good to the woman he deeply loves. Most times he’s not in love, even when he gets married. Which is why cheating is so rampant.
Most times when a woman chooses a man she is going to choose wrong. Out of 3,000 men only about 3 of them are good.
All of the singleness in this world is because women are not choosing the impuissant men, and they don’t know how to get the 3 good men.
So therefore this is how it goes.
Boy meets girl. Boy seduces girl. They have sex. He nuts, sometimes no condom. She gets pregnant sometimes. The baby inside her raises her consciousness and responsibility level. Now she suddenly realizes she’s with an immature man who can’t help that women keep giving him their numbers to call….
Black Tinder Swindler Cons Black Women Out of $1.3 Million
If she doesn’t get pregnant, he tries to have sex with her as long as possible, as long as she doesn’t catch on to the game of her harassing her sexual energy for free.
The only women who avoid this chaos are the divine feminine women with strategy and understanding.
Life is an abundant battle field. You will only access the Kingdom of Heaven by doing a ton of self-help work to live in another realm.
Cause the 3D realm goes on forever, where people don’t mind wasting time.
How many couples have been married for 10+ years and still they don’t even make $500K a year together????
That doesn’t even make sense.
There are some of us who are lions and eagles. We understand how life works. We will not mate with an average human being. We just won’t. Period.
Men choose bad women, because he’s not in tune with himself. Most men are the wrong man because a great proportion of men have done very little self-development work on themselves. Despite that fact, he can easily find a woman to have sex with. Therefore he believes he knows everything about women.
Whenever an individual thinks they know it all, soul growth is limited. Acquiring wisdom is a life-long journey.
1. Such a man doesn’t know himself. 2. He doesn’t know women. 3. Which means he’s also not tapped into God.
How can such a man possibly attract the right woman for him or be the right man for any woman? I find most men absolutely terrible in their behaviors towards women. Their entire thought process is screwed up. Especially 50/50 men.
Through my years of research and hands on experience I’ve watched men ignore advice on God, and advice on personal branding, despite the advice coming from a successful person. But the minute he meets a woman he REALLY likes, and the woman says she’s worth $20 Million, all of a sudden he wants to tune in with God. And the woman dumps him because he can’t keep up with her spiritually, financially, emotionally, or even culture wise. But he would believe himself to be a good man.
4. Most men wouldn’t know what a good woman is, even if she sat on his face. Which women often do. But all men know is that he had a great sexual experience. The core of the woman and the rest he can’t identify, because men are programmed to be taken through the ringer. When a woman is sweet and loving, often times it doesn’t turn him on.
5. The average man does not know how to talk to an amazing woman. You can cruise the social media account of any sexy, enlightened, attractive, bold Goddess and you will see men in her comments disagreeing with everything she says. Although he is highly attracted to her, his brain frequency can’t keep up with her state of awareness.
Even men who are doing the work often-times still play games, or don’t know how to love. Most people don’t know how to love. For love is a gift from God. It’s a feeling that men quite often are unable to tap into and most women don’t know how to be love.
Now for the women who’ve done the work. They now require a man to do the work to get her. But men are lazy cause he can always get everything he wants from other women, and that keeps him distracted for most of his life, until it finally hits him that he’s never truly experienced real love.
Amazing men have business coaches, relationship coaches, accountants, spiritual guides and do what it takes to evolve. Those men usually have a wife or fiancé. Otherwise they are healing.
by Kissy Denise - The Masterpiece | The Goddess of Love & Motivation | Sep 16, 2022 |
40 is the new 20.
Boston Celtics Star Jaylen Brown was spotted with the world famous Instagram model Bernice Burgos at the club, where everyone can see.
Their outage was captured on video.
Anytime there is a well known NBA player and an Instagram Hottie hook up, the internet is curious to know if it’s publicity or something real.
Althugh Bernice Burgos is very active on her social networks. She has not postage any footage with Jaylen Brown although before recent photos suggest that she is getting close with NBA baller. NBA star.
Bernice Burgos is a well-known Instagram model with more than 6 million followers on the platform. She began her career at 27 years old as a waitress and at the height of popularity she was dating rapper T.I. and beefing with his wife Tiny on Instagram.
In a conversation with The Breakfast Club, she admitted that she had obtained breast implants to add to the curves of her body.. She founded the sleepover line called Bold & Beautiful back in 2014. She even featured in multiple music videos. In 2016, she was featured in the video “Do you Mind” by DJ Khaled.
She has also featured in the movie Notorious and MTV’s Wild’ n Out. Bernice Brugo has two daughters, Ashley and Sarai.
Net worth: The estimated net worth of Bernice Burgos in 2022 is approximately $3 million.
I love Bernice. She gets it in in every way.
by Kissy Denise - The Masterpiece | The Goddess of Love & Motivation | Sep 12, 2022 |
First off, successful black men love black women. Don’t let anyone tell you different.
There are all kinds of rich men. You have to know your dating style, and what kind of rich man you are aligned with. You won’t like every rich man. And every man has his own preferred relationship style.
Black women often reject femininity because they think it’s weak or that it has something to do with a man.
Yes, you can get a man without being feminine. But men in general want a woman who is open, and deeply connected to her own heart and emotions.
Women of other races often have not been through the war ground the way the black woman has. She was told to want nothing and need nothing from a man. She was told she wasn’t worth anything without money.
She was told not to ask a man for anything unless she could do it for herself.
Most black women have a pattern of dating BROKEN black men. She has a pattern of attracting men who expect her to jump through hoops to prove herself. And not ONE of those men provided for her.
Therefore she is now a whole lot stronger, as she should be.
So now we have a bunch of rich, picky, black women, who won’t take sh*t from any man, refuse to be gullible, can’t be controlled, and also doesn’t know how to connect to the soul of a MAN.
Sometimes she can even be bitter, resentful and unwilling to change her ways. Leftover baggage and hurt from past toxic relationships.
Black women also tend to have a problem listening. You can’t tell her nothing!!! Ike don’t need no help b*tch!
Not to mention, she actually is smarter than most black men. The busters from the past. She keeps carrying the past with her….
None of these things mean that you’re not sweet or that you’re not a good person. It’s just that you don’t listen to anyone other than yourself. That can be a good thing sometimes. It’s probably how you got so far in your career.
But when it comes to relationships, it’s different. You must be willing to listen in a whole new way.
You have to want love as bad as you want money. Or be as detached from it as you are from money.
Obviously there are ways to manifest the love that you desire.
One way is by not focusing on someone who doesn’t want you like this meme below.

Pointless, it’s not going to get you anywhere. I could post that meme, because I run a relationship BUSINESS. It’s alignment with my field of study.
But for the average black woman to be focused on why a man doesn’t want her, and blaming men instead of going within, is a dead in road.
I will tell you why. It’s a manifestation of her mind.
Life is a reflection of your thoughts and beliefs.
Because I don’t believe what she is saying, I am routing you down a new path. But those who believe what she is saying, will live the life that she is talking about.
You are not at the beck, call, or mercy of a man choosing you. Goddesses choose men.
Most WOMEN don’t have a strategy or a phucking clue on how to get the dream man SHE WANTS. Not even rich women have the knowledge and they could be surrounded by rich men.
Most WOMEN don’t even understand that yes men are a game and yes they do play games. So why would you walk into a game without researching and studying how to play to win.
Top chicks of course have a ton of men coming at you, but when you focus on the truth of what you want, you will make necessary changes to TRULY live the life of your dreams. Otherwise you sit there bragging about all the men who like you, that you haven’t married, and that’s not a reflection of winning in the game called love.
It’s time to formulate a new plan, a new path, and become a NEW YOU.
Start here by JOINING THE MASTERPIECE TRIBE at an irresistible price for the next few days.
by Kissy Denise - The Masterpiece | The Goddess of Love & Motivation | Aug 24, 2022 |
The reason so many attractive people are failing at relationships is because you keep taking advice from unattractive people with a mindset to live a “regular” life.
You try to suppress your desires, instead of telling yourself THE TRUTH and going for what you want.
God isn’t about to let everyone settle. Some of you have to get up and do the healing work.
It is what it is. You know you want more. God wants you to have more, and be more. You are loved and CHOSEN. Your soul came to earth for EXPANSION and GREATNESS. To leave a legacy and for your name to be known 1,000 years from now.
You are WORTHY and DESERVING of having a highly attractive, brilliant, wealthy, confident, God-loving, good smelling, well dressed, AMAZING mate who makes you cry tears of joy, feel passion, and see stars when you make love.
You get to have deep conversations and divine, soul-fulfilling connections.
You get to feel the magic of the deepest love vibrating, flowing through you, penetrating your very soul; coming into alignment and one with GOD.
Just because someone is attractive and did the work in every area of life in order to be successful, doesn’t make them a bad person.
Look in the mirror and OWN YOUR BEAUTIFUL TRUTHS. GOD already told you that you are worthy.
Are you going to listen to people, or are you going to listen to GOD? Listening to people has you where you are right now.
Message me to HEAL, manifest soulmate love, money, power, success, CONFIDENCE, beauty, influence, luxury, and the JOY that you desire.
Very few people in this world are going to tell you that you deserve the best of the best.
They are quick to tell you to settle for less.
Normal/regular/less than is never going to work for you. It’s not YOU.
Written with Love,
Kissy 💖
by Kissy Denise - The Masterpiece | The Goddess of Love & Motivation | Jul 21, 2022 |
A 5 Figure Fool is a 5 Figure man who ignores the wisdom of a 6-7 Figure woman.
Despite not hitting 6 figures himself yet, he is unwilling to listen to her, take advice from her, and raise his financial capital effortlessly.
Instead it’s more important for him to be a SENSITIVE man who is hurt by his strong woman’s confidence, motivation and rigorous financial training. The army is allowed to beat him into shape. His personal trainer is allowed to whip him into shape, but he wants his woman to be soft and sweet to him, although he doesn’t make life soft and sweet for HER.
So she attempts to build him into the 6-7 Figure man he claims he wants to be, so he can lead from a place of integrity, and have some respect for how hard she worked to get to where she is.
Because he is unwilling to listen, he will often walk away from this helpmate, or gets dumped by her, and goes in search of a FEMININE woman who oftentimes can’t motivate him to make more money, but instead she makes him feel safe.
Before he leaves he will take from the boss chick, or hurt her in some way due to resentment of her not allowing him to figure out life on his own without constantly issuing advice to him.
He resents the fact that she saw him as handicapped and needing her help.
In her eyes she believes she sees love for her man and is willing to help him and ride with him to the top. She is attempting to create a Pinky & The Brain power couple. Yet the man does not feel so empowered by her, because he wants to be accepted for who he currently is, and not made to feel like he should be more.
It’s misalignment of the finest.
5 Figure men are still looking to feel SAFE in the world and need women to provide this for them. Which is oftentimes why those men don’t provide or understand the mindset shifts that come with wealth. He hasn’t felt safe enough to allow the shifts in.
The feminine woman feels safety in herself, so she allows him to be him. The little boy in him then slowly grows up to be a real man. Most of these men never reach nor pass the 6 figure mark. This woman is his COMFORT zone. The 6-7 Figure woman made him uncomfortable.
The 6-7 Figure woman often continues to provide herself with safety by working hard to be successful. She feels so strong and safe that she allows men into her life for the ride who don’t provide.
What you can learn from this is that COMFORT is the enemy of achievement. A man or woman may come into your life who is willing to help you reach YOUR GOALS. They may make you FEEL uncomfortable. That doesn’t mean they aren’t good for you.
Isn’t it wise to learn the wealth lesson, or whatever lesson the 6-7 Figure woman is teaching you, vs moving on or losing her and never creating that wealth?
by Kissy Denise - The Masterpiece | The Goddess of Love & Motivation | Jul 20, 2022 |
To tell you women the truth, a lot of you no matter how pretty and smart you are, you are worthless to a man.
Not because you don’t spend money on your clothes, car, make-up or shoes. Not because you’re not smart. But because you don’t actually value yourself enough to invest in your feminine ascension and healing.
You value your OUTER and looking good, but not your FEMININE ENERGY.
You’ll invest in taking a man out to dinner and spending $250. But wouldn’t spend that same money on femininity coaching because that would feel like chasing a man to you or doing extra to get a man, that you believe isn’t necessary.
Some women will spit out 3 kids for a man, and become a single mother, which is expensive, but won’t invest in femininity coaching to fix your current relationship because “he” isn’t worth it, you say.
You simply want to be told that you’re beautiful and a man is lucky to have you. Without you actually doing the WERK that makes a man feel like you’re so special he’s in love with your soul.
So therefore you stay strong, beautiful and independent. Men call you beautiful, have sex with you, then it’s on to the next woman.
Then there you are screaming blaming HIM… Your friends do the same thing, and the cycle continues.
Yet, deep down inside you want real love. Yet you continue to do the same things… Something has to be different. Either you’re going to change to get what you want, or you’re going to go be with the man who wants YOU.
I tell ya’ll all the time about lies and pacification that make you FEEL good, for the wrong reasons.
I suppose it’s okay to feel good about being a masculine woman. But understand that means you’re either going to pay half or get with an average looking man.
Average looking men are the key to masculine women. Ones that probably aren’t that active online. Ones who don’t have access to 200 hot chicks.
Walk away from getting top men if you don’t want to work on your feminine core.
Truth be told, those men tend to nurture strong, successful women better anyway. They let you fly free and be whoever you want to be without all of the restrictions.
This whole everyone wants a high value man without working on their femininity or even looking good AF is insane.
Most coaches don’t actually understand HIGH VALUE MEN. These successful, attractive men expect A LOT. But they will settle for FEMININE because that is MOST of what they want.
P.S. When men meet beautiful women they are looking for something INTERNALLY pleasing about you. What you think is NICE, he sees as weak.
When the same man meets an average looking woman, he’s already valuing her INTERNAL…
So what I am saying is that when you’re smart and beautiful most men are looking to subtract points from you off top. Meanwhile he gives points to an average woman right away.
Beauty makes his d*ck feel lust. But that’s not always connected to his heart where he FEELS connected.
by Kissy Denise - The Masterpiece | The Goddess of Love & Motivation | Jun 16, 2022 |
Successful men and men in general are oftentimes so full of themselves. They expect women to bow down for no other reason than the fact that they are a man.
I used to get really annoyed when a man told me to be humble. I didn’t like it one bit. I never tell anyone to humble themselves. I don’t see a reason why they should. Plus I learned long ago to not listen to the negative things people say about you or the limitations they try to place on you, and instead listen to the greatness that God instilled in you.

Usually when I was told to practice more humility, it was a man who didn’t dress as nice as me, or didn’t have as much money as me, or didn’t look as good as me. It never came from a man who deeply honored me. So I ignored the advice thinking they didn’t know what they were talking about.
As you can see I looked for ways to diminish the person’s advice based on them somehow being less than me.
God forgive me, for I have sinned. 🙏 That’s NOT love.

Then one day out of the blue, shortly AFTER reading the bible, God showed me what truly humility is in a man’s eyes.
Sometimes someone tells you something and maybe they don’t say it in a way that you can understand at the time. But that doesn’t mean that they aren’t right.
One of the biggest relationship healers is giving up your need to be right. It’s also one of the biggest WEALTH/ABUNDANCE healers.
When our desire is to be right, we tend not to listen to the other person.
When you give up your need to be right you allow in love, money and miracles.
To give up your need to be right, first, you must become conscious of when you feel that desire to make someone or something wrong.
According to the Dream Maker blog:
Always Being Right Is Nothing But Perception
Life as we know it is not black and white. It’s never a question of who is right or who is wrong, but what is right and what is wrong. Believing that your own way is the right way is just a perception that enslaves your mind.
Having an underlying need to be right comes from underlying fears and insecurities.
The problem is you’re open to being told you’re wrong. But in some areas, you can be subconsciously rigid.
But back to what I was saying earlier. It was the men who didn’t treat me well who told me to humble myself. The ones who treated me well thought I should be even more confident.
Humility vs Confidence
According to Scott Young that means:
Confidence would come from focusing on the positive things you already know. In contrast, humility isn’t focusing on the negative information as it is focused on the overwhelming amount of information you don’t know.
They were all right. They were also the wrong man for me. I THOUGHT I was being humble by dealing with them in the first place. That is why you can’t date men who aren’t on your level. Level meaning the spiritual level you are called to thrive on. Some men can see that you are a Goddess and other men are unable to… Probably cause they think they are doing YOU a favor by dealing with you. (see how that thought backfires on everyone?)
I used to talk sooooooooo much sh*t…. But then God always pops up to humble me in spirit. For that I have so much gratitude and gave up talking ish.
I always say there are levels to everything. Baby there is another level to HUMILITY too. I was right about humbling myself to God. But how many people put their worries in God’s hand and avoid trying to solve all of their problem’s on their own?
Chances are, that doesn’t feel humble to a tapped in soul. It feels weak. Or even more perhaps you feel like God has more important people/problems to tend to and you don’t wanna bother him with your lil problems….

Scott suggests the following to practice more humility:
How to Use Humility
The amount you don’t know is far larger than the amount you do. Humility utilizes that space by acknowledging it exists. Here are some ways you can apply humility to improve:
- People. Everyone is better than me in some way. More importantly, everyone has something to teach me if I look closely enough. Although I write fairly opinionated articles here, I focus on being more observant in my offline interactions.
- Projects. Every project I start has a million uncertainties. Instead of assuming a rigid plan, I leave flexibility to allow new opportunities to come in. Although I have longer term plans for this website, I’m also open to new possibilities.
- Passions. When I wrote this article, What Do You Want to Do With Your Life, I was basically advocating taking a more humble stance towards your life directions. Be open to everything and get curious rather than confident.
- Productivity. It requires humility to admit you’ve been doing things wrong all along. My traffic tripled in a short period after I made changes to how I wrote articles. That couldn’t of happened if I was too sure of my own methods to change.

It takes LOADS of CONFIDENCE to walk this path.
Book a Revelation Call to get spiritual guidance on your path, better understand how to seek God for answers, and become the EMBODIMENT of all that you desire. My expertise is DIVINE CONFIDENCE, MANIFESTATION, AUTHENTICITY & EMBODIMENT SELF-LOVE & SOULMATE LOVE, GOD, Toxic Relationships, Soul Alignment, Energy Healing, Personal Branding, Millionaire Mindset and SOCIAL MEDIA MONETIZATION.
We help high performing 6-7 figure entrepreneurs move into your next level of expansion.
This is what it takes to manifest the life of your dreams. Purpose, Prosperity, Love, Impact, Influence, Freedom and an abundance of Joy is a natural result of spiritual alignment with your highest self.
It doesn’t matter what business you are in. Self mastery is not one’s ability to perform well for another human being according to a version that is not their own.
This is about your vision, and your ability to get “the world” to march into formation and alignment with “your world” which houses your vision.

True humility is KNOWING you’re in the presence of a King, speaking to him as such and treating him as such. Not because you are doing HIM a favor, but because that is the way you honor a God King and the love he makes your heart feel…
This means knowing that he is just as worthy and deserving as you are, and if you don’t believe such, then you shouldn’t be with him.
No need for excuses that he doesn’t treat you right. Why are you with a man who doesn’t honor you? Blaming anything or anyone outside of you is not the way to go.
by Kissy Denise - The Masterpiece | The Goddess of Love & Motivation | May 20, 2022 |
More footage of Jada Pinkett speaking candidly on Red Table Talk about her relationship with husband Will Smith has surfaced.
Speaking with Stephen Curry’s wife Ayesha Curry Jada spoke about how concentrating only on the kids and husband Will Smith made her life worse.
Although Jada said she put herself in Will’s shoes, she simply does not seem to like Will. Yet, they are still sticking together in a lifetime partnership.
Essentially Sports Reports:
In one of the episodes of Red Table Talk, Jada Pinkett Smith, Willow Smith, and Gammy traveled to North Carolina to meet the Curry family. And they had some candid moments during the discussion.
During the talk show, Ayesha Curry was talking about how she didn’t just want to be a basketball wife. She said that Sonya perfectly balances her needs, her husband’s, and her children’s. But she said that this made her realize she needed something for herself.
Ayesha said that she wanted to build a career for herself so that she could work on that and said that it would make her happy and fulfilled. So Jada asked what was the most difficult part for Ayesha in her pursuit of a career.
Curry said that trying to figure out how to balance her career and family was the hardest. And said that she wanted to give up her career just to be around her family more. She said that she had to talk her out of quitting her career due to the family because, when she was a housewife, she was miserable.
Hearing this, Jada Pinkett confessed, “Oh, I am with you, I am with you that phase. Like, not working. Like, okay, ‘I am just gonna concentrate on my kids and I am gonna concentrate on my husband’, and I turned into a terror.”
Ayesha Curry said that the children would eventually grow up and leave to live their own lives, which would leave the mothers with an emptiness if they didn’t have a career.
You notice that Jada never has anything positive to say about Will?
Flip to the next page to watch Jada Pinkett open up about her life being worse as a result of concentrating on Will Smith and their kids…