Man Murders Entire Family of 8, Cause His Wife Complained About Him

Man Murders Entire Family of 8, Cause His Wife Complained About Him

Society has a major misconception that if a woman is married she knows what she is doing when it comes to relationships.

This is quite often not true. As relationships are quite complex and require emotional understanding.

Many women often put up with a lot of trauma and drama for the sake of keeping a man, at the cost of happiness of everyone in the household.

In the case of Tausha Haight, by the time she was ready to end her toxic marriage, her husband was far too gone into into his chosen life perspective of believing he no longer had control over his own life, wife, happiness or marriage.

In January, Michael Haight, 42, of Utah, shot and killed his wife, Tausha Haight, 40, Tausha Height’s mother, Gail Earl, 78, and the couple’s five children: a 4-year-old boy, a 7-year-old boy, a 7-year-old girl, a 12-year-old girl, and a 17-year-old girl. After that, he killed himself, leaving a suicide letter that blamed everything on his wife.

The massacre came weeks after Tausha Haight filed for divorce from her husband, was a devoted Mormon and an insurance agent who had recently been fired from All State.

In a suicide letter recently released by the Police Department, Michael referenced his faith and work ethic – and the apparent discord those parts of his life have caused his marriage.

“I’ve been complained about every step of the way that I work too much, put my church calling before my wife and on and on and on,” Michael Haight wrote. “She has been so awful to me and my family for years and I have generally been patient trying to work through her issues with my family, our kids, neighbors, ward members and others who don’t make her the center of attention. This is nonsense and I can’t handle it for one more day. We will not be a burden on society. I kept asking for help and you wouldn’t listen.”

The missive goes on to express a preference for death over the continued life he and his family were leading.

“I can not believe that God has allowed the person who should be the closest to me in the world to fault find, gossip and disparage me at every turn,” the letter continues. “I have never seen someone who is so intent on finding faults in others. I have tried helping but it generally backfires and I seem to always get blamed. I would rather rot in hell than to put up with another day of this manipulation and control over me.”

According to the 57-page report, divorce papers were prepared by Tausha Haight’s attorney on Dec. 21, 2022. The killer would be served with the papers six days later, on Dec. 27, 2022.

“He asked her how her day was going,” the police report says, according to Deseret News. “He acted as if nothing had happened.”

One of the daughters texted a friend excited her mom was finally leaving her dad and said that “He has to go.”

None of Michael’s family wanted him around.

Sometimes women think that complaining about a man will change him. It won’t. It only angers him. Which is why women are told to never nag a man.

Instead of nagging or complaining, which makes things worse, seek out a relationship coach or a therapist.

There is no such thing as not having control over your life or not being able to improve your situation.

In any relationship, instead of complaining, you can stay in silence, change YOUR ways, go to therapy, or leave. When a woman complains most men become deaf to everything she’s saying.

Many relationship problems actually start with people hopping into long-term committed relationships without fully knowing themselves, their desires,  and not knowing how to communicate properly with a partner.

That is why relationship coaches are important.

If you are in a toxic relationship, seek help. Things can improve.

Rest in peace to this beautiful family.

P.S. Ladies, if your husband/man is a super terror, DO NOT serve him divorce papers or tell him you are leaving and still be in the house where he can access you. These things have to be PLANNED. It’s an ESCAPE.

To read more details on this story visit the Law & Crime blog.

The Monogamous Way To Attract Love, Great Sex, Commitment and Companionship

The Monogamous Way To Attract Love, Great Sex, Commitment and Companionship

Being against love, great sex, commitment and companionship is not normal.

LOVE is the most natural thing in the world. It’s a gift from God.

A chance to tune in and live from your heart. A chance to be free and experience an earthly heaven.

Both love and fear can not exist on the same frequency. You get to choose.

Even self-love is a choice. It’s the greatest choice.

The amount of love you have for yourself determines the life you will manifest. When you live from the heart you have a greater chance of experiencing a beautiful life.

Therefore valuing yourself and believing in the best of yourself should be your greatest focus on earth.

When you make self-love and experiencing love with others a priority mountains turn into molehills.

Challenges dissolve.

Your health improves.

Life gets better.

You attract more money.

These are just a few reasons that God gave you love.

How Self-Love Attracts People Who Love & Accept You For You

The best thing you can do for yourself is to get to know yourself.  In and out, good and bad, owning your humanness and accepting you.

Oftentimes the disappointments we experience in relationships are a result of inner unhealed wounds, trauma, and lack of knowledge of self.

When you don’t know self, you make it difficult for others to be with you, because no matter what they do, they will never be good enough for you, until you are good enough for yourself.

Nobody can appease you until you appease yourself.

For the entrepreneur, your constant battle of chasing SUCCESS in your business or accolades causes you to ignore or devalue the importance of your relationships.

Your entire self-worth is determined by the success of your business. Your work is to understand that you are who you are, and you are worth what you are worth, despite the success of your business.

To make your business successful, you simply DECIDE.

Your business is a seperate entity from who you are. You’ve been taking it personal, instead of showing up like the BUSINESS YOU SOUGHT OUT TO CREATE.

The one that’s based upon YOUR PURPOSE, GIFTS & TALENTS. Not the one based upon your income.

When you understand this you will improve your worthiness and manifest all that you desire anyway. Until this moment, you’ve been unconsciously pushing IT away.

You don’t have to forgo love, repel love, ignore love, reject love or practice the belief that you don’t have time for love, in order to make your business successful.

In fact, when you shift that belief you will become even more successful.

You and your business were meant to THRIVE INSIDE of a healthy, loving relationship.

For others your business would be more successful if you were alone. Meaning minus the mate you are currently with, who does’t understand how hard you work to be successful.

Each soul has a different path it is called to take.

The path of the heart-led entrepreneur is to HAVE IT ALL.

Meaning value and appreciating ALL, starting with yourself.

This is why SELF-LOVE is the most healing journey. The more you love and accept yourself the more others love and accept you, because you make room for them to.

Written with Love,
Kissy Denise – The Masterpiece | The Goddess of Love & Motivation 💖✨💋

Chris Rock Says The Housewife is the Smartest, Most Powerful Woman On The Planet, Not Working Chicks

Chris Rock Says The Housewife is the Smartest, Most Powerful Woman On The Planet, Not Working Chicks

Most feminine women are taken advantage of by men.

Fierce féminine women have men who bow at their feet and protect them.

It’s great if you are a stay at home wife like Steve Harvey’s wife Marjorie. She has it made. Sis doesn’t have to help people do anything. She has real bragging rights.  Not only does her husband PROVIDE, but he actually takes her advice to improve his image and it has worked out wonderfully.

Imagine being married to a man who adores you, worships the ground you walk on, also provides, and listen to your wisdom. It’s what men are supposed to do, but most of them don’t. They think women are there to be cheap maids.

Chris Rock said the housewife is the most powerful woman on the planet because she is smart enough to have all of her needs met without working.   You can tell that his ex wife was not a chore slave.

For women who are not provided for, HAVING YOUR OWN BUSINESS is your protection.

Some feminine women who say it’s brokenness to fear depending on your man, but 9/10 that woman has been with her man since she was young and doesn’t truly know the WORLD of relationships.

Chances are her vibration has kept her safe in a vortex of men who provide. But even she is tired of cooking and cleaning all of the time.

A lot of married women are underpaid maids. She’s lucky if he buys her a new iPhone.

The truth of relationships is often not reported on social media, except for the singles who complain to no avail.

It’s okay to compromise, but most women went overboard and some men too.

We LOVE to look at couples and think they know something, but most times women simply know how to settle for less. That’s just what it is.

Men can say whatever they want, but they know a woman with her own money can quickly go find a new man.

That’s why many men don’t want a working woman. MONEY IS POWER.

They also know beautiful, inshape women can quickly find a new man, which is why many men avoid super beautiful women.

It’s going to be hard to break her self-esteem down.

And I know men want women to humble themselves, but the minute you do, you are doomed. But at least you can come online and say you have a man. That counts for A LOT in this society.

Every woman I watch humble herself to a man who hasn’t married her, develops such deep low self-esteem that she doesn’t even realize it.

Self-Love these days is having your own successful business/career and having a loving marriage too.Chris Rock said the housewife is the smartest, most powerful woman on the planet.

He said you have “Housewives of Atlanta,” Not Working B*tches of Atlanta.

Watch the video below:

When Is He Going To Marry You?

When Is He Going To Marry You?

You don’t have to ask a man “Where is this going?”

If it was going somewhere, he would tell you. Men who want you CLAIM YOU FAST because they don’t want any other man to get you.

Sure you can try to convince him to PICK YOU, but that’s backwards use of your feminine power, pussy power and magnetism. You can do better love.

Other men are dating multiple women SEARCHING for THE ONE. The rest of you b*tches in between he is watching you do circus tricks to no avail.

That’s the real sh*t that most female dating coaches won’t tell you, because they actually don’t know men well or the games men play. Men do not care, until they find THE ONE.

Not to mention when a man also isn’t providing for you, isn’t offering you any stability, yet, you want to be with him, he thinks you are foolish. Especially black women.  Black women have this thing of accepting men who don’t provide and thinking that black men are handicapped and need your half.

He literally shakes his head at how desperate you are for a man.  He, the one who provides.

Men who provide stay away from any woman who thinks he’s handicapped. You can’t even say nice things to him to boost his self-esteem cause he already has it.

You must know what kind of man you’re dealing with, and HE must be crazy about YOU.

Without that you are wasting YOUR TIME. He’s not wasting time cause you’re still phucking him, sucking his d*ck, washing clothes, cooking, cleaning, and being a maid and you’re paying half of his bills, or still maintaining your own while you serve him.


But lets’ skip that part. Because you don’t want to hear that. You want to hear how to get a man who doesn’t provide for you, to marry you.

Men who don’t provide will wife you if you agree to pay half and believe he needs your half and you’re obedient, willing to put his needs above your own and listen.

But for the women who refuse….

Listen, it’s time to stop being a weak azz b*tch. Avoid weak women in toxic relationships. Listening to them is a drain and it’s not like they are going to appreciate you guiding them or healing them.

You’ve tried it THEIR WAY for long ENOUGH. 💡

Their lack of SELF-LOVE requires that they continue pouring love into a man who will continue to misuse her.

Not to mention she is not in alignment with healthy relationships. She confuses your DELUSIONAL flow that good men actually exist when you learn how to pick. 😘

Sure she has a man who abuses her or uses her. How most women keep a man is literally to have low self-esteem. Period.

Sure she thinks she’s doing something cause she’s in a “relationship,” and your azz is single and barely mingling.

That negative energy blocks you from your good because mentally they see you settling for less, like them. Especially women who’ve let their bodies go.

I see you getting THE BEST. ♥️

Now that all of your energy is focused on positive. Have some respect for yourself and stop letting these dudes play you left.

If he’s not INVESTING IN YOU he’s investing in someone else. Half of these single men are gold diggers using BOSS women to come up.

💖 The reason most badd azz chicks are single is two things.

1. You don’t date enough.
2. You date one man at a time and let him take you for play play, instead of dating at least 2, letting 1 ask to be with you and getting the opportunity to laugh at the slow one who thought he had you waiting in his rotation.
3. You’re dishonest AF about what you want, because you lack confidence.

👉 The lack of confidence is understandable cause Lord knows barely anyone wants you to truly love yourself and own your desires. Heck most women are too afraid to even tell anyone what you want for fear that they will say “B*tch, who do you think you are? You’re not worthy of that.”

Most women are too “week” to be bold enough to go after a top dude. Period.

💰You boss chicks definitely don’t date enough, nor do you have relationship coaches so obviously you will be in masculine energy running most men off. Even the 50/50 men want femininity. You believe you don’t need a man. 👂 You hate for anyone to tell you anything and you think femininity is weak…. But there is a such thing as FIERCE FEMININITY, which is what I teach.

🔮 You spiritual chicks are confused because you’re learning so much, trying to change, grow and so much. You’re literally walking through the valley of the shadow of death in 👠 and barely anyone understands what you’re going through. Nor do they care. And you’re doing all of this while trying to maintain your same lifestyle. You need loving support from someone who understands both spiritual evolution and dating to shift you.

Everyone could use a high dose of CONFIDENCE.

🧿 One thing I can guarantee you is that working with me 1 on 1, you will increase your confidence tremendously, get clear on what you want, start attracting high value relationships and understand the dating GAME.

It is a GAME because most people in it, don’t know what the heck they want AND they are consistently and actively dating and still coming up short.

🧬 It’s different for you introverts and empaths who avoid dating and people in general. You are a great mate. You simply don’t want anyone at the moment. Even though you try to.

Healing that LOVE wound is where I come in at. Something happened to you that caused you to be blocked from your next level frequency.

Get help before you end up bragging about being happily celibate for 10+years thinking that’s an accomplishment.

The dating realm is a jungle for earth angels. People really are little monsters. You must attract the ones who have PURE intentions for you like you do.

👁 For intuitive souls it’s weird watching people formulate a strategy to seduce you, and you can clearly see every move they are making, while their heart is closed. I know you’re tired of playing in the sandbox.

Listen you’ve played the WATCH game long enough. It’s time for you to take charge and stop letting the humans waste your time.

The 777 God & Goddess Embodiment Mastermind Is about clearing all decks, gaining massive clarity, becoming the highest version of yourself, removing the ANXIETY, getting a Soul Aligned Strategy to 10x your income, and manifest everything that you desire.

I am accepting powerful azz men and women who are ready for your next level NOW!

Message Me to inquire!

DO NOT MESSAGE me if you don’t want to upgrade your appearance or listen.

DO NOT MESSAGE ME if you don’t like how fierce I am. I am working with warriors who will take over the world.

Yes, you may cry. But you will only cry cause you finally see the light of how amazing you are and how you were blocking yourself the entire time.

I am here to help you remember WHO you are and WHERE TF you are going.

Everything you want can be manifested with ease when you clear your blocks. You actually care about looks, so you have to do more than average.

Darn there everyone has an average looking mate. For some reason, you don’t want that. Own it and do the work.


Why Men Believe They Have A Ton of Options But Remain Single

Why Men Believe They Have A Ton of Options But Remain Single

Single men think they have so many OPTIONS.

In my opinion you’re either blind, dumb or lying. Cause what kind of man has a ton of great options and chooses to remain single and pass up on good women?

Most men do, and that does not make you SMART nor wise. It makes you an average male playing on the merry-go-round.

By the time men become 50-years-old in this day, most of the women they meet only like them for what they can provide.

When you pick a woman when you’re younger, you providing is only ONE of the reasons she likes you. She also chose you because she really digs you. If she didn’t dig you she would’ve used you up for a little while and moved on. She would not keep you.

What you men who have SO MANY OPTIONS are doing, is throwing away your chance to be cared about as a man.

That’s why women cheat on you. It’s because she doesn’t actually care about you.

This especially goes for men who are already not that good looking.

I met an older man the other day and everyone was asking for his autograph. He was macking on me like he was in his 30’s, in his prime and in his hay day.

He seemed to have no idea that his glory days were over. It took him quite some times to realize he couldn’t have me, nor a woman like me anymore.

Whatever he offered me was trinkets. I was not about to be seen with him.

He told me he’d been married several times and cheated on all of his wives and they all filed for divorce because of it.

You black men have the whole world at your feet, but quite often you’re stuck on how many beautiful fish are in the tank.

You rob yourself of wealth by doing this.

When you get a smart woman with a good heart, and you treat her right, you will attract wealth into your life. That’s the real SEA.


Why Men Believe They Have A Ton of Options But Remain Single

The Reason Why Women Are Most Men’s Downfall

Women are most mens downfall because most men choose average minded, selfish women.

They scoff at honest women who speak their truths.

I know this from counseling hundreds of men, and seeing how many come on this profile complaining about ME the amazing woman they can’t have anyway.

But other men either choose an amazing woman or they go get a 50/50 relationship so that he gets half of his bills paid and free sex too.

Someone was telling me a story about a woman yesterday. Her husband was cheating on her with a pretty, slim girl.
Meanwhile the wife who was a bigger woman had built this man’s entire business and put him on. She literally made him.

THat’s why he married her, to financially excel.

This is reality.

Most men do not know HOW to choose a good woman, and some of the ones that do tend to use women.

Why Men Believe They Have A Ton of Options But Remain Single

The proper way to choose LOVE 4 MEN

It doesn’t matter how good of a man you are if you let the wrong woman choose you.

If your woman doesn’t love you and the Goddess within her, the relationship shall not prosper no matter how well you treat her.

For some men, you may not be the great mate you believe you are. So the woman that treated you well, begins to dismiss you and feel very little empathy for you, based upon your behaviors in relation to her.

I recall a few men from my past who thought they were great men as far as relationships. But actually they were emotionally harmful to women by character default.

For some men, you chose a woman who wasn’t HONEST about her desires. For example, she wants to live a life of luxury, but you can only offer her McDonald’s and she accepted it.

Eventually the truth will come to surface because women can only deny their truths but for so long.  Women are hypergamous and naturally attract Kings. Some women choose a King, and some women choose a regular guy. It’s all about the WHY.

For other men, learning HOW TO CHOOSE LOVE would change your life.

It’s always obvious to other women when a woman is truly in love. Everyone knows. Quite often, you are all she talks about. Even other men can sense it. Everyone can sense real love from the outside looking in.

Men are apt to choose WHO THEY LOVE, NOT WHO LOVES HIM.

It has to be both. She must have the capacity to love you based upon how you treat her and how you make her feel. Same for you.

You both want the same thing, in different ways.

Your character and values must be aligned.

For men, your true love is the woman you fell in love with on first sight…. Not the woman you settled for.

To be a good man requires that you choose the right woman.

When your woman loves you and the Goddess within her, the relationship shall prosper as long as you treat her well.

Message me on social media for tips on how to treat your Goddess woman well.