The Art of Attracting a High-Value Man: The Common Sense Women Often Overlook

The Art of Attracting a High-Value Man: The Common Sense Women Often Overlook

The Art of Attracting a High-Value Man: The Common Sense Women Often Overlook

In the vast world of dating and relationships, the quest to attract a high-value man often seems like an enigma to many women. While the journey might seem complex, the essence lies in the simplicity of certain principles that, surprisingly, many tend to overlook. In this blog, we’ll explore some common-sense insights that can significantly enhance your ability to attract a high-value man into your life.

Cultivate Self-Value:
Before seeking a high-value man, it’s crucial to recognize and appreciate your own value. Cultivating self-love and confidence creates an aura that naturally draws quality individuals. Embrace your uniqueness, pursue personal growth, and showcase your passions. A woman who values herself becomes inherently magnetic to those who appreciate and seek quality.

Embrace Authenticity:
Genuine connections are built on authenticity. Be true to yourself, express your opinions, and showcase your personality. High-value men are often attracted to women who are comfortable in their own skin and have the courage to be authentic. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable; it’s a strength that resonates deeply with those seeking meaningful connections.

Prioritize Personal Growth:
Continuous self-improvement is an attractive quality. Whether it’s pursuing education, developing new skills, or simply evolving as an individual, a commitment to personal growth signals to high-value men that you are invested in becoming the best version of yourself. This shared dedication to improvement can form a strong foundation for a lasting connection.

Establish Boundaries:
Setting healthy boundaries is crucial in any relationship. High-value men appreciate women who respect themselves enough to establish clear boundaries. Communicate your needs and expectations openly, and be willing to uphold them. This not only fosters respect but also sets the tone for a relationship based on mutual understanding and consideration.

Foster Positive Energy:
Radiating positivity can significantly impact the energy you bring into a relationship. High-value men are drawn to individuals who exude optimism and joy. Cultivate a positive mindset, practice gratitude, and surround yourself with positivity. Your radiant energy will naturally attract those who appreciate and share your optimistic outlook on life.


Attracting a high-value man involves aligning your actions and mindset with qualities that these individuals value. By cultivating self-love, embracing authenticity, prioritizing personal growth, establishing boundaries, and fostering positive energy, you set the stage for meaningful connections with quality partners.

As you embark on this journey, consider exploring additional resources to further enhance your understanding and skills. My books and courses are designed to provide in-depth insights and practical strategies to empower women on their path to attracting and maintaining fulfilling relationships with high-value men.

Remember, the journey to love is a continuous process of self-discovery and growth. Equip yourself with the knowledge and tools to navigate this journey with confidence, and watch as the high-value man you seek becomes drawn to the authentic and empowered woman you are becoming.

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Why do I keep attracting relationships with men whose frequency/vibration I have no desire to match?

Why do I keep attracting relationships with men whose frequency/vibration I have no desire to match?

Find yourself in a pattern of attracting partners who don’t align with your desired frequency or vibration?

I know you must be tired of that. Several factors could contribute to this phenomenon:

Unconscious Beliefs and Patterns: Sometimes, subconscious beliefs or past experiences can influence the type of partners we attract. These underlying beliefs may lead you to gravitate towards partners who don’t match your desired frequency without realizing it.

Self-Worth and Self-Image: Your perception of yourself and your self-worth can impact the type of relationships you attract. If you have doubts about your worthiness or value, you may unconsciously seek out partners who reinforce those beliefs, even if they’re not in line with what you truly desire.

Familiarity and Comfort Zone: People often feel drawn to what is familiar, even if it’s not ultimately fulfilling. You might be comfortable with certain dynamics or behaviors because they remind you of past experiences, even if those experiences weren’t healthy or aligned with your goals.

Unmet Needs: Sometimes, we attract partners who reflect unmet needs or unresolved issues from our past. For example, if you’re seeking validation or approval, you may attract partners who struggle with emotional availability or empathy.

Lack of Boundaries: Insufficient boundaries can lead to attracting partners who don’t respect your needs or boundaries. Without clear boundaries, you may find yourself in relationships where your frequency or vibration feels out of sync.

To break this pattern and attract relationships that align with your desired frequency, consider the following steps:

Self-Reflection: Take time to reflect on past relationships and patterns you’ve noticed. Explore any underlying beliefs or fears that may be influencing your choices.

Clarify Your Desires: Get clear on what you truly want and need in a relationship. Identify your values, priorities, and the type of connection you’re seeking.

Work on Self-Worth: Cultivate a strong sense of self-worth and confidence. Recognize your own value independent of external validation or relationships.

Set Healthy Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries and communicate them effectively with potential partners. Respect yourself enough to enforce boundaries that honor your needs and well-being.

Challenge Familiar Patterns: Be willing to step outside of your comfort zone and challenge familiar relationship patterns that haven’t served you well in the past.

Seek Support: Consider seeking support from a therapist, coach, or trusted friend who can offer insights and guidance as you navigate your relationship patterns.

By addressing these factors and taking proactive steps to align your actions with your desires, you can shift your relationship dynamics and attract partners who resonate with your desired frequency and vibration.

Chances are you are a bit too familiar with pain and not getting what you want.

Use this workbook to get started on a NEW LEVEL OF VIBRATION:.

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Why ALL Relationship Coaches Are Right

Why ALL Relationship Coaches Are Right

A man who doesn’t see value in a woman outside of sex is immature. Chances are he’s SINGLE. Men get married when they value women.

A man who tells you every man is going to cheat is immature and broken.

How do we as women think better about men, than some men think of their own counterparts?

Those same men blame women for choosing a bad man, when they themselves admitted that men are cheaters, liars, and manipulators, with no self-control. 😩

You know what else? Everyone is right. You get to experience whatever kind of relationship you want depending on the belief system that you mate with.

Women who say men shouldn’t provide. They are right too. Which is why men don’t provide for them. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Women who say it’s better to be single than in a relationship getting cheated on, are single.

Women who say that men are Kings, can be faithful and cover her are right too. Which is why she has a man who does so.

Everyone is right. But I’m right in CHRIST. That’s the way to experience real love, SUCCESS and happiness at the same time. Not these surface level relationships filled with chaos, disrespect, unkindness and mediocrity that these people are accustomed to.

The right coach for you has the answers to get you what you want.

For my coaching method, you gots to BELIEVE.

I help those who believe in the dream of SUCCESS, LOVE & HAPPINESS. 💖

I’m here to reformulate your beliefs and raise your vibration in alignment with that. Those who believe and refuse to settle for less, and do the work, get remarkable results by working with me 1 on 1.

It’s really as simple as loving yourself, believing in yourself and making your desires IMPORTANT enough to value your DESIRES and dreams enough to invest in yourself to get what you want.

If you don’t have the relationship or business you want by now, you’re going to have to put your money where your mouth is.

Men Are Not Intimidated By Your SUCCESS, they are repelled by your MASCULINITY

Men Are Not Intimidated By Your SUCCESS, they are repelled by your MASCULINITY

High Value Men want their wives to THRIVE, not just survive and be sick and tired

So that whole line of “men are intimidated by your success” can be tossed out the window now.

What’s stopping that tall, fine, rich man from being attracted to your boss AZZ is your ATTITUDE sis.


You think you are all of that!

And you’re supposed to.

So Number #1 – Why do you find yourself in front of a man who doesn’t think the same thing of you?

Here’s why, many men in today’s world, especially black men have a negative mindset, they break women down based upon everything that’s wrong with you.  If your ENERGY isn’t right, rarely are they going to see or say anything good about you.

Here’s why:  MEN compete with other men.  They don’t feel sorry for other men.  So if you are showing up in masculine energy, he is repelled by you and looks at you as a dude.

Sure some men with way less money than you may be intimidated by you.  Oh well. Keep it moving. But all in all, you don’t scare a real man Sis. He can handle you. But DOES HE WANT YOU is the real question.

YOU WANT HIM, yet you keep attracting men who don’t want you. I mean SURE the men you don’t want, want you. Yes you can get A MAN at any time.  That’s facts, but sit that fact to the side, cause it’s holding you back.  YOUR LIFE is about getting what you want, so why focus on what you don’t want?  By focusing on the fact that you are attracting a ton of men you don’t want, stops you from understanding WHY you’re not attracting the men you do want.

You want that tall, fine, smart, successful, smell good man with the nice luxury whip, that gets your panties wet and makes you laugh, to wife you.  Period.

So what’s stopping you.

It’s the masculine energy you exude.  You’ve built it up to protect yourself and win in life. Men weren’t always kind to you. You learned to not trust them and to take care of yourself.

You weren’t set up to live a soft life. No way no how. If you weren’t strong, you wouldn’t have survived or made it this far. I’m not going to sugar coat you and tell you that’s a bad thing, cause a lot of these men aint sh*t and YES, they will bite you.  However there still are some good men out here.

But Sis, it’s humility time. And I’m not trying to humble you like men do…. I’m simply about to tell you some real truths about yourself.  Receiving them will change the game of love, life, and dating for you.  Receiving it, will get that big ring you wanted on your finger.

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At this point in life nearly every woman is a go-getter. That’s awesome. Keep being that. But the thing is you need MORE than money, success and accolades to be seen as special in the eyes of a high value man.  This is why it’s important to continue your self-development journey beyond academic success.

Men don’t care that you’ve outworked the next girl in order to be successful. What he wants to know is who you truly are at your core, and how well he will get along with you.

Chances are, at your core, you’ve been hurt.  Despite your sweet nature, that energetically makes you rough around the edges, exuding masculine energy, repelling the men you really want to be with.

You believe your value is based upon your career, instead of your career simply being another impressive mark on your list of qualities, like your new pair of Louboutin shoes. You wouldn’t count those cute, expensive heels as a reason a man should love you. But you know they make you shine a little brighter. That’s the right mindset, when it comes to looking at you as a whole.

Elite women often get passed over for women that they believe are less than them, because of her attitude and energetic frequency.  A lot of men love to big up lesser women and down top notch chicks, because he has low self-esteem.  We’re not talking about this men.

We’re talking about what men actually VALUE. They value FEMININE ENERGY,  Combine that with success and beauty and you are unstoppable.

Here is how to become Unstoppable and Stop Attracting The Wrong Men

Unleash Your Power: How to Become Unstoppable and Stop Attracting the Wrong Men

When you find yourself caught in a cycle of attracting the wrong men into your life, It’s time to break free from patterns that no longer serve you and step into your unstoppable self. Here are some amazing tips to help you transform your love life:

**1. Know Your Worth:

  • Understand and embrace your inherent value. Recognize that you deserve a partner who respects, appreciates, and uplifts you. When you believe in your worth, you naturally attract those who see and honor it. Don’t let these dudes talk you out of your worth when you are working on yourself.  If you’re still the kind of woman who makes money and doesn’t invest in femininity coaching then you’re asking for great men to view you as worthless, while the bum men mate with you because you’ll buy them everything and allow them to come up off of you. And the whole time you’ll be thinking he loves you when he doesn’t.

**2. Clarify Your Boundaries:

  • Clearly define your boundaries and communicate them confidently. Establishing healthy limits helps create a foundation of mutual respect and understanding in any relationship. Be firm in your convictions and prioritize your well-being.  You have to be ready to WALK AWAY from a man without screaming.  All men hear are your ACTIONS. Yet, if you yell, scream or demean him he will quickly tire of you.  Your finances allow you to be in a position to walk away.  And you easily do this with men who make less than you, but can you do it with a man who makes more than you and then get him to run back to you with an apology ready to get some act right?  You can when you communicate with him like a soft, feminine woman and sexually blow his mind.  (slut/pornstar mode)

**3. Cultivate Self-Love:

  • Love starts from within. Prioritize self-care, indulge in activities that bring you joy, and celebrate your achievements. The more you love and appreciate yourself, the less likely you are to settle for relationships that don’t honor your worth. DO NOT put a man first.  It will turn him off. FOCUS ON YOURSELF and slide him in between your appointments. Period.  Make him available for YOU when you want him..  In dating a new guy, tell him you’re going to call him at 6 pm every day, or whatever time works for you. Do not take calls around HIS schedule. This way you know if he has someone important in his life or not. Love YOURSELF ABOVE ALL ELSE, especially a man. Because if you ever fall out of love with you, HE WILL TOO. Men are controlled by your love for self and your communications with them.

**4. Identify Red Flags:

  • Learn to recognize early warning signs of unhealthy relationships. Whether it’s inconsistent communication, lack of respect, or a misalignment of values, being aware of red flags allows you to make empowered decisions and avoid toxic connections. Sis, if he didn’t respect the last woman chances are he won’t respect you either.  See the red flags and accept that you are no different 9/10.

**5. Define Your Ideal Partner:

  • Clearly outline the qualities you seek in a partner. Reflect on the values, characteristics, and lifestyle that align with your vision for a healthy and fulfilling relationship. This clarity will guide you in attracting someone who shares your goals and values. Yes. society will try to talk you out of this. Drown at their confusion, get clear, then get out there and get it.

**6. Embrace Uniqueness:

    • Celebrate your uniqueness and be unapologetically yourself. Authenticity attracts authenticity. When you let go of societal expectations and embrace your true self, you create space for genuine connections with those who appreciate you for who you are.   Here is a random blog I came across 8 Steps For Embracing Your Uniqueness.  It’s already written so I’ll skip having to write it for you.  Developing a personality is KEY.  Men like women with dope personalities. And being spiritual, and talking angel numbers only impresses me who don’t have money.  There are a ton of us spiritual women.    However your ENERGETIC IMPRINT does make you unique.

**7. Learn from Past Experiences:

  • Reflect on past relationships and extract valuable lessons. Consider what worked, what didn’t, and how you’ve grown. Use these insights to make informed choices in future connections. Listen Sis. Talking crazy to men doesn’t work. It just doesn’t. Talking to men in a way that gets you want you want WORKS.  I’m not telling you to be more scheming and conniving but I am telling you to be more manipulative and seductive. MEN LOVE IT.  And as long as you are in the game to win/keep his heart than you’re not doing anything wrong.  (Be righteous though, not foul. Still be true to you, just be more fun, feminine, aggressive and seductive.)
  •  The first step in this is to target a man YOU REALLY WANT to keep and get what you want from him. Because you are so egoic you may find it difficult to implement these steps with a man you’re already in a relationship with who is mean and doesn’t seem to appreciate you.   Dating is like a good painting.You must start with the right canvas. The man you WANT is the right canvas.   When you approach this man, it’s no longer about him. It’s about you. HE IS YOUR GAME. Your eyes are set, locked in ready for a game of seduction.
  • This isn’t about strategy either. Strategy is for enemies. It’s like WAR.  And although dating black men can make a woman feel like she is at war, you have more control over his behavior than you think. We’re talking strategy that is going to have the right man falling in love with you.     What you could’ve learned from past experiences is that men don’t respect ‘NICE’ women. They don’t like gullible women. They respect women that know the game, know and hold their value, go after what they want, and won’t fold.   You partially know this, which is why you show up in masculine energy.  This is about showing up in feminine energy and not letting a man know what you are thinking.

**8. Surround Yourself with Positivity:

  • Build a supportive network of friends and mentors who uplift and encourage you. Positive influences contribute to a strong sense of self and can provide valuable perspectives on your relationships. Only talk about what you want, and talk to people about what you want. You don’t have time for anything else.  Positive vibes!! Vibe High.

**9. Stay True to Your Goals:

  • Pursue your personal and professional goals with passion. A woman who is focused on her aspirations radiates confidence and attracts individuals who appreciate ambition and drive.  Don’t ever take your foot off the gas or off the necks of these haters. Keep going after what you want, because YES, it does put you in position for men to bow down to you.

**10. Trust Your Instincts:

  • Listen to your intuition. If something doesn’t feel right, trust that inner voice. Your instincts are a powerful guide in navigating the complex landscape of relationships. No more ignoring your intuition.  You are not dumb. You are far from dumb. The more you learn to trust yourself the better life will work out for you. And if you don’t know something or if a man is good for you, ask God to reveal his truth or to help you. God always got you which is why he granted you with intuition, but he’s also there to guide you and give you clarity.

By implementing these tips, you’ll embark on a transformative journey toward becoming unstoppable in your pursuit of healthy, fulfilling relationships. Remember, you have the power to shape the love life you desire and deserve. Embrace your strength, trust the process, and watch as you attract the right kind of love into your life. Unleash your power, and let the journey to unstoppable love begin!

P.S. The only time you need to be extra sweet and compliment a man is when you want something from him.. Save all those compliments for that.  (I know this probably doesn’t feel good to you.  But know that I am just like you, a sweetie pie that had to learn to embrace my savagery and CHARM… I would say CHARM because often we feel guilty about charming anyone, when honey, that’s a beautiful skill to have.

God Bless.

Love Beyond Emotion: Unveiling the Power of Conscious Choices in Relationships

Love Beyond Emotion: Unveiling the Power of Conscious Choices in Relationships

Love is more than a fleeting emotion; it’s a deliberate choice we make every day. In the journey of choosing love, we often encounter moments where our actions don’t align with this intention. This blog post delves into the intricate dance between emotions, choices, and the profound impact they have on our relationships.

Love isn’t just a feeling. It’s a choice.

Embrace the exploration of love beyond the surface. You have the feeling down, and believe that you are CHOOSING LOVE, however some parts of you have not been showing up as love inside of your relationships. Picture this: moments when you believe you are choosing love, yet certain aspects of yourself seem to resist, leading to friction within your relationships.

The Dichotomy of Feeling Unloved

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you don’t feel loved by your partner? It’s a common experience that often triggers certain reactions, mirroring the behavior you wish to change. Let’s unravel this dynamic and understand why it happens.

Here’s why: When you don’t feel loved by your mate, you react to what you feel, by emulating their behavior, allowing them to feel the same way that you do.

Reflecting on Disrespect and Character

What about the times you’ve disrespected your mate, or chose to not humble yourself in character as GOD told you to?

Consider the times you may have unintentionally disrespected your partner or neglected the call to humble yourself, in character as GOD told you to? You know that you are your beliefs.

Therefore, that’s not love for your mate nor God.  It’s especially not love for self, because you only slow down your own progress and blessings when you move out of character.

True love can only be manifested by truly loving yourself.  When you truly love yourself you will be that person effortlessly.

True love involves respecting your mate, embodying the principles you hold dear, and honoring the character that aligns with your values.

Navigating Betrayal and Choosing Love

Let’s say someone cheated on you, and then you cheat back. Did you really WANT to have sex with that other person, or are you ONLY doing it to get back at your cheating mate?

Of course you have the option to do as you please, but why become a cheating mate, just because you have one?

Life’s challenges should not dictate our behavior or shift our character.

Thou shalt not allow the behavior and characteristics of others to move you out of space, place, nor character.

At any time you can choose to stop dwelling in toxic places and trying to fit in with them, where you don’t belong.

Explore the notion that you CURRENTly possess the power to break free from toxic environments and rise above circumstances that compromise your authenticity.


Transformation happens when your actions align with your thoughts.

When your actions catch up with your thoughts, or vice versa, it can have profound effects on your life and well-being, causing:

  1. Alignment: Achieving alignment between your thoughts and actions creates a sense of congruence and authenticity. This alignment is crucial for personal satisfaction and inner peace.
  2. Empowerment: When your actions align with your thoughts, you feel a sense of empowerment. It reinforces the idea that you have control over your life and can manifest your intentions.
  3. Manifestation: The alignment of thoughts and actions is often associated with the concept of manifestation. When you consistently think positively and align your actions with those thoughts, you may attract more positive outcomes into your life.
  4. Clarity: Alignment brings clarity. When your actions reflect your thoughts, it can lead to a clearer understanding of your goals and desires, making it easier to pursue them.
  5. Productivity: The synergy between thoughts and actions can enhance productivity. Clear thoughts lead to intentional actions, reducing procrastination and increasing efficiency.
  6. Personal Growth: Consistent alignment between thoughts and actions is a catalyst for personal growth. It encourages self-reflection, goal-setting, and a commitment to positive change.

To sum it up, when your thoughts and actions are in harmony, it can create a powerful force for positive change and personal transformation in your life.

WANT MORE?  BOOK or CALL?  We understand that many of our tribe are introverts. You prefer to read more than talk on the phone.  That’s cool. Here at we will meet you where you are in spirit and help you move forward into alignment with your dreams and goals.

Looking for help to navigate the succession of manifesting your dream life? You may feel like you have to do it all alone, on your own, or feel like you can’t trust anyone.

But you can. Here at we care only about how we can help you reach your goals.   We’re not here to judge. (Neither are you)

Come in, grab a book to sit down and read over a cup of delicious hot chocolate while your mind salivates at the new knowledge you’re reading that’s warming your heart, shifting your soul, massaging your mind brain, and moving you much closer to your goals. the book comes autographed with a special divine message just for you.

To change really FAST, FOCUS on your goals, and really catch a high vibe that feels good by booking a call to speak with Kissy Denise – The Masterpiece | The Goddess of Love & Motivation’s team.   On the call YOUR LIFE WILL CHANGE. Period.

There is NO FLEX to Being A SINGLE MAN who Doesn’t Have A Woman Who Loves Him

There is NO FLEX to Being A SINGLE MAN who Doesn’t Have A Woman Who Loves Him

The biggest flex is being a King with a ring, who has a wife at home who loves him.

There is NO FLEX to being a man who not a single woman other than his mama loves.

Women and society respect men who can make a decision in life to not put his penis first. He’s TRUSTED in corporate America. He gets raises and promotions BEFORE the SINGLE, I love slinging my dingaling man does.

The biggest flex is being a man who can put away his childish ways. “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things” (I Corinthians 13:11).

There is NO FLEX in not listening to the word of God that leads us righteously, and on the right path.

The biggest FLEXT is having ONE woman, being wealthy, raising conscious kids, and reaching sacred union with your BEST FRIEND.

Many a single men thinks he is FREE, but what he really is, is a slave a devil. A captive to his own FLESH. Being lead, instead of doing the leading.

What kind of flex is it to be a grown man who can’t figure out what kind fo woman he wants, and how to get along with her?

9/10 Being a SINGLE man means good women don’t want YOU. Because like YOU SAID, you get FREE p*ssy in abundance if you wife her, you no longer need to depend on random women to please you. You get to BUILD A BOND with a woman who loves you.. You raise kids who know what it means to have a good father in the household.

Most of all, you get blessed by GOD. God love a man who makes it his duty to protect, proclaim, provide and COVER the woman whom he’s sleeping with.

Proverbs 18:22 – Whoever finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor of the LORD. … Whoever findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favor from the LORD.

Many a married man will tell you how much his life changed in tremendous ways after taking a woman’s hand in marriage.

It’s about the DECISION to be a REAL KING.

The real flex is being a man who knows how to COMMIT.

An invitation to LOVE

An invitation to LOVE

I be in love by myself, in my own big world. Sometimes I invite people in. They come to drink, and their thirst is quenched.

God Bless all of the clients and souls who enter my world. Not because of me, but because you graced them with the ability to see and find, real love.

Now they can taste it, touch it and feel it, instead of looking through the glass door.

They decided to come in. God bless them.

Men Actually DO Care About A Woman Being Successful & Having Her Own Money

Men Actually DO Care About A Woman Being Successful & Having Her Own Money

Most men in this world are not rich nor wealthy. So of course they care about your darn money. The more money and success you have, the more they can brag about you, and the less you will be a burden on them, because the less they have to do for you.

Wealth-conscious men, and s-lly men on the other hand don’t care how much money you have or how successful you are. I say SILLY cause some men aren’t wealthy and still prefer a woman to be feminine and less than him. Heavy on the LESS SUCCESSFUL than him.  Those men aren’t trying to go high places in life. They just want a normal life and for a woman to listen and be submissive or pliable.

Now since you are not normal, we aren’t going to talk about those men.

Wealth conscious men can provide for you, therefore your accolades are not a big deal to them.. They have a natural desire to PROVIDE for the woman they love and take care of their family. A man who may be successful, but hasn’t quite figured out himself yet, may desire to provide, but if he’s unable to, he may prefer a woman who has her own. Then he can focus on DATING her vs. saving her or digging her out the whole…


I know. Let me discuss that. (Yes, I am reading your mind.)  You decided to focus on SUCCESS and MONEY because you know men expect you to give to yourself what you expect from them. You don’t expect a man to like you if you don’t actually have any money.   This is because you are focused on average men, not wealthy men.   Which brings me to the mindset such a woman is developing.

You are developing a mindset/belief system that says “I am only worthy enough of a good man, IF/WHEN I have money and SUCCESS.  While society may agree with you, it’s actually a worthiness issue.  A very understandable one, that also doesn’t net you a good man who can spoil you.

Here is the thing – Accomplishing or not accomplishing your goals doesn’t make you WORTHY. You are not unworthy just because you haven’t manifested something.  Plus how can you manifest anything if you don’t at least feel slightly worthy of having/receiving it, RIGHT NOW?


A woman can go out on a first date and brag/kindly mention how much money she makes.  if you make 6-7 Figures that is IMPRESSIVE. However it’s not ATTRACTIVE to a man who doesn’t want nor need your money or to use your connections for a come-up. It IS attractive to a man who believes it takes 2 incomes to succeed.  But the thing is after a while, he tends to get tired of the woman not being feminine… Many a successful woman has been told by her husband that he is tired of going to bed with a man in a dress… (most of these men are not aware of their own desires until AFTER they’ve experienced the masculine energy from a woman so many times…. And they will also have you slaving, hitting cartwheels, cooking, cleaning, take care of kids AND paying half the bills. Which is fine if that’s the life you want.)

A lot of women feel they are not the most good-looking, so they pour their energy into their success, thinking that will even out the playing field.  It doesn’t. It only gets them used by men or passed over. Which is why you see so many single, successful women in their 30’s.  They found out the hard way that those degrees didn’t make them more attractive to good men.

Not even to bad men though, cause like I said, Ray-Ray will definitely pull up to use you up and let you mother him until he gets his life together. Then he moves on to his dream woman, whom he can now PROVIDE for.

Men often get bored when you talk about your work/job/accolades. It’s not what they NEED from a woman. Those are conversations they have with other MEN.  So to do so normally puts you in masculine energy in their eyes. Which means they seek to compete with you and don’t see you as a good mate, companion or wife.

A woman being successful won’t necessarily turn a man off, but it also doesn’t turn him ON either.   Successful women often think because THEY are attracted to successful men, that successful men will be attracted to them.   This is where the rule LIKE attracts LIKE doesn’t apply.  (Except if your man is more feminine energy, laid back and enjoys letting you take charge, lead and be the big boss honcho, while he stays at home and plays daddy day care.)

It is women that find career success, accolades, drive, focus, strength, and taking initiative (masculine traits) attractive. Meanwhile what men find attractive is openness, vulnerability, receptivity and nurturing capabilities (feminine qualities).

This isn’t to say that women shouldn’t be successful, get a few degrees, have your own money or chase your material dreams. What it means is that those things are FOR YOU. When you are a FEMININE WOMAN they make you a more attractive mate. But without femininity those traits often make you not attractive to a good, high value man.

Get your degrees, successes, accolades and material possessions FOR YOU. To make YOU feel good. Don’t get those things thinking it will make a man more attractive to you, because it won’t.

There is a difference between being in a 50/50 relationship and a man loving what you DO FOR HIM, versus a man LOVING YOU, and VALUING YOU so much that HE WANTS to PROVIDE for you.

Check out this story to understand what happens to masculine thinking women in relationships   —-> Woman marries high school sweetheart, only to be robbed of $1.4 Million by him.