A lot of men know how to GET a woman, but even less know how to KEEP a woman.
There are women who will take anything, and don’t have high expectations. Then there are women who highly value themselves, know their worth, and aren’t taking shorts from any man.
These are the women that a man not only has to provide for, but he has to cover her.
There are lots of men who will pay your bills. Even more will give you money. But only so few men know how to completely COVER their woman.
Providing for a woman is all about covering her mentally, physically, spiritually, financially and emotional. In her core a woman has deep needs. A man must be able to understand her. He has to know her better than he knows herself. He has to know how to guide her mind.
A man that covers his woman, can make her light up, without even touching her.
In order to be that kind of man, a man must have a DEEP understanding of women. That takes a man with heart and vision.
Where most men go wrong is that they don’t have heart. They’re not in a relationship with a woman they’re deeply in love with.
Money can’t buy you love. But it can buy you ACCESS to love. But to actually GET the love, one has to operate from the heart.
In this life, material possessions are only energy particles just like anything else. But the heart, is he connection to the soul.
When a woman actually has an amazing man, she is going to say to herself “Lord. Where did this man come from?” He’s going to cover her in so many areas, that she won’t know what hit her. A good man makes a woman operate in a state of total gratitude and surrender. It’s not by force. It’s by choice of what is.
A woman decided to hop on Kevin Samuels live and got roasted.
My followers INSIST that I comment on this video. So here are my thoughts.
Kevin actually wasn’t mean to her. He told her many truths. As shocking as the things he says are, THAT is how most high value men like him think.
I do not believe it was wise for Jessica to go on Kevin’s show, especially with rating herself a 5-6. I rarely watch his channel, and even I know how he is. She was asking to have her confidence ripped apart. Even with the particular show she chose to go on. Kevin says he gave her the option to be a CLIENT instead and get her problems remedied.
Most 6-7 figure boss chicks will invest in anything and everything, except relationship coaching. Mostly because they felt their degrees, accolades, money, clothes and make-up would net them their dream man. But it doesn’t work like that.
The thing about women is that many women can’t handle the truth about themselves. High value men are A LOT of work. They want the baddest of the baddest women who also have a brain. They also love a woman who listens and communicates well.
Kevin has a habit of telling women what they can’t get or have. And from experience of talking to hundreds of male clients, I know he is actually right.
The problem with Candice is that she hopped on Kevin’s show seeking APPROVAL from a man. She felt he would think highly of her because she makes 6 Figures. Most alpha men don’t care about how much money a woman makes. They make enough to pay their bills and her bills.
Candice was dressed very classy, so she has that going for her. But there are a few tips I could’ve given her in order to get what she wants. It’s definitely possible.. If any woman wants to attract a high value, bill paying man, then she needs to raise her frequency. Good men operate on a higher frequency.
If any high value 6-7 Boss chick is seeking to manifest her opulent soulmate, I would suggest joining my free FACEBOOK community, Millionaire Soulmate Charm School, where you will learn how to scale up your business, your relationships and your life at the same time.
I once had a conversation with a man, and he told me that other women weren’t like me. He told me that other women didn’t care about a man buying them bags and nice things.
He said they didn’t care about a man providing.
He said that other women weren’t used to men who gave them hugs at night and believed in their goals. He said that’s all those women wanted from him, and they simply liked him for him.
So I totally understood where this man was coming from.
During that conversation I just listened and didn’t say anything. I understood what he needed as a man. He simply wanted to be loved for who he is and not what he could do.
But the difference between me and those women, is that I see the God in him. I know who he is as he walks this earth. Those women think he’s this sweet, brilliant, down to earth guy, who isn’t perfect, but he’s good enough. They look at him in human form and believe that he won’t break their heart.
They see him as this cute little puppy…. When in reality he is a full bred LION.
I know he’s a God that is capable of taking over the world and giving a woman WHATEVER SHE WANTS. I know he’s no different from any other man when it comes to women. He’s going to marry the woman who HIGHLY values herself. He’s not going to marry the woman who accepts crumbs from him.
I laughed and thought it was cute at how he didn’t realize that when a woman can see the GOD in you, she’s not going to settle for a half azz version of you. She’s only going to be with you and choose you, if you go hard for her.
I remember being in relationships with men in the past. I didn’t quite see the God in them. Instead I saw their limitations. I accepted what they gave me and how they treated me, because I believed they were doing the best they can. I looked at those men with sympathy and empathy. I saw their limitations and loved them for them.
But that guy, I can honestly say that I loved his SOUL. I knew where he was going. I knew what he’s gone through in order to accomplish what he had. I was delighted by his MAGIC. I appreciated the small things about him, and the big things too. I loved him as a WHOLE. But he wasn’t able to understand that kind of soul love from a woman who could SEE him.
But when I can see the God in a man, as I am able to do now that I can see the Goddess within myself, a man had better not come at me as half NOTHING. COME WHOLE BABY! Or don’t come at all.
There are so many God’s in this world, enchanted by the women who want NOTHING or very little from him. Although it feels good, those women aren’t the ones. It’s a man’s job to want nothing from a woman but her energy and allowing him to love her. It’s a woman’s job to be a MUSE for a man and motivate him to reach greater heights.
Not every man can tap into a brilliant, beautiful Goddesses energy and get what God wants him to have.
Some men want a woman who asks for nothing, cause he’ll swear he’ll give her everything. But he’ll never reach his full capabilities with such a woman. Men need a woman who makes them just a little nervous and uncomfortable. He needs a woman whose presence and life desires will force him to expand and level up.
Never apologize to a man simply because you are the woman who requires more than just d*ck, distant conversation and hugs. Find you a man who wants you to have it all, and wants to be the man to give it to you.
I recently interviewed a Billionaire, and he spoke about how he wanted to be a woman’s blessing. We had such a beautiful conversation.
In today’s society, many men are experts in business. But complete failures in relationships.
A man is a failure in a relationship for 3 reasons.
1. He doesn’t listen to women
2. He doesn’t know what women want
3. He’s selfish
4. He thinks he is the prize while failing to value women
5. He doesn’t pay bills
I’ve personally only met one man in my life who knew he wasn’t sh*t, and was willing to admit to it. I’ve seen one other man admit to his woman that he wasn’t sh*t. Some men are willing to admit that aren’t about loyalty and love when it comes to a woman.
But most men believe themselves to be not just a good man, but a GREAT MAN.
Their reasons for believing themselves to be a great man, usually involves around the fact that they make money, or that they will take a woman out to eat sometimes.
Maybe he’ll even toss her a small nugget of knowledge.
That’s basically what makes men feel like they are a good man.
But a good man actually understands he emotional needs of his woman and her desire to be loved. That’s the basis of a good man.
Most women have a deeply embedded desire to be with a strong, powerful, masculine man who leads and provides. But because the average in society tends to be the loudest, most women will ignore this desire and take whatever man she can get, as long as he is nice to her.
This is how many boss chicks end up in toxic relationships. She wants WEALTH. Which is why she’s a boss chick. Yet the minute she starts making money, she goes to get a man who is not wealth-minded and has no intentions to provide for her. She’ll happily be strong and do it all on her own, while laying down and opening up her legs for this man, who believes himself to be a good man.
Yet, he knows he doesn’t give his woman any money.
And when the relationship fails, and he finds himself being disrespected, taken for granted, treated like a simp, getting cheated on, and a woman no longer excited to be around him, he will blame her and say that women won’t take self-accountability if she fails to apologize to him.
Sometimes women get tired of a man constantly expecting him to BE HIS ALL and DO for him. Sometimes a woman simply wants a King who will cater to her. That actually FEELS better to her. But getting a man who will do that, often takes some work on her femininity. Women who brag that they pay their own bills, chances are most times, can’t get a man to pay her bills.
To each it’s own. But this post is all about your soul’s truth. When you deny your soul’s truth of wanting a man who provides for you and allows you to live the life of your dreams with him, you’ll often find yourself in a toxic relationship. Or you’ll die early from exhaustion and over-working yourself.
We as society talk too much about bad men, and not enough about good men. Good men pay bills. Period.
So until a man is paying the bills of the woman he calls himself romancing, then he can’t complain about what goes wrong in the relationship. The scales are off.
Your soul can’t really grow in a relationship, until the scales begin to be balanced. As a woman with a provider man is forced to hone in on her femininity and find ways to honor her man that don’t involve her buying him gifts, or doing maid service. She needs to learn how to honor is soul, blow his mind sexually, feed his fantasies, respect him and seduce him in every way.
Bad women know this and will seduce a man to his doom. Good women on the other hand will seduce a man into building one of the greatest legacies on the planet.
Like I said, most good women, want a man to pay bills and treat her like a Princess/Queen…. And some women are Goddesses. A Goddess is a very beautiful woman who has a inner light that shines. Her conversation is healing. Her presence is uplifting. Such a woman must be given tributes and devotion. Rather she knows she’s a Goddess or not, things won’t work out for her until she realizes it and honors who God calls her to be.
A man who does not serve a Goddess, does a disservice to himself. The gift is in her. SHE is the gift. She is a manifestation portal.
Through myself I’ve noticed some Gods & Kings see this in me, and feed into me. In return they prosper. But I noticed that most men simply aren’t as smart as them. Another man would not honor my Goddess throne, and sit there complaining about me, saying I’m the worst person in the world. When the truth is I did nothing to him but support his dreams and goals. He would’ve wanted more from me, but couldn’t access it, simply because he didn’t honor me by paying me tributes.
This is so real. But most people simply don’t get it.
If you are a wise man, I would advise you to find yourself a Goddess and put her on a monthly payment plan. Watch your life prosper. THAT is why God tells men to find a Proverbs 31 Wife. He’s telling men how to get your blessing.
A proverbs 31 wife is a boss chick. She’s a boss, because she has HEART to go after what she wants. But many Gods fall in love with mortal women, who aren’t bosses. Or they try to turn her into a boss. Which is why they end up taking a loss.
The tongue of a true Proverbs 31 woman is anointed. She’s given great vision, to help her husband have PROVISION. But how many men LISTEN.
People these days have so many unnecessary relationship problems. When you get into an argument with your spouse, the root of the problem is rarely ever discussed, or looked into.
For men, when they get upset about something, most likely it’s grounded in him feeling DISRESPECTED.
When women get upset about something in the relationship, most times it’s due to her not feeling LOVED.
But when the people in the relationship, fail to listen to each other with the desire to UNDERSTAND, the problems won’t get solved.
You can’t solve problems from the same emotional space that caused them. Problems must be solved from the logical place of the solution.
🌸 Women must feel love, and appreciation.
🌑 Men must feel respect and appreciation.
💪 Men feel appreciated when they feel RESPECTED.
🙂 Women feel appreciated when they feel LOVED.
A man shows a woman that she is appreciated by SPEAKING HER LOVE LANGUAGE. Most women’s love language is GIFTS. She loves RECEIVING money from him. When she dates a man whose love language is also gifts, she may clash with him, if he doesn’t lead in the gift giving. Most masculine men do not require gifts.
In return she shows a man she appreciates him by RESPECTING him and verbally speaking into him. Then he feels APPRECIATED and does more for her.
SEX is how the couple stays intimately and closely connected. Arguments without make-up sex are just WHACK! Withholding intimacy from your husband will push him away from you.
LISTEN to your mate with compassion to see what they’re really complaining about. Remember they are not just your mate. They are a unique soul, having a human experience.
It’s really simple. This is the basis of all relationships.
Want to learn more? Scroll down and get my book “You Can’t Force A Man To Value You.” or for men get the book “Play To Win.”
Good men and women play the game of love at a different level. One is a master of giving and the other is a master at receiving. If the masculine and feminine energies are imbalanced, it throws everything off.
You have to love your mate enough to desire to UNDERSTAND them and cater to their NEEDS.
Both men and women have NEEDS that MUST be met in order to maintain a healthy, happy, productive, goal-oriented, loving relationship. ❤️
If you want your relationship to work, try CARING more.
Good sex is like water. It’s a quench of life! Your sex life is important
I wrote a post on Facebook about intimacy in relationships and received quite a few comments. Most people agreed with me, some people didn’t.
I felt a need to clear some things up. (Not really. I’m really just doing my job and letting the message be heard.)
Here is the thing about intimacy and sex in relationships. Our outer reproductive organs actually weren’t made solely for reproduction sake.
There is more to it than that.
The first thing you need to know is that, a man is called to GIVE to a woman and a woman is created to RECEIVE from a man.
This is why a woman has a vaginal opening and a man has a penile INSTRUMENT that he INSERTS in her.
In order to truly please a woman, a man must give his all to her. That is why he imparts his seed into her and if everything goes according to the creators plans, a baby is born. Good men understand this balance at a deeper level, which is why they buy woman gifts, love on her, tell her she’s beautiful, and gives her a house to make a home. And good women do the feminine work in order to continue RECEIVING from him.
He bonds with her and creates a family with her. It’s LOVE. As a good man, he APPRECIATES and VALUES what GOD has blessed him with, and he goes out to protect and PROVIDE for his new family that he has created.
Good women are NEEDY. They need to RECEIVE from a man, and the right man honors this, because he has a NEED to GIVE.
As he goes out and deals with the daily stresses of life, he needs to relax when he comes home. That woman’s vagina helps him relax. It’s warm. It feels good. It feels like home. He releases stress, and gets up the next day to conquer the world again.
That’s the basics. You can live a pretty good life, by simply sticking to the basics.
But in order to evolve spiritually, and create a huge manifesting portal, a man and a woman must deepen their sexual connection by having conversations and getting to know each other’s souls. They need to be emotionally naked and raw with each other. They need to learn the art of unconditional love. This deepens the bond and improves sexual pleasure.
If two people also have a spiritual practice and are connected to God, they will then also connect to the divine through sexual pleasure with one another. They will begin to cleanse themselves of trauma from the past and old woundings. They will become open to light and walking into their highest state of being. They will experience a natural high like no other. There awareness and consciousness will increase as they intentionally pleasure each other. That is why many couples practice tantra.
I’m not an expert on sexual malfunctions and stuff. But I do know many sexual problems are often created by a lack of CONNECTION. You also won’t experience soulful sex, when you’re willing to settle for LUST or good enough. Many people have AMAZING sex lives. Good sex is actually felt BEFORE you even have sex with a soul connection. You just know.
People get into relationships with people they were never deeply sexually connected to or attracted to. Just like every other mediocre saying in society, people tell themselves that having a good sex life isn’t important. They tell themselves money isn’t important, being treated like a King or a Queen isn’t important. Having excess left over isn’t important. Wealth and living a luxury lifestyle isn’t important.
See, the average human being has this belief that nothing is important other than simply SURVIVING and trying to pretend to be happy with GOOD ENOUGH.
But we as humans were not created just to survive. We were created to THRIVE, in every area of life.
However this doesn’t happen naturally. A person must make a choice to improve each and every area of their life, until they get to a state where they feel like they are living a dream.
That’s because life is a dream. It’s a dream of our choosing. But the majority of society talks the majority of society out of their dreams because each doesn’t believe that they can, should, have or be deserving of having everything their heart desires. Meanwhile the wealthy and celebrities know the rules, and often go after their desires. While the rest of society deems themselves not good enough, or not special enough.
Mastering your life, takes massive amounts of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual work in order to evolve into a human being who is living the life of their dreams.
People start holding onto their limitations, their limited beliefs, their mistakes, their failures, and begin to think that life as they know it has a sort of permanence to it. These are the beliefs when you either don’t do the work to get closer to God, don’t believe in God, or don’t believe in yourself.
The best relationships are those who experience great amounts of happiness. They work on their health, wealth, fun, pleasure, habits, goals, desires, and SPIRIT. They also work on their PURPOSE.
GOD places so many desires in us that it will keep us busy for a lifetime, IF we submit to his will for our lives by going after our desires. But what most people do is submit to the mediocre thoughts of society.
I know a little about healing, and if your sexual organs are misfunctioning in any kind of way, it’s time to go on a health journey. It’s time to discover your WHY’S. Do you have emotional blocks. Are you eating the right things. Are you, meditating, praying daily, and ASKING for what you want?
Are you submitting to your mate’s desires and doing things that please them? Are you with the mate you really want, outside of sex, or did you settle?
So many things throW the sexual balance off.
What many people don’t know is that sex is GOOD, BEFORE you even have sex with a person. That’s because God is GOOD, and you are a divine being of LOVE.
Before you have sex with anyone, you should literally feel deep feelings of LOVE for them. This goes beyond lust. But so many people are running around attempting to fill their insatiable lustful desires, that they do not fallback and wait to meet divine connections.
That’s also why it’s so easy for people to throw people away. They were never spiritually connected in the first place. In order to grow your soul, spiritual connections are a must. Especially if you are called to be a leader. Spiritual connects make you a better person, and you just so happy to also be rewarded with amazing sex by submitting to the experience.
For instance, if you are of my tribe, this post has HIGHLY resonated with you, and you FEEL something, that’s not lust. Your being feels different right now. That’s God’s blessing to you. He has ALLOWED you to tap into the LOVE of a DIVINE BEING.
Now, just as in life, you may meet someone else who gives you these feelings. Are you going to go with it, follow up, and see what more God has for you? Or are you going to ignore it, dismiss it, like it’s no big deal, then spend years of your life CHASING, a feeling that you never get to experience, only later to realize that you once FELT something, somewhere, and you dropped the ball?
WHY do I have this power of love, and healing energetic frequencies with my mere words? It’s because I AM submitted to God’s purpose for my life.
This is by no means an easy route. You will go through some things. Some people won’t understand you. But a lot of people will. The JOURNEY is worth it.
Life is a journey to discovering HOW to get what you want. You are the only thing standing in the way of experiencing the joy, connection, happiness, wealth, health, pleasure, purpose, fulfillment and LOVE that you deeply desire.
If you truly want to change your life, you must be willing to DO THE WORK to CHANGE YOURSELF. Changing yourself results in your mate changing. You are what attracts your desires.
All too often I hear relationship coaches saying that women are broken and don’t know how to communicate their needs to a man.
But what about when you are communicating your needs and he says no? What about when you’ve communicated your needs over and over again, and he refuses to deliver, but still says he wants you.
This is when it’s time to make a decision of self-love.
You’re not wrong for asking to have your needs met. You deserve to have it all. The right man will desire to give the world to you on a silver platter. The wrong one will have some kind of reason for telling you that you’re not good enough.
And if you value yourself at all, chances are you push him away. You know you can’t continue to live in the dark with him. A man has to be able to see your light.
You know what a man who sees your light thinks when he looks into your eyes? He thinks you’re the most beautiful woman in the world. His heart says he can’t live without you. He wants to keep you and will do what it takes to maintain your love.
But the wrong man looks at you as just another pretty face in the crowd with a nice body. In his eyes that’s all you have to offer.
However, when you look at him and maybe even his big belly, you see right past his imperfections, into his inner being. His body is not super important to you. So why my dear, do you think you don’t deserve the same love in return.
Maybe you want him to be the one for you. But he can’t. He can’t love what he can’t see. Therefore he’ll pull at you and tell you that you’re not good enough. He’ll tell you that those men in the light who see you, honor you, and give to you, are fake. He’ll tell you that his love, that comes with nothing but feelings of not enough ness is the real love.
How many times in life have you chose that kind of “love?”
You know why you chose that kind of love?
It’s because you wanted to BE HUMBLE and fit into the world. You fail to honor your uniqueness and Goddess aura. You allowed men to make you believe that you weren’t good enough right now. You allowed them to tell you that you had to earn their love, and to work harder in order to be good enough.
Subconsciously this created chaos in your mind, heart and world. You started to feel low. You loss gratitude for life. You became a bit disconnected. It’s what happens to women who spend time with men who don’t truly love them.
Mostly this happens to boss chicks. Because you believe you can give yourself the material possessions and in the meantime, maybe getting your credit score higher, buying a new home, or getting a luxury wardrobe will make him suddenly value you. You feel he just needs a little encouragement.
Sis, no he doesn’t. That man knows what he wants. He’s just using you to bid time until the woman of his dreams comes along. You’re entertainment for now. But if you say something, he’ll assure you that you’re not. He’ll say you just need to work a little harder and get better. He’ll say you need to DO more for HIM. And after he breaks your heart, maybe he’ll even ask you to pay the tip for dinner or valet. If he’s really trifling, maybe he’ll even ask you for a few dollars.
That man you’re chasing, will never appreciate you. He wasn’t meant to. Love isn’t that hard. Men literally see a woman they want and fall in love. It just hits them out of the blue.
You knew from the very beginning that he wasn’t crazy into you. You could tell by his behavior. But you wanted to play it cool and have patience.
Meanwhile you look around at other women being wined, dined, married, manifesting major empires, while the guy you chase continues to date woman after woman seeking his dream girl. Yes, he’ll come back to you to fill an empty space. He has no problem using your body and telling you that you have nothing to offer him. In so many ways, he’s told you how little he values you.
But once again, you love him and all of his imperfections. Don’t you know that your Dream Man will love you just the way you are? The same way you believe that the man you are chasing will get better with time, the right man will look at you the same way.
You’re not holding hands with a man who thinks you’re irreplaceable. You could be walking down the aisle of the whole world with him, while they look at him in awe, because he captured a beautiful, light filled woman like you. But to him, you’re just a temporary toy, that he’s slowly breaking.
Dream man feels romantic love and ecstasy flooding into his heart when he’s with you, filling it like a balloon. He can feel the spirit of deep connection. He can feel blissful companionship weaving it’s way into your life. He no longer doubts himself and knows he’s chosen the right one.
You can be yourself with him. You can feel safe and secure in his love. He accepts you, just as much as you accept him.
It’s up to you, to receive this love now.
Do you really think he’s be able to ignore you, if he loved you? There are always signs of a man not loving you. Ignoring you is the biggest sign. A sign that he’s not planning on spending the rest of his life with you.
Truth be told, you could leave the house tomorrow and find a new man who would do more for you off top, than the man you’re chasing would.
Your hopes that he will come around and suddenly see you is nothing more than a sea of illusions. Even if you were to temporarily capture some of his heart, he’d still leave you when dream girl showed up.
Has he ever done something for you without you asking him to? No? That’s exactly what I thought. He will never do it either. Or maybe he did ONE small thing to keep you on the hook of lowering your self-worth.
People who have only temporary interest in someone will put minimal effort into that relationship, just like he’s not moving a finger to make you happy. And chances are, he still wants you to be happy with his behavior.
You want to be happy? Get rid of men who don’t serve you.
Truth be told, even he knows he’s the wrong one. He’s probably told you that he’s not the one for you and to move on to another man. But you didn’t move on. So he continued to feed you crumbs.
Do you think a man would tell his dream girl to move on to another man? Of course not.
The man for you will risk everything to be there for you, the best way he knows how. He does this because your love feels like home to him. When you hug him and caress him he feels at peace with you.
But how are you going to meet the right guy when you’re busy spending your time with the man who tells you that you’re not good enough.
How much more time are you going to let go buy, constantly realizing you’ve wasted your time with him.
You can’t shine brightly if there is something pulling you into darkness. Don’t allow yourself to be pulled; be brave and shine like the Goddess you are. You don’t belong in the dark.
A woman can’t thrive when she’s dealing with a man who doesn’t want her to win.
Break the pattern. Decide you’ll never do this again. Run away from pain and into the arms of a man who makes you feel safe and secure in his love.
Otherwise, you’ll spend the rest of your life, wondering what’s wrong with you.
It’s not you baby. It’s him. He doesn’t want you the way you want him.
Don’t be afraid to let go. I promise a better man will come along.