Men Don’t Like Mediocre Women With Big Bellies & Another Man’s Kids

Men Don’t Like Mediocre Women With Big Bellies & Another Man’s Kids

Men are rude AF!  It’s amazing the kind of things I’ve heard men say. They say all kind of things that will make your mouth drop in shock.

Like how most women are mediocre, have big bellies and another man’s kids.

black men don't like single mothers

Who knew that bringing life into this world as an adult would be looked at as such a bad thing?

I mean we were warned to not get pregnant as teenagers…. (I didn’t listen. I got pregnant at 18, walked across stage, graduated with this cute little boy growing in my belly.  Giving birth to him and taking care of him as a little baby, was honestly the first time I felt real love.. But back to the blog… cause this isn’t about me personally.)

I feel that we were even warned to not have sex out of wedlock… At least in the bible we were, and some men were trained to find a husband and start a family. I am sure that many of those women divorced and now have kids.  So I guess that’s neither here nor there either.

The point being is that lately I’ve heard quite a few men online and at least one guy in person say that they don’t want women with kids.

I can get over men saying that most women are mediocre at best (Chilllllllle. How many women are in relationships right now paying half the bills for a man who thinks they are mediocre????  That’s neither here nor there either)  I can even get over saying they want women with flat stomachs.  I like my stomach flat too.. I get it.

But this whole thing of disliking women because they brought life into this world and no longer with the father…..

Are we overlooking the great responsibility of being a step-dad?  Or are these men who hate SINGLE MOTHERS emotionally incapable of actually being a good man?

Personally, I’ve never met a good man who disliked single mothers.

While some women like me, don’t give two phucks what a man has to say and knows we can attract a better man who will love us and our kids, a big portion of the population are affected by these sentiments.

How many times has a man told you that no man will want you? I’ve had clients of my Masterpiece Tribe come to be initially with low self-esteem, stuck in toxic, dead-end relationships because society has led them to believe they are invaluable in the dating market because they either have kids or have too many kids.  This is a belief system I quickly heal them from.

As women we were created to bring life into this world.  YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO HAVE KIDS. We are genetically coded to become attracted to men, mate and have children with them.  Then for many the feeling wears off, and then it’s single mother status.

Around the world, the average rate of single parenthood is 7 percent, which is under a third of the rate in the U.S. Over 80 percent of American kids in single-parent households live with their mother only—and that trend is growing.

US Has Highest Rate Of Single-Parent Households In the World

According to, “A Pew Research Center study found that in the U.S. nearly a quarter of children under the age of 18 live in a single parent household, more than any of the 130 other countries and territories they surveyed. Around the world, the average rate of single parenthood is 7 percent, which is under a third of the rate in the U.S. Over 80 percent of American kids in single-parent households live with their mother only—and that trend is growing.

One factor that seems to play into the high rates of single parent households in the U.S. is the lack of multi-generational households. Very few U.S. families live with additional family members, a common practice in other countries. The study found that only 8 percent of kids in U.S. households live with relatives like aunts, uncles and grandparents—30 percent less than the average across other countries.


“According to the study, families are able to live with fewer family members in each home because living with additional adults in the home isn’t necessary for survival. In areas with less financial growth families live together out of necessity. Everyone needs to do their part to complete chores, earn an income and provide childcare. In the United States and other areas with higher rates of single parenthood, more families are able to choose single parent life because they are able to afford it—a luxury not available to everyone.”


Despite being a woman who has given birth, I don’t want to be quick to down these men who simply don’t want single mothers. Everyone is entitled to their desires and to live the life of their dreams with whom they choose.

What I did gather from this is more evidence that men are very keen on getting EXACTLY what they want, and refuse to settle for less.  They value what they want out of life.   But the average woman will take just about anything, including a man who isn’t truly into her.

You ever dated an overweight, bald dude, a man with a big belly, an unattractive man or one with phucked up teeth?  Did he ever have gratitude for you dealing with him, or did he find things to pick on about you? Did he treat you well? Did he ball out on you and take you shopping, buy you a house, or did he waste your time like everyone else?

Men are men. It doesn’t matter how they look.  Most men actually do view women as mediocre, stupid, and unattractive without weave and make-up. Honestly they say most women are unattractive even with it.

That doesn’t mean anything though. Especially on the internet, cause these online men will literally sit in their mama’s basement, go find the baddest chick on the internet and tell her she’s not all that. And rarely are they saying that from the keyboard of a MacBook Pro.

It’s so easy to judge these men and feel that they are brutal. But the truth is that men selfishly love themselves. Something women should do more of.

In a way, the rise of these selfish men is good for women who are paying attention. Maybe some young girl won’t be so quick to open her legs and give birth to a man who doesn’t even respect her enough to marry her and provide for her.

Not to mention, having kids by a man who won’t be in history books.  No matter how men look, they still think they are so fabulous. And don’t let them make 6 figures,….. Honey chile he can be bald, fat, phucked up teeth, dressing like a bum, and he’ll swear he’s all that and a bag of chips. That’s why Kevin Samuels rose to fame so fast. He says what these men truly want to say to women….

I’ve seen such men clown women online.. But I’ve also seen women who clowned their receding hairline, big belly and everything else.  Men get to feel good about themselves even if they skip the gym for years.  All because they are a MALE apparently.

My suggestion for women: Think you’re fabulous enough to get your dream man and not settle for less TODAY, not tomorrow. No one is perfect, so don’t chase that rainbow, but at the same time don’t diminish your worth.  You’re worthy with kids or without kids.

What are your thoughts? Sidenote:  Most men ARE the wrong man.  

Why You Should Never Let Your Man Walk Around With A Big Belly

Why You Should Never Let Your Man Walk Around With A Big Belly

Ladies, if your man is going out into the world, working hard, paying all of your bills, loving you, being kind to you, and being faithful to you, and he’s MARRIED TO YOU, you are responsible to cook healthy meals, or hire a dietician, motivate him and encourage him to go to the gym, get a personal trainer, and eat healthy.

This is a human life we’re talking about. Don’t forget to not only be his lover, but also be his friend. You want to keep him around forever.


You really are his SEEING EYE. 👁

Real love is doing right by him. Not just feeding him what he wants. Get creative. This is also why 50/50 relationships tend to backfire and so do matching bellies. Too busy focused on SELF. Not enough time to commit to HE and WE. ❤

Serve his SOUL. Not just his heart and mind.

I mean you’re the closest thing to him.  If he doesn’t have you to look out for him, what does he really have?

MEN, this is HOW you mess up. The woman who is on your azz loves you at an entirely different level. It’s not about HER. But you run from her, because she challenges you.

Why catches husband kissing another woman while on vacation.

What are your thoughts?  Drop them in the comments. 👇👇👇

Here are the comments that inspired this post. 

big belly stomach man

Now, before you run off being a good woman, taking away his salt, and replacing it with sea salt or a powder.  That does NOT mean that he will appreciate it.  Some men will go off if you try to adjust his dietary intake.  Which is really a sign of something else.

You Only Need To Ask A Man For Something ONCE

You Only Need To Ask A Man For Something ONCE

God is so good. More good than you’ll probably ever realize. My connection to God at this point is so magical and beyond my greatest dreams.

This morning I suddenly noticed a pattern in my life that has been prevalent for a very long time. I would say I am shocked that I never seemed to notice it before. But I would only be lying to you. I know exactly WHY I am just now taking notice of this beautiful pattern. 🌸


Whenever I’ve asked one male to do something for me, if he did not give it to me, or give it to me, another man would randomly show up to give it to me FAST.

Fast meaning between 1-365 days.

And this is the bigger shock. The men who would show up to give it to me, most times would often do so without me asking or expecting. 🙏

Gosh, men are so awesome and kind to the women they adore. Just the thought of some of the things men have done for me, puts me in a total state of gratitude.

I almost can’t believe I never noticed this pattern before. It would’ve saved me from a bunch of wasted time, over-giving, caring too much, having too much patience, and giving too many chances to males who simply didn’t get it.

Lawd, once again, my own kind heart was in the way of my greatest desires. I should’ve been kinder to myself.

Moment of prayer: “Lord, forgive me for my past transgressions against my soul and refusing to receive all of the good you’ve always had stored up for me, ready for me to receive.” 🙏

So many MALES do not understand what it means to serve a Goddess, how to serve a Goddess, or anything about serving a woman in general.

But for the chosen men who get it, they are always blessed for their servitude, as long as their intentions are warm and pure.

(I am literally getting wet right now, just thinking about serving a fully awakened God who knows how to serve his Goddess. Where has this moment been at all of my life? It feels so good. It feels like winning one of those gold trophy statues they give out in Hollywood. But even better. Because most of the women who receive gold trophies have a man at home who is no prize at all. (coughs…. Khloe Kardashian.)

Pure –  meaning, they don’t think they are doing me a favor, but instead understand that blessing me is blessing themselves. When they think they are doing ME a favor, then they cut their blessing down in 1/8th, because my anointing requires the sacrifice of a pure soul.

Like, when I do things for men. I give to them so purely, openly and beautifully. In the past I gave these blessings away too freely. So it was no surprise that the few men I wanted to give my heart to the most, wondered what was the catch…

Every man is different, some men are better, depending on your needs

Different men give at different levels, for different reasons, depending on their state of consciousness.

I’ve had men spend $20,000 on me and disappear, like it was nothing. It wasn’t. He received his blessing regardless. I’ve had men spend 10’s and thousands on me and never had sex with me. Didn’t matter to him. He could get sex from any woman. He got the blessing of his next level.

I am such a blessing vortex that I will now become more aware of WHO I allow myself to receive from. Not every man deserves the blessings of a Prophetic Goddess.

When a man delights me, I can make all of his dreams come true in a matter of moments.

Todd Jones Cuzin's Dozen Kissy Denise

Okay, maybe not moments, but it is a proven fact that I’ve helped several men become millionaires within 7-365 days.

But here’s the thing:

🔮 Very few men seem to understand the spiritual and financial blessings behind serving a true #Goddess. 🔮

I’m not talking about these women out here who are airbrushed, self-appointed Goddesses who men do not crave after. I’m talking about true Goddesses like me. I’m a Goddess no matter what. It is what it is, and I AM what I AM. I was born into it, not sworn into it. This can’t be changed no more than the color of my skin. It’s just how natural it is. Now just as I could pretend not to be a black woman, I could also pretend to not be a Goddess, but it doesn’t change a thing.

When it comes to the majority of men, they don’t even know what a Goddess is and our standards are WAY too high for them.

Like a lot of men who follow me and comment with negativity. Those are the sleeping, FLESHLY ones. They talk a lot, take a lot, and do very little for a woman. They spend most of their time trying to talk a woman down off of her pedestal.

They’ll see you high up there waiting on the arrival of your divine King who comes with gifts. They’ll say come here little Kitty, no man is ever going to climb that high to reach you and give you anything. Even if he does, he’ll only beat you. Come down here with me, where I will offer you nothing but “love.”

And unfortunately many women fall for the trap, and get locked in a cage of sadness, far away from the light.

Those type of men are so bad and loud online, that good men who serve, are starting to notice how bad women actually have it out here.

They kitty snatchers say women in general want too much and the mere mortal men will tell a Goddess to be LESS. Less is always more appealing to any male who doesn’t want to be a real man.

Speaking of, men go from being a little boy, to a teenager to suddenly being called a man. But in the bible, it clearly says when a boy becomes a man he puts aways childish things.

It’s childish to abuse women, or to not seek to serve a woman. Selfishness is also childish. Which is why we teach kids how to be a little more giving.

Anyway, many women have experienced more than their fair share of kitty snatchers.

Because of this, I used to try to condense myself to be less. Put less effort into my appearance and everything. Which made mortal men comfortable. But when a God of my level truly showed up to serve me, baby I was out of touch with my own beingness. Because I had taken direction from the tacky mortals who don’t love their appearance. SMH That’s like Eve listening to the snake, instead of God.

I also used to look at men as handicapped. Handicapped like they needed me to be strong, pay half the bills, not ask them for anything, help them do everything, and don’t put any unnecessary pressures on them.

Typical, strong, independent, black woman b.s. that the typical non-masculine black man subjects every woman he meets to.

Most black men actually encourage masculinity in a woman, while swearing they want a feminine woman.

However, in the story of the Life of The Goddess Kissy Denise, the tides would one day turn. I started to recognize the true gods of my tribe that were being sent into my life to serve me in certain capacities.

Come to think of it, the average woman definitely needs about 4 different men to cater to all of her needs. Most men are very one dimensional. However, I’ve met a few gods who covered multiple areas of amazingness. It was just that ONE area they didn’t cover that made me dump them. (Do some healing on this area)

Gods can solve any problem. In fact that did solve many problems for me, effortlessly. Some recognized my I AM. 👁 They each recognized my beingness at certain levels based upon their own beingness and levels of awareness.

Biiiish! This blog post right here is a whole breakthrough.

In this moment, I just left the gym and I am looking forward to having amazing passionate sex with the man who comes to serve my whole beingness. I am already feeling him in me.

Here is the Instagram Post…..

Make sure you check out the 2nd slide.

Here is the manifestation tip for the Masterpiece Tribe (Join the Masterpiece Tribe to Read The Rest of the Blog and get the divine Goddess manifestation strategy, or log in if you are already a member)

Don’t Chase Him. REPLACE Him. Real Men Don’t Have To Be Chased

These mortal men were taught all wrong. They are happy serving kibbles and bits to mortal women.

But these Gods know, show up and SHOW out. #KingMe with Big D^ck energy. 👑 No hard feelings. These other n*ggas don’t compare.


Most People Can’t Feel Love

Most People Can’t Feel Love

Most people can’t feel love. They don’t know what real love is. Which is why most relationships don’t last.

Love is a gift from God.

Ultimately what holds relationships together is the one who FEELS love.

The mistake that most lovers make, is they assume the humans FEEL love like they do.

The truth is most relationships are just something to do. That’s why there are so many rules.

Love on the other hand is quite natural.

Wife catches husband kissing another woman, while on vacation

Wife catches husband kissing another woman, while on vacation

The saying is don’t cheat yourself, treat yourself.  But in this case the husband must’ve thought the saying was don’t cheat yourself by not treating yourself.

A husband was caught on camera cheating, treating and having the best time ever, while his wife was on vacation.

A TikTok user says she caught her husband cheating on her after inspecting footage taken by their doorbell security camera.

Kaylie Kristina — known on the social media app as @kaylie271 — shared shocking footage from the camera purportedly showing her spouse sneaking his scantily-clad mistress out of their marital home back in October.

“When your husband is too sick to go on the family trip you planned,” Kristina captioned the initial clip.

@kaylie271#cheater #garbage #fyp♬ original sound – Kay

The black and white footage, taken slightly after 10 p.m., suggests that the man and his mistress have just enjoyed a secret tryst inside the family residence.

The man is seen bidding the woman farewell on the front steps of the home, sharing a tender kiss and squeezing her derrière.

The woman is wearing only a t-shirt and a tiny pair of shorts as she holds her car keys and waves goodbye after locking lips.

Kristina added the hashtags “#cheater” and “#garbage” to the incriminating footage.

The devastated wife first shared the footage to her TikTok account two months ago, where it quickly went viral and was viewed more than 5 million times.

“He thought the camera was disabled,” Kristina wrote in the comments section, explaining her husband’s brazen behavior. She added that her beau had even installed the security device himself.

“Locks have been changed and he no longer resides here,” she posted several days later.

Kristina hasn’t let her spouse back in the house in the intervening months, recently re-sharing the doorbell camera clip.

She also posted a video update in response to a follower who asked whether she has forgiven her unfaithful husband.

“Yes he has been apologizing to me, but I don’t think any apology is ever going to be good enough,” Kristina declared. “I don’t think I can ever be at a point where I can be like, ‘It’s okay,’ because it wasn’t okay.”

Well ladies, we have a revelation. If the n*gga ain’t going on vacation with you, cause he faked the flu, then boo boo, let your doorbell camera beseech you.

The Fastest Way To Get A Man’s Attention Is Through His Head – But That’s Not How You Keep Him

The Fastest Way To Get A Man’s Attention Is Through His Head – But That’s Not How You Keep Him

The level up movement has women so off-track that many don’t know how to get or keep a man.

Saw this picture on social media this morning and thought to myself, this is interesting.

Interesting because a man sent me the picture. So obviously it captured his eyes.

I could write out a long blog, but not today.

The meme breakdown:

It’s easy to acquire the attention of a male online, whose thoughts mostly concern his next orgasm with an easily available, unawakened woman. He is mostly concerned about his smaller head, located in the lower region of his body.

What actually garners the respect, admiration and continued attention of a man who thinks with his mind and is focused on building a legacy, is a woman who uses her brain.

Men love to please their woman and women in general. However it will please a man with a plan a lot more if you would actually feed the man a hot meal that you cooked. Even a sandwich would of been better than him working 12 hours and all his woman has too offer him when he get home is some hot twat. (Unless he doesn’t pay bills, then he’s lucky to even get that.)

But for a provider man, even a sandwich would’ve been a great side to go with the meal.

That’s how you KEEP a man.

Kissylations: Check His Phone Before You Buy Him Something For Christmas

Kissylations: Check His Phone Before You Buy Him Something For Christmas

Many a man’s biggest problem these days is that they refuse to put away their childish ways, and society actually nurtures them to be a boy forever.

In the bible it says: When a boy becomes a man, he puts away childish things.

Dating multiple women, for extended periods of time, with no intent to find a wife, is childish.


1 Corithians 13:11 New International Version
When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.

Chances are, you’ve heard that bible verse before. Now I’m going to extend this verse and help you to get more context.


1 Corinthians 13:8-11
Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be restrained; where there is knowledge, it will be dismissed. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when the perfect comes, the partial passes away.

In AUTHENTIC marriage is when a man begins to face his real self and learn his true identity in God.

1 Corinthians 13:12
Now we see but a dim reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

Marriage forces both partners to get naked and come face to face with who they truly are.

Now that I’ve done my preaching, let’s get on to the TEACHING.


Saw this meme on Instagram and immediately received a Kissylation:

This is something that both men and women can learn from.

When you’re the kind of guy who dates multiple women for extended periods of time, a REAL woman is going to let THEM:

✅ Buy you Christmas gifts
✅ Cater to you when you get sick

YOU thought she would go hard to PROVE herself at this point. But baby, she already knows YOU.

She doesn’t want to get in the way of you receiving your blessings from THEM. Just not from HER.

She also knows you really don’t care about any of the women you date. It’s just something to do.

Amazing women cater to men who value themselves enough to not want to keep a harem of women.

Nobody is special to you.

So let the Harlem do their part, and stop wondering why SHE isn’t stepping up.

She knows YOU are COVERED.

Besides, nobody is competing with a bunch of lost chicks for a lost man.

This ain’t the lost and found department sweetie, and we stopped riding the circus train a long time ago. 🎪

So if you want amazing women to love you, respect you, and serve you, try not being a clown. 🤡

Clowns compete against themselves to never be fully loved by an amazing woman…

attractive WOMAN serving man plate Food

Women these days – specifically boss chicks want so badly to cater to her man, to buy him nice things, and surprise him with beautiful gifts to show her love.

But 9/10 times it backfires on her

Not about to go into all of that, if you are one of my clients, you can log in to your membership portal and get the expanded reason why.


If you want a woman to regard you like a King, cater to your needs,  and you treat you special, then baby you first have to realize SHE is special.  (There is also a part that reflects on you. VIP clients can log into your portal and get the expansion of this.)

Society hasn’t taught a majority of men what a special woman is, and most don’t learn until they are bald, fat, over the age of 50, thinking they still got it, and wanting to seduce a young honey for free99.

Women actually value men ALOT. But men receive value in a different way than most women understand. Unfortunately most men also don’t know what they actually VALUE.

This is why we see hoards of men, believing they need a hareem of recyclable women  around.  Their heart chakra is blocked. But if you tell a broken man with money he’s broken, he will tell you he’s healed.

Broken Clock Right Twice A Day

And the saddest thing about most of these men, is they don’t cover ANY woman, yet expect a good woman to cover him in compassion, love and prayer.

You can send revelation tips to $KissyDeniseGoddess

Toxic Penetration In Narcissistic Relationships

Toxic Penetration In Narcissistic Relationships

Most people are quick to talk about how love-making isn’t that good in their relationship… I’m not too familiar with that kind of stuff.

Being a unicorn we tend to attract sexually compatible partners because to the magnetic energy of the realm we decide in.

Now, even though the realm is HIGH VIBE, that doesn’t mean some good toxic d*ck can’t slip in and through you off.  All good d*ck isn’t good for you.

Toxic d*ck penetration, can leave a woman half-way smiling, thinking she’s being a good submissive woman, being down for her man, smarter than the rest and going with the plan; while everyone else is laughing at you and not with you.

❌ That plan could be being a clown 🤡 to get money inside of a business relationship.

Nothing wrong with that. Some people were born to be well paid clowns. 🤡

It’s important to accept people as they are.

❌ That plan could also trick you into believing you’ve done a bunch of wrongs.

Baby, you definitely took a wrong turn, somewhere back there.

But that direction you’re blaming is not the correct one.

❌ That plan could have you doing labor in a marriage that was supposed to add to your happiness and lighten the load.

That pressure to act st*pid or d*mb can feel kind of heavy.

✅ You might want to put that bag down.

🍫 Do people really know what to sign up for?

🔗 It could have you feeling like you need to carry a cross, and do hard LABOR, failing to remember that JESUS ALREADY MADE THE SACRIFICE. 👤

🔗 It could drain you, lower your self-esteem, and diminish your ability to trust, all while telling you that you should feel good to be with them.

Then have you on social media PRETENDING to have a good relationship.

🧐 That’s tough.

Then again, some people like having to be tough and strong. 💪

I know…. Here baby, smell these followers. 🌸

❤️ Can you imagine having passionate sex and making love to someone you fully trust?

Wouldn’t you rather have that?

……. 4 Mins later. You’re still thinking….

How long are you going to allow that good, toxic d*ck to keep you in a cycle of insanity?

Send me a message that start your journey of getting blessed to manifest a high value soulmate.

💜 Your value is out of this world. You need a magical soul to help you see things YOUR way.

Lord, help the narcissistic abusive souls and their willing victims.

How hard was it for you to let go of your first toxic situation?

Anyway. Have a blessed day and sign up for the mailing list.

Written with Love,
Kissy 🤍💖✨

#relationshipmemes #saynototoxicmasculinity