Did you know most women have 2 personalities when it comes to men?
They have THE FRIEND and THE GIRLFRIEND personality.
While you want to experience her as a whole, you may only get ONE side of her depending on how you come at her and what your first date looks like.
Many men experience THE FRIEND personality, while they believe they are experiencing the potential girlfriend personality. Some women even give you their MOTHERING personality.
Women choose which one they give you, without much thought to it. This all depends on YOUR mindset, the way you show up and YOUR understanding of your dream woman.
It’s commendable to be the kind of man who is willing to do some deep reflection and work on himself in order to become the King of Kings that a Goddess Queen would choose to be by her side.
Contrary to popular belief, WOMEN DO THE CHOOSING. Even pimps know that. That’s why they say “Yo B*tch CHOSE ME.”
A Goddess Queen is not going to choose the man who doesn’t know how to get what he wants, or the man who will have gold right in front of him, but choosing plated metal instead.
Just like men run tests. So do genius women.
Even men know when a man’s vision is slacking. For instance, some men can look at other men and see his weakness. He knows the man’s weaknesses and strengths when he’s standing next to a woman.
A true high value man can literally smell weakness on a man.
Like how many men do you see hanging out with gorgeous women, who they think THEY have friend zoned?
True high value men can tell that it’s SHE that’s not into you. He’s the shark and the male “friend” is actually the yuppie swimming in shark waters. That’s why he gives the female “friend” his number when she gets up to go to the restroom.
Sharks are great business men who get what they want and are respected by other men.
Meanwhile, Yuppie sits there impressed that he’s with a woman pretty enough to get so much attention around him… Not even seeing the game that’s been ran by the hunters all around him.
It makes him feel good to be with a beautiful woman that he’s really not with. The men in the building do not respect this man nor do they seek to do business with him.
High Value Women don’t tend to have male friends of whom they want to be in a relationship with.
It’s all or nothing. If she is friend zoning you chances are you may have some offputting behaviors that are stopping your dream woman from seeing you as HER dream man.
Alpha men on Youtube tell you that you know everything and don’t need to listen to a woman. But who knows what a beautiful, brilliant, successful, sexy, fun, divine feminine, Spiritual woman who loves God wants in a man more than a woman who knows the game?
50/50 men, coffee dates, cheap dates, all get the FRIEND personality.
☎️ Text the word LOVE to (833) 495-3378 now to receive a personal phonecall from Kissy to discuss your relationship and business blocks.
Truth be told, most women make a better man than most men do. These men weren’t taught HOW to BE a MAN.
Everytime I say DO for your woman, here they come crying, asking what is a woman going to do for HIM who doesn’t know the value of a woman.
Then they wonder why dope women don’t choose them. It’s sad that being single is better than choosing some average dude who wants you to see the potential of his latchkey heart.
You literally have to choose these average men only based upon a desire to not be single and have d*ck in your bed at night.
Then his dusty, $5 azz has the nerve to inbox you.
Like sorry Sir, we’re not accepting applications for clowns today.
Now read that again. This time know that broken men read it and say “SMH. Women weren’t taught how to be women.” 💁♀️😭
While divine Kings know that I am right. Princes will find a way to blame women. But in this case, most women do know how to LEAD, GIVE and PROVIDE better than most men do. Just think of a single mother…
The problem is there are not enough men who can outdo these women, causing them to work on their femininity. Or these women get stuck with broken men, who end up breaking them. Like the men who literally complain about women buying them expensive gifts….
Darling, I’m just the messenger that delivers the revelation. Kissylations#22
LOS ANGELES – A Los Angeles couple is now a viral sensation after spending only $500 on their wedding day.
Joel and Kiara Brokenbrough met back in 2016 in Vegas and kept in touch on social media. The two reconnected in 2018, and began dating shortly afterwards. The couple said they both connected over their spirituality, and were engaged for one month before getting married on February 12, 2022.
“It was so refreshing being at that wedding, seeing her and seeing how much we thought of us, how much we wanted this to happen so for it to happen was a dream come true,” said Joel.
Their original plan was to have a courthouse wedding because they knew they did not have much time to plan, but Kiara wanted something different.
“I was like we should do an elopement with family and then I thought of that place [Angeles Crest Highway] and then I said let me see if it can happen and did my research and it could,” said Kiara.
Kiara had driven through the Angeles Crest Highway area years prior heading to a concert with friends and remembered it as a place she wanted to get married. The couple did not need to purchase a public permit because their guest count was under 75 people. The couple only invited 30 to 40 relatives and close friends.
“Our village is strong. People paid to fly out here to come to a wedding, and they knew if they wanted food and drinks, it’s available for purchase, and they knew that,” said Kiara. “I didn’t hear anyone complain.”
The couple’s biggest expense was an arch for the background that cost around $200. The couple’s loved ones chipped in for some items like flowers and a cake. Their reception was held at Misty’s Lounge in Ontario. They did not have a reservation, but the group went to the lounge as soon as it opened, and guests paid for their own food and drinks. Kiara spent $47 on her wedding dress from Shein, and Joel spent about $100 total on his suit from Boohoo online.
“If I want to go out, I can still wear the pants, the vest, and the bowtie if need be,” said Joel.
“Couples need to realize that the wedding is about the bride and the groom, first and foremost. It’s not about the people who attend or who is invited,” said Joel.
The couple said they did not want to go into debt prior to marriage, and hope their wedding day inspires other couples to save money.
“Don’t let a budget stop you from marrying that person. If you feel like you need to get married, let our wedding be a sign to you that it doesn’t take all that and it can definitely happen,” said Kiara.
If she likes it, good for her. However, I am not impressed. People these days are all about not having their dreams if it will save them time, growth or a couple of bucks.
The thing about Dream Life Manifestation is that it requires you to change who you are and your belief system in order to get what you want.
Most people in this world are so happy to proudly settle for less. They find more joy in the people who settled than they do in the people who actually figured it out. Which is understandable because figuring out how to live in a mansion seems unobtainable but everyone can do a $500 wedding.
Ultimately even though so many people are willing to settle for less, they still can’t even manifest that less…. Hence why so many people are still single. It has nothing to do with money.
The true gold in this story is that Kiara is a social media manager and content creator, and hopes to become a full-time content creator.
Now that the story has gone viral Kiara will get more views, more followers and more money. CONTENT CREATION is the name of the game.
Kiara’s brilliance in getting you to pay her attention, root for her, finding real love, and looking that good in a $47 wedding dress, is the true gold in this story. She found love and made her business successful at the same time.
Cam Newton is facing serious backlash over his latest statements.
The NFL quarterback believes women should cater to a man’s needs … saying his ideal partner should know how to cook and when to be quiet — and, yeah, he’s now he’s facing serious backlash.
Cam made the controversial comments on Barstool Sports’ “Million Dollaz Worth of Game” podcast this week … when he opened up about being raised in a household by his mother, father, and grandmother.
During the podcast the trio discussed what a badd b*tch is.. Gillie explained that his definition of a badd b*tch is a woman who has her internal right. He relayed a broken woman to a luxury car with cloth seats…
Newton says his experiences at home helped him understand the difference between a “woman” and a “bad bitch” — explaining he believes the latter is not something women should strive for.
“A woman for me is handling your own, but knowing how to cater to a man’s needs,” Cam said on the pod. “I think a lot of times, when you get that aesthetic of like, ‘I’m a boss bitch, I’m a this, I’m a that,’ — no, baby. But you can’t cook.”
“You don’t know when to be quiet. You don’t know how to allow a man to lead.”
Cam insisted on the show that he was not trying to “beat up my queens” with his statements … but he called for “men to start being men, bro.”
“That sucka s*** should not be rewarded.”
As you could imagine, Cam’s comments did not go over well on social media … with many calling the words sexist and misogynistic.
It’s nothing new for women to argue against the desires of a man. Men are rarely allowed to voice what they want. Mostly because their desires tend to take from a woman and diminish a woman’s freedom of choice and power. These days women care more about being respected than they care about being cherished, without understanding what kind of man aligns with the choice.
Most times a high value provider man, does not align with a woman who wants respect.
What Cam is true. What many women don’t know is that masculine men tend to get overwhelmed when a woman talks too much. It requires them to process it. Interestingly enough that exact topic was on my mind this morning. How much talking is too much when it comes to your conversations with a man
But on the other hand, why is it that a man can take a man talking too much but not a woman?
In addition, being a feminine woman and knowing your place, still does not guarantee marriage. A woman still must know how to seduce at another level that gets a man to leave all other women alone for her.
For example, back in February Cam Newton appeared on an episode of his “Funky Friday” YouTube series, the quarterback said his high profile job prevented him from marrying the the mother to four of his biological children, Shakia Proctor.
“That’s a great question… The thing is that person that I was while we were having children together, I couldn’t be the best husband. I wasn’t prepared to be a husband then,” Newton told Brittany Renner, an Instagram fitness model, and influencer, who pressed him about not giving Proctor a ring.
“I was on temptation island. A football player, young, ‘no’ is not even in my vocabulary,” said Newton, the first overall pick in the 2011 NFL Draft, and 2015 NFL MVP.
“I just found myself in this downward spiral. Did she deserve better? I would humbly say, yes, she did… I was falling deeper into my own selfishness and realizing I gotta be better.”
Newton’s relationship with Proctor, a former exotic dancer, turned romantic in 2013, according to The Sun. They share four kids together: Sebastian Newton, Sovereign-Dior Cambella, Camidas Swain Newton, and Cashmere Saint Newton. Proctor has an older daughter from a previous relationship, whom Newton has reportedly publicly claimed as his.
Cam also talked about energy on the podcast stating that he often hung out alone and takes pride in people being blessed with his amazing energy and knowing there is something different about him.
The entire podcast was actually very interesting to listen to.
For women who may be struggling with relationships, displaying too much masculine energy or tired of toxic relationships, begin your healing journey by grabbing the book “You Can’t Force A Man To Value You.“
You’ll have to join the group to see what those answers are. The first 5,000 members get complimentary access to be able to ask me relationship questions.
Be sure you get in and secure your spot.
Anyway, very few people can see into the mind of a woman who got fed up. But what we in the light know to be true is that fed up usually started years or over a decade ago. But it’s love and marriage, so people often decide to hang in there for whatever reason they come up with.
It says in the bible, in sickness, in health to death do us apart.
“Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate” in Mark 10:9, and “So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.” in Matthew 19:6. When we redefine marriage, what we’re really doing is redefining God and His Word so that He can fit into our mold. You know, since He was made in OUR image… WAIT a minute! I think I’ve got that reversed. That’s right: WE were made in HIS image. (See II Timothy 3 as we should be seeing this ‘redefining’ of God’s Word more and more in these ‘end times’). Thy Kingdom come!
The Bible says in Philippians 2:4, “Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.” It also says, “Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others.” (1 Corinthians 10:24)
Today I found myself asking God what did he want people to accomplish through marriage and if he wanted or expected them to be together forever.
Cause marriage these days is microwavable, throwawayable and often just a business relationship or used as s symbol of perceived value in the eyes of society.
As I read a few bible scriptures, I came across Malachi 2:14-16 ESV / 20 helpful votes
But you say, “Why does he not?” Because the Lord was witness between you and the wife of your youth, to whom you have been faithless, though she is your companion and your wife by covenant. Did he not make them one, with a portion of the Spirit in their union? And what was the one God seeking? Godly offspring. So guard yourselves in your spirit, and let none of you be faithless to the wife of your youth. “For the man who does not love his wife but divorces her, says the Lord, the God of Israel, covers his garment with violence, says the Lord of hosts. So guard yourselves in your spirit, and do not be faithless.”
It appears that God’s provision is about LEGACY. He wants children who grow up to believe in the sanctity of love and marriage.
But that legacy isn’t ONLY based upon money. Neither is it necessary, for married couples are naturally blessed with supernatual abundance when they understand God’s laws.
Hebrews 13:5 ESV /
Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
Then you have people like me who probably came across this particular bible verse at a time in our lives, that really stuck in our minds and hearts.
Matthew 5:32 ESV / But I say to you that everyone who divorces his wife, except on the ground of sexual immorality, makes her commit adultery, and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.
You FEAR divorce, so therefore you never get married.
Others truly stick together no matter what. Even if they think they married the wrong person.
Is it possible to marry the wrong person, or were you BEING the wrong person in the relationship?
I definitely don’t have all of the answers. But I do know how to heal your heart with love, bring you into remembrance and help you make decisions from THAT place. Instead of basing your decisions upon the world.
Chances are, you have not been showing up as the right person if your marriage isn’t going right. You married that person for a reason. It wasn’t for money. It was for love. So what went wrong?
JOIN GODDESS UNLEASHED TO FIND OUT THE WHAT, and HOW to REPAIR YOUR MARRIAGE OR RELATIONSHIP, fall deeply in love with yourself, tap into abundance and LIVE the life of your dreams.
It’s taken me this amount of time to realize that this whole time, what I was looking for is my soul. To understand who I AM. I had to ACCEPT who I AM.
My love is pure. Why would I marry someone whose heart wasn’t as pure as mine, IF I expected it to last forever?
My only motive is to experience the purest of love.
Here are the visual prompts that I was lead to share with you.
If the love doesn’t feel like 90’s R&B they can keep it. Some of us know what it means for a man to truly love a woman.
Babyface wrote a lot of beautiful love songs, including the one above, so obviously he knows about love. He’s been married 3 times. This is what he said he learned about love and relationships through his recent marriage.
“The main thing is being honest with yourself and being honest with your feelings. When we’re not honest with ourselves we just accept situations, don’t talk about them, and as you said, ignore the elephant in the room,” he said at the time. “You better recognize there is an elephant in the room and deal with it, because a lot of times the elephant in the room is the one that you put in there, so you have to deal with it.”
My spirit feels moved to tell you something today. It’s no coincidence that you are reading this blog. You either closely follow me, or someone shared this blog post with you. Either way, God wants you to know something.
YOU CAME FOR THE LOVE. It’s what you are here on earth to do. But you spend all of your time WORKING. Maybe you don’t believe you are chasing money. But you are. Your bills will be paid regardless. So that’s not actually WHY you work.
Come get healed today and return to love. That is YOUR particular mission on this earth.
Quite frankly, if doesn’t always feel safe to be pure love on this earth.
Heal and improve your relationships inside Goddess Unleashed – Class Starts April 7th
Give me a square dude who understands the bigger plan any day of the week. Besides, what’s square about being smart enough to keep your mate happy?
The more high level a woman is the more loyal, committed and wise of a man it takes to keep her.
Swag is cool, putting your energetic imprint into your fashion and material possessions is cool, but not when it’s a deterrent and places limitation on your destiny. Swag often has many men distracted.
Your character can go up from there, just as well as your material. It’s wanting to grow in spirit versus only playing the numbers game for me.
That’s why the nerds are taking over for the 99 and the 2000. Cause I swear I’m walking in looking like a million bucks, but baby I got sense.
Sense enough to be good to people, but also to be good to myself.
And like 50 Cent famously rapped, “If I don’t make dollars, it don’t make sense.”
He then named his Tribe G-Unit, cause whosoever is with him will forever make grands and be unstoppable.
50 Cent took off his rap chains, and wrote himself out of Power, because he realized he’s unstoppable. He doesn’t have to be present in order to make money, because he has his business together behind the scenes where whatever he touches brings dividends to him.
He can still make money from Power but have his face somewhere else. Not to mention, just like Tyler Perry did for the careers of many actors, 50 Cent is quickly not only making new stars but resurrecting old stars and giving them new identities where they shine. Like Method Man…..
Baby, only God….
Anyway, kindness is the new wealth. Like who wants to be around people who don’t treat them well?
Do you? I think not.
Can you imagine how cool it would be to live a life surrounded by people who love you and care about you?
You already live that life. God has surrounded you with angels. They help keep you in all of your good ways. Cause sometimes this earth realm can get a bit distracting with all of the constant flash.
Always something new and shiny to look at. What if women stopped dating men who have shiny object syndrome? Then baby that means you would first have to get rid of that speck in your own eye.
Mathew 7:3-7:5 speaks on remove the beam out of your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck out of your brother’s eye.
“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?
You hypocrite! First take the beam out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.
Oouch! Whiplash, like Okay Sir! Message received.
Want clarity to move to your next level today, and remove the blocks that stop you from seeing yourself firmly planted at the mountaintop?
Doing mimi-soul-alignment calls all day $547 – For those who want a rapid, quick shift that will help you make a greater decision today. Respond to this email for more info.
Who wants to be around people who love you and wants the best for you?
Most men with swag, know how to mess up a bag. Meanwhile the squares are dressed to impress everywhere they go, and they have a bigger plan to build a legacy. You don’t have to tell them that there are no Air Jordan’s allowed.
Simply because 9/10 they don’t own a pair.
Legacies and dynasties require Kings & Queens. Nobody wants to join the team of the woman who is one of many.
Does every man know what it means to make YOUR woman proud to be with you?
Want a woman to drop the pride and ego? Ever tried going first.
Can you imagine a woman having gratitude for your mere presence in her life, because you’ve changed her life for the better just that much? (50/50 men take this literally. 🤣 He doesn’t know his presence has to stand for something and add value.)
The world would be a better place if more Kings like Russell Wilson existed.
We often hear men say that they want peace more than anything. Women want peace too. But a high percentage of women believe that most men simply can’t or won’t offer them that peace.
You know what peace looks like to YOU, but what does it look like to her?
Is it too much to ask, that a man be a woman’s peace?
Gentleman, call me to get 3 Tips On How You Can Be Your Woman’s Peace…. In fact, TEXT ME the word PEACE right now to.
Now, you may be wondering why I used Rick Ross as a picture for this article. Here is why, Rick Ross has mad swag AND he gets to the bag. He even cuts the grass of his own house in order to save money.
Gentlemen: I know women who are unicorns seem magical. They are. But more magic than men often realize. You underestimate the amount of effort it’s going to take to win her heart.
If you’re not in the game to win her heart, you can stop reading here, and continue wasting your time and the time of any woman who will give it to you.
You believe you’re going to get close to your dream woman online by messaging her and talking her ear off about nothing, but it doesn’t work.
Spiritual woman are often very kind, because they are going through growth. Despite her lapse in judgement and being kind to you as a another human soul, the truth is she is not thinking about men who are not ADDING to HER.
Stop looking to be valued simply for your PRESENCE as a man. MEN DO. If you are not the kind of man who DOES, then you need – Play To Win, Become The Dream Man Women Love, Respect & Submit To.That is the Utlimate Playbook for men.
While you come up with a boring, SLOW gameplay, she’s hanging out with other men with actual PLANS that they are putting into ACTION.
Brilliant women can get conversation anywhere. Men love talking to them, because they have tons of prosperous ideas. Men love talking to feminine women because they are fun. Men love talking to beautiful women because it validates the man. See men focus on THEM. To be a King you must focus on DELIVERY and what YOU ARE BRINGING to the table.
What she wants is going to get on her table eventually. So you either be the man to give it to her or help her get there faster, and you’ll pass these other men up. Other men WAIT on a woman to perform, instead of performing and attracting the right audience.
Figure out the following 3 Things:
If you can offer her TRIPS, but you look a hot mess on the trip with nose hairs everywhere, you’ll still become invalidated. So if your grooming isn’t up to par, then no need for you to chase a woman that will be on red carpets.
Women these days have GOALS & DREAMS that they are not letting go of for some basic man. Your money isn’t enough. Especially seeing how much men financially don’t even give or do ENOUGH at the minimum level for her. Which is why so many women don’t even look to a man for that. So what else you got on top of that?
There are women who are willing to accept you, and there are women that you will have to boss up for.
That whole thinking you’re going to get a top notch chick with kibbles and bits is a fallacy. Ask your dream woman how many men she’s DUMPED, let go of, blocked, deleted. They were all 1 trick ponies. A magic woman desires a MAGIC man.
IF your POCKETBOOK is only capable of McDonald’s, find you a woman on THAT level.
Your HEART has to match the LEVEL of the woman you seek.
Most men are not on the level of a boss chick romantically, because your HEART isn’t there.
Most men don’t have HEART because it belongs to a piece of every other woman.
Most of these women are just waiting on some man to become a real man.
Other women are already entertaining, dating, married to a real one or out here settling. Most women settle. Even most coaches who teach relationships SETTLED for a man who would at least allow her to FOCUS on making HER money.
Not every woman is looking to marry just any ole man. Some are going for the KING. Might I suggest that you SHOW UP as ONE. 😘
Relationships are a beautiful thing. You must choose the relationship that makes you happy. Ultimately what makes you happy is doing what your soul wants to do. Today we are talking about FEMININITY, The F WORD.
For many women, you’ve tried to happily be a masculine woman who runs the world. Chances are, you are now a sassy, saucy, 6-7 Figure Boss Chick, but came up short in your romantic relationships.
One thing about “masculine” women is they are slightly disconnected from the womb. Even though they give their body away, merely for the sake of love, they don’t know the true power behind their vagina and using the energy of it to call in whatever you desire.
Here is why THAT is important, and also brings us to:
Reason #1 – Provider men appreciate being seduced, charmed and enchanted by a woman who knows how to play the game. Every provider man wants a woman he can’t say “NO” to. Just like many abundant, heart centered women women want to give a man her everything, including her pet, and dislikes saying “NO” to her man, a provider masculine man desires a woman who will induce him just the same. He’s a giver, looking for a woman is willing, ready and capable of receiving from him. He finds that the average woman can’t receive, because she’s too busy giving and doing. This behavior is not sensual to him. It turns him off.
Reason #2 – Feminine women know how to allow a man to shine. Masculine women show up bragging about their accolades, bragging about all of the trips they’ve taken, and unknowingly firing off responses in competition with a man.
Reason #3 – Feelings – Society often pressures men to not express themselves. Therefore they often feel unsafe with their feelings. Afraid to express themselves, as a woman may say that he’s being too soft. It’s the divine feminine woman that allows a man to be a human, providing safe space for him to express his emotions and life challenges. She also knows HOW to motivate him to get the job done.
During a recent private session a multi-millionaire client opened himself up to me and told me a story of pain. He revealed to me the woman who motivated him to become the man he is today.
She pushed him deeper into his purpose, in a very emasculating way.
Masculine provider men love the way a feminine woman makes him feel.
Becoming a feminine woman isn’t simply FOR the man, but being that benefits him and yourself greatly at the same time.
It’s Yin and Yang. Push and Pull, Flow….
Click the photo below to continue this flow and join the divine feminine masterclass.