by Kissy Denise - The Masterpiece | The Goddess of Love & Motivation | May 11, 2022 |
The way the internet is all up in Jada Pinkett Smith’s marriage is quite interesting. Many believe the couple is headed for divorce. But according to Jada, she and Will Smith are in a lifetime partnership.
Jada Pinkett’s marriage with Will Smith is gradually hitting the rocks and I wouldn’t be surprised to see headlines of their divorce following the Oscars slap brouhaha in the coming months.
In 2019, Jada Pinkett along with Willow Smith and Gammy visited the Curry family in North Carolina for the show and during their interaction, Jada let everyone know that she’s now in “partnership” with her husband Will Smith. The couple now refer to their marriage as “partnership” via Essentially Sports;
They talked to Ayesha Curry, Sydel Curry-Lee, Sonya Curry, and Callie Rivers. Ayesha Curry is an entrepreneur and chef who is married to basketball superstar Stephen Curry. Sydel Curry-Lee is Stephen and Seth Curry’s sister. Sonya Curry is their mother and was married to NBA veteran Dell Curry. Callie Rivers is engaged to Seth Curry and is also the sister of NBA star Austin Rivers.
When they started talking, Sonya Curry shared that she has been married to Dell Curry for 30 years at the time. And Jada said, “Did you know I am on 21?” with a hand on her face. Then Sonya said, “You can make it. It’s possible.” And everyone broke out laughing.
Then Jada said, “Yeah, you know, I mean, our partnership. We don’t really call it a marriage anymore, we call it a partnership. We are life and business partners, we are in a different stage of our union. I know that unions go through many stages.”
On Jada Pinkett and Will Smith’s partnership, here is what you need to know;
Will Smith met Jada on the set of Smith’s television show ‘The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air’ in 1994. Jada auditioned for the role of Will’s girlfriend, but she didn’t land it. Later, Will and Jada started dating. Jada and Will Smith married on December 31, 1997, while she was 3 months pregnant. Their son Jaden Christopher Syre Smith was born in 1998 and daughter Willow Camille Reign Smith was born in 2000.
In April 2013, Jada reportedly said in an interview that she had always said that Will can do whatever he wants because he is his own man. This made everyone believe that Will Smith and Jada were in an open relationship. But she immediately denied such claims and said that she was not referring to an open marriage with her comments.
But all hell broke loose in June 2020 when rapper and singer August Alsina said that he and Jada had been involved in an affair in 2016 when he was 23 and Jada was 44. He was also a friend of Will’s son Jaden. To make things worse, he also claimed that they had Will’s permission for the affair. A spokesperson of Jada denied Alsina’s claims.
Then in July, Jada hosted her husband Will Smith in the Red Table Talk, where she confirmed her affair with Alsina when they were separated. But she maintained that didn’t happen with Will’s permission. Then in 2021, Will Smith took a U-turn and stated that Jada didn’t believe in a conventional marriage. And admitted that he and Jada have had sexual relationships outside their marriage.
Ironically not too long after this Sonya Curry would file for divorce from Dell, so you can blame Jada for that too.
Something I recently learned about relationships is that it’s best to commit to the relationship and not to the person. Is that how so many people have a long-lasting marriage?
by Kissy Denise - The Masterpiece | The Goddess of Love & Motivation | May 11, 2022 |
If you ask a man what makes him fall in love with a woman, he’ll say so many things and chances are he may mention something about RESPECT.
But the truth is, most men don’t know WHY exactly they fall in love with a particular woman. Oftentimes they will say she is smart, has a great career and things based upon accolades, without realizing those things aren’t the carrying factor of a relationship.
A man falls in love with you when he knows he can be his real self around you. He falls in love with you because he feels SAFE expressing his innermost, private feelings with you.
That’s when he suddenly calls you, he wants to be around you all the time, and doesn’t understand why he wants to be near you. He just does. He can’t put his finger on it, but he knows there is something special about you.
Men feel most at peace with a divine feminine woman.
5 Things Smart Single Women Need To Manifest Millionaire Men
Men are actually more emotional than women. He’s not in love with you when he’s too afraid to show you parts of himself. 💋 He doesn’t fall in love with a woman who expects him to be perfect.
In fact, men run, when a woman thinks he’s perfect, because he knows he’s not.
Now you know why Mr. Perfect ran for the hills when you told him how great he was.
No human is perfect. Your delusion that you will find human perfection dooms you.
Join Goddess Unleashed to raise your frequency and become the divine feminine goddess that men dream of marrying.
by Kissy Denise - The Masterpiece | The Goddess of Love & Motivation | May 5, 2022 |
Jhene Aiko must be addicted, cause she’s not leaving BIG Sean alone, no matter how many times he “allegedly” cheats on her.
The internet has jokes for days, as news is circulating that Rapper Big Sean is has once again been caught cheating on his girlfriend Jhene Aiko with multiple women, they are assuming the rapper is tired of his girlfriend after 3-years of dating.
According to MTO News;
Rapper Big Sean has been dating R&B sensation Jhene Aiko for almost five years. But now a rumor is circulating online that Sean is cheating on his Asian crooning girlfriend.
A popular Tiktoker is spilling tea on Big Sean and Jhene Aiko’s relationship and claims that Sean is cheating. The tea was spilled by the gossip blogger KlatSCHhh. She’s the same blogger that spread the rumor that R&B singer Teyana Taylor had an alleged drug overdose after learning of her husband’s cheating. Teyana quickly denied that rumor and says she’s never used drugs.
Well according to the blogger, she was working at a Miami hotel when she observed Big Sean renting a room with two beautiful Black women. She later suggested that Big Sean and Jhene’s relationship is “fake”, and that the two have what the blogger describes as a “PR relationship.”
As evidence she posted this picture of Big Sean, with the two beautiful women. Media Take Out has blurred out the faces of the women, because we have not been able to independently corroborate the story.
But even without corroboration, the story is spreading FAST on social media. Millions of people on TikTok have watched the above video, and millions more have seen it on Twitter.
You never know with these stories so take everything with a grain a salt until you hear someone is breaking up with someone else.
For now they both seem to be going strong together.

by Kissy Denise - The Masterpiece | The Goddess of Love & Motivation | May 1, 2022 |
It’s easy for a married woman to lose yourself. Finding your power, your source and your center is a must.
You’re sitting at home, being a good mom, a good wife, serving your husband and forgot all about yourself. You forget who you are.
Baby, you came here to do more than open your legs, cook, clean, open your legs and have kids.
That’s why your brain is so remarkable. 🧠 Heck even the brain you give is on point. 😜
Right now, You’re screaming for help, wanting to relax, to have more, be more, yet to relax and do less.
You have sacrificed your whole life and failed to PLEASE YOU. 😛
You see so many single women free. 🦋
It’s time to take charge of your femininity, breathe, feel safe, find your voice, communicate your needs to him and manifest a better life.
A man can only give you so much, when you’re not giving him the proper vision.
Good men seek to lead you to your place of happiness. They watch you and often seamlessly guide you to that place…. Where you are luminescent and feeling really good.
Many beautiful single women often attempt to forego men without healing deep inner wounds. You believe detachment from men is the answer.
Other women love men and believe that being a pick me will grant you your souls desires…. It won’t.
Lots of Pretty women believe nothing is wrong with them, but can put out sour patch energy that even feminine women can pick up on. Those tend to be the competitive single women…
Than you have the beautiful feminine women who want to be someone else, instead of their beautiful amazing selves. Men love them, but don’t latch on because they don’t know their authentic highest self. (Real Goddesses must deeply love YOUR own identity.
Self-Love is a full time job baby! Healing your femininity, gaining the confidence to find your voice, feeling your connectedness to the source of the universe, feeling sexy, embracing the incredible, allowing expansive love to flow from within you, overflowing with joy, and drawing men/your partner deep into the enchantment of love with you, is such an amazing experience.
There are two worlds going on. One where women are tapping into healing, expressing deep femininity, and becoming master manifestors of cash and love. Those are the women who will also Phuck a man silly because her soul is so free to seduce and conquer his desires. Body and mind surrendered.
Then you have the other women that keep talking, going in circles, not choosing and being lost.
Join Goddess Unleashed to get to know your authentic feminine self, raise your frequency, remove blocks, come into a state of divine self-love, understand men, improve your relationships and manifest more money into your business. All by being a uniquely, divine, feminine Goddess.

GODDESS UNLEASHED – Manifest Your ‘Dream Man’, Even If You’re Married To Him ALREADY
by Kissy Denise - The Masterpiece | The Goddess of Love & Motivation | May 1, 2022 |
Inconsistency in a relationship is abuse. It’s a sign that he really doesn’t want you. The fact that you stay means you like abusing YOURSELF. #kissysaid
#Men: Chances are she’s inconsistent cause she has mental issues/past unhealed trauma or you show signs that make her pull back. If a man is choosing the ONE chick that’s completely not into him, get a divine relationship coach to heal you.
Basic chicks waste time with men they don’t like. You’re good target practice…. Beautiful, successful women do not. They invest time into men THEY want.
Therefore there is no point of a man dealing with a smart, analytical, intuitive, attractive women unless you came to do right by her and HAVE A PLAN for her. (Spiritual women are wise…)
She’s going to sense that something isn’t right with you, if your heart isn’t aligned with truth to prosper HER. If she’s healed NO she’s not going to sit around trying to figure out which game you’re playing today.
🛑 Men hate arguing. Women hate mind games.
NO, the divine feminine is not going to come closer to see and go deeper into the abyss. Clearly she can see the black hole 🕳 that lies where YOUR heart used to be.
While women are responsible for staying in their femininity, many men keep women in their head with the mind games you play. It confuses her EMOTIONS.
When a woman is living from her heart, the last thing she needs is a man who causes her to overthink. As if she doesn’t THINK enough already. 🧠 You are there to help her feel safe to LIVE in the moment.
❤️ A woman shouldn’t have to overthink when it comes to you. You must love her deeply enough that she KNOWS and FEELS the desire to submit with every fiber of her being.
A woman should feel FREE to feel JOY around a man. Not just when she’s riding on top of you.
💖 And you women have to stop letting men damage you. It’s your life at the end of the day.
YES men will smother your life and light IF YOU LET THEM. 💡 They don’t care. It’s not even intentional. No one taught them how to treat a woman right.
You let these men damage you for FREE99 at that. That’s so NOT high value.
Meanwhile, a good man would’ve loved you, made your light brighter, and provided for you. That relationship would FEEL HEALTHY to you.
It feels good to be so divine that you only attract the warmth of a real divine masculine man.
That’s why so many of you women don’t want to have sex. Truth is you are tired of letting broken men use your body, frustrate you, lie to you, and drain you for everything you have, while telling you how much you suck. It’s always the dude who hasnt even given you $100 that complains about you…..
👉😘💋 Woman BE A BOSS. Take charge of your feminine LIFE. Join Goddess Unleashed to magically change your energy and attract a real man who will run circles around these other dudes.
Stop sitting around being hurt.
Catch international flights ✈️ Not negative feelings on a flight by yourself.
Find yourself in the presence of a King. 👑 Period.
by Kissy Denise - The Masterpiece | The Goddess of Love & Motivation | May 1, 2022 |
A lot the frustration with women is that you struggle with manifesting what you desire because you don’t have the right masculine energy in your life.
Not that you don’t already know HOW to DO things, but you need certain energy to help you get in the flow of receiving it.
It’s wise to stop listening to people who encourage you to keep being a single, strong, independent woman.
✅ If your idea of SUCCESS comes with a SUCCESSFUL relationship then YES, check that off the list.
Maybe I don’t come out and be like “OMG. I have a boyfriend.” But most times I do have some sort of man in my life who is feeding into me.
👑 Although I work, I get help from a genius man here and there. 👑 God keeps me covered. 🙏
Men are supposed to cover us. The love and support of a divine King is extremely helpful for the soul.
Same thing for men. They are successful even while single, because they use up different women’s energy to manifest. Free p*ssy keeps him from having to committ and believing that he’s doing it all on his own. These men have SEVERAL women pouring love into them, often while telling the women that they do nothing for them…
💖 Some men are pouring love into several women.
💜 If you as a man doesn’t have a woman pouring love into you, check your character, or check your choices. Women are the most loving beings on the planet.
💰 Most people who make 6-7 Figures are married or in a relationship. Can you get there on your own? Yes, you can. You’re amazing. But baby that is such hard work. Tiring… Even draining.
I cut off my hair chasing my first 6 figures. I worked endlessly. It still didn’t work. What worked is seeing how I was helping a man client make millions, yet I struggled.
Something shifted in me in my expectations. I expected my money NOW. I got tired of waiting.
So I got down on my knees and talked to GOD. HE did for me what I couldn’t do for myself at the time. I didn’t have the manifestation knowledge that I have now.
The next day I woke up making LOADS of money. I began to make MULTIPLE 6 Figures per year.
Then comparison set in. I wanted more. I wanted to be a millionaire.
This time I had to figure it out.
Here are the five things you need to become a millionaire or to finally manifest your dreams.
🌸 1. Increase your faith
🌸 2. Get a partner
🌸 3. Love Yourself
🌸 4. Be Your Authentic Self
🌸 5. Write the Vision, Make It Plain & Embody It
God created Eve for a reason. Don’t ever forget that.
Love is the most potent, most magical miracle inducing frequency on the planet. It’s omnipresent. It’s abundant, potent, healing and encompassing. It’s GOD’s gift to you.
💖✨💋 Your life can change for the better in a day. Mine does all the time.
The next Goddess Unleashed class starts this weekend. Join Us – It’s MEN, MONEY, MAGIC, MINDSET & MANIFESTATION. 💡Live – From a state of surprises and flow. ♥️Quantum Leaps ♥️
GODDESS UNLEASHED – Manifest Your ‘Dream Man’, Even If You’re Married To Him ALREADY
by Kissy Denise - The Masterpiece | The Goddess of Love & Motivation | May 1, 2022 |
So many men run around literally for years, dating one good woman, after another, having “FUN.” Having So much fun, sexing random women, and discarding them, that they never listened to good female advice and became a better man.
When he does finally meet the dope chick he really wants, he is so accustomed to being liked for trips and truffle butter filet mignon, with his faults being over-looked , that he doesn’t know what an amazing woman likes in a man of whom she would join in marriage. He’s not good enough for HER. 😘
Then you have the men who actually listen and are masters of women. That’s unfortunately my type. 😭🤣
ME: “I want to go to the moon on a 3 foot, red velvet boat.”
HIM: “Kissy you are amazing, you’re a Goddess, you deserve more than 3 feet.”
HIM: Silently walks me outside.
ME: “OMG! You actually got me” a 6 foot red velvet boat with gold accents, 2 captains, a new fit, red slippers, navigation, and snacks on deck. 😍
🚣♀️ Trip Starts: He took me to see the ☀️, the 🌙 the 🌟 and the 🏔. And said YES to everything that I reached for and even more.
MY CONSCIOUS: OMG. WHERE TF Did this man come from? 😮😭♥️🤷🏼♀️
MY SUBCONSCIOUS: “Kissy My Dear. Darling, You are a Goddess. You manifested him.” 💖
ME: “BUT, I didn’t even ask. I wasn’t even thinking about.“
GOD: I LOVE YOU. You are worthy. 💖✨💋
ME: “GOD You are wonderful. How I LOVE your name. How excellent are you ole lamb of GOD. You have no rival. You have no equal. You are the only true and living God. Thank You for everything you’ve ever done for me. I worship you, and only you can.”🙏
The Internet: “B*tch who do you think you are? You sound st*pid. No man is about to do anything for you! You don’t have a man. You’re leading women wrong. They’re going to be lost. You’re going to be single forever. Lower your expectations.”
My REAL Followers: “Kissy your FREE content has changed my life.”
My clients: “OMG KISSY, I attracted a high value man who spoils me and treats me like a Queen. Thank You For Being You. “
♟ Masterpiece Tribe Members: “OMG KISSY. Money randomly comes to me when I’m in your presence.”
👁 Goddess Unleashed Client: “Kissy opened my heart up in ways you can’t even begin to imagine. Slowly 1 by 1, in less than 30 Days, the miracles started happening. I moved, my relationship improved. New clients came out of nowhere. My income DOUBLED to 7 Figures. Kissy is magic. She will see you. Work with her.” 🔮
👉 Ladies and gentlemen. THIS is REAL.
by Kissy Denise - The Masterpiece | The Goddess of Love & Motivation | May 1, 2022 |
Only so few women learn the truth about men, money and relationships to evolve to the High Value Woman level.
🏅Most African American women do not. You’re too busy out here trying to be strong inside of a AAA relationship and then wondering why you almost ended up broken down at an AA meeting from trying to drown your sorrow. 🥃🎤
While you are so accustomed to being around 6-7 figure entrepreneurs, don’t forget that YOU ARE NOT THE NORM.
You are a miracle who has defeated generational curses. You even provide employment for others.
Women who truly understand men are the women constantly being provided for, given gifts, honored and generally have a good disposition about men.
Actual High Value Women tend to have good things to say about men, because honestly, how can you not?
Men give high value women everything and treat you like a Queen. Same thing for men who could be good men. They will say that they meet tons of good women.
Half the time high value men give a woman more than you feel like you deserve. They show you the light. Because they live from THEIR vibration. Not the low vibration of other men.
But what he most loves is a woman who already knows the deal..
High Value Men patiently hunt and wait for a high value woman to come along.
High Value Men don’t like low value women.
Even if you’re a high value woman trying to be agreeable, accessible and more affordable for the average man, men believe that’s what you’re worth. Nothing.
🏅Which is what most African American women do. You’re out here trying to have a AAA relationship and then wondering why you almost ended up broken down at an AA meeting from trying to drown your sorrow. 🥃🎤
He won’t even see your worth until another man comes along and shows him. And that’s only if you have done a certain level of energy healing and dream girl healing.
✍️ Through my travels as a writer, I am living the luxury lifestyle and meeting fabulous men, going out on beautiful dates all around the world, and have finally gained clarity on what I desire in a husband. It’s the best feeling ever to actually FEEL ready and to also KNOW you’re ready… (This is what has stopped you from deciding beautiful. You’re not like other women who can’t get or keep a man. You need a different kind of healing.)
The art of high value relationships isn’t black or white. It’s chess not checkers. I’ve learned so much wisdom from sitting down with high value men. They give me some of their best secrets.
Most women are out here playing checkers. A game where you’re nothing and nobody. ♟
👑👸🏼Meanwhile you could be playing on the chess board where you are a Queen who rules, and any man who doesn’t realize that is simply a pawn who loses.
And I most certainly hope that you’re not out here trying to do it without God. Cause these men will eat you for breakfast and have you looking like…..

Me in Paris looking at my cameraman/host