LADIES: Don’t let your toxic boyfriend get in the way, when your husband asks for your number

LADIES: Don’t let your toxic boyfriend get in the way, when your husband asks for your number

I swear this sounds like terrible advice. But I promise it’s good advice.

Good women waste WAY too much time being faithful to no good men. Meanwhile tons of other good men come trying to holler at you. By the time you finally get out of the toxic relationship, and you start posting GOD GOT ME QUOTES, n*ggas ain’t sh*t and all of the other break-up memes, the good men who tried to holler at you, are already onto another woman.

Even with myself, when I was in toxic relationships, I had quite a few good men around me who liked me. One time I broke up with my boyfriend, went out with my girl, and as we were leaving the club, I ran into a man outside.  We both looked at each other and it was INSTANT chemistry and INSTANT attraction. Like nothing I’d ever felt before. It was definitely spiritual.

I gave him my number.  I talked to him and he was an artist. He sang, and had a clothing line. Like me he was an entrepreneur manifesting his way in this world.  About a week later I told him that we couldn’t talk anymore, because I’d gotten back with my BOYFRIEND.

He was hurt. He was like “I thought we had a connection.” I responded “We do. But it wouldn’t be fair to to keep talking to you, when clearly I’m already in love with another man.”

Years later, I see that same man has blown up on social media. He has about 200,000 followers, and he’s getting money. Meanwhile my ex is probably somewhere cheating on whatever woman he’s with, working for someone else, and living the same insane circle he always has.

One time I was talking to one of my male friends and he asked me about my loyalty. He asked me exactly what was I being loyal to.

It came out that the loyalty itself was toxic. Why be loyal to a man who isn’t paying your bills? Why be loyal to a man who doesn’t value you?  That’s like being loyal to losing. 

The other day a man told me that he met some super fine girl, and he thought she was the one for him. But she did what most of us women do and told him to follow her on Instagram.   He now has a woman, and he was telling me now the Instagram chick is in her stories posting the typical break-up memes and God got me quotes. 🤷🏼‍♀️ He said to himself that if her relationship was bad, it only would’ve made sense for her to give him a chance months ago… Now she looks up, comments on his content, noticing that he has a woman.

A lot of heart-centered women fail to realize that life is NOW. You’d better PRESS PLAY all the way!!!

I used to think it was so uncool to say “Don’t let your boyfriend get in the way of finding your husband.” But it’s true. The man who wants to truly be with you is going to marry you and lock it down. He’s not going to take any chances on letting you go. The man for you is SMART when it comes to you.  Love yourself enough to ALLOW love in.

Let your toxic boyfriend go.

But  Bey already told ya’ll this.

Men are REALLY GOOD to the woman they love

Men are REALLY GOOD to the woman they love

Most men fall in love so little, that when they finally meet a woman they love, they are really good to her.

But most good men have been hurt.  They become too afraid to be a good man.

Other times good men wonder, if they are deserving of a good woman, or if it’s even safe to be a good man.

There’s so much confusion in this world and so many fears.  But love and fear can not co-exist.

You must pick. Either you’re going to CHOOSE to love or live in fear of LOVE.

When standards come into play then there becomes different definitions of love.

Real love is a feeling. It’s a feeling when the feelings of your heart have been met. It’s the moments where absolutely zero fear is present.

So when you meet someone, it’s good to calculate how far away they are from God. To fall deeply in love, God must be in your heart.

Are you afraid of God? Does God give you what you want? Do you suffer from doubt?

What you meet, is always a reflection of YOURSELF?  What beliefs do YOU need to heal?


Men Are Something Else……

Men Are Something Else……

I suppose I could’ve titled this a lot better.  But it was way more fun, to just let smart people, read….


As woke as I AM, you have to be a REALLY GOOD MAN to give me all of this game.

You’re only going to get as far in life, as the five people you spend the most time talking to.

There are LEVELS to being woke.

Sis, you should probably talk to smarter men.


5 seconds later I was like “Should I really be talking this good about men? Because it will only be like 5-……..”

My mind started going back the old way.

My advice: Forget those dudes. FORGET all of those dudes from the past. That’s the real level up.

Some of those things that men say, about what women do, and how they pick all of the wrong men, are true.

Men are generally good.

There are some really DEEP levels to healing.

Listen to the audio of this blog below:

Detach Your Love – Stop Dating Men Who Don’t Spend Money On You

Detach Your Love – Stop Dating Men Who Don’t Spend Money On You

For women who have a tendency to go with the flow, love deeply, see everything with rosy red lenses, you can change your life and save YEARS of wasted time energy and effort, by avoiding dealing with a man who is or would rob you of your beauty, energy, self-esteem, confidence and everything else.

He’s actually not robbing you. You’re robbing yourself by being co-dependent and unconsciously taking a detour to try to change a man. Chances are you even attempt to change the people around you and take on their burdens.

What if you stepped back and allowed everyone around you to simply be themselves with no pressure from you?

And Deepak Chopra’s Law of Detachment includes this commitment:  “I will allow myself and those around me the freedom to be as they are. I will not rigidly impose my idea of how things should be. I will not force solutions on problems, thereby creating new problems.”

law of detachment love

Law of detachment love

Detaching with love helps codependents and enablers. When we detach with love, we stop worrying and interfering and let others take responsibility for themselves.

Now, as to YOUR PROBLEM of  hanging with men who don’t break bread.  Ask yourself why do you do it in the first place?

Chances are, you are attracted to HIM, but are you attracted to his CHARACTER and the way he treats you?

Does being around him feel suppressive to your soul?

Submitting to a man is submitting to his frequency.  Imagine the imbalance that comes from you attempting to submit to a man whose frequency calls you to be less than you.

God doesn’t want you with him. That’s why he’s not giving you money or investing in you.   Does that make him stupid?  No. It simply makes you not the one for him.

THat’s okay. Nobody told you that you had to stick around.

Would you break bread on YOU?  Are you a keeper?

broke men

This isn’t about gold digging. It’s about matters of the heart and WHO God called you to be.  He called you to be prosperous and abundant. He called you to make profit from all of your trades, including your trade of time.

But why would someone invest in spending time with you and unleveling you if you’re willing to spend your time being less for free, complaining about everything they do?

Are you sitting around waiting for someone else to tell you that you are worthy of your own desires, before you honor them?

The right man for you is willing to expand, go all in and commit to you. Handsome tall men will hand you money.  What else? Once that’s given to you, what do you REALLY want? WHY do you want it?

Boys like playing with girls as toys. Grown men value their woman.

A boy becomes a man when is willing to help those who need his help. Be the channel of His mercy to others; the harbinger of hope for the hopeless.” Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it” (Proverbs 3:27).

Proverbs 3:27, NLT: Do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it’s in your power to help them.

“When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.” (KJV). ~ 1 CORITHIANS 13:11

You not feeling worthy and deserving of a man who protects and provides for you has attracts such a man who agrees with you.

But when you embody Goddess consciousness you simply attract who you are.   Remember everyone likes honey. So of course you’ll attract few dusty flies. But that doesn’t mean you have to open your door, stop what you’re doing and give the dusty your attention when there 100 Men waiting to serve you.

What you focus on persists, expands and gets amplified.  Self-Love and truly being a beacon of light, amplifies your vibration and allows you to manifest the abundant love that you desire FAST with ease and grace.

That’s why they have their appearance together. THAT is the kind of man you need to be around. His frequency is high. He makes you happy. He WANTS to make you happy.

Unattractive men rob women of their life force. Not being attracted to a man is a sign as plain as day.  Admit it, you’re disgusted by the lil short, inadequate dude who has no value for love, chases beautiful women, acts like a groupie when he’s around you, trying to sneak pictures and sh*t.   He ain’t sh*t. Stop feeling guilty about feeling that way about him. Ask him for some dough, let him tell you NO, and get rid of his dusty azz.

Look at his appearance for what it is. Don’t cut him any slack. Either he breaks bread or he remains unattractive.  Cause he surely judges you 100% by your appearance. Even dusty dudes do it. They chase beautiful women while swearing beauty isn’t what they are chasing. Opt out of their b.s. storylines.

Listen ya’ll. I have been in the house working on building my business for 2 years. During that time I was FOCUSED. I wasn’t thinking about no man.  But now I have TIME.  Let me tell you something…. Men are running up on me to HAND me money.  Not just white men, but cute, YOUNG, black men too.  It’s all frequency.

You WILL NOT get what you want out of life by dealing with 50/50 men under any circumstances.   I am writing this post from the bottom of my heart, to save you.

You will not get what you want out of life, without a KING and a TEAM. Kings take care of their Queens darling. If he runs up on you and he’s not trying to cut the check, he ain’t your King.  All he comes with is raggedy ding-a-ling. Which is why you don’t like phucking him in the first place.  See, you feel all these kinds of ways, but you try to DENY YOUR OWN FEELINGS, for the sake of SOCIETY.

Here’s a random video I found.. Check it out.

Also do yourself another favor and stop listening to masculine b*shes who keep telling you about getting your own money. You need your own money plus HIS too. That’s the way this sh*t goes. Men who don’t break bread on you are embarrassments. Your vagina is not a free ATM for him to stick his d*ck in and you receive nothing in return.

Listen to me when I tell you that YOU ARE NOT a portable mattress that allows a man to dumb his semen in you and run off. GROSS is a woman who doesn’t value her body. Gross is a woman who hangs out with men who don’t break bread. These men need to break bread simply for hanging with them.

If you don’t have my book YOU CAN’T FORCE A MAN TO VALUE YOU, BECOMING A HIGH VALUE WOMAN & ATTRACTING YOUR DREAM MAN, Then darling it’s time to INVEST in yourself. Cause smart men do not invest in women who don’t invest in themselves.

Why is it so hard to find someone that likes me as much as I like them?

Why is it so hard to find someone that likes me as much as I like them?

A man asked me this question today. “Do we ever find someone who likes us as much as we like them?”
This questions has two dimensions.

1. Someone will always like the other person more. Rarely ever is it even.

2.:Yes, but the problem comes when those two people finally meet, they tend to forget how hard it was, or how long it took to meet a mutual match.

When most people meet there is nothing there. No chemistry, no feeling, no nothing.  Then oftentimes when they least expect it, they meet a match. A FEELING hits them. They feel a sort of CONNECTION.

They say “lets be friends” and allow the connection to go into the friend zone. 

Other times they meet the most beautiful connection and one or both starts trying to see what’s wrong with the other, while secretly HOPING for perfection.  That’s totally counter-productive.  As each will eventually start taking the connection for granted.
So then they go back out into the world searching. Then they meet another aligned soul. Once again they forget how it was before and start focusing on the perceived bad of a person. Rarely does anyone ever say “Hey. Let’s see how we can nurture and grow our LOVE.” 
The world completely underestimates the FEELING of LOVE and the value of it. They try to making loving relationships with people who they don’t really FEEL love towards. But they don’t know this, because most people have never experienced real love. So it’s not like they know what they are missing or searching for. They are just doing things while hoping for some happily ever after.
High value people have this belief that love is everywhere and easily accessible. It is. But not the deep, soulmate connection you seek.

I love almost everyone. But that’s in limited amounts. The deep love that I can share with anyone, will only be shared with special ones who are able to receive it. 

I have a very high value for love, but in a world where most people don’t value love, I am a weirdo. Humans actually believe that the humans who seek love are weak.  The whole world almost tells you to focus on yourself and more self-love over seeking out a mate.  Yet, most people in the world aren’t rich.

You know who is rapidly acquiring wealth? Couples who are in love.  Money is LOVE.

Souls who are truly love attract everyone. But everyone isn’t love and people love at their own capacity. Add consciousness, and you’ve separated yourself even more.
When you meet an aligned connection, appreciate each other and don’t take the connection for granted. That’s how you maintain love.
Even when it comes to the light and love community, most of them are actual void of real love. Love appears to be something that only so few souls experience, due to people’s disconnection from God.
Very few people in this world have truly experienced divine love.
Those who have, love immensely, in ways most humans will never be able to grasp.
There’s levels to everything. Love yourself enough to obtain the love that you deserve.
Why is it so hard to find someone that likes me as much as I like them?

Your male friends are not your friends

Can men be friends with women?

This year I discovered something that I wish I’d knew a long time ago.

Your male friends are not your friends.  I mean they can be, but most of them are not.

I HAD this bad habit of meeting men and ushering them ALL into the “friendship” category, unless they state otherwise right away.

If a man thinks he’s going to date me and be “friends” first he has another thing coming.

Here is why.  My mistake was I required LESS of my male friends and gave them more time, more love, and more of my authentic self, MUCH FASTER, than I would give to a man of whom I wished to marry.  So because of that, my male friends although GREAT men who definitely treat me better than most women will be treated in their entire lives, were not good ENOUGH to be considered as my man.


But because they were given close access to me, they were playing a game, not knowing that I wasn’t playing the game with them. (You are always playing the game as long as men are around you.)

I once had a male friend tell me that he was dating 5 women and that I was his top pick.  🤣 While he told me this we were on a fancy smancy dinner date in Vegas.  I was like “I didn’t know that we were dating. I am not in the running sweetie.”

Let me tell you something. I CALCULATE ALL MONIES SPENT ON ME. Only spending money taking me out to dinner, does not count as boyfriend/husband material. My husband would ball out on me in every way.

So if a man isn’t balling out on me, I know that I’m not his dream girl, and I’m okay with that. That means he’s not my type.    Men get from me what they put into me.

When you meet men, realize they want to date you, and treat them as such. 

Why is it so hard to find someone that likes me as much as I like them?

Why Do Women Flake On Men? Here’s 13 Reasons WHY

In my life, I don’t use the word FLAKE. I think men who use that word are LAME.  Cause the truth is women don’t flake on men who seem to have great value in her life.

The thing about most dating coaches is that they are married. So they’re not really out in the world experiencing dating. Which really doesn’t matter, cause the bottom line is people deciding what they want and going for it.

I cancel on people cause honestly, self-care is just more important these days. But more than flaking, I noticed that a lot of high value women aren’t accepting date offers.


I am a published author, a celebrity blogger, a spiritual transformation guru, a motivational speaker, an entrepreneur, and a business woman. I run a billion dollar empire with clients who need me in tip top spiritual condition.  My empire is in the ground stages of becoming.  I am also an introverted nerd who values my time. On the other end I’m a geeky black barbie.  On the other hand I am a Prophetess deeply into ascension and doing my soul’s work.  I am also a healer known by the name of The Goddess of Love & Motivation. I am the Queen of The Masterpiece Tribe, that’s over 500,000 strong right now.

Despite being all of those beautiful things, I am also a part-time comedian, blunt af, and can be a hot mess at times. I am a lot to deal with due to my upbringing of coming from a rough environment and now being bourgeoise AF.

These are all of the things I truly am in real life. Now if you go outside of me and don’t take any of this personal, such a woman described obviously desires a very powerful man who matches her.

What I didn’t mention in my description is that I am drop dead gorgeous on the days I comb my hair and do my make-up. I am also pretty sexy with a curvaceous sexy body that will make a man’s eyes do a double take.  Many people ask me if I am a model.

By now you see that not only am I confident, but I embody DIVINE CONFIDENCE.  Not a lot of people can deal with that.

I think it’s important to know why I flake or turn down date offers.

  1. Although I desire a relationship, my work is quite often more important than going out on a date with a man.
  2. If I am honest, I am looking for a man who is one in a billion.  He’s amazing, and knows exactly how to enchant me. Most men don’t know how to enchant me, so obviously they are not my dream man.
  3. I go out on dates as a way to mingle, be in male energy and get out of the house. Sometimes I find it more convenient to simply feed myself.
  4. I love men, but most men simply don’t excite me, and some days I simply don’t feel like sitting in front of a man pretending that’s he’s exciting. Me going out on most dates is simply me allowing a man to treat me like a lady.
  5. I become disinterested in men who may have a problem with my high level of confidence.
  6. I am enlightened. Most of the world is SLEEP. A Sleeping man has no idea what to do with me.
  7. The guy didn’t seem to truly value me.
  8. If I am to truly respect my goals, desires and wishes, there is no point of me going out on a date with a guy who is a 50/50 man, or isn’t rich.  If I talk to him and sense that he’s not into providing for his woman, I stop talking to him.
  9. If am to truly stick to my desires only 9% of the population makes 6 Figures or more.  So obviously I would say NO to most dates, because they are not in alignment with my dreams.
  10. There is no physical or spiritual connection present.
  11. The guy’s first date offer was whack, low budget, or he’s not interested in catering to my desires. I turn down all coffee dates.  YET, we should discuss the fact that the average dating coach would suggest that I shouldn’t turn down low budget coffee dates, because stuff like that shouldn’t be iMPORTANT. See most coaches teach women how to get an AVERAGE man. They teach women how to settle for less and BECOME what a man wants, instead of becoming the woman a man NEEDS.
  12. He’s too needy on my time. I need space like the final frontier right now.
  13. He has a negative mindset and has complained about me not DOING for him too much
  14. He calls me and asks me to come see him right away that day, then gets upset or complains when I don’t say yes. Men who want me to drop everything for them, aren’t interested in ME. Those guys are seeking sex.
  15. He dates multiple women.  I’m not into men who don’t know what they want. If you are my kind of man, you are looking for something in particular and you’ll breathe a sigh relief when you find ME.
  16. He said something that made me not want to have sex with him EVER.
  17. I have better things to do
  18. He’s not that attractive or bores me
  19. He moves too slow for me
  20. He’s not looking for love
  21. I’ve been out with him before and know that he doesn’t value me at my level, continues to not step his dating game up,  is wasting my time and his presence makes me aware that dealing with him was part of settle for less syndrome.
  22. I don’t see most men as a potential mate.  I was categorizing every man I meet as a “friend.” But men don’t approach women to be friends with them.  Therefore that too is a waste, because if a woman is entertaining or talking to a man, she’s playing the game rather she knows it or not.  Often-times I am just not in the mood to play the game.

Now that’s 22 walls/boundaries/rules that I have up. A man would literally HAVE to be brilliant, and of my tribe, to find his way through all of that.

Energetically I get along with just about everyone. Men who talk to me feel like they are having a great experience and that we are deeply connecting. Usually we’re not, I am just being polite. Beautiful women are very good at being polite and fainting interest. It’s out contribution to the world. Our presence makes people happy.

I noticed that even with the few men that I say yes to, rarely does it ever turn into a second date, especially if that date came from a dating app. The majority of men on dating apps don’t know how to connect to women, and don’t follow up. They wait for women to do all of the work.

And the people who ENERGETICALLY connect all seem too busy working and doing everything other than being with each other.