Sons of 50/50 men do 50/50 things

Sons of 50/50 men do 50/50 things

If HIS FATHER didn’t take care of HIS MOTHER, There’s a very high chance HE WON’T TAKE CARE OF YOU. 💯

Sons of 50/50 men do 50/50 things. But instead of saying that society will instead blame the woman for growing up without a father. MEN LEAD. Women follow. Everyone has to learn how to play their part.

A divine Queen can not allow a man to lead her if he shows up as any less than KING. She is encoded to worship THE King. 👑

So men, if your earth daddy wasn’t a King, recode your DNA to that of your heavenly father, who PROVIDES. You can not call yourself a God, if you don’t take care of your woman.

Now, are you a God or are you a mortal, son? #KeysByKissy 🗝💋

Putting Money Before Love Is A Violation

Putting Money Before Love Is A Violation

I realize some people read my relationship writings, and those who aren’t exactly heart-centered, may misconstrue my writings as to be about money.  I write for those who are spiritual and high vibrational in their heart. 

This blog is going to teach you many things.  I used this blog to heal myself from  heartbreak. I now clearly see my new loving, prosperous, kind world. Each day I receive new source downloads and messages that I share with the world.  

Pink and purple office

This business of transforming lives has completely changed my life and my own mindset.

When I want something I get it.  My goal is to be  the #1 enlightened talk show host in the world. Anything else is just a delay. I’m also an author, but I blog too and I’m naturally a great life coach due to being intuitive and compassionate.  I’ve lived my life in many different dimensions. 🤣

Most of my blogs are written for my tribe to help you reach your dreams and goals. I did’t always live life on this remarkable frequency. Therefore,  I remember where I come from and write transformational words that also help aggressive women who may not necessarily know how to treat a man… 

I am clear on my purpose and my business is in position.

This journey has taught me something. At no time should you EVER put love on the back burner, in pursuit of business. For without love you are disconnected from yourself.

You can love yourself all you want to,.  but when you have a huge oak wood door up to any man who tries to date you, you block love from finding you.

When you don’t feel worthy of love, you ignore dating,  in the name of healing, needing more time, and are usually too busy WORKING..  

People get tired of being pushed away.

Many women are too busy being “friends” with men, instead of focusing on your goal of LOVE & MARRIAGE.

I do not believe that any man who truly desires a woman would watch her be with other men for 5+ years under the guise of friendship.  However,  one of my male friends said that was his exact plan. He said “I was like. She likes rich men. So I’ll let those other dudes take care of her. Then when I get my money up, I’ll take her from whoever she’s with.😂 (He makes $500K yearly.) 

That’s not LOVE.  A man can want you and even marry you and provide for you. But that does not mean  he loves you.

We have some control over our lives, but I also know that God has a special purpose for my life and will send me a special Husband just for me. He’s a King. 

Perhaps you have  this idea in your head of my King coming at the perfect time. When things are perfect for you. When you have clear space in your mind and life to receive him.  

That sounds like it’s what you should do. However, that’s a violation of the law of love.

You do not need to be perfect in order to receive real love, or to be loved.

“The truth that for our life one law is valid — the law of love, which brings the highest happiness to every individual as well as to all mankind.” This is what Leo Tolstoy wrote and the contents of this letter eventually ended up in the hands of a certain Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.

Where there is love there is life. Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into friend. Our human compassion binds us the one to the other — not in pity or patronizingly, but as human beings who have learnt how to turn our common suffering into hope for the future. Philosopher Baruch Spinoza once said: “Men who are governed by reason — that is, who seek what is useful to them in accordance with reason, desire for themselves nothing, which they do not also desire for the rest of mankind, and, consequently, are just, faithful, and honorable in their conduct.”

The act of making your work more important than your love life is only a violation.  You desire good for everyone you meet. How  dare you put your own love life last?  

😭 Even with the excuse of healing and becoming a better person, you will still learn better ways to love , while you re in a relationship. 

My first book teaches you how to find love.  The reviews are amazing. 

Entrepreneurs often put your love life on the back burner. Especially after a bad break-up. You feel you have no more time to waste. You’re in a rush.  There’s a reason why so many brilliant, beautiful, amazing, successful, heart-centered souls are single. They are too busy trying to get their lives PERFECT enough to receive the mate of their dreams. 

It’s a really sweet reason. It may even seem righteous. Also society will say “Good Job” that’s what you’re supposed to do.  Men may need to do it to a certain extent, but it’s not  for a woman to do at all. It’s up to the woman to decide WHAT she wants and CHOOSE a man in alignment with that. You don’t have to do everything by yourself.

Not knowing this fact keeps women fiercely independent and unwilling to submit to a King.  You don’t want a man to save you. You want to save yourself, and most do.

Then suddenly most men don’t measure up ENOUGH to ever submit to. Some women will submit to the right man, but others have no intentions of EVER submitting.

With men, if he is in the process of getting his life to a certain point,  he should simply find the woman of his dreams and start working towards her.  If you are meant to truly be with someone, it’s a heart match. Even if it appears to be a material match, good hearted souls really match up in heart and soul goals. Material potions are merely a result of being on an abundant vibration.  For example: Two wealthy people may both drive a Bentley. But are they married to one another because they both drive Bentleys? Absolutely not. It’s the connection and the internal things that attract them to one another.

People often feel like they need to acquire a certain level of success or get something done in BUSINESS before they find love.  Because they listen to society.  You know it takes money to live. If love is money, why would you think it’s cool to put love last? 

Then there is this question…

love or money

Here’s a story: 

Three men walk up to a home and knock on the door.  A woman answers and they ask if her husband is at home. She says no, but tells them they can come in and wait for him. They say no, that they would dare not enter a woman’s home, without her husband being around. They instead say they will sit outside on the porch until her husband comes home. 

Now let’s pretend the hubby comes through the back door or just divinely appears in the home. The wife immediately tells him that three men are on the porch.  He goes out to talk to the three men and tells them to come in.  However these are not regular men. They are three wise men. They tell him, we are Success, Love and Money.  You can only invite one of us into the home. Which will you choose?

The man goes back into the home to confer with his wife.  After pondering their choices, they both decide that they will invite Love in because love comes with money and success. So they invite Love in and live happily ever after with riches and success.  This couple understood that love is abundance. 

Now everything suddenly makes sense. 


 I received this aS I was writing this blog. 

Do you see what’s going on here?

No matter what people say, it’s all FEAR of not being good ENOUGH for who it is that they seek.  😭

Everyone is trying to work their way into enoughness. It works. It definitely works. But that’s such a long route.   YES, you do have to feel you are  ENOUGH before you receive anything. Even to get the super luxury car you want or the multi-million dollar mansion, you have to feel good enough to receive it, before you can actually receive it. You must be an energetic match for it. We as humans tend to forget about God, and try to EFFORT our way into everything, in order to feel good enough to receive it.

Hard-working people don’t feel worthy of good things simply being handed to you.  

You question anything that comes too easily. ( That’s why many put themselves through bad relationships, or subconsciously lead their relationship into toxicity… It’s important to appreciate your soulmate. 🤷🏼‍♀️ )

Energetically the guy above is successful. He makes 6 Figures. I’m positive he could help her with her brand. He’s good at that stuff. If she actually likes him, it’s a match. But he feels she won’t like him until his money is a bit more stable. So he’s going to keep working on himself with the IDEA of being good enough for her LATER. When by then her standards will have increased, and he may not be able to add as much value to her. She will then be seeking her soul’s mate at the next dimension level. 

There is a window of opportunity that one must take. ( I saw my ex in a club 2 years before we ever spoke. We didn’t talk, but we did run into each other again. Now we’re exes.. So…um yeah. ) When that window opens you must make the most of it, and do the work to stay together. God is not going to force anyone to stay together, and if you don’t keep up, high trajectory souls go on to the next dimension level, without you. 

People think divine mates are concrete. They are only concrete if you talk to them. If it’s meant to be, you still have to make a decision for it to BE.  Once you SEE them, then God and divinity has already done the work. Just like anything else you gotta go into ACTION mode. Your love life is simply not going to work without you working on it. 

We all have these IDEAS of what success means to us. For many 6 Figures isn’t success. Millions of dollars is success to them. So because they equate success with a certain level of finances, they essentially block off meeting their soul’s mate.  Due to not being open to it, and feeling not good enough to receive the love they deserve. 

money over love

This goes right back to men and women working together as teams in love. It’s the natural order. 1+1=2. 1+1 in marriage equals 3. 3 is a trinity of love, which equals abundance, success and money. 

How the phuck did people miss this?????  They don’t. They never did. People chose mates who did not know.  Many women tried this with men, only for the men to later leave them after obtaining success. So then she gets off her mark, sets high goals, and believes the hard work is going to actually get her, her desired mate this time.

High performing women want both love and success and your future mate does too.  So then you calculate in your mind what success means to you. THEN you DECIDE that WHEN you get there, to that point, you will THEN  be available to receive love.  

That’s nothing more than silly FEAR getting in the way of your dreams.

Once heartbreak hits, you literally begin to feel like you must do everything perfect. You feel like this is the last time. It HAS to go right. Everything has to be perfect and lined up. You start trying to control your life, you start doing God’s job, not leaving space for him to come in and do what he does best.  

We lose our childlike innocence and start being serious. But at least we still believe in real love. 

This is definitely a pattern. Many new clients who work with me told me they were waiting for their company to get to a certain level before dating.

Some of those clients are  millionaires still chasing their future idea of success; with all of their time going into their business.  – A business that could easily be reorganized, to free up time and space to date. Which would also make more money.

I’ve helped a ton of clients spend less time in their business, make more money and attract the love of their life and finally feel successful and fulfilled. 

The man in the text should  continue to study that woman. He now knows what she wants. He could take that woman out to dinner and reveal that he’s interested in her. He then needs to find out if he can meet her current needs.

There is nothing wrong with people wanting completed packages, but honestly nobody is complete when you meet them.  We are told that we are perfect, whole and complete, and that people should like us as is, but that’s not the elite way to go.

You will change. So will your mate. High vibrational people love to change and grow. Wiithout growth we are not fully living. Therefore of course our relationships are going to grow us and change us. They are meant to.

They must. If they don’t, they are not good for us. 

With a divine mate, you will manifest your goals a lot faster.  

Many of you have been going the long way. The society way. Yet believing you’re better or different. Just another layer of societal programming by the powers that be, who control the masses.  Come from under that. 

god love over money

The term equally yoked is about being equally yoked in heart and spirit. When you actually are equally yoked chances are you want the same things out of life. You’re already on your path, and they are already on their path, and you’re basically going in the same direction.  

But who did you mate with in the past? People who didn’t have your same heart value for love or purposeful success.  People who weren’t aligned with your values. 

One of my followers, Cynthia, made this meme for me.

We laughed and had a good time over it.

I even made an iPhone vs Android joke.

It was indeed a joke. But the joke woke many people up.  It helped people go back and see that even on the surface there were signs of incompatibility of two people going in two different directions; having a different set of values.  Obviously it’s not about the phone. It’s deeper than that. It caused people to really go deep, and in a flash they saw everything that they couldn’t see before. I know they did, because I have my secrets of commanding things and giving people shifts…

With all of that being said, know that your divine mate will show up when it’s time. It’s not about your time, it’s about God’s time. When you’re on the right frequency of your soul’s mate they arrive. Simple as that. It doesn’t matter whether you FEEL you’re ready or not.  Your lack of  not FEELING ready, is simply that LACK OF ENOUGHNESS.  You see how LACK is so prevalent?

Hopefully you’ve heard enough and get it now.  This massive download is a million dollars worth of love and money, when you apply it. 

Be blessed. 

Written With Love,

KissyDenise Gold


Marriage is a business, but not the kind you think

Marriage is a business, but not the kind you think

People say marriage is a business and it’s true. But not the way they think. It’s spiritual business that benefits both parties who are in love.

Society is so confused.  They love to marry for the sake of profit, or for the sake of what others will think of them. You shouldn’t marry people for anything other than love and simply because you want to be together.

You know how many people have successful businesses and still aren’t happy, and feel emptiness inside?

You can have a business together, but that shouldn’t be the reason for the marriage.  You can do business without getting married. 

MONEY is not the answer….It’s also a natural product of abundance…

You don’t marry a person simply because you have kids with them. The truth is if you didn’t want to get married, you could’ve saved the kids from a broken home in the first place. No point of staying together just so they can watch you lie, pretend, fake it and be yet another couple who teaches kids to settle for less than what truly makes them happy.

If it’s not going to make you happy, don’t do it. The fact that so many people believe love to be unreal, a fallacy, and blah, blah, blah, is the reason why many have yet to experience any form of deep love. Nope, you won’t find it, if you just jump at anyone cause “it will do, and you seem to get along pretty well.”

Of course there’s a high chance you are going to be unhappy if you marry for less than love. It’s love that keeps you moving forward, growing in soul. If you’re only together for the sake of making money or paying bills, then your soul is not growing.  Your soul can not prosper if you don’t attend to it. I mean yes, you’ll make material money, but you won’t ascend. Enlightenment is the way to go. 

You gotta heal your wounds, your old limiting beliefs and the fears, and misinformation holding you hostage. You must open your heart, realign your soul and energetically connect to your tribe.  You won’t find real love until you meet your tribe. It’s encoded in them to love you, well before you meet them. Because they love you at the soul level.  They love mostly everything about you. It’s not a prove yourself type of thing. It’s a “lets do this thing.”

Because you fear, you’re willing to settle for less, then put in half the effort, wondering why you don’t receive the full joy of marriage, and instead you’ll say “Well that couple just looks happy, they are not, everyone has problems.” However i assure you that not everyone has the problem of unhappiness. Some people actually have love and abundance.

But you only get it when you heal, vibrate high and go for what you want. Money is easy. Real love is something you have to work for.  The work is in maintaining the connection. 

6 reasons why rich men cheat more than average men

6 reasons why rich men cheat more than average men

How often do you hear a woman say, “I don’t want a rich man, because they cheat?” Quite often.  The truth is lots of men cheat, and rich men do cheat a little more than average.

The main reason rich men cheat more than the average men, is because:

  1. They have more ACCESS.

2. Wealth buys an affluent man power, recognition and a reputation.  Regardless of the lies, most women will allow to float out of their mouths, most women actually do want a rich man. Why?  because she wants a man to spoil her. 

Therefore women are more attracted to rich men. She’s going to put up with more unsavory behavior from him.  She’s going to put in more effort to get him. She’s probably not going to hold out on sex for too long or return too many of his requests with a “no” response.

Rich men pretty much get to have their cake and eat it too. Even when such a man decides to marry, and is caught in the act of cheating, quite often his wife is not going to break up with him.  (Unless she loves him and expects him to do right by her.) A great majority of the wives of affluent man have become accustomed to accepting his cheating. He has nothing to fear by cheating.  She understands quantity actually excites such a man. 

3. I’ve also noticed that many affluent men have spent a great deal of their 20’s and 30’s working hard, building a business.  At times maybe he wasn’t the most attractive and couldn’t have his way with women. Other times he simply did not have time to play, enjoy his life and experience many women.  Sometimes these men settle down with a good, wholesome, STABLE woman to help them build their empire. The woman’s stability, and her always being dependable and nurturing him plays a major influence on the growth of his business.  She is usually very meek, humbly dressed, and often has her own career. Then when he starts making the money he desires, suddenly he cheats.

4. Some men cheat for validation. I’ve heard way too many men say they wanted to know if they still had it. Which is quite silly, cause if you have money or you’re attractive, or even if a woman knows you’re taken, she’s going to be attracted to you for her own reasons. 

5. Some wealthy men cheat due to the constant pressure of work life. 

6. Some are unhealed and simply seek to be destructive. They will partake in an indulgence of drugs, alcohol, gambling, and all of the other festivities that a good sanctified, 3D Christian would consider activities of those who are going to hell. (I’m 5D. I just want to reiterate that.)

But I’ve also seen wealthy men who are healed and have no interest in cheating. I’ve seen such men study how to be a great mate, and would go to the ends of time to keep their wife happy, and maintain a healthy, loving relationship. 

When men cheat it’s because something is wrong with HIM.

6. Variety: But of course he’s going to tell you his wife doesn’t do, A,B,C & D to make you feel like your sex is better than his wife.

The truth is his wife could give the best blowjobs ever, he just likes it from you, cause you’re extra, and cheating excites him.  His wife could also not be pleasing him, but he can also sit down and work that out with her, if that is his choice. 

Regardless of the reasoning,  just know that non-affluent men practice these same behaviors. You absolutely can not assume that just because a man is not wealthy that he’s going to be a better husband to you, no more than you can believe that if you marry an unattractive man that he will be good to you and not cheat on you. 

The truth is if a man is attached, is well dressed, or is wealthy, lots of women find him highly attractive.  Women generally find men attractive as long as he is confident. 

It’s not a challenge for any man to cheat. What’s actually more difficult is for a man to keep a happy home. The man who can keep a happy home has figured out life. 

If you ask me, those type of men are the real MVPs. For it is a man’s duty to forego and overcome lust of the flesh in order to channel his energies into other things. 

I have so much respect for men whose hearts and minds are above average.  Those type of men are the ones who do real work. It’s never about their money, their success, or their accomplishments. For me it’s the fact that they have the heart to do better, be better and not settle for less or even be okay with being less.  Such men want to be the best. Their winning effort is exciting. 

So if you want to pick a good man, pick a man with good character. That’s the bottom line. 

Men who provide allow a woman to feel feminine and nourished

I woke up today feeling so refreshed, lit up, nourished and loved. Last week was a really good week for me.  I experienced a few breakthroughs.  While on vacation, I had the most amazing massage by a man that truly relaxed me.  I had one man tell me that he wasn’t about to “kiss my azz or spend money on me like these other men do.” Two hours later I received a text from another man who said he wanted to give me the world and be “that man” for me. 

It fascinates me how I get to see and experience both sides of the coin. I’m in total gratitude to God and the Universe.  For the past 10 years of my life, the only thing I know is men treat me like the Goddess that I am. I had long since forgotten how it feels to have a man presenting himself into a woman’s vortex who is not going hard in the paint to capture you, simply because you are not his true heart’s desire, yet he’s unaware of that. But I did this lil experiment.

Everyone on the planet is seeking love in some form.  Many have never truly felt it, so they have no idea what they are looking for. Whether a person values you is truly based upon their own value system. 

kissy denise purple

I am the finest wine and one of the most amazing women on the planet.  But only a certain type of man will be able to ascertain my value.  I would say that he must have a certain level of life experience and wisdom.  While one man treats me like a total Goddess another would treat me like a basic b*tch, if I allowed him into my vortex.   While one man tells you he likes you cause you’re nice and confident, another man will tell you that you’re the most beautiful, most amazing, most fascinating, most kind, most brilliant woman in the world.  You see there are levels to this ish!

I also bought into a new mentor this week that I plan on working with for quite some time.  I noticed that when you buy into a mentor who is in total alignment with you, you instantly become blessed. Sales go up, clarity comes, and things seem to shift immediately; before you even start to work with them.  At least that’s what happens to me and that’s what happens to my clients when they buy in with me.  I don’t know if I’m blessed ground and my mentors are blessed ground or if it’s simply the laws of the Universe being activated.  I believe it’s blessed ground, simply because many of my clients have bought into mentors and received nothing before me. 

My first published book “You Can’t Force A Man To Value You” will also be released on Amazon this week.

My “Goddess Unleashed – Unleashing Your Inner Goddess” course is also being rewritten by me this week.  As my vacation helped me truly see what women needed and exactly what I needed to teach them inside the course. Needless to say, it’s going to rapidly and positively change each woman’s life.  It’s the type of course where even if they don’t finish it, a great shift will still happen.  Same thing happened for me with my current mentor’s course. I haven’t finished it, but making more money and more shifts still came.

Today is the first day I’ve woken up in a long time and truly feel like myself again. It’s because I have love again. I’ve let men in and allowed them to provide for me and nourish me.  I realize I’m a completely different woman when I’m with a man who spends money on me, and provides for me; versus one who isn’t willing to financially invest in me.  When I’m with a man and I see something I want and I’m going to pay for it myself I tend to float into boss chick energy.  Which is masculine. Not that I act masculine around men, it’s just an energetic thing.  When I’m around a man and I know he is going to spend on whatever I want, within reason, I’m completely feminine and in total Goddess energy. I’m childlike and glow. Everyone can see it and they want in on my vortex. It’s so big that I wasn’t even aware of it.

When I was on vacation I was in Goddess energy.  That man handed me money fresh off the plane. Took me shopping for bikinis. Randomly walked up on me and dressed me in an entire sophisticated outfit to my surprise. My toenail got messed up because apparently the nailshop  put regular polish on my toenails, instead of gel. I was on vacation though and insisted on not tripping. I also had a nail appointment for 4 days away at the beauty salon inside the hotel. But the man I was with made another appointment and took me right away.  Then he took me again 4 days later.

He also sent me to the spa for massages twice in one week. We went to the casino to gamble and he also gave me money for that too. We walked in the mall and some cute, hip hop type european woman, who just so happened to also be a stunning Dr. put me on some Shiraz eye cream that I was familiar with.  I spent $2,000 in Miami buying the whole kit.  The guy I was with liked the cream on me and didn’t even blink at the luxury price.  Not once did he tell me no to anything.  

I dropped my phone on the floor of the hotel room because I had it in bed with me. The screen cracked. When I got back to Vegas he sent me a whole new upgraded iPhone. When I got it, it was this beautiful, copper peach color. It’s called CORAL.  When I asked him about it he said “You said your favorite color was pink. So I figured you’d like it. The iPhone 11 isn’t quite out yet, so that’s the only reason I didn’t send you that one.”  On top of that he had already seen something else I needed and sent me a few thousand for that.  One day on vacation he even helped me put my socks on. I could go on and on about all the things this man did for me in one week. Even when we were at the hotel buffet and he got up to get me dessert, the bowl of ice cream he brought me back had multiple flavors, cookies, sprinkles, gummy bears, marshmallows and all kind of things to make it cute and super presentable. WHY? Because he knows beautiful things delight my eyes, and acts of service, along with gifts, are my love language. 

One thing I know about a man is that when he’s truly into you he looks for ways to feed into you. He’s not going to tell you he’s not going to do A, B, C, D & E, for you. Some things you have to ask him for, but other things he simply does. Many women aren’t aware of this so they accept dealing with men who want their body, but won’t spend $1 on them. It’s also sad how many men gip themselves out of the pleasure of being delighted by a super feminine woman; because they simply don’t nurture that side of her.

Men who provide are simply better.  I also realize that I’m not into turtle men who come at me having to think or wonder if they want to be with me. That’s silly to me. I’m on team go hard or go home. Come correct or don’t come at all. If a man doesn’t come at me with everything he has, he will never truly capture my heart.  It’s best for a man to study women, see which one he wants, then go after her. No point of making his presence  known and then moving in like a turtle. Turtle men are unsure of their own decisions, don’t trust themselves and don’t know a valuable woman when they see one. They are simply walking around dating multiple women, and each woman is just basic to him.  He hasn’t met a woman that’s spectacular in his eyes. She could be Oprah, but he’d see her as the girl next door.  A man has to move like a lion, stalk his prey, then go in for the kill. He has to walk in, eliminate all competition, shut it down and come for the crown. At least that’s what Kings do.

I noticed that men who are truly into me, even my male friends, know exactly what makes me happy. They’ve observed me. 

I feel bad for women who are having the experience of each man in her life telling her what he’s not going to do for her. She has no idea how it feels to simply be a lady and be in a divine space of feeling provided for, nourished and protected by a man.  She doesn’t get the opportunity to feel safe. So chances are she’s stressed out, trying to figure out life on her own, and probably doing a very good job of it. As a result she has no idea why she would actually need a man. Men are only good for a woman when they add to you. Adding his d*ck to you, doesn’t do anything for a valuable woman, unless it comes with time, love, gifts, affection and attention. Like my granny used to say “Ain’t no romance without finance.” He has to feed into you, in multiple ways, in order for you to receive his love into your heart.

When a man truly cares about a woman he’s going to go out of his way to show you. The rest will tell you they are busy, or that it’s simply not who they are.  Every man will give excuses until he meets the one. What one man won’t do for you, the next one will. You are not aligned until you meet a man who desires to feed life and love into you…Therefore you become his muse.  Men benefit greatly from having a woman as a muse. But if he doesn’t invest, he loses the muse. When a man fails to invest in a great woman, he fails to invest in himself. All types of magic happens when a woman is nurtured by a man. She blesses him with the energy of abundance and happiness. 

Many boss chicks don’t really care about a man’s money, because she knows how to make her own.  Therefore she will try to simply focus on love and be with a man who doesn’t provide. She has no idea how wrong that’s going to go for her.  A man does not love a woman until he’s spent his money on her. That’s just the way it goes. It doesn’t go the way you think it should go. It is what it is. Accept it and make change. 

Lastly, I’m still not actually dating. But I’m moving closer to being ready. I’m almost there. I have a pinch to go.

Divine men REALLY want to help you

Divine men REALLY want to help you

I have a confession.  I love having my own money. Financial independence is really big for me. In fact it’s like everything. That and love. I need them both like I need air to breathe.  They are must haves.

So in the past I kind of just a tad-bit neglected my relationships. Making money was always more important. Sure I’d hang with people, buy them nice gifts randomly, and give people words of affirmations, but that wasn’t enough. 

People wanted my time. They wanted me to be present. They didn’t really care about my money or my gifts.  The man I had wanted me to respect him.  But I only did it sometimes because he didn’t respect himself. I’d seen him allow lesser women to rob him blind, and talk crazy to him in front of me. And lawd knows it took every ounce of me calling in divine barbie who doesn’t want to break her nails, to stop me from raveling up a bishes hair and pounding her head into the wall.  But hey, he stood that smiling the whole time he was being emasculated by a basic bish who got her first pair of knock off red bottoms.

So for such a man to get chewed out by a basic b*tch too many and then turn around trying to not respect the Queen that I am, needless to say Dude had me phucked up.  I’m not the kind of woman you come at with any lack of respect. Cause I will chop a man down to pieces and send him running home crying to his mama. Well I used to. I decided to stop emasculating 99.9% of men, even when they get on my nerves. However I did tell a man this morning to get his broke azz out of my inbox. He said he wanted to be my sugar daddy.  He also inboxes my female clients pestering them. So I had to put an end to it. 

Richard pest

Anyway, back to this story, of being Miss soooooo Independent.  I’m out here making 350k+ a year sitting on my living room couch and enlightening people along the way.  I create. Meanwhile I had a man who reported to another man for work, talking crazy to me, failing to appreciate me.  Common sense says that’s a recipe for disaster. Not to mention I’m Kissy mthfkn Denise. A ninja had better bow down and respect the crown or keep it moving.

So anyway, I stopped emasculating 99.99% of men like I said. But the other day one of my male friend said to me “Kissy you need to read your own blogs! Do you read want you write?” 😮

Girl, No he didn’t right! But he did.  Of course I don’t read my own blogs. I just get on here and start typing. I really don’t even give AF, about making sure my periods and commas and in perfect alignment.  That’s also the thing about being connected to source and being in your purpose. Things just flow. 

He goes on to tell me that I block him from being a man by not allowing him to help me more. He said “Didn’t you just write an article, saying that a woman has to allow a man to help her?”

That man yanked me so hard back into reality. He ended up doing some bonus stuff for me, so that he could ultimately do some more bonus stuff for me. And my confession is that he had to almost force me to accept his help. He also reminds me to stand in my power and cheers me on in my business. 

Meanwhile other men be like “Kissy, I want to phuck you,” and ain’t spent one dollar. It’s so easy to get caught up in those men who will treat you like a slut, rush to stick his d*ck in you and not value you.

This is why I tell women to eliminate all non bill payers from your life.  Those guys will have you continue to operate in masculine energy. They will have you sitting around them paying for your own stuff, because you don’t want to inconvenience him with spending money on you, while you give him a blowjob later. Cause your sex is free. It ain’t worth nothing and provides no value.

That’s the message that keeps getting delivered to your subconscious. Meanwhile other women have men spoiling them, valuing them and balling out on them. 

You won’t be treated like those other women as long as you operate in masculine energy. 

Remember you always have a choice on what you allow into your life. You can reject anything and anyone at anytime.

You need men who remind you that you can trust them and depend on them. It’s okay to allow men and people in general to help you. You gotta learn how to receive. You don’t have to do everything by yourself. Surrender to God and he’ll send you a man who you can surrender to.  That man will also help you. 


Rich N*gga 8 Figures,  That’s My Type

Rich N*gga 8 Figures, That’s My Type

My awakening was some of the most painful sh*t I’ve gone through in my whole life. I hope these blogs save a few women from going through the things that I went through. Or at least help you wake up sooner, rather than later. 

But today, I’m going to keep this short. I’m also going to send you back to your soul for answers. I’m giving you some journal prompts. 

First of all, you need both your masculine and feminine. You ain’t the prissy b*tch who can’t do nothing for herself. Get that up out of your head.

Secondly, you don’t dumb yourself down for nobody, unless you’re in the mood to entertain yourself and play that role. 

Kissy denise red

Now, what is YOUR type of man?

What kind of man do you REALLY want?  What kind of man do you DREAM about?

What does he do for you? What does he buy you? Where does he take you? What did you do there?  Did ya’ll have sex on a private jet?

Did your ex kopp that for you, or do that for you? Probably not. WHY? Cause he wasn’t your type. He only came with good d*ck. You do a whole bunch of sh*t for yourself though…. 

What do you have to show for your last relationship? 

Why don’t you have the man you want?

What must you change? Perhaps you should start by being honest about what you want. That’s a serious delay. 

P.S. 5 Figure Fools can’t even keep up with your rapid rate of consciousness. 🤣

Lets Talk About The Lie Called “It Takes 2 Incomes These Days”

I saw a post on Facebook today of a King stating that he took pride in being a provider for his woman.

I intentionally went looking through the comments just so that I could find the typical comment. In fact I knew I would find the typical comment. You know the one that says “That’s unrealistic. We need two incomes these days.”

Of course I found it.

I enjoyed seeing another King step in to shed light on the correct mindset.

Then I went looking for the typical comment from a female. The one that says she just has to be in a 50/50 relationship. Of course I found it.

I went to Ebony’s profile and her introduction was no surprise.

It’s the description of a stereotypical, single, black woman. You don’t actually have to be strong. You don’t have to do it by yourself. You actually get to get help.

I’m not shading her or anyone else. To each it’s own. This post is for people who really want to find their way into the light.

I also don’t want to make this a black thing, because all races have this particular issue. The issue of women not understanding divine feminine energy and men not understand divine masculine energy. And most importantly, people living in a limited mindset instead of practicing the Law of Abundance.

Many relationships are not working out these days because the people in the relationship carry an unbalanced energetic frequency. While 50/50 may have worked for Ebony’s parents that typically does not work for most relationships. Most relationships fall apart.  Here is why.

A woman is created to receive. A man is created to give. He is to protect and provide.  He is supposed to cover his woman.

In return for providing, a woman is supposed to serve her husband as a King.  Most women these days are too busy surviving to be in feminine energy.  She’s busy working just as hard as a man, therefore she really doesn’t have much respect for him.  Men want a woman to feel sexy for him and want to have sex with him all the time. But chances are, she’s too tired from work.  She works so hard that she doesn’t even understand feminine energy.  Therefore there is a decrease in feminine energy. Most men have never even met a super feminine woman. They don’t even know what to do with one.  Even more, men work so hard. He’s expected to be so tough in this world. He literally needs a feminine, nurturing woman to come home to.

Now another thing is that, I don’t write my blog for people who are okay with being average. I write for people who really want to figure this life thing out. When I write most times I’m thinking of Kings & Queens. I’m writing for the Gods & The Goddesses. I’m writing for a different realm.

In this realm we all simply want to live a happy, pleasurable, opulent, successful, healthy life, and be the best mates we can be. We’re all about excelling in every area of life.  The women work on their femininity  and healing just as much as we work on creating soul-businesses. The men work on becoming better men, making more money and balancing their feminine and masculine.  It’s a realm where people put in mass amounts of effort. They are go getters.

Meanwhile we watch the rest of the world living in chaos and dysfunction. And the minute one of us steps up to say “Hey. That’s not the way this goes. ” We get attacked. People get upset. They resent the truth. The lies feel so much better.

This bothers me. I want men to know that if you really want to provide for your woman you are capable of doing so. All you have to do is learn how to tap into abundance.  Once you do that you now have the tools to be the King you were called to be.

But instead men want to  keep listening to their 50/50 friends or listening to these angry, demotivational, basic bishes with no feminine energy. Neither will never get the life they desire. They will continue to go around unhappy, while pretending they have everything they want, and being angry cause they really don’t.   Life doesn’t work the way unspiritual people that that it does.

As a woman I can literally take care of a household of 4 men if I wanted to and keep the whole house living in luxury. I know this because I’ve done it before. If you as a man can’t ball out on your woman, you’re half stepping, half sleep,  and have no understanding of who you are.

Listening to people who agree with your non-evolving mindset will keep you stuck, or going in circles. They do not serve you.  Those beliefs are not for your highest good.

Sometimes people comment that men like me because I’m physically popping. That’s another story of jealous women thinking if they throw on a wig, some make-up and some clothes that they will get my same results. People seem to completely miss the amount of studying and brain work high performers do. They miss the spiritual work that it takes to produce a Goddess.  People miss these things because they are not on their own self-help journey. They aren’t out here waking up souls, nor are they teaching others how to manifest abundance or obtain a wealthy lifestyle.  They do not walk in their purpose like us spiritual entrepreneurs do.

People look up at successful people and rarely ever take into account the path it takes to get there. It’s our mindset and our belief system. It’s the amount of work we put into our self-development.  People make all of the excuses in the world as to why they are not successful, but I can’t hear them, because I fell flat a few times and got back up each time. I had hurdle after hurdle to jump. My whole life is a miracle, because I kept going.  Anyone can change their belief system. Anyone can live in abundance. But most simply aren’t willing to do the extensive amount of mental work it takes.  People even believe that working hard will make them rich. I laugh cause Lord knows I tried that route. I maxed out at $350K.  I make money way easier now with way less work. What I do now doesn’t even feel like work. Life coaching after you get a system going is like a fun gig you get to do every day. You get to not only change people’s lives, but you get to take part in their growth and show them a new way.

I used to be pretty religious. I talked about God a lot. I still do. But now I know more truths about God. Now I understand his promises to us more deeply. He definitely promised us riches.

People don’t realize that money is only energy.  It’s completely spiritual.

As a man, you can not seek to be a King and walk around in fear. Fear is such a waste of time. It’s not even real. It’s just societal programming that stops you from accomplishing your dreams.

I noticed a lot of boss chicks are single these days. They realize that 50/50 doesn’t work. Some even tried to provide for men and still that didn’t go right. So they chill.  Some don’t realize the problem is that they are not operating in divine feminine and some do realize it and work to raise their feminine energy.

Women want a highly successful man who spoils them. Most of the women who say they don’t honestly speak from their own belief system. Deep down they don’t believe that a man would ever provide for them. They also believe that their self-worth is attached to money and how much money they can offer a man… How much she can prove her value by going half.  Most women have no idea what a masculine man truly needs from her.  He needs a soft, sweet and sexy woman.  Even more so many women these days try to bash looking good. People bash anything that takes actual work.  They actually believe that putting in less effort as a woman makes them a better woman.  Then she wonders why she can’t get or keep a man.  Meanwhile a badd chick can get married anytime she pleases.  A boss chick 9/10 is looking for a successful, super smart man. Her brain tends to run circles around average men.

And men want to say that they love a woman but at the same time they don’t want to see her live her best life. That is not love.  When a man truly loves a woman he wants to cover her.  But most men are soooooo stuck on money, and wanting a woman with low expectations.

If you seek to be a divine King, you must stop  listening to the people who pacify you. Stop listening to people who tell you that you can’t do it. Stop listening to the people who tell you it takes two incomes. They are programming you with FEAR and DOUBT. Stop listening to anyone who doesn’t have a wealth, take care of your woman mindset. The people who know the way, also know the way to go is already written in the bible. They walk in FAITH.

The truth is you truly can do anything you set your mind to. You gotta want more for your life and go after it. There are no limits in life, except in your mind.

I see many black men concentrate on a diagram like this and fall into the belief system that dressing like a bum is going to make you rich like Bill Gates.

Meanwhile you miss the picture of the man who is dressed polished in a suit, living his best life and providing for his woman.

Rich Man couple

Success isn’t surface and neither is money. It’s spiritual. You can afford anything you want. All you have to do is figure out how to attract that amount of money to you. Then believe that you can do it.

2020 is right around the corner. Are you going to walk into a new decade with the same old belief system?  Remember the only thing that’s constant is CHANGE. And “THINKING is the hardest work there is, that’s why so few engage in it. ~ Henry Ford

If you’re feeling the urge to walk into your purpose and you’re ready to build a 6-7 friend brand on social media WATCH MY FREE CASE STUDY VIDEO.