For years, women have been sold the idea that “equality” in relationships means splitting everything down the middle — bills, responsibilities, effort. But let’s keep it 💯. Does it ever truly feel equal? Does a woman who is handling half the rent, half the groceries, and still managing the emotional, mental, and physical load of the relationship actually have an equal partnership? Or is she just getting the short end of the stick while playing the role of both a provider and a nurturer, for a man who doesn’t even know her value?
At this point, a woman might as well just get a roommate. Think about it: A roommate helps pay the bills, keeps their space tidy, and respects boundaries. But a roommate doesn’t expect submission, devotion, or intimacy. Yet, in a 50/50 relationship, a woman is often expected to do everything a wife does while still carrying a financial load that doesn’t allow her to fully rest in her feminine energy.
So the real question is: Why are women signing up for this? Let’s break down why the 50/50 relationship model is a scam and why women deserve better. 💎
🔥 Like… what’s the actual incentive?! If a woman is gonna be paying half the bills, stressed out, and still expected to cook, clean, and submit—she might as well just get a roommate and keep her peace, freedom, and sexual autonomy.
A roommate: ✅ Splits the bills 50/50 ✅ Respects personal space ✅ Doesn’t expect submission, nurturing, or emotional labor ✅ Doesn’t require sex, emotional support, or daily catering
A 50/50 man: ❌ Expects you to split the bills like a man but serve him like a wife ❌ Still wants submission, loyalty, and emotional labor ❌ Still wants sex on demand ❌ Will often still act entitled & expect you to make him feel like a king ❌ Likely won’t give you financial security, protection, or deep masculine leadership
So tell me… what’s the difference? Because in a true high-value relationship, the man should be providing more than just splitting rent.
A Divine Feminine Woman Knows: ✨ A real, intentional masculine man wants to provide. ✨ A high-value man sees taking care of his woman as a privilege. ✨ When a woman is provided for, cherished, and protected, she flourishes. ✨ Love is not a financial transaction, but a man’s ability to lead & protect naturally shows up in how he provides.
Sis, you are not meant to be in a financial struggle partnership—you are meant to be in a divine union where a man leads, provides, and nurtures the home while you lean into your feminine essence, beauty, magnetism, and peace.
If a woman is paying half, stressing like a man, and still expected to cater to her man—she needs to ask herself… why is she signing up for the short end of the stick?
💡 Moral of the story: If a man isn’t stepping up, you might as well get a roommate and call it a day. 🙌🏽🔥💎
😤 The truth is, 50/50 sounds nice in theory, but in real life, it doesn’t exist the way people want to believe it does.
The HARSH Reality of 50/50 Relationships for Women: 1️⃣ Women still end up doing MORE. Even in so-called “equal” relationships, the woman still carries more of the mental load, emotional labor, household duties, and often child-rearing. It’s not really 50/50—it’s pay half, work double.
2️⃣ 50/50 is a scam created to weaken feminine energy. High-value, intentional masculine men know their role as providers. If a man wants an equal partner financially, then he better be equal in everything else—including housework, cooking, emotional support, and nurturing her needs. But we both know that’s never how it plays out.
3️⃣ Men don’t respect women they “struggle” with. Most men who push 50/50 don’t even admire the woman for her contributions—they start feeling like she’s another dude in the house. Meanwhile, when a man provides, leads, and protects, he naturally values the woman he’s taking care of.
4️⃣ A man’s natural instinct is to provide. If a man is comfortable watching his woman stress over bills, he is not in his highest masculine energy. A real man finds joy in making sure his woman is stress-free. That’s just facts.
5️⃣ Women are built for creation, not survival. A feminine woman flourishes in ease, safety, and security. When she’s worried about rent, bills, and keeping the lights on, she can’t fully lean into her softness, creativity, and divine purpose.
So NO, I won’t lie to people. A relationship should be mutually fulfilling, but that does not mean a woman should be pulling half the financial weight while also carrying the entire emotional, spiritual, and household weight.
💎 True balance is: ✨ A man leads, provides, and protects ✨ A woman nurtures, uplifts, and magnetizes ✨ Both feel safe, valued, and appreciated
A queen doesn’t go half on the kingdom — she rests in her throne while her king builds it. 👑🔥
So if a man wants equal financial contribution, he better be equal in every single way. Otherwise, like I said… a roommate makes more sense. PERIOD. 😌💅🏽
💎 Ready to Attract a High-Value King Who Provides? 💎
Sis, let’s be real — you’re not here to struggle, chase, or beg for love. You’re meant to be cherished, adored, and provided for by a masculine man who sees your worth. But if you keep attracting men who want 50/50, it’s time for a shift.
That’s why I created “5 Shifts to Attract a High-Value King Who Provides”— a powerful guide designed to help you: ✔️ Stop wasting time on men who can’t meet your standards ✔️ Shift your mindset to attract a masculine provider effortlessly ✔️ Embody your divine feminine magnetism so the RIGHT men pursue YOU ✔️ Position yourself as the kind of woman a King chooses for life
🔥 This isn’t free — because free gets ignored. This is an investment in your future. 🔥
👉 Get your copy now for only $47 and start aligning with the love you truly deserve!
Let me break the dating GAME down for you women who are actually listening.
I’m about to give you the GAME.
Men need sex. Now that you know this, you know that YOU control the market. You control your vagina, how you market it and WHO you give access to it.
If I told you to sell your vagina at $10,000 a pop that would eliminate most men, and only leave men who can actually afford to take care of you. That’s called prostitution to people because it’s up front, without you allowing any of your time to be wasted. (short term)
So instead this is how you do it. You meet a man. You can be Payless or Louis Vuitton.
For some girls a man will take her to Popeyes, tell her she’s cute, call her for a week straight, take her out to TGIF for a night, pine her with drinks so she gets loose, then she feels free to have sex with him. That’s crumbs.
What you do is be Louis Vuitton and not let a man have sex with you until he’s invested a large amount of time and money into you PLUS given you his last name. THEN HE CAN PHUCK and you are not called a hoe.
You are called a WIFE at that point. (long term)
Men will marry lots of women, but if he actually had to PROVIDE FOR HIS WIFE, most men wouldn’t be married to their wife, because he doesn’t actually VALUE her like that.
Women who are FULLY LOVED are married, protected and provided for. But most of society is going to tell you that you’re not worthy and to settle for less.
To that I tell you look around at every woman with kids with no husband. The internet and this information wasn’t around for a lot of older women to access back in the day. So they didn’t know.
Of course men want you cheaper so they can afford you. But men who don’t invest aren’t really feeling you.
Life is a game of BUSINESS. You are in the business of TAKING CARE OF YOURSELF and USING YOUR TIME WISELY.
Value your body and don’t just share it with men who have no vested interest in you.
It says in the bible that a Proverbs 31 woman makes ALL OF HER TRADES PROFITABLE.
The secret is high value PROVIDER men look at women who trade their time, energy and body for peanuts as silly and not that bright. It actually confuses them. That’s why so many good men are single. They can’t find a HIGH VALUE WOMAN.
The way you make more money in life is to become more valuable through the acquistion of knowledge that it’s put into ACTION.
May this post change the life of at least one woman.
You’ll have to join the group to see what those answers are. The first 5,000 members get complimentary access to be able to ask me relationship questions.
Be sure you get in and secure your spot.
Anyway, very few people can see into the mind of a woman who got fed up. But what we in the light know to be true is that fed up usually started years or over a decade ago. But it’s love and marriage, so people often decide to hang in there for whatever reason they come up with.
It says in the bible, in sickness, in health to death do us apart.
“Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate” in Mark 10:9, and “So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.” in Matthew 19:6. When we redefine marriage, what we’re really doing is redefining God and His Word so that He can fit into our mold. You know, since He was made in OUR image… WAIT a minute! I think I’ve got that reversed. That’s right: WE were made in HIS image. (See II Timothy 3 as we should be seeing this ‘redefining’ of God’s Word more and more in these ‘end times’). Thy Kingdom come!
The Bible says in Philippians 2:4, “Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.” It also says, “Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others.” (1 Corinthians 10:24)
Today I found myself asking God what did he want people to accomplish through marriage and if he wanted or expected them to be together forever.
Cause marriage these days is microwavable, throwawayable and often just a business relationship or used as s symbol of perceived value in the eyes of society.
As I read a few bible scriptures, I came across Malachi 2:14-16 ESV / 20 helpful votes
But you say, “Why does he not?” Because the Lord was witness between you and the wife of your youth, to whom you have been faithless, though she is your companion and your wife by covenant. Did he not make them one, with a portion of the Spirit in their union? And what was the one God seeking? Godly offspring. So guard yourselves in your spirit, and let none of you be faithless to the wife of your youth. “For the man who does not love his wife but divorces her, says the Lord, the God of Israel, covers his garment with violence, says the Lord of hosts. So guard yourselves in your spirit, and do not be faithless.”
It appears that God’s provision is about LEGACY. He wants children who grow up to believe in the sanctity of love and marriage.
But that legacy isn’t ONLY based upon money. Neither is it necessary, for married couples are naturally blessed with supernatual abundance when they understand God’s laws.
Hebrews 13:5 ESV /
Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
Then you have people like me who probably came across this particular bible verse at a time in our lives, that really stuck in our minds and hearts.
Matthew 5:32 ESV / But I say to you that everyone who divorces his wife, except on the ground of sexual immorality, makes her commit adultery, and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.
You FEAR divorce, so therefore you never get married.
Others truly stick together no matter what. Even if they think they married the wrong person.
Is it possible to marry the wrong person, or were you BEING the wrong person in the relationship?
I definitely don’t have all of the answers. But I do know how to heal your heart with love, bring you into remembrance and help you make decisions from THAT place. Instead of basing your decisions upon the world.
Chances are, you have not been showing up as the right person if your marriage isn’t going right. You married that person for a reason. It wasn’t for money. It was for love. So what went wrong?
JOIN GODDESS UNLEASHED TO FIND OUT THE WHAT, and HOW to REPAIR YOUR MARRIAGE OR RELATIONSHIP, fall deeply in love with yourself, tap into abundance and LIVE the life of your dreams.
It’s taken me this amount of time to realize that this whole time, what I was looking for is my soul. To understand who I AM. I had to ACCEPT who I AM.
My love is pure. Why would I marry someone whose heart wasn’t as pure as mine, IF I expected it to last forever?
My only motive is to experience the purest of love.
Here are the visual prompts that I was lead to share with you.
If the love doesn’t feel like 90’s R&B they can keep it. Some of us know what it means for a man to truly love a woman.
Babyface wrote a lot of beautiful love songs, including the one above, so obviously he knows about love. He’s been married 3 times. This is what he said he learned about love and relationships through his recent marriage.
“The main thing is being honest with yourself and being honest with your feelings. When we’re not honest with ourselves we just accept situations, don’t talk about them, and as you said, ignore the elephant in the room,” he said at the time. “You better recognize there is an elephant in the room and deal with it, because a lot of times the elephant in the room is the one that you put in there, so you have to deal with it.”
My spirit feels moved to tell you something today. It’s no coincidence that you are reading this blog. You either closely follow me, or someone shared this blog post with you. Either way, God wants you to know something.
YOU CAME FOR THE LOVE. It’s what you are here on earth to do. But you spend all of your time WORKING. Maybe you don’t believe you are chasing money. But you are. Your bills will be paid regardless. So that’s not actually WHY you work.
Come get healed today and return to love. That is YOUR particular mission on this earth.
Quite frankly, if doesn’t always feel safe to be pure love on this earth.
Heal and improve your relationships inside Goddess Unleashed – Class Starts April 7th
Would you believe me if I told you that half of the reason you haven’t been able to move past the 6 Figure mark is because you’re single? It’s 3:33 at the moment of me typing this.
Chances are you want a relationship, you’re ready for a relationship and desire PEACE inside of your relationship. Because you believe you haven’t found anyone who can give you this peace, you have chosen to remain single.
Let’s get clear on three things:
What does PEACE look like inside of your relationship?
What does PEACE look like to your potential partner?
Are you patterns matching up to your desire?
Why do you need to do this work? Because darling, you are not like everyone else. You are meant to be in a union of LOVE. It’s how you function best.
So let’s get to the root of WHY you don’t have love. The main reason is because you’ve been operating out of fear.
Today is the day that it dawned on me, that there are several ways to become a motivational speaker. Everyone has their own craft and the way they’ll do it best.
But one thing for certain, in order to be the greatest at it, that means you have to get paid for it.
Jay Z & Beyonce are two of the greatest motivational speakers in the world. They get paid an immensely beautiful amount of money for it. Their weapon of choice is their music; excuse me, I mean tools of healing vessel is their music. One wakes up the women, the other wakes up the men.
If you listen to both, maybe you too can be a power couple..
Anyway they’ve been dropping mics for a long time. Some of you are simply failing students, while others are grade A students.
Personally, I promise from this day forward, to be a better student. 💖💘
Would you like to have an indepth conversation about this? Join my personal network of fulfilling, relaxing conversations where we can talking about anything you like. I tend to like talking about IDEAS, therefore my clients are rich. If they are not rich when I meet them, they most surely quantum leap into BEING it.
I’m not much into talking about what other people are doing. I prefer to stimulate your mind with divine ideas.
When was the last time you received a message from God?
The God within me, invites you in to chat.
What are you waiting for?
Click here to fill out an application to mastermind with Kissy Denise – The Masterpiece – The Goddess of Love & Motivation. 💜
MEN: Please STOP worrying about a woman making money. I literally AVOID ANY man who cares about my money, unless he is GIVING ME HIS MONEY.
If you want a woman to be rich so badly, and financially doing well, then give her your money.
If you’re not willing to do that, you haven’t found the right woman yet.
Stop settling for women of whom you don’t want to provide for.
Cause when you run up on a boss chick with her own money, your next complaint is that she is too masculine, and you wish women were more feminine.
She doesn’t have time to be feminine, run a business and cater to a 50/50 man at the same damn time.
God said PROVIDE. When you don’t, don’t bother getting frustrated that things aren’t working out for you.
OR how about this, ACCEPT that masculine energy woman as she is. She gets money, and she doesn’t need you. Which is also why she doesn’t listen to you.
Women listen to men who give them LOTS of money. Smart men have money to spend.
Are you smart? Do you have money to spend, or are you thinking about lack of abundance?
Love and money go hand in hand. It shouldn’t even be a topIc. LOVE should be the topic, because when you’re in love you go all in.
But what do most people do? Plan for the demise of the relationship. They have no faith. No hope. They just accept the BELIEF that relationships are messed up.
Relationships aren’t messed up. People just don’t know who and what to value, or how to keep a relationship going, because they don’t know how to CHOOSE properly.
Choose someone of whom you can birth your purpose with. That union will automatically get MORE money. Therefore the last thing a man should be worried about is giving his money to the woman he claims to love.
Stop making money your God. It’s in abundance. There is plenty more to go around, when you have businesses that bring in multiple sources of income.
But what do most men do? Collect multiple holes to stick their penis in, spending money here, spending money there. This one, that one, and nann one of those b*tches can use her MIND to multiply your business.
I thought you said you wanted a Proverbs 31 WIFE? That’s a BOSS CHICK.
And some women can multiply your business like crazy, but you’re too busy thinking about how much money SHE makes, or how much money SHE has.
A true divine feminine woman sees such a man as WEAK. SHE DOES NOT want to marry such a man.
Women want Kings. Kings break bread, therefore their relationship is FOCUSED on the things that really matter. Like LOVE and PROGRESS.
Every woman in her right mind wants a rich man. It’s the LIFESTYLE, not the money.
Chicks ain’t trying to walk around looking fine as hell, just to mess with the dude who is shopping off the $1 menu. Come on now. Tell YOURSELF the truth. Don’t be asking a woman to be low value, lower her ambitions, needs and desires, to be fake and pretend she doesn’t want a boss. Be a boss!
Rich people talk about IDEAS. Marry a woman with good IDEAS. 💡
P.S. Just so you know. ALL boss chicks would ball alot harder and a lot faster if she had a supportive man in her life, who valued her for who she is, and not the money she makes. Just like you want to be loved for you, women want to be loved for themselves.
However in this world, it’s a man’s job to GIVE and it’s a woman’s job to RECEIVE. That is how you get feminine energy from a woman.
So that whole “Women aren’t even women anymore” stuff is senseless. Of course not. That will be your belief system when you’re not being a real man. Cause here is the thing. My wealthy male clients have women lined up to date them. Those women are very feminine, cause they want to be provided for. Wealthy men get that. But what they seek is a heart, mind, and soul that they can connect to. It’s about understanding. Not money.
Sidenote: Women have all of the money anyway. 🤣 And they’d have more if they focused only on men who provide. They’d also be a lot happier, feel more valuable and worthy of wealth.
It’s insane that men complain soooo much, but don’t have enough sense to simply go get a boss chick, treat her right, marry her, and watch pure MAGIC happen.
But don’t mind me. I’m just a real chick, that ain’t real hood. But I can most definitely bring it.
You want to make a few more million, so you can get your mind right? Need some PURPOSE in your life, and want to be inspired?
I’ve tried being sweet, emotional and authentic with men, showing care and “vulnerability.” I see other women doing it. Like, I truly observe what goes on in the world.
I noticed that the average man will laugh in your face and talk about how much you LIKED him. Then when you no longer give two phucks about him because he didn’t appreciate your love and affection, here comes the reminder that you were “hurt” or sweating him.
Some level of immaturity pops up in even the best men. Women take note of this and she stops being so vulnerable and honest, or maybe she pretends stops pretending to caring so much, about a man who doesn’t seem to feel her femininity. I believe many women TRY to care MORE, because they want to connect, and try to force the care.
The problem comes when the woman then becomes fearful of being vulnerable with men there after. She believes that not showing feelings and emotions makes her “strong.”
This is the psychological story she begins to live and tell herself. She does this until she’s all the way over on the other side, exerting lots of masculine energy.
It’s very important that a woman avoid doing this, and stay tapped into her feminine energy.
So when I say what I’m about to say, know that it’s for the embetterment of all women. (I think George Bush made that word up now, and you know what they did? They put it in the dictionary. It makes perfect sense.)
I promise you that men who don’t break bread with you are not worth your love. Men who don’t break bread think your love is a joke.
In a way, I noticed that any man who talks bad about me, was not paying my bills. Men who pay bills love me. While for some women, the man paid their bills and she was still bad. I am not talking about that kind of thing. I am talking about heart-centered people. See what I noticed is that heart-centered men and women give their all to people without expecting much in return in investment, other than love. And most of the people they choose to date, don’t feel invested in, and do no investing in them, in return. Not even the investment of real love.
A woman will continuously invest her heart and soul into a man who wouldn’t even invest $1,000 into her. That’s such a small amount of money to many. And not invest it, not because he doesn’t have it, but he’s just not into her like that. You could say some men play it safe, but the truth is, at some point, we all fall in love and go all in with delight. Not only for them, but for the joy of ourselves of wanting love to be a beautiful, romantic, EXPERIENCE.
So when a man feels a woman is not worthy of his investment of love, women are often surprised to feel so unvalued.
It’s interesting to see the unaligned value systems playing out. So many things go on. But women can end the confusion by simply understanding that men speak with their pocketbook. It has nothing to do with gold-digging. It’s just the way men are created.
It’s nature. Men were created to give, and a woman was created to receive. When a man meets the woman of his dreams, he is quite naturally drawn to give to her. The more a man desires a woman, the more he’s going to give her.
See some men only want a woman physically. I think for most men, initially it’s purely physical. That’s how their brains are. Often women don’t give men enough time to see past that.
There’s a lot going on in the mind of a man. Sex is always the number one factor. It just depends on which way you have him focus…..
The men with their hand out waiting for a woman to do something for them are unconsciously wounded. he’s forgotten who he is. Some men are kind of lost, trying to recover something, and forgets who his inner God is.
In the bible it says that you have to GIVE in order to receive.
“In the final hours with His disciples, Jesus sets a powerful example to serve one another by washing their feet and gives them a new commandment to focus on love.
A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. John 13:35.
The book of Acts records that the early church took this teaching to heart. Believers met together in their homes to break bread, teach and worship, and they also sold their possessions and shared freely with those in need (Acts 2:45 and Acts 4:35)
The body of believers is meant to be a community, united in love, that openly blesses one another when a need arises and simply just because it can.”
The key word here is NEED. A man is supposed to provide for a woman’s NEEDS, and take note of them. In today’s society, what men value most is their money, so most men are not apt to spend money on things they don’t want. Back in the day men went out and hunted to feed women, and animals and stock were traded as part of the dowry for their wife. So you see it’s not the money, but the VALUE system placed on the money. It’s interchangeable. Either way, men are competitive. So if you go to an indigenous tribe somewhere, that’s not part of civilized culture, I am quite sure that they have some kind of VALUE system as to what men do for the women in that culture who they find the most valuable. I am also quite certain that men give HER more of that, than they would another woman. At the minimum regardless, all around the world, when it’s mutual, ATTENTION is the minimum requirement. How much determines the longevity and depth of the relationship.
I feel like I’m preaching a sermon right now.
So for men, they spend money where they care. The more they care about something, the more they’ll spend. Men really care about women, which is really why they drive such nice cars. They want the pretty woman, with the pretty car, to live in a pretty house and have a pretty bank account. Pretty is based upon the eyes of the beholder; lead by their innate dreams, goals, and desires. It’s all about LAYERS. Men have been building sandcastles since toddler age, preparing and manifesting to get what they want.
So men know what they want, when they find her. But are you HER when he meets you?
Anyway, you know what tithing is really all about? Teaching you to give of yourself, with the expectation of receiving something in return.
Good-hearted people often tithe and give without expecting anything in return. I think that’s really sweet, but sometimes they need to make sure they are mostly focused on exactly where and what they are investing in and with who. Your attention has to be diversified to make sure you are benefitting in the right areas, so that you can continue to invest in your heart. You want to heavily invest in changing the world, but first you have to change your own inner world. It’s important to remember WHY you want things. If you WANT things, then it’s a must that you learn to RECEIVE the things that God has for you, and stop settling for less.
Some people have a habit of telling God, “No Thank You,” when he delivers what you asked him for. Crazy, right? I know.
Anyway, back to men who expect material things from a woman, but don’t get them, because he doesn’t have any charm, and he wants what he’s not willing to invest.
Fairly intelligent women have a difficult time respecting men who don’t value them. Cause here is the thing. When men don’t invest in a woman, they also verbally show how unsatisfied with her they are. They tell her something is wrong with her. Most women rarely see it that way though. At least high performing women. Because high performing women don’t mind getting “better.” If someone says they need to improve in an area, logically, if it appears beneficial to her, she will make the change.
The words ‘CHANGE’ and ‘IMPROVEMENT’ equal the same thing in her mind. She doesn’t believe that she’s changing who she is for a man. She believes she’s changing to become a better person.
A woman has to deeply know who she is, and what makes her happy. When it comes to good-hearted women, they are so willing to give up the things that make them happy, in hopes of something else making them happy.
Yeah, I am definitely preaching right now.
Okay, so let’s state this clear right now. Women who feel that they value themselves and are of some high value, often don’t respect men who don’t value them. They take it personal, instead of remaining the same and respecting all persons, as a human, and not so much as a romantic partner. Relationship problems run really deep.
The expectations vastly circumference all over the place, and humans generally forget that we are all souls having a human experience. When the right two souls match up, at the right time, they just do. Opposites do attract, but if you want anything in this life, especially something from the opposite sex, then you must first be it.
That’s really deep. But like always, everything starts from within. There’s layers. The outer problem is just a notification to go look at the root cause and handle that.
Men and women both do these things to themselves. Seeing as to how not everyone is woke, aware, conscious, enlightened, emotionally intelligent, expressive, and having great communication skills, it’s so easy for a man to maintain his dignity and not deal with women of whom he doesn’t value enough to GIVE to her. And I suppose it would actually be okay with a woman to be okay with being single, until she becomes her own dream woman.
Until a woman becomes who she is called to be, she won’t be able to value herself on the level of her romantic desires. This other thing about women, is that often women have VERY strong, see into the future type of vision. So you can see where a man IS going to go once he’s activated. So you often try to be the one to activate him, cause it would seem like common sense to do. But you can’t look at a man like that, because it stops you from receiving from him. That’s really sweet, and really cute, and it could be REALLY fun. If only you know HOW to activate him. You’re definitely not going to do it by trying to build a bear. Some women have built giant bears. It totally worked out for her, thus far. Mostly because her man had the same vision in his heart.
We as women can put men down a lot. But I believe that most men have a King in him. Men do be on one, but the deepest truth is that most women don’t inspire men to King status. Some women speak to the King in a man, before he’s ready to be King. A woman must know her goals and dreams at all times, and stay on her own timeline.
All too often women hop off their own timeline, and onto that man’s time and get lost. It’s much smarter for a man to be on your timeline.
My blue nails with crystals are so sparkly right now. I would show them off, but they feel kind of short to me, but I can type much faster at this length.
Many women look at a man as a baby King, instead of the Big King. You have to be willing to look at a man as able, willing and capable of being the executive VIP CEO of your fan club, and being Daddy, right now.
You have to believe in your man at a deeper level. (If you don’t have an enlightened relationship coach, don’t try to figure that out on your own. There’s levels to this ish.)
Strong, heart-centered, boss women have ZERO respect for men who don’t show up with a heart like hers. Like I said, she takes it personally, instead of holding boundaries and accepting that it’s simply not a match. Humans and the ego…..
For most boss chicks, her love language is gifts. She gives men gifts. 🎁 It’s quite natural. It feels unnatural to be with a man who doesn’t give to her, and she’s confused as to why she’s not happy with that direction. Women often forget that they are the ones in control. It’s definitely easier to blame men though, because men play their part too. Women just so happen to mostly want love, while most men just want FUN.
When a woman doesn’t realize it’s she who is allowing and accepting a certain behavior, she often becomes frustrated and harbors resentment towards the man. And if she’s bitter, it becomes men in general.
Most men aren’t able to see the deeper perspective playing out on the chess board, so they focus more on the word “gold digger” and seeing “giving” related to that term, instead of being honest about what VALUE is.
See, most men get their idea of what he is to do for a woman based upon women whose value system is based upon not understanding high value men. High value men and high value people in general think of themselves a certain way. Your idea of a high value man, gives you what you want. HIS idea of a high value woman, is the woman that he will do anything for. Some men say they are willing to do EVERYTHING for a woman who asks for nothing.
And you can listen to that if you want to. However, that doesn’t work out for MOST women. And here is why.
In the bible it says:
If you believe in God, and you like want to date a God King, and seeing as to how God told you to ask him for anything and you shall receive, shouldn’t a man, who is your God King, want you to ask him for what you need and be the one to give it to you? Ohhhhh. That sounds so hot doesn’t it. Like really hot! (If you know relationship coach Britney Taylor from Canada. You have to say “hot” in her voice. I absolutely love how she says “hot.” Personally I think that should be her trademark on her video intro. Or maybe that’s what source wants me to tell her. I don’t know. I am just typing.)
See the deeper a woman is into THE WORD, and being her authentic self, the more she desires a man who shows up as King. Every woman who ever pictured a King, pictured a man that she was receiving from. At least the heterosexual ones. Everything about a woman was made to receive from a man. She is to receive the warmth of his body, his firmness, his essence, his spirit, his touch, his feel, his kisses, his heart, his soul, his everything. See how I left money out? I did that because that’s what some people do. They separate their love from their money. That could be considered smart, in many ways. However LOVE is money. Money is also love. The more you love yourself, the more money you have.
Everyone in the world gets the amount of money that they feel they are worth, doing the work for. And the WORK is whatever their soul is supposed to do.
Some people think we get to what we are paid for. But the truth is we get paid to do what we do.
The more value a woman has for herself, the less WORK she believes that she has to DO, in order to get what she wants. The more in her divine feminine energy a woman is the more she feels worthy of breathing in abundance.
Women who are not tapped into that energy, believe in DOING. Most boss chicks HEAVILY believe in doing.
But let me give you an example of how a woman wouldn’t believe heavily in DOING.
I can walk into ANY room and even if the men in the room are billionaires, most heads will turn. The room will momentarily go silent. Slowly men will start standing in line to talk to me.
I magnetize to me, men who believe in doing. I stand still and greet their masculine energy. This allows alpha men to naturally be themselves. They are comfortable doing and exerting energy.
An average woman has no such power, perhaps by her own fault, perhaps life ain’t fair. I don’t know. She then gives that faulty information to men. Approaching the average woman, vs approaching a high value woman is the difference between an apartment and a penthouse condo. They are both living spaces, but one, despite what your argument could be, one has a high value in the economy.
The mistake is trying to lump every woman into one category. 25 cents doesn’t go into a dime, without subtracting. But a dime goes into a quarter at least two times. See everything is about adding and multiplication. It’s how nature works, like the Fibonacci sequence.
You have to know what kind of man you are and what kind of woman that’s going to get you. An apple seed planted, nets an apple tree. You 100 percent can not get an orange tree from an apple seed. The laws of nature are locked in.
If you behave basic, you’ll attract basic women. If you are Chris Brown who changes women’s lives and puts them on top, then you Sir will attract ALL of the baddest chicks who WANT something out of life. (We’re not going all deep into that man’s personal life. We are sticking to the perspective.)
Some men who I believe to be high value, stay on basic stuff, because women who value themselves make him uncomfortable. So he finds himself attempting to build empires with a woman who can care less about how hard he works to make the moves he makes. Women who don’t want a life of luxury, don’t have the vision capacity to support a high value man’s huge goals and dreams.
See the average man’s mistake is thinking it’s about his money. It’s about HIS money already. But not the way he thinks. See a man loses money when he invests in the wrong woman who isn’t down for him and his vision. He also forfeits money, by not investing in the right woman. So see that could be seen as a loss too. A man really has to not let his hormones control his thinking, and really step into the game of chess and see it at a deeper level.
That’s a lot of thought. So the good thing is, the directions are already clearly written out in the bible. Yet, people insist on doing it another way, to get what they BELIEVE will work best for THEM. Yet, they want the RESULT that’s already said to manifest guaranteed, if you follow a certain strategy in the bible. Crazy how most don’t see that the bible has great, time-tested, proven strategies for life.
So each man should probably stop blaming women, because HE DECIDED to settle for less and NOT get the best.
Some men be thinking they are doing so much, because they have money. But darling you will NEVER out perform Beyoncé. You just can’t. A Goddess is the top. In chess there is both a King and a Queen. The Queen is the most powerful piece on the board; because there is a King on the board. She’s most powerful all by herself, but together with a King she gets someone to match her VISION. A King’s vision gets amplified and manifested faster when he aligns with a Queen.
God wanted man and woman to get along, so he hid a man’s greatest blessings inside of a woman. Therefore a man gets from a woman what he invests in her. Some investments will turn into air balls. Some will soar, and go straight in the hole; a clean shot. Others will bounce around the rim, and it might go in and it might not.
I do be talking mad greasy, but men do need to learn to bow the phuck down to the Queen. That is, if you want her to bow to you. Like I said, the laws of nature are pretty solid.
That’s how this works, IF you want to build an empire. 🤷🏼♀️ God already told y’all. But you miss reading the Bible, cause it’s RELIGION as you call it.
A Proverbs 31 Wife, is a boss chick. She’s an embodied Goddess. Now you know. 😍✌️
P.S. Women are defenseless to not be in her emotions. If you don’t allow her to express that vulnerability it makes her start thinking and acting masculine. Of course you can’t “make” a woman do anything. But it’s good to be aware of the possible CAUSE of so many women operating heavily in the masculine. Men will also notice that women whose emotions they treat with kindness, and naturally a lot nicer to them.
The more you listen to a woman and honor a woman’s emotions, the more she smiles. What’s so beautiful is THIS actually applies to men too. The more a woman respects and honors a man’s emotions, and his need to protect his ego, the more he will smile.
Love is such a beautiful thing, when two people do the work.
Believing you don’t need anyone else is a damn lie. Staying single for 7 years is you being a damn fool. It’s baggage and allowing your past relationships to steal time from you. Please stop acting like you’re going to live forever. Either you want a mate or you don’t. Either way you’re going to keep aging.
Thinking you have time and 15 more years to find a mate is another lie to keep you focused on the LOVE and chase for MONEY. That’s how the powers that be get you to enslave yourself. The wealthiest people in the world are married.. Even Oprah has Steadman. Which is still COMMITMENT. Why don’t you feel deserving of love?
Money should never be more important than love. Real love brings you more money, when you are focused on your money. INVEST in people and relationships.
Stop trying to heal yourself of all of your relationship problems. You may die before you figure out all of that information. You’d be shocked to learn what’s truly holding you back.
It’s not the fault of the opposite sex. iT’S YOU not talking to the right people who will get you straight. It’s you thinking you can do it on your own. Which you most certainly can, but it will take you 20 more years.
Personal happiness is a choice. A choice to reject others ideas of what’s fulfilling for you. Put your own happiness first. Allow your heart to think only of itself. Trying to take care of everyone else will drain you, and people won’t appreciate it anyway. They will complain about you because you are self-sacrificing yourself.
Lastly, get into my vortex and work with me. It’s a good way to quantum leap into a higher frequency.