We need to talk about the way MOST black men treat black women

We need to talk about the way MOST black men treat black women

I saw this post written about B. Simone and it broke my heart. I don’t know this woman, but I salute her success and willingness to chase her dreams AND make REAL boss chick moves.

This woman made a million dollars in her business cause she used the Wildin Out platform to gain ATTENTION. She then started a business with that attention. People will buy ANYTHING from someone on tv. SMART people know that.

But look how he’s talking to her. What he’s saying to her, is the reason she likes entrepreneurs. 9-5 men most times don’t understand real boss chicks. They can’t deal with our assertiveness, confidence, security or work schedule. They drag strong women down, and that’s just the truth.

Anyway, THIS is how most black women have been talked to by men their ENTIRE lives. People don’t seem to understand what the black woman deals with.

He doesn’t even credit the woman for getting on tv. Like come on now. That’s a major feat. No matter how hard the black woman works, she often gets no credit, told she’s not all that, and that she should settle for less.  The truth is if a black woman waited on a black man’s permission to feel good about herself, that day most likely would never come.

Black women often get screamed at by the average black man anytime she tries to have standards or institutes boundaries.  The other day, a  client told me that she told a man to stop calling her at night, and to call her in the daytime at more appropriate hours. He went off on her, told her that she wasn’t all that, and that no one would want her because she has kids.

Unenlightened black men often expect black women to have zero value, and bend over backwards for them.  It’s crazy how the average black man sees black women.

It’s the same story that plays out over and over again, decade after decade.

Simone  is FAR from a nobody. She has TONS of followers. Most black influencers be on her jock once she said she cracked a million.  I am so tired of black people trying to drag each other down. How can you not respect her?

Oh, and what would the world be if a black woman wasn’t constantly told to HUMBLE herself. Then ya’ll wonder how so many black women end up in bad relationships and why the smart ones opt to simply stay single.

Anyway, PROMOTION is the name of the game. When people talk about you, people buy.  Yet, you can’t even expect loyalty from your consumers when the drag is in.

Now, because of this, you can be quiet and hope everyone will like you, or you can be like B. Simone and simply BE yourself, and still get paid.

Anyway,  back at the yard, while B. Simone is getting attention and mastering traffic that’s consistently bringing SALES and NEW CLIENTS into her BUSINESS:

AND that’s why boss chicks and 9-5ers don’t get along. You can not disrespect a woman that’s pulling boss moves all up and down these marketing internet streets, while you clock into work for another man.

She’s a woman, yet STILL not working for no man. Yes, you gotta be a different kind of man and LEVEL UP to catch up to her MINDSET.

HOW is a boss woman to respect a 9-5 man who disrespects her and has no proper valuation of her business acumen?

This is literally insight of the a major of the relationships between boss chicks and the black men they date.   They want respect from her, while having not an ounce of respect for her business hustle and acumen.

Why does he want to see that woman down?

Regardless of what may loudly catch our attention, there are lots of good, amazing, fabulous, black men in this world. I meet lots of them, and understand what they are looking for from a woman.

If a woman is to attract a high value man who believes in her, wants her to win, AND treats her like a Queen, then she has to raise her standards, her value, and her frequency.  Cause those kind of men want a woman to be healed, and unfortunately the average black man has broken most of the women he’s dated.

Most black women need MASSIVE amounts of healing.

The best way to do that is to get the book, “You Can’t Force A Man to Value You, Becoming A High Value Woman & Attracting Your Dream Man.”  This book is healing the world. It has helped many men and women figure out what what went wrong in their last relationship, heal, manifest their soulmate, and have the proper instructions to learn how to love one another and communicate effectively to lead to the longevity of their sacred union.

If you’ve been praying for answers. You have arrived at the BIG one.  Click to purchase below. 

P.S. Let’s not forget that we are in the middle of the largest civil rights movement in the country. Black Lives Matter is everywhere.   So many people want the black man to be protected, while many black men hurt black women EVERY chance they get. This has to stop. 

How To Attract A Divine Masculine King

How To Attract A Divine Masculine King

A divine masculine King requires healing of your heart. He requires that you return to the land of freedom. He wants a whole woman, not a broken woman, what used to be a whole woman, or a semblance of a woman. A divinely conscious man wants a Queen who gracefully sits on her throne.

When your heart has been broken and shattered into a million and one pieces, time and time again, where do you begin to alter your DNA in alignment with thrine level divinity?

Cause there’s no way you could possibly expect to attract anything less than you already are. If you seek divine masculine energy, also known as a real azz n*gga. Then you my dear would have to be a real azz b*tch, who loves divine feminine energy.

Divine feminine energy, knows herself and her p*ssy power. She evokes the creation powers of a Goddess.

You would real life have to learn how to play chess not checkers, against yourself.

Which means everything that’s present and not of you has to go.

It would be a must that you do away with old agreements.  You know, those things you agreed to that you knew damn well were a checker move.  Like that man that you let hit it on the first date, cause he took you to a nice dinner. Come on Sis, you’re out here making mad paper.  Your moves been chess. But you either got caught up playing attention to the local joker, a Kingin a dude who hasn’t crowned himself King P*ssy worthy. Switching boards to go play down on his level. That’s exactly what you’re doing to YOURSELF when you don’t make a decision to play chess. Divine masculine Kings like women who play chess.  Other women are too easy for him to figure out. Men get bored easily, and have a VERY difficult time finding a woman who excites him on a longterm basis.

Sound familiar?  You have the same problem, because you are playing the game wrong.

True divine masculine is okay with EACH and E V E R Y  part of your greatness. He gives you permission to rise higher.

There’s levels to divine masculine men.  Once ascended, you’ve already attracted them. They are all around you. But this is like the playoffs,  and going to the final four. When you’re ready for a ring, you need the skills required to play in a Championship game.

You’ve been practicing, giving yourself a little more permission at a time. But  Sis, when are you going to be ready ready, instead of getting ready?

A real Goddess will rise. She has no choice but to. You’ve been taken in by the fire. It has formed you like no other.  There are levels to this Goddess world.

The more pain that has been inflicted on your heart, that you kept deciding to heal, time and time again…

The daily decision, to find out who you truly are and what you came here to do.

You came here to win. You came to have it all. You may as well laugh at your lower self, for asking the divine to let you be okay with settling for less.

Sis, every single last one of your exes was weak AF! Let’s just keep it real. He attacked your ambition, He told you to humble yourself. He told you, you wanted too much. He didn’t even want to see all of your dreams come true.

Breathe. Relax. The truth is now out.

Then there were other people, the he and the she’s, damn there everybody telling you NO, you can’t do and what you are not GOOD ENOUGH for.

Now you’re walking around here like: “Well, If I could just get one…….more…….permission, then I could just.”

I know you’re tired of your own b.s. storyline and constantly running in circles, just to end up with another man who treats you bad.  Just to end in yet another break-up or heartbreak that sends you running to nurse your wounds inside of your business, operating in pushing against flow and working in masculine energy.

Here’s the thing. A divine masculine man desires a woman who is 100% only okay with getting what she wants. He wants to be in service of a Queen who knows how to RECEIVE from a man.

Real Queens are ruled by the beauty of their own hearts. For your world must be beautiful and magnetic. You are who you are. You can’t let nobody take that away from you.

Find your heart love. Go deeper into it.  There’s levels to it. Deep inside of you, layer after layer, you’ll find the core of your feminine heart and honor her. You’ll honor her truths.

You must do the work of expanding your heart chakra and exploding your throat chakra.

Are you ready to get this work?

Cause Goddess UNLeashed – By Kissy Denise | The Masterpiece | The Goddess of Love & Motivation is guaranteed to:

  • Pull You Out of Your Comfort Zone
  • Return You To Your Erogenous Zone

It will have you:

  • Going Down
  • Dropping low and picking back up, your throne.
  • Understand how to reverse ancestral and systematic belief systems
  • Knowing Your 7 PERSONAL Success Secrets By Heart
  • Total Self-Mastery
  • Rapid removal of the top 4 layers of your physical subconscious belief system

The top layer is everything stopping you from successfully SEEING the full manifestation of your Dream Life, dream business, dream home, dream car and your soulmate kids and clients. We have to attend to that layer first before you can truly DECIDE to embody your feminine Goddess energy that causes your sacred God King to rise to meet you; his Queen, and give her whatever she wants.

Goddess Unleashed is for you. It was made for you darling.

It will confidently install you with new beliefs.   Like the belief that:

  • You know how to get a bag don’t you?

See, you’ve always known how to get to the bag of what you want. That’s why you have your own money. But somewhere along the way you lost gratitude and stopped desiring to BECOME the woman of your dreams. Sis, these ninjas done tired you out.  You need a dose of this Kissy Healing Goddess Activation Energy in your life.

Cause darling. THE WOMAN OF HER DREAMS is married to THE MAN OF YOUR DREAMS.

Now, here’s the thing. You’ve been praying. You’ve been wishing, and you’ve been hoping, for:

  • a miracle.
  • A shift.
  • Clarity
  • More Faith
  • a better belief system
  • to give you what you want
  • A man who fully loves you
  • A smart man with some sense
  • A man who values you
  • A dream wedding
  • A dream vacation
  • A dream House
  • A dream bank account
  • To feel good about yourself
  • To be the baddest b*tch in the room

And even though you may have lacked a little in believing in yourself….. Even though you lacked belief in yourself, you never stopped believing in God.

He be on one. God does, Like the whole time he be giving you what you want. It’s always right there in your face. But you lack clarity,

Goddess UNleashed gives you CLARITY, that helps you remove the veil that’s holding you back from manifesting:

  • The LOVE
  • The MAN
  • The Mansion
  • The Maid
  • The Family
  • The Career
  • The Impact
  • The Recognition of your true authority in the earth realm
  • Followers who Love YOU, go hard for you and buy all of your stuff
  • The Motivation
  • The Highest Version of Yourself

You’ll learn how to:

  • Stop Self-Sacrificing Yourself
  • How To Express Your Needs
  • How To Communicate with men in a way that will help you get what you want from him
  • Turn Your Sexy Up A Notch
  • Become The Ultimate Woman of a Boss Chick ( Gang gang)
  • Stop letting other people think for you
  • Let Go of People Pleasing Syndrome.
  • Remove Self-Doubt
  • Remove Stress
  • Elevate Your Sex Drive or Bring It Back
  • How To Get Any Man You Want
  • Quantum Leap & Call In What You Want In 30 Days or Less (EXPERT LEVEL, PLATINUM VIP CARD HOLDERS)   Print Out Membership Cards. Color The Cards Level. Get Them Benefits at Places like Diners Club, Fashion Nova. Diamond Brand, VIP Restaurants With waiting list, Airlines, Super Discounts For Lingerie, Savage By Rihanna, VIP Admission only to yearly events. Opportunity to get on Membership Board,
  • Remove Sexual Repression
  • Find & Attract Sacred, conscious, everlasting love, deep in your heart center and remove your wounds.

Now, this course doesn’t come with sage. I use LOVE instead. My love vortex is the most powerful, potent, healing vortex on the planet.

Are you truly ready to manifest the life of your dreams?

Are you tired of holding yourself back and experiencing anxiety?

Are you tired of procrastinating.

I am going to give you the opportunity to experience the most groundbreaking Goddess Unleashed Academy to ever visit the earth realm.

This portal of divine knowledge will open up at ______ time on _____. It’s only open to the first 1,000 applicants.


Not ready to make a life altering, transformative soul investment, but still want to know how to get what you want from a man?

This book will have the most masculine alpha King catering to you, and giving you everything you want.


If someone wants to date you, then they need to love your soul right now. Not tomorrow

If someone wants to date you, then they need to love your soul right now. Not tomorrow

I was thinking…. I have a few toxic patterns, but none bad enough where a real masculine man would deem them too much.

I am brilliant. Of course I am going to keep getting better and figure it out.

People say that people should of course want you once you’re all healed up, because you are a different person.

They say it’s wrong to say “If you couldn’t accept me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best.”

While some people truly are THE WORST, some people’s worst is still great. Ultimately, what I realized is that the person for you, TRULY wants you right now, even with your traits.

Just like how women see potential in men, people need VISION to see WHERE someone is going. A person must fall in love with your very soul, and see you from a 5D perspective. Otherwise that relationship has ZERO chance of loving you for a lifetime.

So when a person makes EXCUSES for WHY they don’t want to be with you, it’s more time wasting, giving you just enough, waiting for something better to pop up.

Heck Beyonce’s ex boyfriend waited for something better to pop up. 🤣 Silly Rabbit. Then Jay Z popped up. 🤣

Jay Z Beyonce

Jay Z is a God, of course he went after the Goddess on sight.  He knew these other dudes couldn’t hold him.  Bey is dope, but don’t get it twisted. Jay put some swag on her and taught her some things.

Some women simply aren’t meant to be with a peasant dude, who is on basic, mediocre stuff, asking her to be less divine. She real life needs a real n*gga to pull up. Or in laments terms a DIVINE MASCULINE KING, who knows what to do with a Goddess.

Most men are CLUELESS on what to do with a Goddess other than stare at her or complain about her high standards. So many women have Goddess in them, but it never gets fully birthed cause she doesn’t get coaching help, doesn’t ever figure it out on her own, ON TOP of dating men who don’t see the Goddess in her.  People be real life, running in circles.

10 years from now, people will be running around SINGLE, talking about toxic this, and toxic that.

I wondered why I’ve never defined anyone I’ve met as toxic. I don’t see people that way. So using that term is very inauthentic to me, although I understand for the masses it’s their current “cool” description to describe someone that they don’t know how to get along with.

Labeling someone as “toxic” is another form of spiritual bypassing. It allows you to place blame outside of yourself, instead of becoming aware of how you’re showing up for that relationship and making changes.

You’ll bypass and think you’re going somewhere, but nope. It just leads back to your little cubby hole of darkness. What you want is awareness. Awareness is the light. What you really need to do is sit with those emotions, triggers and really reflect on how you cause it all.

I know, you probably want to slap me right now.

Now I am sure some people are toxic AF, like cheaters and people who steal from you or abuse you. But for the most part, most people actually do aim to be good people. But for the average person, their definition of “good” is much lower that the scale a genius or wealth conscious, spiritual person’s scale.

Finding yourself in a toxic relationship is actually compromised of an individual mostly not knowing what they truly want. Because if you knew what you wanted, you wouldn’t be entertaining such a person in the first place.

Secondly if you are entertaining a person you deem toxic, a lot of times that’s not how you saw them. You labeled them toxic after being unable to learn how to COMMUNICATE with them in a manner conducive towards the highest consent of your soul and to the elevation of maintaining a healthy, conscious relationship.

Yes I know babe.  Take your medicine with a sip of water.

People also tell you to stop trying to be perfect. But eliminating toxicity in your relationships and personality is just that.

All life is is a journey of perfection.

Gosh, why do you bother listening to ANY advice from basic people. They always lead you away from your soul. (Read that line again.)

Anyway, I posted this on social media and OF COURSE someone took my statement to mean that I’m not perfect.

But how wrong he was.  When he told me that I wasn’t perfect, nor toxic, this was my response.


You see how I got this revelation, was by realizing my own PERFECTION.

I am incredibly awesome and diverse. My brain is like a computer. I program it to do whatever I want. I’m also very easy on the eyes…  No, phuck that. Bish, I am gorgeous!  Baby, I am a whole Macbook pro with divine human intelligence.  A man would be crazy not to want a piece of me.

Have you seen me?


I know.. Society told you it was arrogant to talk about yourself like that. They told you to be more humble and sh*t on yourself.  They want you to talk about your perceived flaws and deficiencies.

Don’t listen to these people. Baby, that’s why they aren’t a superstar. Superstars shine bright like a diamond. 💎 You weren’t made to blend in. Truth be told, that’s why you follow me in the first place. Something attracted you to me. It’s THE LIGHT.  💎

Listen to this little girl. She knows more than average mindsets. 

View this post on Instagram

Gorgeous. 😍 Have you looked in the mirror today? 😉

A post shared by KrimeWithKissy (@krimewithkissy) on

In addition, I realized that I have never been in love with a man and told him that he wasn’t perfect. He was perfect enough for me. All he had to do was keep growing his soul and not cross me.   

Only a non-divine, unenlightened person, would date a person whom they don’t feel to be perfect.  Life isn’t about settling for less. Not even in relationships.  It’s TOTALLY insane to wake up to a person every morning and be reminded of how imperfect they are. That’s not alignment.

But until you learn to see the divine in other souls, by first seeing the divine within yourself, you’ll never find anyone perfect enough for you.

You’re only going to put up with from others, the lack of perfection you see in yourself. Notice how you REFUSE to date anyone dumb.  You can’t even take it.

Now you have the info. So that’s between you and God.


But if you  want my help in finding love or taking your multi-six-figure business to the million dollar mark, inbox me on social media. 


Women who wind up in abusive relationships abuse themselves

Women who wind up in abusive relationships abuse themselves

Women who wind up in abusive relationships abuse themselves.

They abuse themselves in their business and their personal relationships.

They overgive and have very little boundaries.

They try to play God, by trying to control things. Meanwhile God ignores our prayers all the time. He doesn’t hop to our every whim on command. And even then it’s often not even God’s fault. It’s US ignoring ourselves.

Either way, you are not God. So why would you keep over-giving, trying to force your desired results?

After a lifetime of abuse, not having boundaries and over giving, I finally saw the light of how I caused it all.

HOW? Because I broke the pattern by taking my BUSINESS serious and claiming my authority.

People are lucky to work with me. Men are lucky to date me, or get access to me.

But the old me may have changed those facts in order to fit in with society and be liked. Cause how dare I speak such great truths about myself? Blasphemy a non-King or non-Queen would say. Come up off of your high horse Kissy, you’re not better than me. You’re not special. You’re just like any other woman, is what THEY would say.

But darling, when has the blind EVER been able to see.  People have been blind as sheep since the beginning of time. The bible told you that.

However, denying who you are is a violation of your own boundaries.

The Gods & Goddesses will all AGREE with me.

Your greatest breakthroughs will come from owning your greatest truths.

Written with Love,
Kissy Denise – The Masterpiece
THE Goddess of Love & Motivation 💋

If you would like an in depth analysis of how deeply you’ve hurt yourself and to stop your pattern and breakthrough, join UNICORN UNIVERSITY TRIBE. 

unicorn university tribe logo

Every man can’t take a woman being full of emotions

Every man can’t take a woman being full of emotions

Not every man can take a woman being full of emotions. Some will tell you to chill on your emotions. He’s only telling you that because he’s not your King. 👑

In his own way, he’s kindly trying to tell you that he’s not the one for you. 

When a man isn’t receptive to your emotions it’s because he either:

1. Doesn’t want to be with you.
2. Some girl broke his heart and he’s gone cold like Omarion’s ice box. Don’t waste your time trying to fix him. Chances are, it won’t work anyway. He has to fix himself. Men like him tend to end up with emotionally unavailable women, because that’s who he is.

More importantly, his behavior is also a reflection of YOU. So go fix you Sis. Fix the reason why you are receptive to him in the first place. FIX the reason why you care about him in the first place.  He’s showing you shadow work that you need to do.  He’s helping to keep you in the DARKNESS. 

Find yourself in this darkness and your life will forever be just that much more beautiful, love. 

I’m not telling you that something is wrong with caring. What I’m telling you is to LOVE YOURSELF, more.

The truth is, often times in this situation, the man has already told you to go find someone else, that he’s not ready for a relationship, that he’s busy working and so many other excuses.  His subconscious has been really honest with you. 

Most men actually don’t continuously lie to women and lead them on. 

For instance, I once had a man tell me that he wasn’t ready for a relationship.  So I dated other people. Then when he saw me hanging out with other men, traveling, and living my best life, he went off on me and said that I was hurting him. 

In the beginning, he told me that if we got along he would take me some place tropical.  But he ended up taking another woman.  When I asked him about it he said that he said he would travel with a woman “if she wasn’t crazy.” 

So even though he would SAY he wanted to be with me, his ACTIONS showed otherwise. Then he blamed me for my reactions. 

That man would believe himself to be a GREAT GUY.   I was literally just watching his actions, cause either way, it was good for my research on male behavior.   Even smart men often don’t know what they want. 

Men are going to do what they do, and half of the time unenlightened men confuse themselves. 

A woman has to DECIDE what it is SHE wants and align with a man who is with it. It’s really that simple. 

That man is going to welcome your emotions. Of course your King wants you to FEEL some kind of a way about him. A woman is a FEELING and EMOTION receptacle. 

When a man isn’t emotionally invested in a woman, you’re nothing more than just another business deal to him. Free p*ssy is something most single men will always accept from a woman. 

So, just because you FEEL some kind of way about HIM, means nothing. In reality, how he feels about you is what makes it real. 

This is why it’s hard for light workers to show up online

This is why it’s hard for light workers to show up online

🗣 I know it’s hard for you to show up online. To fulfill the calling of your soul. To speak the message you are called to deliver.
Cause Lawd forbid Sally Mae and her righteousness not like the way you dress or the way you speak.
Heaven forbid simple Cindy says that you’re just too much and need to be NORMAL.
💄 Oh and why bother doing your make-up cause Basic Betty and her basic man may have something to say about how long you take to do that. And oh “you can’t be beautiful & spiritual” they say. 👀
How many times is the red sea of your breaking heart going to part when some 3D earthling tells you that you’re not enough, not good enough, and that THEY don’t like the way you do you.
And lets not forget about Samantha who thought she was all that in high school.. What if she sees your Facebook post and judges you, even though she’s still stuck in her hometown married to Billy, living the simple life of mediocrity.
Oooh chile, WHAT IF they don’t like the new you?
What if your mother, or your family doesn’t like all of the WOO WOO in your business, or you speaking your honest opinions that IMPACT others.
Are you going to go hide in a cave now? Are you going to be quiet like they told you to do?
👁 Are you going to be obedient and fall in line with the sheep?
Are you going to throw your entire damn personality down the drain, just to please THEM? Baby, what has THEM done for you lately?
Not a damn thing. They’ve done nothing.
Meanwhile there you are, as sweet as pie, beautiful as the sun, humbling yourself, drinking the Kool-Aid and the apple pie, so that you don’t trigger THEM. So that THEY don’t accuse you of being TOO MUCH.
🙃 Awwwwwe. You’re such a good girl. Out here seeking approval and sh*t.
Meanwhile on the other side, there is your PURPOSE and your SOUL WORK, begging with you, pleading with you, to show up.
And you’ve done SOME of the work. But you don’t know your next move to access your next level. You need clarity.
Let’s dump ALL of that, build your CONFIDENCE, and your 7 Figure BRAND. Let’s change the world.
Old Kissy
Photo is an old photo of me. Look at me being all proper. Being a good little church girl, trying to fit in. Trying to give people the BASIC VERSION of me that THEY would accept… Even my red bottoms were simple. SMH But, even all covered up, my body was like ‘Yes, Kissy, Yes!”
You know why? You can’t stop a fabulous soul from being fabulous. A Unicorn will always be a Unicorn darling. 🦄
If you’re ready to move past FEAR, and walk into the light, the link to get the azz kicking to accomplish your dreams & goals is RIGHT HERE
Goddess Unleashed is on an 8 Day countdown. This is the last LIVE version of it before it gets delivered to the masses. I would suggest you get the MIRACLE of the TRANSFORMATION that the vortex delivers.
This is why it’s hard for light workers to show up online

5 Shocking Reasons Introverts Attract Toxic People

Toxic people are usually the ones who approach you about being in your life. They almost force themselves on you, then expect you to come down to their standards.

They hurt you over and over again, and let you down. Even if they behave for a little while they are right back to being the same.

You wonder how you got into this mess in the first place.

Well, it’s because your strongest attributes are leaving you vulnerable to these toxic people.

You’re a people pleaser and you aint got no type. What I mean by that is you actually don’t require that people be in pleasing alignment with you.

Here is why you attract toxic people

1. You are too generous with your time.

Let’s be honest. You’re nice AF.  Which is a really generous and admirable character trait.  But toxic people are drawn to you like white on rice, and you give them lots of time, empathy and understanding.

They beg of you to drop everything you are doing to respond to them. They want your time right away, they demand replies to their text, and always want you to go some place with them.   As a result they demand more of your time and leaving you feeling drowned in resentfulness.   You abandon yourself to make sure other people are okay. Instead of checking in with yourself to see if YOU are okay.  You consider other people and their wants, needs and desires, more than you consider your own.  Many people grew up with this belief system.  It’s time to let go of that.

They will hold on to you if you’re willing to drop everything for them, answer all their texts, reply promptly to their phone calls. As they demand more of your time, you drown in resentfulness.

Generosity without boundaries is a disaster. Became aware of your needs and feelings, gradually build boundaries, and say no to requests that are likely to cause you to become angry.

Setting boundaries will be hard at first because it will feel selfish. But if you’ve flown on a plane, you know how the flight attendants instruct passengers to put on their own masks before helping others, even their kids? That’s because you cannot help others if you are disabled. You need to look out for yourself first; only then can you truly help others.

Tending to your own needs will preserve the best of you so that you can share yourself with wonderful people, not just the toxic ones.

2. You are an empath.

You take on other people’s emotions so it’s easy for you to place yourself in their shoes. But then you never give them their shoes back. You start walking around in their shoes,.

Once you’re goals and ideas are shared with them they view you as greedy, unrealistic, and selfish.


3. You have very lax BOUNDARIES.

You refuse to listen to your own intuition.

Heart-Centered souls often have a very positive mindset.  You often assume that the average human being just as kind as  you are.  You even want them to be and see them as such.  You refuse to accept them for what they are. TOXIC AF.

Most people have a darker side that they have no intentions of conquering. They haven’t done the work. Yet you assume that maybe they don’t know any better and hope they will do right by you.

You struggle to accept that humanity contains narcissism, greed and deception. Most people are a bunch of decepticons. They talk to you for what they can get out of you. Because you are not that way, you feel bad about looking at them as such.

When it comes to relationships you find yourself with toxic people who you HOPE will change, although clearly they show they have no plans to.

Instead you accept and settle for their dark side, because no one is perfect. You find yourself making excuses for their behavior.

Many people believe that toxic people are simply humans with flaws and they should be accepted. But that’s not true. Everyone has to work on their own darkness. Either they love and respect you enough to want to stay in your life, so they change. Or they have gots to go.

Your intuition tells you when danger approaches, both physically and emotionally. Don’t suppress the pain and drain you should feel inside. It might be difficult at first, because your view of others may drown you in anxiety, shock, fear and anger. But let go and keep it moving. While you don’t want to respond in fear and you could go within to see how you attracted them, everyone is not worth the time it will take you to deal with them, slow down and look further into your flaws. There are actually people who will help you grow in peace.

Therefore tons of emotional pain from toxic relationships are unnecessary.

4. You’re easygoing.

You’re easy breezy. You tell people that things are okay even when they are not. You’re not much into arguing, because when you do people get really upset and don’t like it. They end up making you feel bad for quickly shutting them down and telling them the truth about themselves.

To keep the peace you say everything is okay, and try to not let things bother you. Then you go about your business.  You’re a really nice person.  People often don’t realize that you choose to be that way.

Instead they take your kindness for weakness.

I mean, like keeping your cool even in tough situations. You try to make others feel at ease with your witty quips because you are kind, patient, and pretty non-aggressive.

Your inner peace attracts toxic people who are eager to disrupt it.

They disrupt your peace and you snap the phuck out, because you highly dislike people who interrupt your peace. You feel it’s hard to interrupt your peace, yet you make it so easy by allowing toxic people into your space on a consistent basis.

5. You don’t ignore people who don’t serve you. 

You’re always busy trying to serve people who don’t serve you.

Toxic people hate peace. It aggravates them.  Chaos is their thing, so when they see you being too peaceful they can’t help but to disrupt it.  Toxic people love to target kind people and to try to control you.

People through the toxic word around at anyone these days, but toxic people are borderline retarded. If you say “If you need something, I got you, then they are taking advantage.  They will want you to abandon all of your plans in order to babysit their kids that they had with a man who isn’t present.  And they will get hot water corn bread pissed at you if you say no because you have more important things to do. To a toxic person nothing is more important than them, their desires and their time. They have a ME, ME, ME, attitude.

To avoid this, do not automatically  say YES when people ask things of you. Tell them you will get back to them later. Only say YES, if you completely want to. Stop doing things out of invisible obligation. You are not obligated to anyone.

Do not let toxic people lead you down their roadmap

Always drive your own car. Toxic people will steal as much of your time as possible.

Keep your positive mindset and continue moving forward.

Slowly move away from toxic people. Let them drop off by having less time for them and no longer being available.

Choose to let toxic people go and THRIVE.

This is why it’s hard for light workers to show up online

The Level Up Movement Keeps Women Stuck In Their Trauma

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, Ignorance may deride it, but at the end there it is. ~ Winston Churchill
I love the Level-Up movement. There are some amazing ladies leading it.  They live in their authenticity.  But most of their followers don’t see the deeper truth about their leaders.  The women like SheRa1 on Youtube, aren’t just giving you information that they are regurgitating.  She is really walking in her PURPOSE and delivering what her soul is called to teach.
I watched her on Facebook for years dropping knowledge, and I used to be like “Sis, you should get paid for your info.” She’s a master.

But most people take the advice of women like SheRa without really looking at her deeper truth.  Women who are connected to their soul and their purpose magically attract the things they want  out of life.

Women think their problem is simply getting a high value provider man.  They don’t realize that’s only one part of the problem.

The real problem lies deep down in the soul, and when you’re single, and not getting what you want, it’s all your fault. Getting a provider man is simply a patch.  It’s not actual healing.
Scripture says: Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.
The truth that I had to come to truths with is that I wasn’t in charge of my destiny. I was letting a storyline run me. I attracted millionaires and men who provided for me, and guess what? Some of my same behaviors came up.  I had to really look deep into myself.   Now here is the thing.  It’s not that I had a problem getting a husband. It’s not that I couldn’t keep a man.   I could’ve gotten away with those things.  But my desire to be the woman God called me to be wouldn’t let me stop there.  I pushed further to truly see my WHY I was behaving in certain ways and WHY I was getting the responses and reactions from people.  I’ve always understood why I get love from so many people.  That’s easy. I am the purest love most people have ever met.
But  I also have darkness and a shadow that I was allowing to control my life.  I had to enlist the help of some very brilliant people to fix this.   I had to get people who were on my frequency and cared about me enough to understand me deeply, and have patience with me.  I had to put myself around people who saw me outside of having 500.000 followers, being a beautiful woman or even for being smart.   My mentors not only saw my heart, but they saw my vision.
Meanwhile I love Facebook. It’s been one of my greatest teachers on human behavior.
Every day I see single people make excuses to why they are single. I see people in miserable marriages, trying to make it work, and I see people who believe in the mate they married, and take self-accountability to figure out what’s going wrong, and they too hire divine help.
But back to most singles.  Most singles make EXCUSES as to why they haven’t met their sacred soulmate. They really believe it’s other people’s fault.  It’s so easy to believe that we are perfect and better than others, in order to make ourselves feel better. It hurts to see how you cause your own pain and your own hurt. It’s embarrassing. 
You don’t have a husband because you don’t want one.

You don’t have a wife because you don’t want one. 

Simple as that. When you really want something you do what it takes. 

I am filled with relationship knowledge.  I felt like I knew it all. Yet getting help taught me that I didn’t know ENOUGH. I knew enough to help my female clients heal and get a man who provided. I knew how to teach them how to attract high value mates who made loads of money and would spend it on them. I taught them how to consciously communicate.  I’ve taught my male clients how to attract Queens.  See I knew enough to help everyone else. But I didn’t know enough to help myself at the level I needed help.

Now that I am healed of my wounds, I see the insanity that most people are going to go through for the rest of their lives.

You know why? Because people invest their money in business coaching, clothes, shoes, watches, material items and even self-help materials.  But they don’t invest money in their spirit and their soul.

Spiritual life coaches are divine for a reason. It’s the amount of work they’ve done on themselves to transcend human suffering and to stop blaming others.  The amount of work on self that spiritual coaches do, even though many have true divine gifting, it’s something the average human would never do.

Most people are simply running around being duplicates of other people they see. They don’t know how to truly be themselves.  WHY? Because they are lead by the desire for money, influence, popularity and fame.

Most Spiritual life coaches have already made 6 figures or more.  They quickly learn how that’s not enough to truly be fulfilled. That was also my experience. After creating multiple 6-7 figure blogs, I saw life differently. I saw how I was out of alignment with pure joy.  I thought some of it was my fault and some was other people’s fault.

That’s how most humans think.  You see men complain about women, because they don’t realize THEY are in control of their lives.
Women complain about men and state their reasons for being single, not knowing it’s TRULY all her fault.
You see wherever you go, there will your problem be.
See some of you, you’re never going to accept any less than your soul desires. You must develop a sense of urgency to live the life of your dreams and manifest your greatness..
You walk around feeling like you have forever to find love. Because society told you not to be desperate. They told you that it would just fall into your lap. They told you it’s okay to work hard, and that love would then pop up.
What you forgot is that society is BASIC. They share basic thoughts, and because there’s more of them than you, you listened.
Even more, it’s hard to receive the truth that it’s all you.
Your soul requires a mate that inspires great change in you.
Women are all over the internet running after the level up movement. Everyone wants to be a relationship coach. Everyone wants to give out relationships advice.
Everyone wants to teach you how to be feminine. I personally don’t teach femininity, because that is not my speciality. The women who are deeply feminine act a certain way. It can’t be faked. 
What I teach is to balance both your feminine and your masculine through soul growth.
I am amazed at the opportunities that come to me and the people I’ve been able to attract. I don’t even need to network. I am a network.
I don’t need to compete, because I am the brightest light they see.
I get people to want to be like me, not because I say I have millions of dollars, but simply because I am me. 

But people watch me and think it’s all outside of me.

Then you have the people who work with me. They just get IT, that there is an IT FACTOR present. I teach them how to develop their own IT factor, by aligning with their soul. I show them how to manifest the life they want.

To truly teach people how to live the life of their dreams, you must first be in alignment with yours.  You’re only going to accomplish this when you are hungry.  Hungry to get close to God. Hungry to further your spirit, and hungry for things outside of money.
See to teach others something you must truly want and do the work to become your highest self.
When you’re ready to get more out of life in every area, Join Unicorn University Tribe.