The Real Reason You Suffer From Imposter Syndrome | Break The Cycle Now

The Real Reason You Suffer From Imposter Syndrome | Break The Cycle Now

You’re fake AF.  You’ve been fake, ever since you lost your fake azz position.   You know, the one God took from you, so that you could learn to do better, be better and ask for more.     He gave you want you wanted. After all, aren’t you the one who just knew it was time for you to BE, DO and HAVE more?

Didn’t you say you wanted to BE YOU and DO YOU?

What were you doing though, in order to expand yourself? Nothing. You kept waking up every day, going about things the same ole way. In fact, if you weren’t fired or that job snatched from under you, you still be there miserable AF, pretending to be happy because you make 6 figures…. Knowing the whole time, you wanted to OWN YOUR BUSINESS.

Listen, I’m talking to the b*tch who lost her job, not the one still at it.

Why are you sitting around worrying about people finding out you’re really not that great after all? B*tch did your resume change in the PAST or something?  Last time I checked, you’ve already accomplished 10 times more than the average person will in their lifetime.  Greatness is who you are. It’s what you do when you’re not overthinking and being masculine AF.

Masculinity – Depending on your accolades. Soaking your entire identity on what you do, instead of WHO you’re being.  Baby, when was the last time you checked in with your femininity?

And lets not talk about those who actually OWNED a business that just wasn’t going the way you wanted, no matter how hard you worked, so you lost gratitude and it was mostly downhill from there, but your strong azz knows how to stay afloat.

Back to you who got fired on your day off.  You couldn’t see that God was looking out for your best interests.

So you got depressed, started to feel unworthy, doubted yourself, went into lack, worry, imposter syndrome, depression and everything other than THANK YOU GOD FOR THIS OPPORTUNITY TO CHANGE MY LIFE FOR THE BETTER.

You’re so phucking fake. That’s why your fans and followers are lukewarm and really don’t like you. How are they supposed to accept this fake azz version of you, when they already know you are the truth.

You really thought you lost something. But the truth is you found YOUrself.

Now dust your shoulders off. Get out there and be confident.  No matter what happens to you, DON’T YOU EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, doubt your greatness or give up on yourself again.

If this message has motivated you say THANK YOU GOD, and GET TO WORK. You got this superstar.

Written with Love,


Your Fans & Followers Won’t Accept Your Fake Azz and They’re Not Supposed To

Your Fans & Followers Won’t Accept Your Fake Azz and They’re Not Supposed To

You’re fake AF.  You’ve been fake, ever since you lost your fake azz position.   You know, the one God took from you, so that you could learn to do better, be better and ask for more.     He gave you want you wanted. After all, aren’t you the one who just knew it was time for you to BE, DO and HAVE more?

What were you doing though, in order to expand yourself? Nothing. You kept waking up every day, going about things the same ole way. In fact, if you weren’t fired or that job snatched from under you, you still be there miserable AF, pretending to be happy because you make 6 figures…. Knowing the whole time, you wanted to OWN YOUR BUSINESS.

And lets not talk about those who actually OWNED a business that just wasn’t going the way you wanted, no matter how hard you worked, so you lost gratitude and it was downhill from there.

Back to you who got fired on your day off.  You couldn’t see that God was looking out for your best interests.

So you got depressed, started to feel unworthy, doubted yourself, went into lack, worry, imposter syndrome, depression and everything other than THANK YOU GOD FOR THIS OPPORTUNITY TO CHANGE MY LIFE FOR THE BETTER.

You’re so plucking fake. That’s why your fans and followers are lukewarm and really don’t like you. How are they supposed to accept this fake azz version of you, when they already know you are the truth.

You really thought you lost something. But the truth is you found yourself.

Now dust your shoulders off. Get out there and be confident.  No matter what happens to you, DON’T YOU EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, doubt your greatness or give up on yourself again.

Written with Love,


Toxic Penetration In Narcissistic Relationships

Toxic Penetration In Narcissistic Relationships

Most people are quick to talk about how love-making isn’t that good in their relationship… I’m not too familiar with that kind of stuff.

Being a unicorn we tend to attract sexually compatible partners because to the magnetic energy of the realm we decide in.

Now, even though the realm is HIGH VIBE, that doesn’t mean some good toxic d*ck can’t slip in and through you off.  All good d*ck isn’t good for you.

Toxic d*ck penetration, can leave a woman half-way smiling, thinking she’s being a good submissive woman, being down for her man, smarter than the rest and going with the plan; while everyone else is laughing at you and not with you.

❌ That plan could be being a clown 🤡 to get money inside of a business relationship.

Nothing wrong with that. Some people were born to be well paid clowns. 🤡

It’s important to accept people as they are.

❌ That plan could also trick you into believing you’ve done a bunch of wrongs.

Baby, you definitely took a wrong turn, somewhere back there.

But that direction you’re blaming is not the correct one.

❌ That plan could have you doing labor in a marriage that was supposed to add to your happiness and lighten the load.

That pressure to act st*pid or d*mb can feel kind of heavy.

✅ You might want to put that bag down.

🍫 Do people really know what to sign up for?

🔗 It could have you feeling like you need to carry a cross, and do hard LABOR, failing to remember that JESUS ALREADY MADE THE SACRIFICE. 👤

🔗 It could drain you, lower your self-esteem, and diminish your ability to trust, all while telling you that you should feel good to be with them.

Then have you on social media PRETENDING to have a good relationship.

🧐 That’s tough.

Then again, some people like having to be tough and strong. 💪

I know…. Here baby, smell these followers. 🌸

❤️ Can you imagine having passionate sex and making love to someone you fully trust?

Wouldn’t you rather have that?

……. 4 Mins later. You’re still thinking….

How long are you going to allow that good, toxic d*ck to keep you in a cycle of insanity?

Send me a message that start your journey of getting blessed to manifest a high value soulmate.

💜 Your value is out of this world. You need a magical soul to help you see things YOUR way.

Lord, help the narcissistic abusive souls and their willing victims.

How hard was it for you to let go of your first toxic situation?

Anyway. Have a blessed day and sign up for the mailing list.

Written with Love,
Kissy 🤍💖✨

#relationshipmemes #saynototoxicmasculinity

Real Love is the Love of SELF

Real Love is the Love of SELF

When you get on a spiritual journey, I personally found that I experience things that no one can explain to me. Not only do I experience things, but I come to clarity in my abilities to see things beyond the eye. I’ve learned to follow the signs and to be more aware.

I’ve learned to truly follow my heart, allow it to lead me in gratitude, but to not make decisions solely based upon the way my heart feels. Yet still leaning deeply into the way my heart feels and allowing the experience to manifest what it will.

I recently came out of a state of numbness, where I felt nothing. What’s fascinating about these periods is that I make loads of money. That’s what made me tune in deeper….

This time I actually wanted to fight the numbness. I didn’t want it to take over me anymore. So I made a decision to TRULY, and deeply allow REAL LOVE in at it’s core. I accepted things and people as they are. I took note of their presentation and actions.

This brought me into of space of divine clarity. While I once thought there was something wrong with me when I experienced periods of emotional numbness, I now see that’s only the Universe protecting me and stopping me from pouring all of my love into things, people, concepts or perspectives.

Sometimes people who are love need a break from trying to give everyone love. Our bodies know exactly what we need and how to direct our attention.

Pouring massive amounts of love into myself for a week, without focusing on WHO I CAN SERVE, has caused a major shift in the atmosphere. I was able to truly look around me and see what and who is serving me. Some people were begging to serve me and I was even ignoring them. Some have showed up to serve me, without me even asking. I was even able to see who is no longer serving me.

I received a MAJOR offer on a life goal, that I wasn’t even looking for nor expecting. It came just like that, EFFORTLESSLY.

This journey of spirituality and self-love is one of the most remarkable things I’ve ever experienced. It’s given me great amounts of appreciation for myself.

Quite a few millionaires and billionaires this week asked me why I didn’t see myself the way they see me.

For a long time I didn’t know why or what my block was. Then today it finally hit me. My block was that I walked around as a servant. I’ve served the world and poured love into people day in and day out. It’s quite a natural thing for me to do. Lately I even tried to pretend that I was tired of it. But I wasn’t. Pouring love into people is naturally what I do. God gives me a full cup of love every morning.

When I pour love into people I magically get to watch their whole life change. I get to watch them fall in love with themselves again. I get to watch them accomplish extraordinary things.

Now that I’m pouring that love back into myself, I get to watch my manifestations pop up a lot faster.

I now see how when you raise your vibration, the people who are not for you will automatically begin to fall away.

I saw my own pattern of trying to save them, alert them, and get them to come with me, because I know my path. I see the vision. I know that people are better off with me. After all, I AM THE GODDESS OF LOVE & MOTIVATION. One of my new friends loves to call me THE GODDESS OF LOVE & LIGHT, lol. I don’t disagree with her.

I wake people up to the light. I am a Dream Activator. I light people up so quickly that they often don’t even know what hit them.

I’ve given my love to people without actually expecting anything in return. We are told to be selfless in that way. But that’s not the way the world actually works. Not even in God’s kingdom.

So today I return back to my Goddess throne. I’ve walked the earth and sprinkled lots of pixie dust. It’s my time now.

This is the journey that I’ve taken in order to feel worthy of what God already has for me. I hope that this blog helps you feel worthy a lot sooner, and with a lot less sacrifices. For real love is truly the love of SELF.

Self-Love is real love, until your divine match shows up. #KissySaid 

God Bless.

Don’t Let Anyone Take Your Innocence & Love Away From You

Don’t Let Anyone Take Your Innocence & Love Away From You

Women go through a lot on this earth. We are created to love and be loved.

When we come into this earth we are so full of love.

Then people hurt us. So we become masculine and guarded.  And it works a little, until one day we wake up and realize we are broken.

A woman is broken when she’s out of balance with her feminine energy.

So many women lock up when you’ve been hurt or heartbroken.

You become wounded to the love you want to receive. You unknowingly also block the life you want to receive.

That’s why forgiveness is so important. Not only forgiveness but just getting rid of people, choosing to love them enough to let them go, and knowing that each soul only does what it thinks it must.

So people believe that in order to feel good or win in life, that they need to hurt others.

Some people are born into this life with dark minds. Others are born as light. We the lights come into this world to LOVE.

We love people with open arms, and often they have no idea of the warmth, joy, and light we give them. We change lives simply by being our loving selves.

When God said in the bible to not be of the world, that’s what he meant.  All too often we change ourselves in order to protect ourselves from this world, instead of maintaining our will to love, and simply raising our standards, and adding boundaries.

Return to being YOURSELF. It’s the only way.  Someone who loves just like you, will show up to share that love with you.

Stay the course, trust the process and surrender to the experience.

The More You Do Life YOUR Way, The Happier You’ll Be

The More You Do Life YOUR Way, The Happier You’ll Be

The greatest illusion of them all is that you have to sacrifice on the art of being you.  That’s where you went left at.

You felt like you had to sacrifice with half a man.

You felt like you had to play dumb and watch a man lead you into chaos, when you saw where it was going the whole time.

The lie that you told yourself, that you just couldn’t be right. You wanted to think positive…

Which caused the lack of gratitude you felt for yourself, cause how can you be happy when you chose such a bad man who can’t make a decision about you. Or he talks, but his actions don’t walk towards marrying you.

It’s not what you want.

You know you deserve better.  He could be better. If he really wanted to.

The guilt you have of letting go, because he threw you crumbs of him, and in that moment it seemed like A LOT to you.

At any time you are fully capable of calling in your dream life.

You are fully capable of walking away from a man who does not serve your highest good right now.

Funny how you would do it, if it were your business. You make sure that goes right.

But when it comes to men, it’s back to b.s. and sacrifice.

It’s exactly what you called in. Because YOU ARE NOT READY.

Would you like to get ready and finally call in the life of your dreams in business and relationships?

Love is a beautiful thing. But you’l never feel a greater love than loving yourself enough to GET WHAT YOU WANT.

Can you see yourself walking out the house, calling in a new squad of men who are READY!

Can you see your business flowing in money every day, on a consistent basis, payment after payment in large amounts?

IF that’s what you want, then today is a good day to make it happen.

You’ll be A LOT happier for it.

Book a FREE spiritual breakthrough session, and let’s talk about making it happen.

We Need To Stop Talking About Lil Kim’s Face, and instead HONOR HER LEGACY

We Need To Stop Talking About Lil Kim’s Face, and instead HONOR HER LEGACY

In the day and age of social media, everyone has something negative to say about anyone who actually did the work to do something amazing with their lives.

But when it comes to rapper Lil Kim, nobody doubts her legendary music career. People love her for the HARDCORE music she put out, her colored wigs, crazy lace outfits, and her sweet, sultry voice.

Lil Kim was the sh*t in her prime and if you don’t agree, exit the building now.

Recently, I posted a meme photo of Lil Kim on social media which went viral with over 25,000 shares within hours of the post. (Remember, when I offered to teach ya’ll how to operate your social medias in order to build a powerful brand?  Well my prices are SUPER HIGH NOW, you can join me over on the masterpiece tribe.)

Anyway, as I was saying the post…. The post made me aware of people’s thoughts on Lil Kim.

What tripped me out is that one woman said that she thought Kim changed her face and body to TRY AND BE LIKE NICKI MINAJ.

Nicki Minaj’s branding was so tight, that many of the younger crowd doesn’t realize that Nicki Minaj’s appearance, minus the booty is basically a Lil Kim knock off. Kim was the first and did the colored wigs and racy clothes the best.

lil kim vs nicki minaj

And that’s no diss to Nicki.  Nicki’s music is all of her own style. But the wigs and clothes were swiped from Lil Kim without honor. I absolutely love them both. I’m simply being honest for historical sake.

Lil Kim Nicki Minaj

But back to this story.   I blamed Biggie, because we’ve heard Kim say before that she had self-esteem issues because men, including Biggie picked lighter complected women over her.

Biggie strung Kim along for years, but married Faith Evans just 2 1/2 months after meeting her.

Lil Kim and Biggie Smalls 1996

Mandatory Credit: Photo by Hugh Edwards/Shutterstock (10532779a)
1996 – New York City ‘Lil’ Kim and ‘Biggie’ Smalls (notorious B i G ) at Sean ‘Puffy’ Combs Birthday Party at the Club N V
Lil Kim and Biggie Smalls 1996

Years later, Kim had bleached her skin light enough to have the same complexion as Faith. Meanwhile Faith threw her whole history away and just married any ole body named Stevie J. 🤦🏼‍♀️

Lil Kim was abused used and abused by men before and after Biggie, starting with her father who talked down on her.

In 2000, Kim told Newsweek:

“All my life men have told me I wasn’t pretty enough—even the men I was dating… It’s always been men putting me down just like my dad. To this day when someone says I’m cute, I can’t see it. I don’t see it no matter what anybody says.”

As a black woman I know that we as black women are often told by black men that we are not good enough as is. Many men tell us that we need to hit cartwheels in order to please them. No matter what we do, or how awesome we are, there is always a black man to tell us that we aren’t good enough.

People love to discount the affect this has on many black women. They act like they don’t know how hard it is to love yourself when the men you love constantly down talk you and rarely ever celebrate you. They real life expect you to just keep on trucking and being strong.

After all, I wrote an entire book about this. It’s called “You Can’t Force A Man To Value You – Becoming A High Value Woman & Attracting Your Dream Man.” Because Lord knows that many of us black women are now powerful, prosperous boss chicks, because men told us we weren’t good enough. So we set out in the world to be good enough by starting our own business, or rising to the top of corporate america and making tons of money. Now no one can tell us NOTHING.

You cant force man value you book review

Which is also why so many women are masculine and don’t know how to get along with masculine men who require feminine women…. Also another reason why I wrote the book.

Do you have this book? It’s like changing, and will help you manifest the men of your dreams. Even MEN love the book and have left amazing reviews on Amazon.

But back to Kim. I’ve decided to simply honor her amazingness from now on.  Let’s stop acting like we don’t understand what she’s gone through in her personal life.  Let’s not act like she didn’t inspire millions of women to have more fun with their appearance and honor their sexuality and femininity, even BEFORE she started getting surgery to fix her face, after an abusive ex broke her nose.

At the end of the day Lil Kim is AMAZING, and paved the way for all of these new saucy female rappers.

And yeah, Biggie did break her heart and abuse her too. But he also loved her, believed in her, and put her on the map.

At some point broken women must DECIDE to stop BEING so broken

At some point broken women must DECIDE to stop BEING so broken

If we are to tell the truth about our society, men do break a lot of women.

But no one breaks a woman more than SHE BREAKS HERSELF.

Women break themselves by DECIDING to enter into a monogamous relationship with a mediocre man.

They enter into a relationship with a man who is incapable of giving her her TRUE HEART’S desires.

Good men want you to have it all. They want to give you money, love, attention, affection, food, amazing sex, kids, a ring, security, and even a home to live in.

Good men seek to make their woman completely happy. They delight in being able to make her smile.

You can’t expect to attract a good man when you’re a broken woman. ~ Kissy Denise 

Good men also have lots of money, because they know what women truly want.

Good men want to be able to PROTECT and PROVIDE for their families.

What man have you been with who wanted to give you all that and did so?

OKay, now you know WHY you are so broken. You settled for a man who didn’t GIVE you those things. He only TALKED about doing it.

More than likely SOCIETY told you to settle. They told you that you weren’t good enough to receive more. They made you IGNORE the desires that GOD placed into your heart.

You humbled yourself to HUMANS, instead of humbling yourself to God and accepting HIS desires for your life.

You need to acquire the confidence necessary to feel DESERVING and WORTHY of God’s greatest desires for you.

Love You. 💋