Why Strong Boundaries Keep Everyone Safe—Including Men

Why Strong Boundaries Keep Everyone Safe—Including Men

As women, the boundaries we set aren’t just for us. They’re for the people we love, the men in our lives, and even our children. When a woman lacks boundaries, she risks allowing others to overstep and violate her—whether it’s emotionally, physically, or energetically. And the ripple effect? It can endanger those around her.

Here’s what I mean:

💡 Without boundaries, a woman might allow harmful behavior into her life. Like an abusive man may abuse your kids, cause them to watch abuse or even put your kids at risk to find a weapon to protect you.  Such a woman also puts men who care about her in a difficult position. Like her brother, or the new man she’s dating while still dealing with her toxic ex. They feel obligated to step in and protect you, sometimes even at their own risk. In essence, a woman without boundaries can unintentionally become a liability, inviting chaos into the lives of others.

Meanwhile she’s feeling prideful and joyful that someone is always running to her aide to protect her from the toxicity she allows into her life.

But here’s the good news: Boundaries are a form of love and protection. When a woman has strong boundaries:

She protects herself and her loved ones from toxic situations.
She creates a safe space for her relationships to grow in a healthy way.
She empowers men to respect her without feeling the need to “rescue” her.
Healthy boundaries are love. They create the foundation for balanced, respectful relationships, and they prevent unnecessary drama or danger from spilling over into the lives of others.

So, if you’re struggling with setting boundaries—or you’ve never thought about how important they are—I’m here to help you establish strong, healthy limits that protect both you and the people around you. 💖

If this resonates with you, and you’re ready to create empowered boundaries that elevate your life and your relationships, let’s talk! DM me or check out the link in my bio for more details on how we can work together.



Just because someone doesn’t have what you want, doesn’t mean they can’t help you get it. The difference between millionaires and average people is that they know this.

My first coaching client wanted me to help him create a blog. At the time my blog probably made about $1600 a month.

This man was already a millionaire and I remember him being the first successful man that was impressed with me. He was fascinated that I was both beautiful and genius. He used to tell me that he got off by showing people pictures of me saying “This is my business coach.” While others were blind, he could clearly SEE.

He was like “You mean to tell me you make $1600 a month from a blog?”

At the time, that money wasn’t much, and I didn’t understand why HE was impressed with that.

Anyway, he hired me to build him a blog, build out his target audience and write out the content. I did it all.

The first month, he was like “Is it done yet. He was really impatient. He didn’t understand how much time all of this took.

The second month we launched.

I was already writing relationship content on my own blog, but people mostly ignored it. 🥲

I’ve always had this natural thing for understanding relationships and LOVE.

Anyway, I would post the same thing on my blog that I posted on his blog sometimes.

I would literally watch MY FOLLOWERS share the content on HIS PAGE, and say that he was dope and that the content really helped out their relationship.

He texts me: He’s like “Kissy, I made $48,276 on my blog this month.”

I was like ‘Huh???”

Second month “Kissy, I made $73, 486 this month.”

He literally sent me the screenshots of his account.

I’m like “Yo, how is he making 6 figures from the same content I’m posting on my page, but I wasn’t”.

Within 7 months, that man made a million dollars off of his blog.

After that I began to understand what was going on, and I was able to call in a multi- 6 Figure blog income for myself.

Then I decide I want to help people, so I become a coach for real.

My first few sales calls were with people in the WORST relationships. Men in and out of jail. Women who deeply loved but were totally masculine and lacked self-love.

I talked to people who were poor poor, Like preachers who’d never been out of town. I found it fascinating that I knew the bible better than them and had to teach them about God’s wealth.

Then, one day I go and get baptized. I come out of the water with magic powers. I become softer, more graceful, my light got brighter.

So then I started attracting clients who were already making 6 Figures and were spiritual. I would do ONE call with them and they’d come back in 30 Days having manifested a million dollars. Their marriages would also improve.

I’m like WTH is going on?

Then I had 5 figure clients who were struggling and I would coach them for several sessions and they would get a ton of sales and increase their income.

I would go on to write relationship books and show women how to go from dusty men to high value men who wined and dined them. They attracted men who paid bills. This didn’t surprise me as I’m a natural at relationships.

What I ultimately learned through MYSELF, is that some people are simply gifted. I am a Prophetess and Highly Intuitive and an empath, plus I stay prayed up. When a client comes to me, commits, pays in full, it seems they get their desired result or even beyond that. (COMMIT = Doing what I tell them to do.)

I’m writing this post for those of you who have a gift that you may not understand. You do the impossible that people say you should never be able to do.

LOVE & ACCEPT YOURSELF. The right clients will find you. Many of us are heart, mindset and energy healers. This is what is blocking people anyway. So if you are good at healing those things, you can get people whatever results they want.

The key here is that I moved from seeking validation, to validating myself, because suddenly I KNEW that my writing WAS GOOD. This made me feel worthy of making the money I desired.


Feminine Communication With SELF

Feminine Communication With SELF

There are levels to everything. Fake femininity is not the way to go.

Your dream woman is exactly who YOU want to be. No one can MAKE you her. You must become her. You become her by changing the way you communicate with yourself and the way you communicate with the world.

Transformation isn’t about fitting into a box being what others told you to do and be. It’s about becoming the woman that GOD called YOU to be.

When you don’t have what you want as a woman or a man, it’s because you have yet to become who GOD told you to BE.

That still voice that’s in your head. Do you listen to it, or are you too busy working, trying to make money and satisfy your needs.

What about your spiritual needs? The things that God has for you, that he wants to allow to FLOW through you, when you allow him to bless you, simply by being THE REAL YOU.

The real authentic version of you. The one you’re holding off on. The one you’re afraid of being.

YOU ARE READY right now, at this moment, to walk, talk, speak and act like her.

Goddess, she is not the pitbull looking for a relationship.

I help people improve the way they communicate their value to the world in order to attract more love, success and abundance, live your dream lifestyle, and travel the world with your soulmate.

How To Stop Being A Beautiful, Tired, Strong, Independent Woman

How To Stop Being A Beautiful, Tired, Strong, Independent Woman

If a man wants to be in your life, put him to the test. You are not a free ride. Your time has value. DO NOT PASS GO until you give me some dough.

Who told you women to cast your pearls to swine? Don’t you know good men love women so much that they PROVIDE for you without having to be asked?

So many women want a good man, without even knowing what a good man is. Providing is only STEP 1.

gold line

You have to be honest about where you are going in life and get clear about what you want.

Cut out all of the other noise that doesn’t lead you there.

It’s time to get selfish enough to love yourself and actually go after your dreams and goals.

People will call you gold diggers and prostitutes. Pay them no mind. Those people are sleep and will not manifest their dreams.

Many women want a good man, without knowing what a good man is.

Real men provide. Period. Real men love, value, honor and appreciate women so much that they quite naturally provide for the women they love. These men feel WHOLE.  So they don’t need half of your money. What he needs is for you to show up WHOLE, believing in your feminine value.

You have not received a good man because you’re too busy letting a whack dude take up your time.

When you move off the checkerboard and onto the chessboard  of life, you will be present in a reality where the real Kings play at.

They like ladies who are in tune with themselves. Not b*tches in denial.

You can’t get in tune with yourself if all of your time is spent trying to build your business and make your business successful all by yourself.  You need a TEAM Sis. You NEED love from a strong masculine man.  So why not get the man who provides?

You tried everything else… Nobody cares that you are working hard on your business. They don’t get it.

You don’t have to be strong like other women.. You get to utilize your big, bold heart, unencumbered, feel free to lay back, relax,  allow peace in, and feel love in every moment. You are full of love. Therefore you deserve to be loved.

No man is perfect. But I assure you provider men are 1,000,000 times better than the majority of men  who think it’s okay to sleep with a woman or waste years of her time and not provide for her.

Let those other girls have them. Those men are dangerous.


For some women, you’ve been working hard for YEARS trying to be a strong, independent, woman. It’s not working because you weren’t meant to be alone.

It’s meant for some women to be strong and alone, but not you.

We often follow the signs in everything except our business. Even if your business isn’t going well you just keep pressing and keep going. Because hustle culture told us to.

But the truth is your business does get to be easy, when you look around you and figure out what’s not aligned within you.

Avoiding dating, because you want success so bad can be to your detriment.  Balance is key.

When you fight God’s purpose for your life by listening to those who are not tuned in, you slow yourself down.

Sure other girls are in 50/50 marriages. But chances are one day she will regret it.

Either way, none of this is about other people. It’s about you and your dream. It would be wise to get up and live it.

Boundaries that allow you to feel free within, inside a relationship where you give each other space to be free, open, accepting and trusting is the most beautiful relationship you could ever have in the world.

This doesn’t happen inside 50/50 relationships because their heart isn’t big enough.

You deserve love now. You don’t have to work hard to make your business successful before you feel worthy.

You are worthy and deserving of love right now.


Because you are a woman. You were created to be unconditionally loved and accepted.

Today Sis, I want you to know that you are enough. You are a smart, beautiful, loving, kind-hearted woman. You have a lot to offer a man.  Don’t let society confuse you for those other girls.

Now that the KINDNESS is out the way, let me add a touch of honesty. Sis, if you are not a FEMININE woman, it doesn’t matter how well you do the labor of sex, cooking and cleaning. Unfeminine women make terrible mates.

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Are You Afraid Of Standing Out Or BEING Too Much? Here’s Why You Need To STOP THAT!

Are You Afraid Of Standing Out Or BEING Too Much? Here’s Why You Need To STOP THAT!

This random man wrote on Facebook how much he didn’t like my personal page, or the way I talk.

He didn’t like my high vibrational posts nor the low vibrational ones.

WHY? Well I posted in a group for help with my blog. I stated that my blog has 500,000 followers, reaches 7 Million people a month minimum and makes 6 Figures. I was attempting to participate in the group and learn something new like GETTING SPONSORS insead of CPM dollars. (The group owner turned the comments off on the post to stop the energy of my power. 🌸❤️)

My BEING triggered him. How dare this beautiful woman be so powerful and successful.

Oh, and she says she’s a HEALER but she talks in slang and doesn’t try to speak perfect. She must be making it all up. Why hasn’t she conformed?

And he is MARRIED…. That tells you the state of his unhappy marriage…. So he attempts to hurt people.

6 people who don’t have a large blog following or a successful blog agreed with him.


Negative thoughts. You’re never going to be good enough. This is what he reminded me of. The healing journey it took to stop caring if my presence was too LARGE or made people uncomfortable.

The healing it took for me to stop shrinking myself, afraid to be me in other people’s spaces… Sticking to myself in my introverted corner, not taking up too much space, SAFE, where I would be accepted for being me. Not caring about the opinions of others, doing my thing, changing the world.

I often work with accomplished professionals who fear standing out with their own ideas and fear their own influence

Agoraphobia (ag-uh-ruh-FOE-be-uh) is a type of anxiety disorder in which you fear and avoid places or situations that might cause you to panic and make you feel trapped, helpless or embarrassed.

When someone says something negative to you, is it a reflection of what goes on in your mind? The feelings of not feeling worthy or good enough every time someone says you’re not or they don’t get you… Are they reading your mind?

Knowing you’re, waiting for other people to approve of you. Let me tell you something. I’ve also created millionaires within 30 Days of working with me.

I have hundreds of reviews of people saying that I’ve changed their life. None of that was going to give me what I had to give myself…

Chances are you’re waiting for SOMETHING to happen or for you to get a certain amount of money or a certain amount of followers before you feel worthy or good enough. You’re trying to do everything perfect so no one will talk crap about you.

Yet your clients are getting AMAZING results.

Can’t you see you are THERE already, where you are trying to go? Your next level is already grounded into your vibration. You’ve put eons of light work in already. You’re experiencing the power of being inside the vortex. Yet, you’re resisting.
WHY? What’s the underlining fear?

This is what I had to ask myself before I allowed in my huge shift.

When you set your intent and direct the focus of your thoughts you will have what you seek to manifest.

Yet, waiting for approval of others will slow you down. You must feel worthy within yourself first, before God will allow you to get what you so badly want to receive. It’s all within you.

You know the financial and wealth level you are to acclimate to. It’s written and already active within you.


You have the power to RECEIVE IT, by feeling worthy and good ENOUGH right now.

What’s the next thing your soul needs to do to SHIFT and EMBODY IT?

Personally I got tired of playing small. I want to impact MILLIONS. And I started showing up like it. 💋

Also that woman limiting the comments on my post, inspired me to go ahead and teach people how to monetize your writing.

Click Here To Join The Group

Still not ready to move forward on your journey?

Let’s look at three sources of fear and four steps to take from Tracking Wonder :

1) Fear Of What Peers Will Say

Stand out too much within a profession, and you’ll threaten leaders or others with powerful positions.

If you start to develop your own ideas into projects and programs with your signature brand, your grandness might threaten the peers you leave behind. They could begrudge your success or await your failure.

And they will. I’ve received notes and sideways glances. But they’re not the ones I’m serving.

Or maybe your peers won’t do those things. Some of them might applaud you and follow you. A leader might become a mentor and partner.

You’ll be surprised that you will be a good influence.

2) Fear Of Failing In Public

If you put your idea or core project “out there,” and if you muster the copy and brand story to claim its value, then some people could pan your idea or business. Your Kickstarter might fail. What if no one calls? What if your website sits there like a store front, pretty but empty?

Everyone will know. And it will feel personal.


But here’s the thing: When you play it safe in business, you hide. You hide your quirky personality that actually could be your advantage. You hide your values and virtues that could be captivating. If your business proposes an “anything for anyone” Sam’s Club approach, you can hide the distinct value that you claim as yours. So, if part of your business fails, no one will know because, well, you didn’t proclaim the core part of your own making as important anyway.

I see “hiding” even in professional websites. Safe, functional, hiding.

Hiding is a powerful defense mechanism, isn’t it? And it’s pretty deeply wired.

But here’s the greater risk: You can hide what could be your most potent ideas – your message’s medicine that could actually salve your community of customers, readers, clients, and fans.

Don’t hide and hoard your medicine. Dare to stand out with your ideas. (If this resonates,Click to Tweet. Thanks!)

You’ll be surprised by how generous people are and how much they want your success as much as you.

3) Fear Of Incompetency

If you put “your” ideas out there, you’re on the edge of your comfort zone and your competency zone. You could fail a client.

Or maybe not. Maybe the new challenge will ignite the best in your skills and strengths and character yet again.

Every one of these fears I have contended with and continue to do so because I constantly push myself and Tracking Wonder to the edge.

By the way, you can work within an organization, and still be influential with your own ideas. You can be an employee and be a thought leader.

And if you’re one, two, three, or more years in your business or thought leadership and are wondering why you’re not getting any traction, take heart. Be in it for the long game.

Regardless of your form of business artistry, here’s what helps me and countless other high-performing, influential professionals I’ve worked with and studied:

  1. Applaud your heritage.

That you’ve “ gotten along” all these years does not mean you’re not creative. Some degree of conformity among team members is necessary to get creative ideas executed. Convergent thinking – creative thinking in line with a group – is valuable to get things done effectively, according to study results by psychologist Seth Kaplan(George Mason University) et al.

In other words, don’t damn what you’ve learned, what you’ve accomplished, whom you’ve become. You get to draw from all of that as you advance your core project and shape your own brand.

  1. Acknowledge what a creative idea is and is not.

A creative idea is not “pure” originality. Popular misconception. Not supported by any scholar or psychologist of creativity I know of.

Creativity as studied in psychology is the generation and execution of novel and useful ideas. Your novel ideas are a magic synthesis of existing ideas. Synthesis stems from your ability to draw from different ideas and sources and combine them into your own. Many successful thought leader nonfiction books these days are the authors’ documented syntheses of other ideas and research mixed with their signature voice, take, and story angle.

With your years of expertise and experience, you can contribute your verse, your signature frameworks, your singular elegant idea. Your forming and acting on novel + useful ideas helps you feel alive and be of distinct value.

  1. Get perspective.

Research how 2 other influential idea-entrepreneurs in your field are building ideas, creating, and engaging their communities.  I’ve read “soft” advice that suggests you should just follow your own ideas and not study  others’ work because you’ll get wrapped up in the research and feel defeated.

That’s dangerous advice that does not trust your resilience or self-awareness if you want your idea, project, or brand to be part of a conversation and field, and not a vanity project.

Then enlist 1-2 other business artist peers who know your field and who would run with you on offering knowledgeable input. (Note: Not all mastermind groups are equal – so be cautious.)

  1. Assess and test.

Business artists learn like scientists. They sketch, try out educated hypotheses, gather data, and test again. They shoot bullets before firing canons (thanks, Jim Collins, for that metaphor), meaning the companies, creatives, and entrepreneurs who succeed keep testing out smaller versions of their ideas before relying on a big one.

Send me an email to help you organize your ideas and streamline then into a powerful system to change the world and double your income.

Self Celebration – How To Get Other People To Celebrate You – It’s Not What You Think

Self Celebration – How To Get Other People To Celebrate You – It’s Not What You Think

Some people aren’t celebrating you because you aren’t celebrating yourself on the level that God called you to vibrate on.
Placing blame outside of yourself, is not the way of the genius. When you shift your beliefs in alignment with the things your soul desires, you will manifest them effortlessly.
Send me a message to gain clarity on your next level.

The Real Reason People Don’t Celebrate You – It’s Not What You Think

The real reason people don’t celebrate you is because you’re operating below your soul frequency.  You’re an EAGLE trying to hang with birds.

Now an eagle and a parrot are both classified as birds.  A parrot can even be beautiful and talk to you. But a parrot, nor a sparrow can fly at the speed of great heights that an eagle can climb to alone.

I know you want to help the birds and inspire the birds. You’ve done a great job. You’ve planted so many seeds. You watered them 20 times over already.   It’s okay to step away and allow those seeds to grow on their own, without you.

Imagine yourself letting go of their hand, trusting that they will figure it out.

What are ways to celebrate yourself?

When was the last time that you were so focused on YOU, and felt so proud of YOU that you through yourself a birthday party?

Everyone wants entry to a celebrity birthday party.

At other times, a nerd is not respected in a gun fight.  Everyone simply isn’t into spirituality, acceleration, manifestation, God or greatness.  Just because someone meets you doesn’t mean they are apart of your tribe.

How To Build a Successful Writing Business, Even If You Don’t Have An Audience

It’s okay to let go and vibe high. It’s okay to limit people’s access to you. It’s okay to practice what you preach. It’s even okay to leave people behind.

When you constantly hang out with people who can not receive at your level and feed back into you with joy and purpose this can cause you to lack gratitude for your own contributions to the world. Therefore you don’t celebrate yourself.

When you love and celebrate yourself by simply being YOUR HIGHEST SELF, you will be recognized in the presence of Kings & Queens.

Why You Should Stop Pretending To Be A Basic Chick To Appease Other Women

Why You Should Stop Pretending To Be A Basic Chick To Appease Other Women

Ladies, being online bragging about the most basic of sh*t, so you can seem human to a bunch of b*tches that want to be you, attracts more basic into YOUR life.

You must realize the dopeness of your essence. Look around you. Very few women actually LIKE some pretty, badd azz chick.

No matter how smart you are, they look at you as entertainment.

I remember when Beyonce literally did an interview telling people she sweats under her arms, just so people would see her as a human. Her force was just too much for the little humans.

You can keep going or you can accept the truth that they REALLY want to be pretty LIKE YOU and adored for BEING just like you.

Baby, you’re so dope that they literally want to duplicate YOU.

Quit trying so hard, while trying to diminish your own light at the same time. No Sis! You hit the lottery when you were born.

Feel free to step into YOUR power. Even with millions in the bank, these b*tches can’t hold a candle to you. 😉💖✨😘

Especially us pretty black girls. Baby, we have swagger and power like no other.

Now, go focus on GETTING PAID. You are WORTH it, you already earned it. YOU DESERVE IT.

To raise your confidence, recieve motivation and divine strategy to transform your soul, and scale your online social media business, join The Masterpiece Tribe – A Divine Feminine Vortex For Master Manifestors. Men can join too.

Want Confidence Like Beyonce?



When it comes to being a boss chick and really being about your paper, most boss chicks end up with a man with a lot of feminine energy, because boss men like women who display feminine energy.

However, before the boss chick learns that lesson she tends to date a man who wants to compete with her and has ZERO RESPECT for her business acumen.

Muni Long is one of those women.

The Source Reports:

The Drake feature is one of the most coveted things in music. When Drake hops on a track, it normally skyrockets to the top of charts and in the ears of fans. Rising star Muni Long reveals she passed on it, but because of a jealous boyfriend.

“That on[e] time in 2008 I missed out on a Drake feature because my bf at the time found out he was pulling up to the studio and flew into a jealous rage,” Long wrote Tik Tok. “So I checked out and quit responding to his texts.”

Hopefully, Drake and Muni Long can get it right in 2022 or beyond.

Despite missing out on 2008 Drake, Muni Long found success and her “Hrs and Hrs” single has officially gone gold by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), officially selling 500,000 equivalent units. According to Rated RnB, the single is Long’s first RIAA certification. The single was found on her Public Displays of Affection EP.

So many women get talked about of their dreams and goals due to a boyfriend that they aren’t even with anymore… What they don’t know though, is that the women are only using the boyfriend as a source of procrastination… When their focus is on pleasing the man, they are not honoring their own needs and doing what they should be doing to please themselves.

Many women subconsciously fear success.

Thankfully Muni Long found her way.

Become A High Value Woman