Nelly Says He’s WORKING TOWARDS Marrying Shantel Jackson

Blogs are going crazy right now over Nelly’s admission that he’s not quite ready to marry Shantel Jackson.

But instead of stating the obvious, the headlines say “Nelly Is preparing to marry Shantel Jackson.”

Entertainment Tonight Reports:

On Monday’s Dancing With the Stars, the “Ride Wit Me” artist dedicated his Villains Night dance to girlfriend Shantel Jackson, before delivering his highest-scoring performance of the season.

Speaking with ET’s Lauren Zima after the show, Nelly reflected on his relationship, and comments he made during the episode about how much he loves Shantel.

“She’s great. She’s really dope. We have a great time, and we understand each other,” shared Nelly.

In a video package that aired just before his Freddy Krueger-inspired Argentine tango on Monday, Nelly said the song they’d be dancing to — The Weeknd’s “Can’t Feel My Face” — was one of his and Shantel’s favorite songs.

“I would not want my life to not have Shantel in it,” Nelly said in the DWTS video package. “We’ve been seeing each other for five or six years. Any time you can connect with somebody like that, it works out for the long run. She’s sweet, beautiful, and the more we got to know each other, she’s just as beautiful inside.”

Nelly also confirmed, when asked by Daniella, that he feels Shantel is “the one.” Speaking with ET, Nelly explained exactly what made him so sure of that.

“We have so much in common,” Nelly shared. “She grew up in the inner city, she knows what it’s like to go through certain things in life when you grow up in the inner city.”

“She’s very driven, very passionate about the things she does and she doesn’t accept anything but wanting to be better,” he added. “And that’s what I love. That’s exactly what I love.”

However, when the subject of possibly getting engaged came up, Nelly played a bit coy and simply said, “We’re working towards it.”

“When we know, I’ll tell you,” he added.

As for their Argentine tango that paid homage to Freddy Krueger, Nelly and Daniella pulled off a fantastic number that earned the pair three 9s from the judges for a total of 27 out of 30, which is the pair’s highest score of the entire season.

Kissy's Thoughts

It’s been 5-6 years. Nelly has had an entire unprotected sex scandal in the back of the tour bus, cheating scandal on Shantel.

Now he says they’ve been ‘SEEING EACH OTHER FOR 5-6 YEARS’, and that he can’t imagine his life without her.

What more is he waiting on?

After embarrassing that woman like that his announcement should be that they are engaged.

It’s obvious that a person will continue to grow and evolve over the years, and you’ll get to know them on a deeper level. But by the 5-year-mark you definitely know that person enough to know if you want to marry them.  What is he WORKING TOWARDS?

You either want to be with someone or you don’t.

I sense something behind the comment, and behind the scenes there are some problems. Something isn’t right…..  He likes her kindness and having her around. But he doesn’t seem to actually VALUE her as the woman of his dreams.

And for him to save they have growing up in the inner city in common……. I’ll just let ya’ll let that sink in.  Commonalities in relationships needs to be deeper than that. It’s about the spirit and the purpose of the two individuals in the relationship. It’s not about bounding over trauma backgrounds.

Not speaking badly of Shantel, but she’s definitely playing the PICK ME game, instead of the “N*gga you’d better pick me before another n*gga wife’s me” game!

That is why it’s important for a woman to always work on getting her own money, so that she can CHOOSE any many she wants, instead of waiting on THE MAN OF HER DREAMS to look at her as THE WOMAN OF HIS DREAMS.

The wrong man will slow down your dreams and goals.  You will end up on a man’s time clock instead of your own, if you don’t institute your own value.

Cassie learned that lesson the hard way with Diddy, but luckily she recovered fast once he released her and fell in love with a man who married her ASAP.

cassie married diddy

My advice here is to definitely not put your life on hold for a man. It doesn’t matter if he’s rich or famous. You only get one life to build your dream. In order to get a man to marry you, you have to go within and also increase your manifestation skills. Women have more control than they often realize. 

What do you think of Nelly’s statement?

Angela Bassett Spills the Secret to Her 23-Year Marriage to Courtney B. Vance: ‘Marry the Right Person’

In the age of power couples, many people wonder what’s the secret to having a long lasting marriage.

After being happily married to her husband, Courtney B. Vance for 23 years, actress Angela Bassett, 62, revealed what she believes is the key to having a healthy, long-lasting marriage.

According to Angela, the key to their long-lasting union was all about finding the “right” partner.

via People:

The actress appeared on PEOPLE (the TV Show!), ahead of her involvement in this year’s Motion Picture & Television Fund (MPTF) virtual gala, where she talked about what’s kept their romance alive going for over two decades. The couple married in 1997 and welcomed twins — son Slater and daughter Bronwyn — in 2006.

“Staying together so long, whether in the industry or not, I think the important thing is that you gotta marry the right person. Make sure you’re both looking in the same direction, basically,” she says. “You’re not clones of each other, but you have similar or closest similar belief systems and, you know, pleasant personalities. Because we all have strengths, strengths and weaknesses, and we want to support one another. But I think also recognizing that we are each individuals, we have our individual dreams and desires and hopes and ways of, of doing things.”

“Be easy, as easy as you can be on yourself,” she continued. “And some of us that are hard on ourselves, be easy on yourself and be easy with others.”

angela bassett kids

That’s really important advice right there. As people who are hard on themselves, tend to be hard on their mate, which causes trauma. If you show yourself unconditional love, you are then able to show your partner and others unconditional love.

During the interview, the award winning actress also spoke about the kindness of her Black Panther costar Chadwick Boseman who passed away a few months ago.

“[He was] truly, truly one of the most incredible individuals that I have ever had the opportunity to meet and work with,” Bassett said. “He was diligent, professional, kind — he was there.”

Bassett, who played Boseman’s mother Ramonda in the ground-breaking Marvel film, added that he had “a ready laugh” and worked “diligently” on his character of T’Challa, who she described as “his ministry.”

“If we could just take a page out of his book, all of us would be even greater,” she added.

Kindness, dedication to your own personal development, and being with an aligned mate who is on the journey, are the most important relationship foundations. Each person must support the other, while continuing to walk their own path.

Cardi B Files For Divorce From Offset, AKA The Migos’ rapper guy who loves to cheat


Hollywood Unlocked is exclusively reporting that after 3-years of marriage, Cardi B. is fed up and has filed for divorce from her husband, Offset, who is a rapper in the group Migos.

“We contacted the Fulton County superior court who confirmed that a divorce petition has been filed in Superior Court, Fulton County, Georgia by Belcalis Almanzar v. Kiari Cephus.

Just a few days ago Cardi also posted a cryptic quote to her Instagram story, “Her heart finally told her to stop wasting her time,” along with the caption, “it’s time 😉.”

Cardi B and Offset’s relationship has undoubtedly been tumultuous. They secretly got married in 2018, but then dealt with numerous cheating rumors. In April of that year, Cardi confirmed they were expecting a baby and that they were married. They later welcome daughter Kulture.

cardi b kulture offset

Cardi B previously announced her decision to divorce her husband, Offset, but the rapper jumped into action to right his wrongs and made a public apology at one of her biggest public festival performances.

The rapper said at the time, “All of my wrongs have been made public, I figure it’s only right that my apologies are made public too.”

Kissy's Thoughts

As a person who followed Cardi before her fame, and saw how hard she worked to come up, I never liked Offset with her. It honestly upset me that Cardi worked so hard in life to achieve her dreams, and just as she was finally making it and getting the recognition she deserves, Offset was out here embarrassing her, cheating on her with ratchets. Like geesh, can’t a boss chick be happy for 5 minutes before her own man comes and rains on her parade.

To make matters worse, he did it again and again. It’s hard enough in this world to be respected as a woman. Many people talk sh*t about Cardi because her husband is an embarrassment to her.

It’s funny that I JUST WROTE A STORY YESTERDAY, saying that Cardi would wake up soon, and give Offset the flux!  You can only embarrass a boss chick for so long, before she feels forced to cut you off.  She CAN’T stay sad. She has to be happy and shine her light in this world.

For me, it seems like black women are often with men who publicly disgrace them. I don’t believe that things should have to be that way. Black women deserve to be loved.  They deserve to not be embarrassed every 5 minutes and made to feel less than just because a lot of men are immature.

It was the right time: Jane Fonda Says She Regrets Not Sleeping with Marvin Gaye

I grew up in my grandmothers house and needless to say, she loved her some Marvin Gaye.

I can still see myself as a little girl singing “Baaaaaby, Marvin Gaye.”  I probably got slapped upside the head a few times, but I was on tune though.

So when I came across this Jane Fonda interview, it was quite tickling.

In an interview with the New York Times, Fonda was asked about her experiences and past regrets with a couple of men.

When asked her about 1996 The Chase co-host, the debonair Denzel of his time, Marlon Brando, Jane said he was indeed “disappointing.”

Jane Fonda Marlon Brando

Next came the headline shocker. When asked to confirm who she most regrets not sleeping with during her prime years in Hollywood, the 82-year-old revealed that it’s none other than a singing legend with many sexual tales behind his name.

Maureen Dowd, reporting for the Times, asked to Jane confirm: “Your greatest regret is that you never had sex with Che Guevara?”

Wrong.  Jane explained,

“No, I don’t think about him, Who I do think about, and what is a great regret is Marvin Gaye.”

Chillllle!   Here’s song for you. 

You remember Tammy Terrill was in an abusive relationship with David Ruffin on the movie, The Temptations? Well check out Tammy and Marvin singing together live on video. 

A lot of people seem to regret not having more relations as they were younger. Do you regret not experiencing certain people?

That’s all. Have a blessed day.

Stop Lying! Tahiry Accuses Joe Budden of Fracturing Her Rib, Breaking Her Nose & Throwing Her Down The Stairs, During Relationship

Stop Lying! Tahiry Accuses Joe Budden of Fracturing Her Rib, Breaking Her Nose & Throwing Her Down The Stairs, During Relationship

On Monday, Tahiry Jose sat down with Hollywood Unlocked and discussed the past allegations of being abused by retired rapper and podcast great, Joe Budden.  She let the truth take it’s place this time. Tahiry claimed the rapper and popular podcaster beat her during their past relationship to the point where he fractured her rib and broke her nose.

Joe Budden & Tahiry abusive relationship

The painful reflection came about as Jose spoke about her most recent relationship with Vado, who Tahiry labeled the “brokest man she’s ever been with,” on Marriage Boot Camp, to which Vado violently went for Tahiry’s throat, right there on tv. (Sometimes you just wish some of this stuff was just tv. But it’s not. It’s people’s real lives playing out for everyone to watch.)

Tahiry Vado Marriage Boot Camp

Tahiry & Vado on Marriage Boot Camp

As Madam Noire, plays back the memorable scenes of the episode; at that point, Jason Lee asked her if Budden was her abusive ex. After a number of seconds of thinking before she spoke, Tahiry released a heavy burden and confessed to dealing with abuse at the hands of a man she once loved.

Jose knows that people may not believe her story, because she’s been all buddy, buddy with Joe Budden in the past, and was even caught in something of an entangled love triangle with him and the mother of his son, Cyn Santana.

“I’ve had to endure this bully for the last 10 years. I even befriended the bully,” she said. “I didn’t know what else to do.”

That hit really deep………..

Tahiry says she couldn’t hold it in anymore, after Budden brought up her and Vado’s situation on his podcast, and lied about his abuse towards her, forever. 

During the chat with Lee, she opened up about verbal abuse leading to physical abuse, and how her decision to try and leave him allegedly ended with her being thrown down the stairs. She also speaks on what it’s like to be abused and still want to deal with the person who did you harm.

As for Budden’s account of things, and he has been accused of abuse to the point of miscarriage before by model Esther Baxter, he claimed in 2010 that he did put his hands on Jose at one time after finding out she was allegedly cheating. He claimed he only “mushed” her (which is still a no-no).

“I mushed the sh-t out of her f–king a–.  And I think she was asking to get mushed,” he told Angela Yee. “She was dead caught cheating and I was fresh off tour and I was like ‘What’s up?  You’re caught, you’re busted.’”

Jose says things went quite differently than what he claimed. Hit the flip to see what she says about what she allegedly endured.”

Kissy's Thoughts

It’s not that nobody believes her. I definitely believe her.  But most other people simply don’t care. They’d rather focus on Budden’s new baby and girlfriend. Plus Tahiry did herself no favors by being on a reality show where her new man seemed to get a bit violent with her.

One thing that stood out about the interview for me is Tahiry saying how she only saw Vado once a month for 2-years and he hadn’t decided he wanted to even be in a relationship with her. Jose says they were trying to figure it out. (Meanwhile like the boss chick that she is, she put Vado on the map. 🤷🏼‍♀️)

So even though Tahiry says she has high standards for who she dates, she actually doesn’t have a CHARACTER standard for herself, as to the character of man she dates, and how he treats her.

I heard Tahiry say that Vado kept using the shock bracelet to shock her during a particular unaired episode. To which she said she turned around and told him “I wouldn’t hurt you for any reason, why are you hurting me?”

It’s interesting how Tahiry plays back in her mind, how the show was was a puppet master, leading the storyline of her being an abusive woman, and causing scene agitations in order to get her to violently respond to the trauma being inflicted upon her.  It’s like she’s watching her life from outside of herself; watching it all play out with awareness.

Jose then goes on to explain how Vado who’d she never seen do drugs a day in his life, was suddenly smoking and getting high, while mixing a dark Hennessy liquor with a white Tito’s liquor; and acting like a whole new character.

Tahiry Vado

Tahiry discusses the wild scenes between she and Vado on marriage bootcamp.

(chilllllllle. We’re getting deeper insight.  Where did Vado get the idea to suddenly heavily partake in heavy intoxicants? Did the show encourage him? Did they have a recruit on staff to encourage him? Was it his idea because he was nervous to be on t.v.? This is deep.)

One must understand that although a celebrity, Tahiry is a normal human being who went through some things. Seeing how the random guy also became violent with Jose, you can see she’s still suffering. She may continue to attract abusive men, until she heals her trauma.  Healing trauma often takes a woman spending some time by herself, getting to know herself and seeking out spiritual healing.

Yet, make no mistakes about it, Tahiry is a very beautiful, smart woman; who just so happens to love the wrong men. I most certainly hope that she finds some healing.

I’m glad I watched this episode myself and saw her SPIRIT, instead of simply reporting on her as another hot mess celebrity.   Jason Lee did an excellent job of showcasing Tahiry in her authentic light.

The episode was really good. Check it out below:

Part of he insight for this blog post came from Madame Noire.

What you can most learn from this blog post, is how a beautiful, talented boss chick has allowed men to waste her time.  High standards are not good enough in today’s society. A woman has to raise her standards even higher, because the good men who treat women well and value them, vibe pretty high.

If you’re ready to attract wealthy, high value men who treat you like a Queen, pay all of your bills, appreciate you, value you, don’t abuse you, and don’t take you for granted, go down this beautiful rabbit hole that I created for broken hearted, women, high value women, boss chicks, brilliant women, spiritual women and all of the dope chicks who attract narcissistic men who you feel like it’s your job to heal.

If  women want men to be more romantic, then you need to give him something to romance.

It’s time to break the cycle Sis, and manifest the man of your dreams.  You’ve done enough settling for less. You’ve done enough of motivating men to rise to the top. It’s your time to be Queen or Unleash The Goddess Within.

Click the photo below to get the vibrationally written, love vortexing, most powerful love manifestation and spiritual healing book, ever written.  Seriously, I deserve a Pulitzer for this book.

Yes, the title is very appropriate. If it resonates with you, take the next step of your healing journey. Cause you know what? It’s never too late to get up and start living the FULL life of your dreams.  Every woman needs to know the secrets to get what you want from a good man who came to prosper you.

you can't force a man to value you

Usher and New Girlfriend, Jenn Goicoechea, Expecting New Baby

While Corona has called many couples to call it quits, and realize they really can’t stand each other, other couples are falling deeper in love and making babies.

One of those celebrities is Usher Raymond.

Jenn Goicoechea Usher

Usher and his girlfriend, record exec, Jenn Goicoechea, are expecting a child together. (Don’t ask me how to pronounce her name. The only word that comes to mind is either Coochi and Gynecology.

Usher was dumped by his ex wife Grace in 2018 after she found out he was cheating on her with women with funny names, in hotel rooms.

That’s what’s so interesting about men. They cheat on you, and break your heart. Then they move on to the next woman who is more than happy to pick up where you left off.

Then often, you start over with another man, and he does the same thing.

Life is very interesting.

If you’re wondering about Quantasia and all of the lawsuits, they’ve all been dropped, settled out of court, and Quantasia recently got gastric bypass surgery…

Niecy Nash Divorced Her Husband, and got married to a WOMAN

Niecy Nash Divorced Her Husband, and got married to a WOMAN

For 8-years, actress Niecy Nash aka Carol Denise was married to Jay Tucker, an electrical engineer.   The two seemed to have a beautiful relationship.

Neicy Nash Divorce

She was previously married to Don Nash.

In October of 2019, Jay and Niecy announced their breakup.In December of 2019, Nash announced that she was getting a divorce.

As to the reason for their breakup?  According to the Daily Mail, Niecy got a full body make-over and started feeling herself.  Her hubby didn’t like her steamy sex scenes on the show CLAWS, and they also didn’t live in the same city.

Niecy went through a lot of pain concerning her pending divorce.  Her friend Oprah Winfrey once asked her who was she without a man.  That question lead Niecy to deep dive into who she is and remove herself from the expectations of her fans and family members who told her “You are nothing without a man. Get one and keep one, rather he is blind, cripple or crazy.” She was told that having a man will validate you.

Niecy Nash Divorce

Niecy Nash divorced her husband and got married to a woman.

At the end of her break-up an inside source told the Daily Mail something pretty interesting.

The insider said: ‘Niecy treated Jay like an American Express card, she never left home without him. She loved doting on her husband and bragging about how she had a man.

‘She would talk so much about her relationship and how she knew how to keep a man happy, when her relationship started to crumble it was embarrassing to her.’

Neicy Nash Instagram

Neicy Nash instagram

Still, the source didn’t think Nash will stay single for long, explaining: ‘Niecy loves love and she loves being married. So don’t expect much grass to grow under her feet.

‘I’m certain she’ll be declaring that the third time is the charm and talking marriage again sometime in the near future.’

Welp! Niecy did so much inner work on herself, that she opted out from the entire male species.

Today Nash came out of the closet announced that she’s now married to a woman. 

Jessica actually sang out Niecy’s prior wedding……..


Kissy's Thoughts

Having a man does validate you. It doesn’t matter if he’s a good man or a bad one. Society validates women based upon if they have a man or not. They talk down about any woman who is not in a relationship, and as long as you stay in a relationship, people assume that you know what you’re talking about when it comes to LOVE.    Which means most women barely give themselves a chance to breathe before they hop into another relationship.

As to the steamy sex scenes Nash did with other men: they obviously didn’t mean much to Niecy, because clearly, she married a woman.

Chile! That healing was quick!  And unlike other celebrity women who get taken to the cleaners by their ex husband, Nash only had to pay her hubby $184,820.

Quarantine Strikes Again: MC Lyte Files For Divorce After Just 3-Years of Marriage

You would think a woman who married in her 40’s would have learned a few lessons and managed to maintain a long-time relationship…

However that is not the case. Age doesn’t change the fact that people meet, greet, marry and realize it was all a mistake…

Due to quarantine causing people to spend more time together, many couples are coming to the conclusion that they don’t get along.

The legendary rapper MC Lyte whose real name is Lana Michelle Moorer, has filed papers for the dissolution of her marriage, after just three years of being together.

John Wyche mc lyte

On August 12th, Mc Lyte, 49, filed divorce from Marine Corp veteran/entrepreneur, John Wyche.

The documents list “irreconcilable differences” as the reason for the divorce.

The couple tied the knot at in Montego Bay, Jamaica back in August 2017,  after meeting on

And yeah, just like that it’s over.

What do you think happened?

Things started out good.

LOS ANGELES, CA – JUNE 25: MC Lyte (L) and a guest arrive at the 2017 BET Awards at Microsoft Theater on June 25, 2017 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Allen Berezovsky/WireImage)

Apparently, John was also looking for love online and a week before MC Lyte arrived in Miami for an event. “At that moment I asked the Lord for my wife for the first time. The following week I met Lana,” he told Essence magazine.

“It’s incredible so many people came out to support our union. We are starting out with a strong foundation,” Wyche told the outlet. Adding, “A few months into getting to know Lana I knew I wanted this woman as my wife.”

MC Lyte had love eyes too, when it came to her man. “One day when we’re talking and I looked into his eyes. It was so much honesty and truth in his eyes,” she said.

She continued, “My biggest thing with dating was to be vulnerable. And with him, I could totally let go and be myself.”

The rapper’s soon to be ex-husband has yet to respond to the divorce filing.