This Is Why You Need to Build a 7-Figure Social Media Brand

This Is Why You Need to Build a 7-Figure Social Media Brand

When I first started my 6 Figure blog I remember being on the phone with my millionaire client and telling him that when I got to 6 Figures that I would be happy.  As I sat there helping him add another million dollars to his empire by teaching him to brand on social media, I saw how different his life was from mine.  He owned multiple homes, multiple luxury cars including a Bentley, and when he went to make $20K plus withdrawals from his credit union he had to make an appointment, and it took a while to get the cash.

Meanwhile I just hoped to make 6 Figures to be able to have freedom to pay bills and buy a couple of nice things.  At one point I told him, “I just want to make $2,500 a month in my new business. He would say “Kissy, when you make $2,500 a month you’re only going to want more.” I was adamant about how satisfied I would be. So months later I was making $2,500 a month, and sure enough I wanted more. So I raised the bar and started making $5K a month. Then he told me “Kissy, that’s just the kind of person we are. We’re never going to be satisfied.” I stated that’s impossible. There had to be some point of satisfaction. I decided that point would be $50K a month.  $25K+ a month became my average for years. I even made it to $35K in one month, one time, but somehow I wasn’t able to make to $50K a month.

At $35K a month I was stressed and burnt out as ever, after trying like hell to turn that 6 into 7, and it not happening. Nothing I tried would get me past that income ceiling…  

But when you know like you know, that you’re phucking unstoppable and the problem just has to be missing information, everything will be okay. Perspective changes things. 

Many entrepreneurs  get stuck in the “six-figure hamster wheel,” and it’s a vicious cycle that they are not even aware of. It’s hard to escape, and most people try to overcome it with even more hustle. After all, it was “hustle mode” that got them to six figures, so more will get you to seven figures … right? 😂🤣


Hustling to seven figures is not the answer. 

All that will get you is the same thing it’s been getting you.. And so far, it’s been getting you less time with your kids and barely spending time with your spouse cause you’re too busy working. Not to mention vacations you never take. 

Perspective and a spiritual awakening got me on the path to 7 Figures….

So now when I work with clients who say “Once I get to six figures, I’ll be happy,” I know they won’t believe me if I tell them when they get there, that they will be stressed and burnt out as ever. 

So instead I realign them with what they really want in the first place… To be a millionaire.  

You see to most entrepreneurs becoming a millionaire seems impossible. Their peers and environment usually back up that belief.  They become too afraid to even discuss their dreams with people.

dream so big

I believe every heart-centered entrepreneur needs to build a seven-figure business if they are ever to fulfill their potential and live a life of  true freedom, abundance and happiness.

It’s not about the money!

It’s about the person you are to become.

Most people want to work smarter not harder. They want to do these the easy way.  When the going gets tough, they give up.  When it’s time to take risks they go the other way.  Yet, it’s must more riskier to not live up to your fullest potential.

The only way you will ever live up to your fullest potential is by doing two things.

  1. Becoming the highest version of yourself.
  2. Pursuing Your Purpose 

Every entrepreneur should strive to have a profitable seven-figure business, and no, it’s not about the money. It’s not about the bragging rights. It’s not even about the fame or status. Or the lifestyle that comes with it.

The reason you need a seven-figure business is simple: freedom of expression. 

With freedom, you can truly escape “hustle mode” forever, and you can help all of the people you want to help.

The truth is many heart-centered souls want to help others, but you can’t help others without first helping yourself. You must free yourself from hustle mode. 

Heart-centered entrepreneurs will only help more people when they become rich. So it’s best that riches are in your hands. But to get the riches in your hand, you first have to want it and believe that you can get it. 

Going for millions is definitely hard work, but it will get you off the hamster wheel where every time you scale to a new level, it’s at the expense of your health and sanity. It will also introduce you to the highest version of yourself.  AND you will fall so in love with that version of yourself. You won’t even believe how amazing they are if I told you. But showing my clients the highest version of themselves is what I do best. 

I’m able to see them 5 years from now and align them with that vision, because the vision is giving to me when I go to my silent place to receive divine downloads. 

A seven-figure business gives you the freedom to build a world-class team, invest in yourself (mindset, health, spirituality), regain control of your time (so you have more time to do what you do best) and work “on” your business, rather than get stuck working inside it.

But unless you hire a mentor to give you a shortcut, you will find yourself literally, almost going crazy….

At six figures, you cannot do any of this. I’ve tried it, and I’ve seen plenty of other people try, too. But it doesn’t happen. You can live a happy life at six figures, sure. But a life of true freedom? Nope!

The biggest obstacle between you and a seven-figure business is …


  1. You fear failure
  2. You fear success
  3. You don’t have a strategy

Freedom, for most, is scary. It forces you to tap into your fullest potential and live it, because you no longer have the excuse of hustling, a lack of money or not enough time. So, you ask yourself, Who will I become when I can truly be myself?

I know right.. Calm down… Breathe. You’re going for 7 Figures… This centers around that big word. 

“But, hold on, Kissy,” I hear you say. “What if I don’t know my purpose?”

Lucky for you I have a gift of aligning high performing souls with their purpose.

For most they have to make 7 Figures before they can find their purpose. For my clients they find their purpose and build 7 online business at the same time. 

Once you reach this level, you remove all the excuses standing between you and your true potential, and gain the freedom you need to see your philanthropic efforts come into full fruition. When you have true freedom, you finally understand what you’re most passionate about and what impact you want to make in this world.

Before that, you’re just working to make money, pay bills, live a lifestyle and do a couple of things. 

It’s impossible to truly know yourself when you’re stressing over the day-to-day, caught in “hustle mode.” How are you going to pay your bills? How is your business actually going to work? Is there enough money coming in? Are you charging enough?

With my blog, my purpose was to teach people about crime, and help them avoid bad decisions. It was a good purpose, but I maxed it out. I was headed to make my own crime tv show, but I really didn’t want to, although I could’ve easily become a millionaire from doing it…

Instead I quit my blog and opted to help people achieve the same success that I’ve achieved.  So I hired a millionaire life coach to show me how to do both things. 

This process taught me that it’s impossible to fulfill your potential if you’re consumed by worrying about your basic needs each day. It doesn’t matter how smart you are or how talented you may be; you cannot be your best self with that sort of stress. You must elevate to a higher level of understanding and thinking, and the best way to do this is to have a near-limitless level of freedom.

Having a profitable, seven-figure business gives you this!

So, no matter who you are and what impact you wish to have, the key to unlocking your full potential is to scale to seven figures so you can escape the “six-figure hamster wheel,” say goodbye to “hustle mode” and welcome true freedom, true abundance and true success.

That is why I often tell people that I will teach them how to make 6 Figures, but I always give them a 7 Figure mindset and strategy.  Which helps them walk into it with ease, because it’s an “option” that they slowly see is possible.  It’s such a pleasure showing high vibe entrepreneurs how to secure their Dream Life. 

So many things are possible for amazing humans. All they need is for someone to show them the way. 

I also find that the best way for heart-centered entrepreneurs to make 7 Figures is by branding themselves properly on social media and building a business underneath their personal brand, in order to become a leading influencer and build a tribe rapidly.

 Are you ready to go for it?

3 Ways To Lead & Influence People

3 Ways To Lead & Influence People

Influence is the power and the ability to personally affect others’ actions, decisions, opinions, or thinking.

Ultimately, influence allows you to get things done and achieve desired outcomes.

For some influence comes naturally to you by simply stating your opinions. You’re so darn opinionated you can’t dare to not have an opinion on something, and because your mind works that way, you’re naturally an influencer.

At a basic level, influence is about compliance — getting someone to do what you want them to do (or at least not to undermine it). But genuine commitment from other people is often required for you to accomplish key goals and tasks.

Early in your life contributor roles or career, influence is about working effectively with people over whom you have no authority. It requires the ability to present logical and compelling arguments and engaging in give-and-take. In senior-level or executive roles, influence is focused more on steering long-range objectives, inspiration, and motivation.

For some, you have such dominance and influence, but you try not to stand out at work, and people at work don’t really like you… (Psst. It’s because you’re supposed to own your own business.)

But back to INFLUENCE… Social media works the same way, as corporate America, but it’s a lot more fun.

I’ve found that influencing tactics fall into 3 categories: cooperative, emotional, or logical. I call this influencing with heart, head, and hands.

  1. Logical appeals tap into people’s rational and intellectual positions. You present an argument for the best choice of action based on organizational benefits, personal benefits, or both.
  2. Emotional appeals connect your message, goal, or project to individual goals and values. An idea that promotes a person’s feelings of well-being, service, or sense of belonging has a good chance of gaining support.
  3. Cooperative appeals involve collaboration (what will you do together?), consultation (what ideas do other people have?), and alliances (who already supports you or has the credibility you need?). Working together to accomplish a mutually important goal extends a hand to others in the organization and is an extremely effective way of influencing.

To maximize your personal influence, you’ll want to become skilled in all 3 styles. Decide which tactics will reap the most support for a specific task or strategy and employ one or more approaches. To understand which tactics might work best, consider the following:

Assess the situation. Why are you involved in this niche? Why do you need this niche’s or Influencer’s support? What outcomes are you trying to achieve by influencing this person? Be clear about whom you need to influence and what you want to accomplish.

Know your audience. Identify and understand your stakeholders. Each will have special concerns and issues, as well as their own agenda, perspectives, and priorities. Various groups and individuals will require different approaches for influencing. Tailor your influencing strategy for the particular person or niche — considering individual personalities goals, and objectives — as well as your niche’s problems, dreams and solutions.

Review your past efficiency level of influence. What tactics do you use most often? Which seem to be most effective? What new tactics could you try with this influencer, niche, product or service? Draw on others for advice or coaching, too. For example, if you always focus on the logical appeals, have an online business bestie  who is a strong collaborator help you think through your collaboration tactics or attraction marketing materials.

Brainstorm your approach. What tactics would work best? Which logical appeals will be most effective? How could you make an emotional or cooperative appeal? What specifically could you say and do to get the niche to pull the trigger and buy in to save their life? Anticipate possible responses and prepare your reply.  What counterarguments could you use? What additional influencing tactics would be helpful?  Write this in the marketing material.  This is why you do your research on your market so that they realize you know and understand them when you’re answering the questions in their head before they even speak to you.

At first, you might want to try out new influencing tactics in low-risk situations, in a test group or practice these skills 1-on-1 in sales calls or simply throw it on IG or Facebook and see who responds. As you become more versatile, you’ll gain confidence in your ability to influence your followers, larger groups like at a conference, and even other influencers. Being able to persuade in higher-stakes situations, gives you a gleaming, jeweled gold crown, and maybe even a seat next to Oprah.

If what you’re throwing at the wall isn’t working,  consider changing tactics right away if sales, lack of buy-in or support from followers stalls.

Would a more logical, emotional, or collaborative approach make a difference? If so, go ahead and try out a new angle — you might be more influential that you realized.  9 times out of ten, you simply have to speak your niche’s or target’s love language.

17 Keys to Creating an Inspiring Celebrity Brand Story

17 Keys to Creating an Inspiring Celebrity Brand Story

If you want to deeply connect with potential customers, clients,  and followers, having a great brand story is key.

Brand stories enable people to identify with your brand and care about it – a brand story is the “why and how” of your business, including your driving mission, your struggles and your successes. What creates an impactful celebrity brand story is definitely you defeating the odds.

A brand story should not only present facts but also evoke feelings. In order to help you create your own brand story, here are 20 keys to putting together a narrative that will resonate with your followers, and help your business grow.

1. Truth
Authenticity can only be achieved through honesty and transparency.

Customers appreciate businesses that are upfront with their intentions, and consumers are smart and know where people are trying to fool them. But for a celebrity brand, you must pick one side of yourself to show. Being too authentic is too much for the common person. 

2. Purpose
It’s not enough for a business to exist simply to make profits – what makes a business truly have a “brand” is the big picture.

A brand with a purpose will do a lot better in the long term.

3. Vision
Your vision is all about the impact you want your brand to make in the world, and everything you do in your business should fit that vision in the long term.

4. Values
The set of principles your brand follows is what enables you to execute your vision – it shapes your internal business culture and guides personnel in day-to-day operations.

It’s also good if your brand shares the same values as your customers.

5. Products and Services
The lifeblood of a business is the products and services it’s selling. They have to live up to the brand story you’re telling, and the promises you make as a result.

6. Value You Deliver
Products and services alone may not be enough to show the value your brand delivers – being able to show it in definitive terms will enable you to better convince your audience of how good you are.

7. Name and Tagline
A brand can never be without its name and a tagline that both represent what it’s all about.

The name must be recognizable and the tagline needs to concisely say as much as it can about your brand.

8. Content and Copy
Your content and copy are the meat of your brand story – they fill in the gaps and add more detail, helping you to attract your customers.

Content and copy is where you showcase your brand voice, letting you establish the personality of your brand. Of course a personal brand must have a personality. 

9. Design
A big part of what makes a brand identifiable is its aesthetic design, and this is mostly done through the logo, which should be the first thing customers can recognize.

When done right, the visuals associated with your brand can help to sway their judgment.

10. Your Actions
Nothing represents a brand more than your actions as a business. Every action matters, from how you run your operations to how you interact with customers.

11. Customer Experience
What your customers go through in doing business with your brand is another major part of its story. No matter how good your marketing is, it’s nothing if you can’t fulfill your promises. Always do what you say you will.

12. Price and Quality
The price of your products and services, and their quality in return, will also determine the true value of your brand.

This will also relate to which kind of customers your brand attracts. You may be a budget brand or a luxury brand, but quality is always expected.

13. Position and Perception
As the old adage goes, “perception becomes reality”.

How you’re seen by your audience dictates the position your business resides in – it’s more about how you win hearts and less on how you manipulate their minds.

14. Ubiquity or Scarcity
There are products that are available everywhere else, and products that can be exclusive.  To build a celebrity brand you can not be available to everyone. They won’t respect it. You must have major boundaries.

15. Community
Connecting to your tribe build community.  The supporters/followers/clients of a celebrity person brand, love nothing more than to come together and share their stories about your brand. If you are true to your heart, you will build a community of loyal customers built over time. This significantly factor’s into a brand’s ongoing success, and how fast you can use your influence to impact on a global scale. 

16. Reputation
It’s the story your customer tells about your brand, which can then spread to more people.

A brand’s reputation is everything, and marketing alone can’t reverse a brand’s bad reputation. Maintaining an authentic reputation is more important that establishing a “good” reputation.  Being authentic to you, helps people accept you for who you are. 

17. Reaction and Reach
Your ability to reach customers, and how they react to your brand, is an ongoing story.

As a celebrity Influencer your followers actually care about you and your business. Without branding like a celebrity they may not care that much about your business, or buy your products.

In combination, these various elements will form your brand story, and the better you can connect the dots and communicate that narrative, the more successful your broader marketing efforts will be.