How I found the courage to launch a $100K Mastermind

How I found the courage to launch a $100K Mastermind

People sell mindset. They even sell manifestation. Yet they can’t seem to manifest followers who actually pay them attention. But I can. 

People underestimate the power of branding as an authority.

Knowing who your niche is, how to speak to them, and how to attract them.

They underestimate the power of authentic WRITING

They have ZERO clue on how to call in their soulmate audience.

When you attract your soulmate clients, THEY GET AMAZING RESULTS.

That’s when you actually get to see your power work in FULL FORCE.

I always wanted to have $100K yearly mastermind. But I didn’t feel worthy enough.

Because I am single I often hear people try to box me in and ASSUME that I don’t know what I am talking about in relationships.

Yet, I studied my craft, anyone can take one look at my social media and see men swarming all around me who love me. Even unconscious men will follow me FOR YEARS.

💡 It’s my frequency. It attracts everything I want and need.

men kissy

I see what other relationship coaches are doing, and their groups are FILLED with people who watch their videos, read their books, and have not been able to improve their relationships.

Meanwhile I’ve had people who say my FREE content, has helped them manifest their soulmate.

My book, also changes lives.

My clients in Unicorn University and Goddess Unleashed are also getting remarkable LIFE CHANGING results.


1. Increased Confidence
2. Fulfillment
3. Clarity
4. Getting Things Done
5. Excitement In Launching New Offers
6. Manifesting Soulmates
7. Getting Clear On Their Niche
8. Creating Email Sequences
9. Healing
10. Looking more attractive

Unicorn University



One of my male 1 on 1 clients

kissy denise men review

Because I am a people pleaser and a perfectionist, my programs and courses are OUTSTANDING. I turned my perceived flaws into excellence and PROFIT.

Now here is the thing. THAT WAS WORK.

Do you know how EASY it is now for me to work with people who can afford to pay me $100K a year and up level them?

EASY AS PIE. At that point, teaching an abundant person about MANIFESTATION is easy.  But check this out. My FIRST branding client made $1 Million in the first year of working with me.  I did however ensure his success by doing most of the work for him.  At the time I was not a coach. I was simply DOING what I am good at.

Here is another client who I helped to ATTRACT a million dollars, after 1 phone call.

7 Figure Manifestation

You know what I did after I saw that review over a year ago?

Nothing really. 😭

Instead of receiving it, I kept working on my belief system.   And guess what? I could keep going, WORKING on my belief system for YEARS, instead of ACCEPTING that of course my clients get the exact results they desire. I am a Prophetess. I speak beautiful miracles into life.

But that sounds like hogwash, right? It sounds too good to be true, like it couldn’t be real… And that’s how we treat ourselves.  While it’s true that often-times other people don’t believe in us, clearly our clients do, and because of it, they get results.

If you don’t believe in yourself NOW, you’ll just keep working on your self-worth.  

Meanwhile others are launching $100K masterminds and ALL their clients get are the connections in the group. They are not actually getting HEALING, PURPOSE, FULFILLMENT, LOVE or the actual life changing shifts.

I said all of that to say that you have to DO THE WORK. Do the work your soul is called to do. You’ve been doing this magic EFFORTLESSLY, therefore you think it to be no big deal, and you miss seeing your own value. Doing the work gives you clarity, confidence and attracts clients to you who you can actually shift and get great RESULTS.

Cause that’s what us heart-centered life coaches want. We want clients to get RESULTS. STUDY your niche and learn exactly what it takes to shift them.

Next up I am launching my BRANDING course which is going to help people make a whole lot of MONEY.

I should also add that I have a millionaire mindset coach, who told me to stop launching anything under $1000, because even for him, HIS relationship, his CLARITY, and his business has greatly improved by working with me.  You see that? Even when my clients are already millionaires, I can still help them. WHY? Because they are my soulmate clients.

I am an expert on high performing, conscious relationships for millionaire mindsets. Balancing your finances, walking in your purpose, knowing how to love and how to consciously communicate make for beautiful relationships. My clients are going to change the world TOGETHER, and raise beautiful kids in healthy environments.

Click the photo if you would like to join Unicorn University, which is a HUGE tribe that I am building but also a mastermind.unicorn university tribe logo

How To Win, Influence & Make Money On Social Media

How To Win, Influence & Make Money On Social Media

The best thing I’ve done this year on social media was stop answering my inbox. I almost can’t believe that I was keeping all of that up.

For future reference here are a few tips to help you in business.

1. Stop paying attention to what everyone else is doing. People will be doing all kinds of things that work for them. You yearning to have what they have doesn’t help you. You being in alignment with your true path will help you enjoy life and manifest your dream life faster. If you want to move faster and get clarity, get a Soul Alignment Session from a Prophetess, Prophet or divine soul.

2. Don’t inbox people with HI. HOW ARE YOU? Highly intelligent people prefer highly intelligent individuals who know better. It’s best to be AUTHENTIC in conversation. People do get tired of everything always being about business.

3. Before you inbox people check their social medias. Don’t inbox Oprah asking her if she wants to make her first 6 figures.

4. Put out great strategized content. It will attract people who want to buy.

5. Facebook stats are awesome and fun. But unless you’re trying to be an INFLUENCER, there is another way to go. Creating a SYSTEM for consistent income is the way to go.

6. Showing up every day is actually NOT the way you HAVE to go. Having a strategy to bring in consistent leads is the way to go. Targeted content brings in consistent leads and separates the free seekers from the people who are ready to invest and dive in.

7. People are entranced by the mirage and cramp together by the mirage, while the true doorway to freedom is right next to them. Don’t go the way everyone else goes. Go the other way.

8. Set a goal for your social media interactions. Do you wants sales, influence, attention, or do you want all of that?

9. Selling is really important. Your family depends on you for stability. Now is a great time to explore creating multiple sources of income.

10. Despite everything that’s going on right now, people are still buying. FOCUS. Yes you could take a break right now, you don’t have to push. But now is the best time to push. You can take a break later.

11. BONUS BRANDING TIP: Use the same handle for all of your social media. No one ever has to ask me.. It’s @KissyDenise everywhere. YOU ARE YOUR BRAND.

12. Figure out which social media network your audience is on. I was highly focused on Facebook, but lately a lot of my sales come from Instagram, a platform I formerly ignored.

13. Speak your audience’s language. When targeting it’s important to speak their vernacular. If you’re like me and have multiple audiences, just DO YOU.

14. Make it easy for people to buy from you by selling more stuff and creating more offers. Add payment options.

5 Ways to Generate a 7 Figure Income

5 Ways to Generate a 7 Figure Income

It’s safe to say that everyone would love to make $1 million. But is it really possible?


“Absolutely,” says Kissy Denise, CEO and president of  Masterpiece Media, a motivation speaker and entrepreneur. Denise owns multiple online businesses and is the author of You Can’t Force A Man To Value You. She says any average Joe can hit the six figure jackpot if they follow these five simple rules, and a true entrepreneur can use these tips to scale up to a 7 Figure Empire. 


1. Create multiple streams of income


“If one dries up completely, you have more,” she says. “I make most of my living as a full-time speaker, but within the last few years, as the economy has gone south, I’ve written books and sold various products.”

2. Use the organic marketing


“Advertising is expensive,” Denise says. “Organic marketing can get your products and services to millions of people at virtually no cost, Start with your social media profiles and groups and influence other influencers. Set a goal of getting any type of local publicity.”


One way to reach larger markets is to register as a source on HARO (Help a Reporter Out), a popular service many writers use to find interview candidates. Bill and Steve Harrison’s Reporter Connection is another site that functions similarly.


Another way is to befriend influencers, Kissy says is to put out great content. “I’ve been featured on TMZ and large blogs because of establishing and maintaining my own powerful fanbase over the years.”



One tip: Write up a press release about your life, your alma mater and any associations you belong to, Kissy suggests. “Organizations may be interested in you because you already have something in common with them. Also, write to the paper in the town where you grew up and graduated from high school. Small papers eat up human interest, where-are-they-now stories.”


3. Become a spokesperson for yourself


“Look at your business and what it offers,” Kissy suggests. “Then ask yourself if you are an expert in your field. Based on your expertise, you could become a corporate spokesperson for what product or service.”


Denise is a domestic abuse survivor, but prefers to identify herself as a warrior. It’s not about where you come from. It’s about where you are going.  


Everyone wants to be a corporate spokesperson, but few realize it’s better to speak for yourself and let people come to you.  Lets say you are a boutique shop owner. “Offer seminars on image consulting as a spokesperson with a local, related company.”


4. Create a product


Clifford recommends making a product companies may want to buy en masse.


“Lets say you are a CPA—go out and create a DVD on the top 20 tips for bringing profitability to a company,” she says. “Create this single product. Then, the company can sell it to their corporation and their clients at a markup. Even so, you are still making a profit.”


5. Give back

“I’ve given back to so many people that I cant keep count Denise says.  Those people often pop up to remind me of what I’ve done for them. This keeps me going on my mission. .

Lessons Learned From Madame C.J. Walker Netflix Series

Lessons Learned From Madame C.J. Walker Netflix Series


Took some time out to watch Netflix and chill by myself.  Saw everyone online discussing Madame C.J. Walker.

Here are my thoughts of lessons you should take from the series.


Episode 1 

  • Be careful who you decide to help. That may bite you.  My abusive ex used to say “Stop trying to wake sleeping giants up. Sometimes when you wake them up,  they bite you.”  This has been true so many times in the past when I’ve lifted people up. There are reasons that people won’t help those who seem to have shine, and it’s because they know if they do, they are only creating competition for themselves.   While I don’t believe in competition, I couldn’t tell you how many people want to be me and try to copy everything I do.   It’s a lot to deal with when all you want to do is fulfill your purpose and change the world. 
  • When someone tries to pay you back for your kindness, let them.
  • Watch how you talk to people.
  • Believe in people. Had she believed in Madame Walker they would’ve been millionaires TOGETHER. 
  • You can’t be friends with people who want to be you. That’s why Andre Harrell fired Puffy. 
  • As a black woman, when you are doing something different or enlightening,  there is a high chance other black women and men will  copy you. You are the only light they see. Therefore your idea, now becomes their idea.  Not to say this doesn’t happen with non-blacks, because it’s does. But when you’re black, there are only so few lights that people of your same race have access to and can identify with. It’s not really a crab in a bucket. It’s more like a grabbing at the light. They just want to make it out, and pulling at you seems like the right way to go.  I’ve literally seen a married women who was a doctor copy me and go at my throat for no reason other than the fact that I was winning, and my winning angered them, because they wanted to be me.  (The single woman with the high school diploma… Imagine that.. Someone went to school for 7 years, became a doctor, got married, and here they are mad at you a single woman with a high school diploma, because she’s using her gifts to change the world.) 
  • In other worlds it could be something as simple as cheerleading… Next thing you know some woman and another cheerleader’s mother are beefing cause one is trying to take the other’s place… People are crawwwzy when they get UNFOCUSED on their OWN mission.


Episode 2.3,4

  • Not including your man is emasculating.  Interrupting him while he’s speaking is emasculating.  A man absolutely can not feel that he is walking behind you. Either give him a position that allows him to lead, or let him go. You must also never make a man feel like he can’t please you. Black women must be taught femininity, in order to have healthy relationships.  A man is going to get his RESPECT one way or another. 
  •  Women love a man when he’s with another woman. Especially when he has money, cause you’ve now built him up to a place where SHE can easily respect him.
  • Always take a man or someone else with you to business meetings. Do not think you are a man.
  • Anyone who says MY, MY, MY all of the time, does not understand HOW to be in a relationship. If you are working together in a company it’s a WE thing. A relationship is a WE thing; not a me, me, me, me, thing. 
  • When you want a man to do something, you don’t order him around. You encourage him.
  • Even though you are a boss chick, don’t forget to have FUN, spending time with your husband, family and friends is important.  If you neglect your man’s needs, that gives him room for another woman to appease him.  Therefore if you’re busy, make sure your man is busy on his business.   Men should also spend time with their mates and take care of their health. 
  • The only way to keep a man is to be with a man who wants to be kept.

The good lessons

  1. Never give up

  2. Sh*t happens. That’s not a sign to stop. Keep going.
  3. Your network is your networth. NETWORK.
  4. Have faith and keep believing in the vision. 
  5. When life doesn’t give you what you want, you have to get up and take that sh*t. That doesn’t mean you have to steal or trample over other people. It means you must stand tall and be bold. You must PUSH and make sh*t happen sometimes. 
  6. When women work together, instead of competing, BEAUTIFUL things happen. There is room for all of us.  I’ve always believed this and have tried to show other women the way.  I don’t care how beautiful or successful a woman is. I don’t care if she’s in a higher position than me. I will still love her, and support her advancements without trying to copy her or wanting to be her. Never try to destroy other women.  You dim your own light in the process.  
  7. If you don’t support your woman’s dreams, another man will see her brilliance.  (Always keep a good man by your side, even if you’re not sleeping with him.)
  8. A woman should never look up to a man just because she feels he’s in a bigger, better, or more prosperous position in life.  Let me tell you a story about that. 

Many years ago I looked up to a millionaire.  I thought he would teach me how to become a millionaire. But it was I instead who taught him how to build a 7 Figure blog.. Actually I didn’t teach him how. I BUILT IT. I built it, branded him, and wrote it. I watched how my articles on his site would be shared because of HIS NAME and who women looked at him as.  Heck, I even built up his Facebook audience and taught him the mindset behind it. 

I would see how people would ignore those same articles written by me, on my on blog.  I watched how his blog literally made 7 Figures in a year. 

Then I understood people’s mindsets and how it’s not knowledge that they often crave, but they crave to be connected to wealthy people and popular people.   Which is why only so few people actually gain real transformational knowledge. 

That man couldn’t teach me how to be wealthy, because he had hustled his way there.  But at the time, I was broke, barely able to afford the rent. 

I woke up that year, owned my power and finally walked past the 6 figure mark several times over.  He would later start stealing my blogs and really trying to take advantage of me.  Till this day he still watches everything that I do.  He has millions of followers. 

But people’s mindset would believe he has the knowledge. It is I who has the knowledge.  See people have always listened to me and followed me. But I wasn’t valuing myself. 

That’s a little of my story. All of the glory is in owning your power. 

P.S. Madame C.J. Walker did become rich, but she died an early death, because her wealth was unrighteous. Karma always comes one way or another. Often times, it’s your health. 

My abusive ex-boyfriend died two years ago… His health wasn’t that great. It took a turn for the worse after I left him. After he didn’t have a woman he no longer needed to be worthy of.  He went and got a woman who wasn’t a healer, didn’t have a business mind, didn’t mind him drinking all the time, didn’t mind his excuses as to why he couldn’t do better…. And the 6 figure company that I helped him build is now over with. He has no legacy.  He never did become the millionaire he wanted to be, because he played with the wrong woman.  

Sometimes men need strong women and have to learn how to deal with them and get along with them.   

And men, darling, it’s never wise to cross a Queen with another woman. She won’t be jealous. She will simply dismiss you forever, without turning back.  Disloyalty is something you’ll never come back from. 

Be sure to ask me about joining Unicorn University Tribe.  Breakdowns like this will be given inside the fraternity…  Yep, it’s a fraternity of Badd Chicks, Boss Chicks, Millionaire men and Spirituality of course.  It’s popping like Cardi. 

I mean you do want to establish a wealthy network, right? It’s cold out there in those basic chicks streets. I already know how they treat you Sis. 


It will greatly improve your relationships and femininity, so you can get the things you what you want from life, like more money, more love and major success. 

And Sis, men love women like us boss chicks. Get the book, so you can learn how to be you. That’s all you need. 

How to Write Your BEST LIFE, GET PAID, Change Lives & Stop Giving AF about what PEOPLE think of YOU!

How to Write Your BEST LIFE, GET PAID, Change Lives & Stop Giving AF about what PEOPLE think of YOU!

Oh Baby! This journey of truly using my gifts to LIVE my best life and not just live life, was quite a challenge. But lucky for you, I figured it all out, so you can skip the hard parts and go straight for the win.
Here is what I know about YOU.
You desire to TRULY be your unique, most authentic self. 
You’re often misunderstood
You’re an introverted ambivert
You love to write. In fact you write VERY long posts on the internet
You’re a genius
You help a lot of people with their problems, and wish to help more people 
You don’t want to go live, post a million times a day on social media, beg people to support your business and all of that uncool stuff. 
Here is what else I know about you
You are CALLED to change the world
You are outspoken, no shucks given, say it like it is type of person
You have the biggest heart in the world and love helping others
You have a desire to be a Millionaire or a Billionaire
You’re already highly successful
Here are the problems you’re experiencing in life.
You constantly invest in yourself, yet you’re still stuck
You have a million and one gifts and don’t know where to start
You desire a blueprint to create a system to bring in consistent income and live a luxury lifestyle
You want to spend the rest of your life with your dream mate taking over the world like Pinky & The Brain
You procrastinate a lot
You suffer from procrastination, you have shiny object syndrome, you know you are a leader, but yet you’ve been taking it alot of content with no results. 
Here is what you’re going to do when you get rich
Take care of your parents
Send family members off to college
travel the world
Donate To charity
Relax on The Beach & Work From Your Laptop
Have amazing investment accounts
Buy some property 
Write a Book
Well here is the thing. You can do those things now. You are freaking awesome! 
You either don’t see a clear plan or you already have a clear billion dollar, soul aligned plan
Do you want to write and build a multi-6 Figure or 7 Figure Lifestyle?
See how I took away the 6 Figures? That’s because baby you need CLARITY and to DECIDE your truth RIGHT NOW. That truth is you want to make 7 Figures not 6 Figures. Everyone has to start somewhere, and you started to deciding to receive the FULL of what God has for you. 
In the past, perhaps your vision was too limited. Only you know what God has placed inside of you to birth. It’s not for anyone else to tell you what that is. However, I can and will help you get there, because I already know you. 

Jeremiah 29:11 – For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord. Plans to prosper you, not to harm you. Plans to give you HOPE and a FUTURE. 

For years, you’ve been holding onto hope that one day you would finally become that wealthy, famous person. You’ve dreamed of the impact you would have with your influence.  You dreamed you would become that person somewhere in the future. 
Well baby, your prayers have been answered.


I spent months trying to figure out how to help others. Created programs that got great results for people, but STILL I wanted more. (Seriously, I have the most beautiful life coaching reviews on the planet.)
So I kept tweaking my system more and more, until I got it just right to MY liking. It was around this time, that I realized there was a better way to get to where I already am. A faster way. 
I wanted to build a system where anyone who owns a business serving souls could implement and become highly successful. 
Then I decided to tweak it to serve high performing writers.
Baby! That felt good. Like a breathe of fresh air.  I finally felt like I was home.  I AM HOME. Now it’s your time to come home.
A great part of your success comes from being your authentic self, and doing what your soul is truly put on this earth to do. You must be passionate and breathe life into your writing creations.
But, it’s hard to express yourself in this world and be correctly aligned with your soul path, when the world doesn’t understand you., and maybe you don’t understand YOU, and how to get what you want. 
God’s purpose for your life is for YOU to LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE. 
So you can stop trying to figure that out and concentrate on what I am saying to you. 

Sometimes even the people who love you the most, don’t understand you. (Don’t blame them) People don’t understand the path you are called to write. 

You are here to WRITE your best life!

Many won’t understand the message you are called to preach or deliver. I am going to help you zoom in on your niche, even in people told you not to niche. You are multi-gifted and definitely need to niche down.
Writing your posts with your true feelings on social media platforms like Facebook, sharing your blogs, writing books, promoting your courses, or delivering the message the best way you see fit, can sometimes lead to personal attacks. People attack you, because they don’t understand you and think THEIR way is right.

You’ve been there, done that, and are tired of that. 
People suggest you copy someone else cause they have a preference for that person over you.   I have 500,000 followers who love me and follow me faithfully. I did it by being MYSELF.  
Obviously I know what I am doing when it comes to connecting to my soul tribe and generally connection to people in general. But while you lay low-key, dimming your light, hiding, getting ready to be ready, and afraid to shine,  people are focused on the people with LIKES & ENGAGEMENT.

I will show you how to be that person, without worrying about likes and engagements. Working with me will grow you a large audience. 
 My tribe engages more than most tribes of people with millions of followers.  WHY? Because my method attracts a soul aligned tribe who loves your vibe. You’ll make more money by not focusing on likes and engagement. 
Now that you know this, stop peddling yourgifts for free. FREE is not respected. PAYMENT is. Payment is also required by spiritual law in order to receive transformation.  All transactions must have equal or greater energetic value.
Stop trying figure out your writing business on your own. Get help, support and a shortcut. You deserve it. You have a deep need to be aligned to your souls calling, I am about to offer you the opportunity of a lifetime, to change your life.
Work with me and actually get the life coaching you need to monetize your writing and build a successful 6-7 figure business, that FEELS GOOD to YOUR SOUL, places you in alignment with God’s purpose for your life and gives you the freedom and lifestyle you desire.

I take pride in giving my clients freedom. I don’t keep them dependent upon me.  Even though I am very good at coaching, I decided it was time to limit people’s access to me and focus more on my WRITING. 

Right now you have an opportunity to learn an advanced system to manifest your best life. Click This Link to experience the opportunity to closely work with me to build a powerful brand that will be around forever.
You’ll finally get the healing, freedom, purpose, passion and financial freedom that they desire. No more going all over the place.
Working with me there is a a guaranteed of freedom, clarity and confidence.  
You will receive, understanding and acceptance of who you truly are, and a soul aligned strategy to monetize it. You will receive a strategy to LIVE the life of your dreams and fulfill your purpose TODAY. Why wait till tomorrow to be blessed with health, wealth, success and love beyond your greatest imagination. 
What would it feel like if you fully embraced and explore the world, while feeling safe, sexy, sensual, loved, full of joy and supported.
The magic of divine transformation comes from working with me and being in my sacred writing vortex.
Would you to walk around with UNSTOPPABLE CONFIDENCE?
The world is yours once you know exactly how to take control of your life and get the things you want.
Remember God has plans to prosper you, not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future. ~ Jeremiah 29:11 
You will see the true beauty of changing lives, only in a YOUNIQUE way suited for you, on top of my strategy.  You will have a monetized system to use your gifts to lead, influence, change and IMPACT the world.
The funny thing about my clients, is the magic keeps working on them because I’ve teach you how to be magnetic, vibrate on the frequency of love, operate from flow, and attract everything you want to you. The Laws of Attraction are deeply embedded into my courses, for rapid manifestation.
That is my gift to you. But only if you take the next step and book a free strategy call with me.
If you know you are ready, ready, and this message resonates with you, simply CLICK HERE TO INBOX ME ON FACEBOOK MESSENGER and say “Hi Kissy.  I am ready to dive in!” That’s how bosses roll.
I close a lot of sales through messenger. Often my clients don’t need to talk. They are ready to WORK! Soulmate clients know I am the one to help them. It’s energetic alignment.
Build a successful business using your WRITING gift.

You do write, right?

Click Here To sign up for a free breakthrough strategy session. 

Oh. Before I forget. Don’t forget to SELL your book and share it with people. You never know who it may touch.

You Cant Force Man To Value You Review

Would you like Kissy’s help with publishing your book, creating an online course, and learning how to monetize your writing, and build up thousands of engaged followers, even if you don’t have an audience?  CLICK HERE 

Top 5 Problems That Keep Most Aspiring Writers Failing – And How To Succeed

Top 5 Problems That Keep Most Aspiring Writers Failing – And How To Succeed

There are loads of resources online and offline that teach you how to become a profitable writer or how to become a high ticket life coach.  Those offerings include courses, classes and seminars on writing, creating a course and even growing your following. Heck, there are 90,000 search results for writing books on Amazon.

But despite that, most people don’t experience success as a writer.

Thousands of posts, books, blogs and courses  are written each year. But only a handful of them sell. And even less are read, or published.

The internet has made showcasing your writing as easy as pie.  Yet the statistics and numbers or successful writers is highly disappointing. 

glitter pen

Nearly 80% of writers make less than $1,000 per year with their writing. 786,935 books were self-published in 2016. And over 600,000 of them hardly made anything. Over 150,000 of them made $0. Yikes.

Now why is that?

The truth is there are a few problems that most writers face when they have a magic idea that is begging to be birthed through their passion of writing. 

In working one-on-one with my coaching clients, I’ve noticed the same set of problems pop up over and over again.

I noticed that I actually didn’t experience most of these problems myself.  The way I go about building a 7 figure empire strictly by writing is something that was embedded in me from birth and from being a natural and magnetic internet marketer.

I wanted to share these problems with you so that you understand you are not alone, and how to see your way through over to the profitable side of writing and course creation.  


Hands down, the most common reason many don’t succeed at writing is they don’t believe they can. Or they feel unworthy of charging substantial fees for their products and coaching.  Making a living as a writer takes more than simply passion.  It takes a burning desire to win and being unwilling to accept anything less than a profitable business. Without this you are bound to experience abundance blocks.

When I first started out with the intent to start a blog and monetize my writing, most people told me that I would fail. Despite their opinion I applied my personal K.I.S.S.Y. method to create a multiple 6-figure and 7 Figure blog with viral content.  Many were shocked that I was right to believe in myself. 


This belief stops a lot of people right at square one. They don’t pursue their passion to write, and instead spend life their life at a day job they absolutely hate.

Without belief in yourself and your writing abilities, you’ll never make it to the dream life side of those who do what they say they will. 

And a big reason many writers don’t believe in themselves is…

writing system


You can’t just wake up one morning and say “I’m gonna be a writer!” and then expect the first thing you churn out to go down in history as one of the all-time greats. Then again you can.  I published my first book on Amazon and its definitely an all time great.  The book is selling and has amazing reviews. 

Why did this happen? Because I have a system set up to get traffic that I then direct to my writing.  As a life coach whose gift is sharing your gifts through writing, you need to have a successful writing system, that attracts aligned followers who love to buy. 

To write successfully, you have to have a system. You don’t really need a system to help you write. You know how to write a book, perhaps you even know how to write a course. You know things and you do things, that don’t exactly work as you would desire.  Face it, you need followers. 

Luckily, I can help you create that system. 

But even though some writers have these systems, another reason they fail is…


Many writers don’t have a support system in place to help encourage them along the path. The most successful writers who profit from their writing tend to have not only a mentor, but a group of aligned souls with the same mission and purpose.  This group of people can be relied upon to provide support when the going gets tough.

All too often, our “normal” friends don’t understand what we writers, light workers, earth angels, Gods & Goddesses go through. They don’t understand the tough decisions we have to make, the frustration we have to deal with or the silence and alone time needed in able to birth the creativity that is coming through.

And most really don’t understand the fear of rejection we face when we share our work with others. Sometimes I still throw my writing out there, then go run and hide. Each time to my surprise, my writing is LOVED. 

Some people don’t believe in your ability to write, let alone actually monetizing your writing. But soulmate followers read everything you write and purchase everything you drop. 

When thoughts of self-doubt creep into your mind, the last thing you need is someone saying you’ll never make it.

So many writers stopped pursuing their dreams because they didn’t have anyone to believe in them.

They didn’t have a system of support from other writers who understood them.

Writing can get lonely. You spend so much time in your imaginary world, and none of your friends can come with you. You feel like they don’t understand what it’s like to be a writer.

But there are many who do. And you can attract them to you as easy as honey on butter. 

Monetizing your writing becomes much easier when you have a mentor. In fact, you actually need a mentor. 

The key to success in anything is to find someone who’s done what you want to do, and model them.

And by model them, I mean replicate their actions and behaviors for success. Do as they do, and write as they write.

Two heads are better than one. And we all need someone to run our ideas by every now and then. That’s where a writing mentor can help. But I am not a writing mentor. I am not even a coach. I am a Dream Life Strategist.  I align you with your true soul’s calling and help you discover your own unique soul aligned strategy to manifest the life of your dreams. 


Even when your friends don’t believe in you, a soulmate following will keep you going. They will thrive while reading your writing and encourage you to write more. You’ll see great shifts take place from your free content and being to see your worth and why you should charge for your writing. 

But the only way to build a soul aligned following is to write in a manner that speaks to your tribe.  When I say tribe, I am not speaking about a niche.  I am instead speaking about a specific group of souls that you are specifically called to serve. 

They have a specific group of problems that you can easily solve. 

einstein writing
1940, Princeton, New Jersey, USA — Albert Einstein smokes a pipe as as he sits writing in a comfortable chair in his study. — Image by © Lucien Aigner/CORBIS


This is one of the biggest problems that affects writers, life coaches and people in general. It’s a lack of discipline and commitment due to misalignment.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, but you actually can create a course in a day. You actually can write a book in 30 Days or less. You can do all kinds of things normal people would find to be impossible. 

But do you have the discipline to keep believing when the going gets tough? Do you have the discipline to consistently take action and move through your blocks to create a 7 Figure writing empire?

I’ve met plenty of aspiring writers who gave up on a book they were writing because it was hard work, and they felt they didn’t have enough time. So therefore the book, the beautiful idea stays in their mind.  For one or all of the reasons I listed above, somewhere along the line they gave up on the manifestation of their business.  Often this comes after taking multiple courses and coaching ideas, and getting stuck on a strategy you were told to stick to. But the strategy doesn’t work for you. 

To succeed as a writer, you need perseverance. You need grit. You need a kick the door down, get it down, I refuse to settle for my comfort zone or mediocrity kind of attitude. You have to keep writing until you’re at the end and know you’ve created an amazing course, blog or book.  You have to keep writing until you get to experience the satisfaction that comes from completing the goal. 

writing stress

Sure, there are some shortcuts and secrets to help catapult your success to the next level. I share as many advanced strategies with my clients. 

But I didn’t find those secrets out overnight. I spent years writing tons of blogs, reading dozens of books, honing my craft, staying aligned with my vision and not moving from my 7 Figure Media Empire Dream. 

If I had quit at any point along the way, I’d still be absolutely fabulous and amazing. I’d still be more successful than average. But just like you, this is about meeting the challenges of your soul. You will always have a desire to level up and do more, in order to touch more souls. 

I’m not going to lie, writing is hard work, but so satisfying with it’s aligned with people who thank you for your creation.

Can you imagine people actually paying you and then thanking you for writing your book, thanking you just for being you, wanting to pay you, thanking you for allowing them to purchase your course and being so grateful for the energetic healing and transformation, that they tell all of their friends about you and your writing?

Can you imagine having followers who follow you year after year, and go right with you when it’s time for a shift into enlightenment?

Can you imagine closing sales via Facebook messenger and getting daily inboxes of people asking to work with you?

Can you imagine actually getting your clients to write?

Can you imagine making money from your writing in your sleep?  Can you imagine getting a review on your book that says it’s the best book EVER written? How about getting reviews from the opposite sex on a book you wrote for the other sex.

As you can see, thesee are all things that I’ve been accomplishing for the past decade. At first I thought that no one else could pull this off, until I started teaching and seeing real transformation.  I don’t show you these things to brag.  My intent is to show you that the impossible is truly possible with the right strategy. 

I am an expert at monetizing my writing and building an aligned following who loves me and almost everything I do. 

With the K.I.S.S.Y system for writing, support from peers and mentors, soulmate clients and buyers, clarity into your soul vision, and discipline to consistently see it through, you’ll gain the confidence you’re seeking and make the money you always wanted to. And that belief in yourself will fuel your success. You will actually be grateful that you kept going and actually make a great living from writing. 

So don’t give up. While you may feel like a failure cause you haven’t manifested $20K+ plus months in your business yet, take the time to pat yourself on the back for reaching $10K+ months.  Pat yourself on the back for completing your course or publishing your book.  There is no perfect path to success.  Know that success is yours and it’s already within you. 

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You can’t have what you want when you’re not being you

You can’t have what you want when you’re not being you

God & Goddess Life isn’t for everyone. It has to be in you, not on you. You really do have to play chess and not checkers. You can’t be out here making basic mistakes. Common sense is a must. Either you’re a mortal or you’re a God or a Goddess. I suppose you could choose, but there really is no other option. You are who you are, as you were chosen to be these things. That part of the choice was never yours. But you can make a choice to either accept it or run from it. CHOOSE.

You can keep trying to run to fit in, where you don’t belong. Pretending to be a bird, being fed grains… Knowing damn well you’re an eagle with keen VISION, that swoops with zero delay. Or you can seriously get tired of hearing that same sad song. Why not change it to a harp. Yeah, I know. That feels better already. 🎼 It’s music to your soul.

See what I mean. It’s sitting there in you. You already know. You’ve always known, that you should pick up your mat, and walk. Accept your divine position and bring your life to peace. Resistance is futile. It will only cause disharmony within your soul. ORDER.

I know they told you that we’re all alike. That no one is better. So you conform and try to fit in, with them. Which is why that feeling is running through your arms right now. That feeling of tiredness and suppression, RUN…NING through your veins. Tired of not having what you want.

Well of course you can’t have what you want, when you’re not being you darling. YOU.. The one with massive success. The one with the business with thousands of satisfied clients. Who is that person? Why are you not being them? Why are you trying to run your business like the next person, instead of doing YOU? Why not decide right now and say “Phuck It. I’m simply going to BE.” I could say “Simply going to be ME.” But let me tell you. That ME part is where you get all twisted. It’s EGO. Cancel that and simply BE. Then you will SEE your hearts desires manifest in front of you. EXPANSION.

Why you should build a brand you love

Why you should build a brand you love

Once you enter internet land and you actually become a staple, you become a celebrity whether you realize it or not.

If you’re not very attractive people will mostly pour love into you and tell you how beautiful and amazing you are. You can’t do no wrong. You can look terrible and they will be like Slay B*tch Slay!

But if you’re a badd chick people will judge you for every infraction you’ve ever made, every grammatical error, every thought and for even needing a nail fill. They’ll judge you for tripping over a rock 10 years ago, and tell you that you ain’t all that. People are so damn silly that they have talked about me for having braces. A $5,000 investment they can’t even afford. That’s the mindset of some people online. Heck they even judge my cleavage.

People often tell me that I’m a perfectionist and to just do things as is. And they are right, even though they may never have to deal with the pressure that I do. But I also know something else. If you want to be top notch. If you want to be the Don mthfkn Diva, then your branding had better be on point.

Sure people can sell a small product to thousands of people and make a few hundred thousand, maybe even a million.

But they will never be able to walk in a room like me and shut sh*t down. They can’t get men to do the things I can get men to do with very little effort. They can’t command high ticket prices. I honestly don’t even have to try to get interviews. I just decide that I want them and people would simply love to interview me.

People tell you that branding doesn’t mean anything, but it does. Oprah is a brand. Tylenol is a brand. Nike is a brand. McDonald’s is a brand. Louis Vuitton is a brand. They are all top notch for a reason.

Yet the Super 99cent store is also a brand that makes millions of dollars. You can make money any way you please. How doesn’t matter. It’s just all about who you are here to serve. People at my level only phuck with top notch, cause the places we are headed are beyond money. We are more so about position. Sometimes I really have to remember WHY I’m doing things, cause what’s right for everyone else, may not be right for me. 

Today a friend told me about my perfectionism, and of course she was right. But I had to ask myself “Kissy why are you like this? What’s the reason for your behavior?” I look back at my perfectionism and the way people online have dragged me, bullied me and everything else, and I see that they actually made me stronger. It caused me to put so much heart into my branding and everything that I do, that by the time I step out to say this is what I’m doing, I’m bullet proof. By that time my mindset is bullet proof and there is nothing they can say to me. I’ve already decided that I’m so good their opinion doesn’t count. I’m also aware that proper branding gives people a head start. 

For example, someone can come along and throw $22,000 into their website and say they are a life coach and people will buy in and take them serious, even though they may not know what they are doing. Meanwhile when I first started people were actually inquiring about my website, thinking it equivocated my value.  The truth is I’m a nerd, whenever I want my website to be pretty all I have to do is sit down and do it. But I’m constantly told to not worry about those things and to just do the work. 

I think I realize that as long as I don’t do the website and the branding, it mentally slows me down from doing the work, because I feel like there’s work that I’m not doing. Now that I know this, I now have a solution. That’s the way things go. You gotta come up with techniques that suit your own mind, that help you to get things done. 

Yet, branding isn’t important to a couple of my successful friends. They hate when someone even says you need it.  Yet I look at them and see their brands. We all have brands.  Yet the way they brand themselves isn’t attached to being fancy. They may even keep it simplistic and it works for them. So I realize it’s more or so a personality thing maybe. 

But wait, then there’s more, my friend told me today that I could look any kind of way and that I would still be powerful and attract people. Is she right? Ghandi definitely accomplished that, and so did mother Teresa. They both believed they could, so they did. So then I realized it’s all a mindset. 

But then there is this.  I see people running ads all day. Even if they make loads of money, I still have more power than them. There’s someone right now with $15 Million in the bank who can’t hop on Facebook and inspire people to do anything. Yet, I can.

That goes to show you that money doesn’t necessarily make you, but your branding does. It also shows that to brand yourself all you really ever need to do is to be you. Nike sells tennis shoes. They don’t try to be Louboutin. Nike is comfortable being who they are. Same thing with you. You gotta be comfortable being who you are. Once you do that, the success is yours, attracting the things and the people you want becomes as simple as breathing. Especially when you brand from the heart. It takes no thought. It’s also the most beautiful brand you could ever have.

But if you don’t brand yourself properly you’ll end up working extra hard for no reason. My branding does a great deal of the heavy lifting for me. It represents excellence. People already know what they are going to get with me. And my tribe we need excellence. We crave it. It’s just who we are. 

This is why it’s important to build a brand you love. 

Yet when I look deeper into that, and I look back at how I got started, I was nowhere near perfect, but at the time I thought I was pretty well close to it. Yet what touched people and ultimately built the empire I have today and continue to, is my heart. The same thing that build Ghandi’s and Mother Teresa’s brands. 

So people who tell us to stop being perfect are essentially correct. ,We actually don’t need the brands or the trinkets. You gotta pull up outside of that and really remember who you are outside of your business, outside of your brand, and replace that with your heart. We often attach our identities to our business without separation, and I know it’s important to somewhat detach from it. Who are you on the inside without all of that other stuff?  I think this is something that people who are not perfectionists seem to catch on to way before us perfectionists do.  But still the perfectionists win the game and outrun everyone else. 

That’s why Beyonce is on top. She relentless in pursuit of excellence. Except when it comes to her clothing line. 

So once again we return to having balance.  You need a little of everything to be successful. But then again you don’t.  We do things because we won’t to win the race fast. We realize the clock is ticking and our minds tell us the fastest route.  Yet Ghandi and Mother Teresa never used any of these branding tools we use today and they are still known forever more. 

I might be rambling, but I believe there is such a valuable message in here somewhere. 

I learn a lot of lessons simply by not dismissing what brilliant people say, and taking it all in.  Self-reflection is a beautiful thing.