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Why Are Some High-Achieving Women Still Single?

Why Are Some High-Achieving Women Still Single?

"We must know our worth, but lately empty women only ask and do not give. That is why they are old and single…" Someone said this about Lisa Raye in response to a post about Lisa saying she will only date a man who can afford to pay all...

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The Outrageous Power of The Purple Room

The Outrageous Power of The Purple Room

The Outrageous Power of The Purple Room "Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions." ~Albert Einstein Most people don’t realize how powerful their thoughts are in shaping their reality. They often think...

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When Your Ex Has Moved On, But Your Heart Hasn’t

When Your Ex Has Moved On, But Your Heart Hasn’t

At some point you have to stop talking about your ex.  He doesn't give AF, and neither do the people that you're complaining to on social media. Even your friends are tired of hearing about him. As a heart-centered person with a big...

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