‘Basketball Wives’ Star Jennifer Williams Opens Up About Man Who Stole Her Range Rover

by | Celebrity News

Basketballwives star Jennifer Williams went on The Breakfast Club this morning to tell a sob story of moving to Atlanta, meeting a bi-sexual man, dating him, and getting her Range Rover stolen from her.

After a google search, Jennifer went to LipstickAlley and found more information about the man, which lead her to another woman the man apparently scammed.

Jennifer and the woman both appeared on The Breakfast Club this morning. The man’s name is Aaron Nichols.

Frankly I am surprised that celebrity woman date such low vibrational men. When you’re on a platform as big as Jennifer is you have access to millions of men.

What no one tells celebrity women is that it is their own vibration and wounding that is attracting such toxic men to them.   There are always signs in the very beginning that we as women choose to ignore.

For the most part, women try to be down to earth, empathetic and understanding of men, instead of owning their worth and value and waiting for a worthwhile man to come into their lives.

I advise everyone to get my new book “You Can’t Force A Man To Value You – Becoming A High Value Woman & Attracting Your Dream Man” on Amazon.   Good hearted women are often taken advantage and no one tells them how to operate in this world.   Women have more control than they think.  In the interview Jennifer says that it happens to the best of us, but the truth is things like this don’t happen to gold diggers. It only happens to heart-centered women.  Heart-centered women victimize themselves by not listening to their intuition.

Jennifer is too beautiful and too smart to keep dealing with men who mistreat her. She should be on a yacht somewhere with a billionaire.