A man will tell you to have integrity and to not let yourself be bought.
So you’ll walk around with no value. You’ll say stuff like “You can’t buy me.” And you hand yourself off to some peasant dude who treats you like freaking dirt. Cause you can’t be bought. You have no value. You just go to anybody who wants you. He doesn’t even have to put in Goddess work to get you. You don’t have a ransom other than for a man to SAY he likes you.
You fed into that old tired azz line from a man who ain’t a God King.
Some people live in another dimension. Women like me can’t be bought. Even if you think you’re buying a piece of us, you’re only gipping yourself. Instead you gotta see into our soul and give to us and honor us, cause you know we’re worth it. You INVEST in your soul tie with us.
Besides that, every woman is bought for a price. Some just have a cheaper value. And when you’re only worth half, a man will give you half. Come through team 50/50…
Team, “I’m tired af, because this dude is draining me with all these requests. I don’t even respect him, because my balls are just as big as his. I work just as hard as he does. I’m too busy to phuck him. I gotta get up in the morning and go to work so I can pay my half of the mortgage. I am so sick of him. He barely even takes me out.”

Meanwhile he’s off spending $10K a month on some badd azz side chick who won’t even phuck him.. He already put her in a luxury whip. FULL PAY SIS! Full Pay!

Because she NEEDS him. He feels like a successful man being able to PROVIDE for her. He’s paying her ransom. SHE is the woman of his dreams.

Then we have team I stay in pursuit of my mthking dreams. I will be bought for no less than a priceless diamond ring, a castle, a horse, a royal wedding with no expenses spared, and a handsome prince, with a golden heart. And to get this, I will be no less than myself. I’m not freaking vanilla. In fact I like lemon. You know why? Because I’m all about my fairy phucking tales and won’t accept anything less. I’m royalty!
I’ll leave it at that. What’s your price of admission? Can you be bought for snacks, or does a man have to give you the full entre?
FYI: It ain’t none of my business, and I’m not trying to tell you how to run your life. But that dream man you want – He wants to give you the full entre. He does not play. He comes to shut sh*t down! Not because you gotta trick him out of it or convince him. But because that’s simply the way he wants to treat his Queen. Where yo King at?
Guess what else Sis. He ain’t dumb. He’s brilliant. In fact he’s genius. He’s actually smarter than you.
Yup. I’m serious. You’re going to get everything you came here for. Including HIM. Because you’re already HER. You are HER right? You have embodied your Goddess powers right? You are soaked in divine sacred femininity right?
If not, I can help you with that…