I am a loner and an introvert. I don’t have a lot of friends. I usually push people away, especially female friends because they become mad at me over something silly or they want my time, when I am working.

Obviously I have issues. But I consider myself to be a really good friend once I say you are my friend.

Anyway, for the past year I’ve been working with a spiritual coach named Makhosi Candace Pitts of The Royal Shaman.

This woman is so remarkable, that I was inspired to blog about her.

Makhosi is a shaman and her presence totally changed the way that I think about God and my understanding of his vastness.

While I love God and give him praise for everything, Makhosi contributes her purpose and success to her ancestors.

The word “Shaman” is said to be a negative thing, but I’ve never seen such a great source of God’s love reflected back to me, the way I’ve experienced it coming from Candice.

She’s beautiful, warm, genuine, brilliant and one of the brightest lights you will ever meet in your life.

You can ask her almost anything on any topic from love, spirituality, business,  to relationships, and she will be able to give you understanding on how to use it to spiritually evolve and manifest your desires.

Most importantly she will help you become your TRUE authentic spiritual self.

Her presence made me aware that God presents himself in different dimensions in different people.

Sometimes people forget that God is not a religion. God is an entity who is present in the human soul.

I read the bible a lot. Some parts of the bible, I began to understand with CLARITY by the things Makhosi taught me. Like the “In the beginning was the WORD, and the word was God.”  Right now it’s common sense to me how that plays a role in manifesting what you want.  Right now it’s a REAL BELIEF because I have deep understanding on exactly how.

I got that from her.

When it comes  to Makhosi’s spirit, it’s beautiful. Not only is she visually beautiful, but so is her heart, her soul, and her mind.  She’s brilliant.

Her spirit allows me to see how God works through her, in order to give people a different perspective, based upon their belief system.

I believe that most people have a belief system with a different name, and different beings, but it all boils down to God. Even the laws of the Universe.  Which thanks to Makhosi, I even understand the laws now.