Are you tired of pretending you’re someone you’re not, in order to make others feel better about themselves?
Are you tired of dimming your light, because other people may not like it so bright?
Are you tired of wanting to do more, but not knowing exactly what more you want to do, yet you have plenty of ideas?
Are you tired of hanging out with the birds who claw at you, cause you know darn well you’re an eagle, yet you keep hanging out with the birds, expecting them to accept you? You’ll never get where you’re supposed to go, if you keep hanging with birds.
Are you bored with taking over the world, and making amazing things happen, yet constantly having a nagging feeling to do more and to be more?
Have you tried to remain humble and grateful for everything you have and everything you’ve accomplished, and yet you feel like your life has reached a point of “Well, maybe this is it for me. Maybe this is the best it’s going to be.” Maybe I should buy this house cause it’s good enough, even though it’s not the mansion I originally desired.
When you’re at that point, that’s when you’re truly ready to walk into your destiny. Everything you’ve accomplished is amazing to other people, but for you, it’s peanuts.
What if I told you that there is a better way to accomplish your biggest goals and dreams, and this time you won’t have to work so hard. This time there will be time to spend with loved ones, and time to take vacations. There will even be time to cook a few gourmet meals. Life will no longer be about working endless 12 hour days…
You see I know where you are at, because I too was once in your same shoes. I didn’t settle for a small audience, I didn’t settle for having a couple of fans. I built and built my audience until I had major influence of hundreds of thousands of people who loved me. Yet I kept going until I touched millions of lives. I didn’t settle for making tens of thousands. I got to hundreds of thousands of dollars, and still, I wanted more. I bought the designer bags, dropped cash on luxury, items, got the red bottom shoes, took trips, and tried to settle for this is good enough, after making 6 Figures. It wasn’t enough. I was barely scratching the surface, and I knew it.
It wasn’t enough. I wanted more. And I was never going to be happy until I figured out how to do it. So I hired a coach to show me how. Slowly the process of becoming a purposeful millionaire unfolded.
Life isn’t wrapped up in your job title, a Facebook ad or an email marketing system. Neither is it wrapped up in the things you identified with last year. It’s wrapped up in happiness and you doing the things that makes your heart sing with joy. True happiness lies in fulfillment of your inner soul’s purpose. PURPOSE and having the right mental mindset unlocks the key to your destiny. The vibration of wealth requires that you become a new person from the inside out.
Come join my circle of amazing elite eagles who have broken out of their shells, pushed the envelope time and time again, to obtain great success, all for the purpose of helping others.
I’m offering you access to a group of amazing professional women and men with beautiful souls and beautiful hearts, with brilliant minds to match.
Wealth is the destiny, all for the purpose of making the world a better place.
Inside of us we’re multi-passionate and multi-talented. you’ve already proven that you can make money. You’ve proven to be the best at what you do. But BETTER is your middle name. It’s time for something new. You know you’re going places. You know you were created for greatness.
You never burn out. You always renew your energy. But you refuse to settle. Yet you won’t simply do anything in order to make money. You won’t sacrifice your happiness. You won’t sacrifice your integrity. You won’t sacrifice your freedom, and you demand a joyful journey.
You’re ready to fulfill your soul’s purpose. It’s calling you forward. It’s time. You can feel the clock ticking…
It’s said when the student is ready, the teacher will appear.
I am a 7 Figure Dream Activator. My mission is life is to help amazing beings, who are called for wealth and greatness, go into the next dimension.
You don’t need me, cause you’re doing great on your own. You’ll always be amazing no matter what. But you want me to give you clarity and direction on your vision. You need accountability, and someone to bounce your ideas off. You need someone to give you new ideas, and someone who will amplify your vision and make it 10 times greater. You need the correct wealth mindset. You need to be spiritually aligned with your goals and dreams. You need to become an abundant thinker and a master manifestor. You want to hire a greatness incubator. Someone who shares your same vision and knows how to help you get there. The average coach does not understand you. They may even quiet you. I tell you to be louder, to be more of yourself. To become who you truly are.
You know a coach filled with love, light and spirit will enlighten your soul and help you soar.
2019 is around the corner and it’s going to be your year, just like it was your year, in the years before. But this time it will be different. This time you’ll be living in your soul’s purpose. You’ll experience the freedom and the happiness you’ve been chasing your whole life.
What you now desire is unlimited access to someone who gets it. A partner who understands your vision and your thirst to achieve it. Someone who understands that it’s not just a big dream in your head. It’s bigger than that. It’s a must do.
It’s a must that you leave your mark on this world. It’s a must that your name is associated with greatness and changing lives.
It’s a must that you get everything you came here for. You’re unstoppable. We both know it. Having access to a person who resonates with you, gets you, and can help you become your best self, is the only thing standing in between you and your dreams.
We’re talking influence and affluence.
Come get this work and find out how to live your best life.
Trust me, you don’t need me, but you need me. I’m the best at what I do.
I’m the 7 Figure Dream Activator