It’s safe to say that everyone would love to make $1 million. But is it really possible?


“Absolutely,” says Kissy Denise, CEO and president of  Masterpiece Media, a motivation speaker and entrepreneur. Denise owns multiple online businesses and is the author of You Can’t Force A Man To Value You. She says any average Joe can hit the six figure jackpot if they follow these five simple rules, and a true entrepreneur can use these tips to scale up to a 7 Figure Empire. 


1. Create multiple streams of income


“If one dries up completely, you have more,” she says. “I make most of my living as a full-time speaker, but within the last few years, as the economy has gone south, I’ve written books and sold various products.”

2. Use the organic marketing


“Advertising is expensive,” Denise says. “Organic marketing can get your products and services to millions of people at virtually no cost, Start with your social media profiles and groups and influence other influencers. Set a goal of getting any type of local publicity.”


One way to reach larger markets is to register as a source on HARO (Help a Reporter Out), a popular service many writers use to find interview candidates. Bill and Steve Harrison’s Reporter Connection is another site that functions similarly.


Another way is to befriend influencers, Kissy says is to put out great content. “I’ve been featured on TMZ and large blogs because of establishing and maintaining my own powerful fanbase over the years.”



One tip: Write up a press release about your life, your alma mater and any associations you belong to, Kissy suggests. “Organizations may be interested in you because you already have something in common with them. Also, write to the paper in the town where you grew up and graduated from high school. Small papers eat up human interest, where-are-they-now stories.”


3. Become a spokesperson for yourself


“Look at your business and what it offers,” Kissy suggests. “Then ask yourself if you are an expert in your field. Based on your expertise, you could become a corporate spokesperson for what product or service.”


Denise is a domestic abuse survivor, but prefers to identify herself as a warrior. It’s not about where you come from. It’s about where you are going.  


Everyone wants to be a corporate spokesperson, but few realize it’s better to speak for yourself and let people come to you.  Lets say you are a boutique shop owner. “Offer seminars on image consulting as a spokesperson with a local, related company.”


4. Create a product


Clifford recommends making a product companies may want to buy en masse.


“Lets say you are a CPA—go out and create a DVD on the top 20 tips for bringing profitability to a company,” she says. “Create this single product. Then, the company can sell it to their corporation and their clients at a markup. Even so, you are still making a profit.”


5. Give back

“I’ve given back to so many people that I cant keep count Denise says.  Those people often pop up to remind me of what I’ve done for them. This keeps me going on my mission. .

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